- = [Guam Pics] = -

Please let the page load, there's alot of pics here so be reeeeeaaaaalllly patient okies?

This is a bracelet Erika made. It's a reminder of the love she has for Marlon. Raven and Alize :)

Damn the darkness... me and Erika in her room, all smiley :D That is, if you can see it!

This is my cell and Erika's cell. I have the outdated Nokia 5190 while Erika has the convenient Nokia 3390.

Flo and me, all smiley :D This was taken in my now empty house. Door #3, Kayon Binga street, Las Palmas I.

Fletcher and Chiki. I'm so proud of these 2, they actually stood still for this pic ^_^ **goes into bird baby talk** Bootchie boo boo!!

Chicki and Flecther again

Abby in ballet pose and me with a weird-ass smile :P

Me, Erika and Abby in a rejected Charlie's Angel pose.
Erika and Abby, all smiley :) This pic was taken on the 2nd to the last day I left.

Inside of Agana Cathedral Basilica. Outside this church is where I've waited for my ride for more than 5 years. This is also where my Bishop Baumgartner Memorial School and Academy of Our Lady of Guam graduations were held at. So many memories...

My car, the 2000 Camry. This pic was taken before we shipped it off to the states.

Del and Ted riding on Erika's car. Sitting on a moving car is not dangerous at all :P

Erika, Teddy and Abby at Del's house. We watched this crazy British comedy, "Ali G In Da House." You've GOTTA WATCH THIS. There's no plot, no character development but lotsa fun!

Pat, blinded by the sudden flash of my digi-cam, and Abby, cleaning up her face! Hahaha!

Abby, Erika, Pat and Merv. We kicked back in the parking lot outside Wendy's near Guam Premium Outlet.

The last picture of my beloved parakeets, Fletcher and Chicki.

Jon and Erika... What's that in your mouth Jon?!!

Cindy, Erika and Merv. Ok, resume eating.

Cindy and Tina, Everblue co-workers! Er.. that's the name of the store ok?

Tina, Cindy, Abby, Jon and Erika. Look at Jon, all pimping and stuff!

Jon, if you're wondering what happened to your car that day, lemme say this: This pic has nothing to do with it. Really, that's not Erika and Abby putting your windshield wipers up.

Pat, Merv and Drew stopped by at my house. The following pics are the LAST pics on my LAST night. I invited some friends over to come kick back with me at my empty house before they see me off at the airport a few hours later.

Sabino, Jermaine, Ted talking to Abby (they're not looking at the camera dammit!) and Erika, sitting on Ted. Not alot of them were paying attention to "Goldmember", which was playing on my laptop. These are the people who came over to my house: Erika, Abby, Pat, Merv, Drew, Cindy, Ted, Sabino, his friend Jermaine, and Joe Lizama (not pictured).

Teddy is SO sweet. He WALKED from his house to my house cuz he couldn't find a ride! He was the only guy to sleep over at my house after the everyone else left. Aww Teddy! Here's him sleeping...

... and him sleeping again! He crashed out really fast o_O

... Yup, he's still out.

Cindy came over to my house around an hour before we left for the airport. Here she is, poking at Teddy's ass! You know what's weird? Ted was actually awake when I took those pics of him sleeping!

Ted and Cindy clutching my Hello Kitty pillows. I couldn't bring it with me or throw it away, so I let them keep it. I gave my friends alot of my stuffs. As long as they're in good hands, especially with my loved ones, I know it'll be ok :)

Teddy, holding my blue cup, a very special card he wrote for me and my art portfolio, and Cindy, holding both of my Hello Kitty pillows.

Chris, with a bad case of bed hair, and Erika.

Erika, Chris, Cindy, Pat and Teddy. After I took this pic, I found out that we were boarding in a few minutes and not in an hour. I cried cuz I didn't get to spend more time with them... Damn the secuirty check-in protocol!!

A crying Cindy, a cheery Erika, and Chris and Ted, all smiley :D This is the LAST PIC. As I went through the Check-In and looked back, I saw these faces. Minutes after I turned away and went with my mom to the plane, Drew and Abby arrived. I'm so sorry Drew and Abby :(

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