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"Sopiste Community Advisory Office"

Because of the intensive population increase, Sopiste Community needs a steady development of the public services and functions. Therefore, we needed to form an office for giving information and services by which the citizens of this community will get the needed information and documentation easier, as well as solving the problems referring to legal advice and contacts with certain offices in order to achieve their rights.

The citizens criticized the community about its work so far, because people used to wait for hours in front of the office's doors in order to achieve some of their rights or to get some information, which at the end will come to be not sufficient. Owing to the insufficient information the community lacks behind with ideas and projects and thus it is also very poor in financial resources to carry out all the ideas. As a local self-management and as a territory, the community has been isolated informatively from the local and international events. For faster development of the community there is a need to engage collaborators.

According to the new law, the citizens will take an active part in the development of the Local Self-management. There is also a need of computers in the administrative sector, so that the community will take over the central control according to the local self-management law.

General goal of this project is to bring the local self-management up to date according to the new law suggestions in order to identify, develop and implement projects that will be useful for the citizens in the future. The concrete goal is to open Citizen's Service Center for information and services with the following tasks:
- helping the citizens in their access to information about the work of the community offices in order to give their opinion;
- giving the citizens services and directions in solving their problem about getting legal advice, contacts with the public Legal Officer and achieving their rights;
- Taking over part of the work of the competent ministries for obtaining certificates and licenses by pilot computer forms for electronic communication with the central authority;
- Planning a strategy for reconstitution of the offices according to the new law;
- Advising the mayor about the development trends without any political influence and according to the public requests;
- Increasing the public participation in the development of the local self-management and the community life.

Project activities

1. Opening Citizens Service center and making action plan for the center.
2. Carrying out project tasks for advising the mayor.
3. Introducing computer forms and working strategy in the center.
4. Partner meetings between the leader and the project partner organized periodically.

We are expecting the project to contribute to:
- Increased efficiency in planning the whole life of the community;
- Openness of the community towards the citizens opinion and increased confidence and citizens participation to the local self-management;
- Increased authority of the community in the community management;
- Introducing new practice of work in the local self-management;
- Designing more projects for the community development owing to the cooperation between the government, economic a non-government sector.

This is a partner project between the Sopiste Community and the non-government organization ORT – Association for training, information and sustainable development financed by EU PHARE Program for local self-management development. The project started on 21.05.2003 and it will last for 12 months.

This project is an example of the changes in Sopiste Community, which place the citizens in the center of the attention treating them as its clients in the market economy. It is very important for the local self-management advancement as well as for the support of Sopiste inhabitants. This project will introduce new tactical moves; new employments, develop the economy and the culture and improve the communication with the world.

EU Phare project for development of the local self-management
A EU-funded project managed by the European Agency for Reconstruction

tel/fax (02) 2742-292


Community Sopiste
tel/fax: (02) 274 3032
(02) 274 3031
Sopiste Community Advisory Office
tel/fax:(02) 274 2292
Ecology Informative Center in Sopiste Community


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