Comparing moronic and bad, and awful, and trashy, and useless, and worthless bands and artists to that moronic and bad, and awful, and trashy, and useless, and worthless band Nirvana.

Pat Boone
New Kids on the Block
Vanilla Ice

This page won't be long and drawn out as the previous page... after all why should it be? These bands, and artists as I am sure most of you hate, despise worse than being sexually or mentally abused, namely, Journey, Pat Boone, and New Kids on the Block, to name a few, are clearly tons and tons and tons mucho bettero (as bad as they are or were) than Nirvana could have ever hoped beyond their wildest immaginations. Like they actually had immaginations????? = NOT!!!!!!!!

Yes, Journey Pat Boone, New Kids on the Block and Vanilla Ice are or were awful. Certainly there is much more that is awful than good. Listening to a colony of ants is better, but never-the-less, listening to those bands and whats-its-face is far better than listening to Nirvana.


Hmmmmmm, lead singer of Journey ruptured his voice at one point. What is Kurt's excuse?????? Or was Kurt just some looney toon with a voice of Yosemite Sam?????? You could at least understand the rediculious lyrics of Journey. Hmmmmmm tis strange indeed, without a lyric sheet how many people actually knew what Kurt was singing... SINGING??? did I use that word for Nirvana?????... ooooooo... it is more like spitting or upchucking some green bile. Check out an early MTV interview of a dozen or so people while Nrivana was first climbing the charts with Nevermind. No human interviewed had the faintest clue as to what chunk of words Kurt was spewing.

Journey could at least play their music live. Strange, isn't it, how Nirvana could never quite do that?????? = NOPE... the reason, Nirvana had no talent to play the simplest of chords or sombody else's music.

Pat Boone

At least Pat Boone had the gaul and audacity to go beyond his limited boundries and torch some heavy non-mental covers in only the way he could. Kurt did nothing more than puke little strums of his guitar in the mistake oriented field of grunge.

New Kids on the Block

Actually, someone created a shirt with "New Kids Underthe Block" it is very funny. At least New Kids on the Block could be made fun of even if it was very tongue in cheek. New Kids on the Block were a joke unto themselves, as they could easily let things fly.

Nirvana, took themselves far too seriously, just like the worshiping infestation of homegrown lard that their fans are.

Vanilla Ice

Vanilla Ice came on Nation television, and had the gaul to admit that his so called supposed song "Ice Ice Baby" were in Mr. Ice's words "completely different" from David Bowie, and Queen's "Under Pressure" because of a one note hi hat cymbal difference in the main melodies of each song.

Kurt just evaded the issues when confronted about plagerism.

Granted, ALL plagerists should be dangled from their feet 5,000 feet high till the buzzards peck off every single ammount of flesh from their boney rot.

For more on plagerism please go to... The one, the only, the plagerists... Nirvana!!!!!!!!!!

Why did I make this page?
about me
What makes a great band great?

The one, the only, the plagerists... Nirvana!!!!!!!!!!
Generally, to whom does or did Nirvana appeal to?
Did Nirvana stick to their principles?
Comparing great "alternative" bands and artists to Nirvana
Comparing moronic and bad, and awful, and trashy, and useless, and worthless bands and artists to that moronic and bad, and awful, and trashy, and useless, and worthless band Nirvana
What does the music mean to the listeners/ author???????????????
Please do not tell me that I don't get it... I do get it just fine. Thank you very much.
Is there a future without Nirvana?
To sum up...
