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In the summer of 2002, SSJHitch decided to go undercover at FUNi Animation for The Saiyan Elite. He was ready with a series of tough probing questions for the boss, but after mistaking a closet for the boss' office, he found much more that he had hoped, he found...........................

"Kami-Sama, Mr. Satan and Goku"

Based (loosely) on a similar sounding show, FUNi Animation were it would be a hit. The idea was that Goku decides to buy an apartment in downtown Chicago who two "mystery" housemates. When he moves in though, he finds he is living with God himself and World Champion Mr. Satan! So an unlikely comedy trio was born. But the well of storylines soon ran dry, resulting in poor episode like "Goku packs his bags!" and "Mr. Satan goes shopping!" Needless to say Cartoon Network rejected the series.

"The Adventures of Kuririn: A Monk's Tale"

The idea was simple enough: have Kuririn go on a series of soul searching adventures each and every week in an effort to find himself. But when FUNi realized the age range they were aiming at the idea was shelved. Instead they turned Kuririn into a kid, figuring that if it worked for DBGT, it'd work again! Next they gave him the craziest sidekick they could afford: Tao Pie Pie, and they'd have Kuririn save the world each and every week from his arch nemesis: Dabura! Unfortunately several things went wrong: first off FUNi had overlooked that fact that Kuririn was a total coward and he refused to do anything remotely dangerous if Goku wasn't there to save him. Second, Tao Pie Pie and Dabura hated each other on sight and refused to share the camera with each other. This led to confrontations where Tao Pie Pie would try and lick Dabura to death and Dabura would just spit everywhere. Unfortunately for the 17 Kuririn fans out there the show never made it onto the air.

"Piccolo and Vegeta's Super Sunshine Smile Time Club"

Not wanting to be left out, Piccolo and Vegeta stormed the FUNi offices demanding shows of their own. They were so intent on having their own shows that they signed anything put in front of them. This was perfect for FUNi who were looking for two saps to do a daytime kids TV show. Piccolo and Vegeta were forced to don some jolly looking sweaters and baby-sit a bunch of hyperactive 5 year olds. This prove to be too much for the former villains and after the "Vegeta, Billy Jones and the Glue Pot Incident" all knowledge of the show's existence was denied and it was never spoken off again at FUNi Animation. However the show was not a complete failure, as any paper production used on the show were recycled and turned into a set of children's menus for a local Chinese restaurant, featuring "Ducko, the Silliest Peking Duck in History"


This simply titled show was FUNi's effort to cash in on the "Jerry Springer Style Show" phenominom. Casting a mind reading, martial arts master cat as the host seemed like a good idea at the time. But unfortunatly Korin's solution to every problem was to give everyone a Senzu Bean, and while this solved their problems instantly, it didn't make good tv. Even when FUNi put on the strangest people Middle America had to offer Korin was still trowing Senzu Beans around like a crazed drug dealer, solving problems right, left and center. Unfortunatly the resulted in a shortage of Senzu Beans for the Saiyan Saga. This the show was cancelled in the interests of world safety.

"Umi-Game: The Above Average Turtle"

The story of Umi-Game #1 was simple: Man meet turtle, man takes turtle swimming, turtle finds nuclear testing island, radiation from island causes man to mutate in 75' pervert dinosaur intent on destroying world, turtle battles 75' mutant pervert dinosaur, turtle saves world. In a classic case of bad timing the show was set to be released in 1985, the day news of the Greenpeace insident in French Polynesia broke. Its realease was posponed until 1986, and then delayed again due to the tradedy at Chernobyl. Now considered to be the Nostradamus of animes, its realease has now been banned.

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