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"Sopiste Community Local Action Plan for environment protection"

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In year 2000, Sopiste Community has started creating a new document about the Local Action Plan for environment protection (LEAP).

The contract about the LEAP-Sopiste was signed on 26.05.2000 between MZSPP and the Sopiste Community. Immediately after that a work group for starting the project was formed and local coordinator was choused. Few of the members engaged in LEAP-Sopiste took active part in making NEAP of Macedonia in 1995/1996.

This document is based on previous research of the Council's skilled team, the new world trends for implementation of ISO 14000 standard and the Agenda 21 as well as other standards for quality life by the European Union in order to get closer to the high quality.

The fact that Sopiste has become an independent Community only few years ago increases the managing team's desire to solve the open problems with the infrastructure and the environment.

The document is based on the following needs:
* Defining the frames and methods for ranking the priorities;
* Identifying the community problems by analyzing the condition and the pollution of the environment and the nature, natural and cultural heritage, biodiversity, agriculture, water-supply and the public works;
* Researching the possibilities for development initiated by the program;
* Evaluating the relation between the community development and the speed of achieving the limit of the environment capacity;
* Evaluating the level of the quality living.

There is a small acceptable and easily financed project about the priorities based on the principle:

What should I do for your own good = what should you do for my own good = what should the others do for our own good.

Many partners have been involved in the project such as: organizations and institutions from the region, the community administration, the public enterprises, the local communities, the schools, the doctors, NGO-s. The people themselves took part and showed big interest about the program.

Goal of the plan:
a) Uniting together all the relevant factors from the scientific, public, private and non-government sector in order to create a long lasting program for sustainable development of Sopiste Community in a place suitable for living in the next century;

b) Defining the environment condition in Sopiste, giving priority to the activities for environment progress, involving the public in all relevant institutions as representatives of the science, economy, government and the non-government sector.

Expected results:
* Raised ecology consciousness at citizens;
* Bigger knowledge of the citizens about LEAP;
* People involved in LEAP realization;
* Raized consciousness of the citizens in creating the community and participaton in the local self-managemant.

Document implementation
* Identification of the financial resources;
* Calculation of the pollution risks for the health, life and the environment;
* Defining small, applicable and easily financed projects;
* Analyzing LEAP through workshops with LUK, Community Council, the mayor and the public;
* Control of the list of problems and adaptation the LEAP strategy (suggestions for action);
* Donor conferences and creating actions for gathering financial resources for small projects.

According to the analyses we made the following list of priorities:
We questionned 5000 Community citizens and made analyses of the priorities. The citizens think that the biggest ecology problem in the community are the wild dumps and the unorganized collecting the garbage, because they obviously don't like the big garbage heaps which make the community ugly. It it especially important that the ecology consciousness is on a very low level. The problems with the water-supply and sewerage system are treated to be very important problems that have to be solved.
The community inhabitants think that the most important problem to be solved is unemployment. They think that the employment will solve their survival problem and that will be a starting point for solving the ecology problems. As far as ecology is concerned, the first problems to be solved are treatment of garbage, roads not paved with asphalt, unsolved sewerage system problem.

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Community Sopiste
tel/fax: (02) 274 3032
(02) 274 3031
Sopiste Community Advisory Office
tel/fax:(02) 274 2292
Ecology Informative Center in Sopiste Community


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