- = [Abby's Digi-Cam] = -

Oy, I know I should've put this in the Guam section but I think it deserved it's own page. Abby was the first in our group to have a digi-cam. So, outta the 150+ pics she took, here's a few I downloaded from her computer. More are coming soon... ABBY! SEND ME SOME ALREADY!!

Rahhhh!! Hehe, this here is Joseph Montague, posing before he takes a swing and a dip into Lost Pond. This pic was taken a week after our Pagat Cave hike. This time, Cindy and Bayly came but Teddy, Lorraine, Emilie and Amanda couldn't go.

Teddy, Ton and Tina... whoa, 3T! This pic was taken the morning Dennis left for training.

Abby, Erika, Emilie and Merv pulling some funny faces! Taken at Guam Premium Outlet.

Drew, Jon, Erika and me kicking back at the food court in Micronesia Mall.

Pat and Merv pulling a funny face while Drew, as usual, doesn't :P

Bayly, Pat and Drew looking to the left. They just saw a hot chick pass by...

Erika and Abby kicking back underneath an umbrella-table thingy outside Cup-pucino in Micronesia Mall. The background's kinda moving and blurry... looks cool though!

Erika, Abby and me... IN THA HOOD!

Pagat Cave hiking group at Kings! Here's our group, starting from the left: Abby, Sal, Pat, Teddy, Lorraine, Emilie, Ton, Audy, Dennis and me. I will never forget this day... I was a first-time hiker and I had to be stupid by bringing every non-essential items, bringing unto myself an unexpected asthma attack O_O Also, I noticed that I wasn't the only one in my group wearing blue-tinted eyeglasses ;)

Same pic, slightly different, better lighting. Starting from the left: Me, Erika, Sal, Pat, Teddy, Chris, Lorraine, Emilie, Ton, Audy and Dennis. On the table is my black messenger bag with my cellphone, Gameboy Advanced and CD Player. That's the bag I brought with me on the hike. Yes, I am that damn stupid.

Erika, Jon, Drew, Abby, Pat and Merv kicking back at Outrigger Hotel in Tumon. You gotta love their lounge area :)

Bayly sees no evil, Abby speaks no evil and Drew hears no evil.

Me and Abby at Erika's work, Tumon Sports Club. Damn, this looks like a postcard huh? "Wish you were here!" Man, I really wish I was...

Drew and ABby kicking back with Merv at his house. Seriously, what's with the hand gestures? I only know the peace sign!

Erika, Pat and Drew kicking back in Merv's house.

Youth For Christ group!! Abby and I aren't exactly members but Teddy invited us anyways. Starting from the left: Teddy, me, Jalenn (hope I spelled that right), Bug, Ton, Lynette and Chris kicking-- or leaning back -- at Kings near Compadres Mall.

After Kings, we headed over to Dan's house (pictured in blue shirt) for some trampoline fun!! Here's Teddy, Abby, Ton, Lynette and Dan. 6 people on trampoline is NOT fun; we jumped on each other, landed on each other and flew outta the trampoline. Ted momentarily broke his back and I re-broke my back, which I was still recovering from the 2 previous hikes. Oy....

Abby, Ton and Lynette lying back on the trampoline.

Jon, me, Drew and Abby at the food court in Micronesia Mall.

Jone, Erika and Me kicking back in Merv's house.

As the King's waitress sets down the crepe, I sank lower down the booth in embarassment.

This is Jon, Erika, Merv and me inside Guam's new but short lived attraction, Snow Festival! Guam is known for it's tropical and sweltering atmosphere so the possibility of seeing snow here is, well, zero. Snow Festival was quickly built after 2 typhoons pummeled thru the island in late Summer. It's short lived cuz in order to maintain the place, it needs to collect $2000 every day and not alot of locals nor tourists wanna pay that much to be in a big-ass freezer with shaved ice on the ground. This pic was taken on it's 2nd to the last day it closed for good. It was still fun!

- = [Guam Pics] = -

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- = [Abby's Digi-Cam] = -

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- = [Vegas Pics] = -

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