- = [Guam Pics] = -

Please let the page load, there's alot of pics here so be reeeeeaaaaalllly patient okies?

Abby goofing around outside the Couples For Christ Mission Center. Teddy invited us to attend the Youth For Christ meeting. The topic? CHICKS and BALLS. Nah, I'm not kidding! The following pics are taken on my 18th B-day (9/22), a week after Merv's B-day :)

Here's Sal listening to some music on his CD player while in the back seat of my car. He also went to the YFC meeting.

Abby caught me off-guard with this pic. Before I could tell her not to take it, she did. That explains my "what the..???" expression on my face.

Abby and Merv doing some sorta inverted peace sign or some freaky gang banger, hand gesture... Gah! Umm... West-saiiide?

Merv, Pat, Drew and Erika, all smiley :D

Sabino, Pat and Merv, wearing uber-cool Matrix-like sunglasses. "Whoa."

Teddy and Erika... **Big-ass Bearhug**

Chris, Erika and Edna. Erika's the beef, lettuce, cheese and tomato in this couple sandwich. Hehehe!

Dale, Cindy and Abby. Where are YOU looking at, Dale?

Same pic, slightly different... WAKE UP ABBY!

Sal and Erika flexing their gurly-man muscles!

Distraught being the middle of the couple sandwich, Erika takes matter into her own hands. "Kiss me, Edna!" Hahaha! Nah, that didn't happen. But it looks like it, eh? EWWWwwwWWWwww....

Edna catching me and Teddy at a real bad moment! Edna wanted to take a pic of us but she was looking thru the digi-cam the wrong way (there's a screen but she didn't see it). Despite how much I said, "Wait wait wait...", she took it anyways.

I think I got real giddy when this pic was taken cuz I have a big-ass SMIYO. Hell, you can see my gums! Teddy, on the otherhand, looks great :)

Here's a lil story. At Kings, if it's your birthday, they announce it to the WHOLE FRICKIN' restaurant and sing a Birthday song. "It's your birthday and you know it! Clap your hands! **Clap Clap**" Erika took this pic seconds after they announced it...

... And here I am after that humiliating experience. I literally hid in the corner of the booth. As you can see, I was still embarassed. And if that's not enough...

... Teddy here tries to put whip cream on my nose! I got him back though! Muwhahahaha!

Edna and Chris, all smiley :D I think Erika took this pic.

Here's Erika, Drew, Pat, Merv (hiding), Sabino and Abby. They weren't ready for this pic so when I yelled out, "1... 2...", Merv yelled back "3!" and hid behind the tiny lil menu.

Here's me with the Kings free Birthday Crepe. It's a tiny lil desert with thin pancakes over 2 scoops of vanilla and chocolate ice cream, with whip cream, nuts, chocolate syrup and a lil cherry on top.

The Birthday Crepe in all it's dessert-ty glory. **drools** It's looks messy but believe me, it's hella yummy!

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