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Priority Projects

1. Making Master Plan for the wastewater with the dynamics of realization in Sopiste Community region

There is sewage system on a small area in Sopiste Community i.e. about 30 % of the inhabitants are connected to the public sewerage system. The wastewater from the houses goes through technically inadequate channels, outhouse privies and septic tanks directly to the rivers, soil and sometimes in open furrows in the yards and the streets. In summer this increases the risk of malaria and other contagious diseases.
The problem with the water coming from the rain is also not solved. There is a drainage system on 700 m of the area only. The water from the rain goes directly through the whole area. 81 % of the citizens think that the public condition in the villages is not solved and 20 % of them think that the lack of sewerage system is the reason for that.

Project goal
The concrete goal of this project is to make a Master plan for the waste water which has to include complete analyses of the community possibilities for building a sewerage system and to determine the best economic solution for system for collecting and cleansing the waste water and to make phase plan for building the network throughout the whole community.

Expected results
We are expecting to make the Master plan for the sewerage system in Sopiste in 8 months. That will make smaller the risk of degrading the nature, increase the quality of life, the community will not be undeveloped area any more and reduce the risk to people's health.


 |project 1 | project 2 | project 3 | project 4 | project 5 | project 6 |


Community Sopiste
tel/fax: (02) 274 3032
(02) 274 3031
Sopiste Community Advisory Office
tel/fax:(02) 274 2292
Ecology Informative Center in Sopiste Community


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