Through these curtains is the MSTing theater, where me and my muses make fun of fanfics. You see, it all started when I decided I was going to do an experiment on Mary Sues and -- well, got more than I expected.

So, to let off steam and keep my sanity (what's left of it, anyway), Jahari and I MST -- mock -- the fics I find. It's fun! MSTs are in chronological and categorial order, with the newest first.

The Snowy White Seer ~ Rouge, who appears to be a misplaced X-Men character, goes to Hogwarts in the Marauders' time. She is a Seer, an Animagi, and a blatant Sue. See Jahari rant about POV and Aku make everything kinky. Unfortunately, this story has been deleted off, we had to cut the MST short. ._. Doesn't that just suck?
Genre: Harry Potter
Status: Finished
Rating: PG
Part 2

A Hidden SkywalkerShi's Journey ~ Jessi discovers she and her friends are Jedi and most of them are half-Elven. We think. Well, actually, we're not quite sure. We're not quite sure of anything, because nothing seems certain! A guest MSTer joins the tort -- erm, fun, and all get bored, mad, and extremely confused.
Genre: Lord of the Rings/Star Wars
Status: In progress
Rating: PG for mild language -- I hope.
Part 2

The Lost Temple of Rivina ~ Legolas steals from Snow White and frees the Elf goddess/princess/maiden/we don't know what from her "crystal prison", and unexpected people use magic all of a sudden. Shelti both yells and sings, and both giggle at flames.
Genre: Lord of the Rings
Status: Finished
Rating: G

Aquaintances ~ An American student goes to Hogwarts, Harry falls in love, and everyone overreacts. Shelti and Jahari become majorly confused, and time gets messed with.
Genre: Harry Potter
Status: Finished
Rating: G

Eledhwen ~ The Elven Princess Eledhwen Vanyarda Chuhana, Princess of all Middle-earth, joins the Fellowship and decides she's King Arthur. Shelti and Jahari do their first MSTing, and Shelti finds out mood rings can short-circuit.
Genre: Lord of the Rings
Status: Finished
Rating: G
Part 2