- = [Vegas Pics] = -

I had to delete my 2 previous Vegas page cuz they were seriously outdated. I'll keep this page cuz it'll always be updated (if my co-workers are cooperative :P).

Anyways, this is where I work; Century 18 Sam's Town. (Been working here since January 2003)

This here is Martin, our head concession manager and, by far, the coolest guy I've ever met. He's the one that started that "Oh... Oh SHEEEEEEILA" song and dance epidemic o_O Here he is, fooling around with the "Dumb and Dumber-er" display.

This is Snack Bar 2, located upstairs. Sorry about the lighting. It's kinda dim at the theaters. That and my digi-cam setting was a bit off.

Another view of Snack Bar 2. Yeah, this SO kick's GPO and Micronesia Mall theater's ass. Often, I'm the only one upstairs, serving the customers then running like hell to the register.

The popcorn machines. It's tricky to do but easy once you get used to it. This is all we can eat while we're feeling hungry at work. Now, I hate popcorn.

This is the huge mural inside Century Theaters. The colors are much brighter, trust me. Damn digi-cam settings.

This is the office inside Century Theaters. I had my digi-cam and none of the managers were around so I just went for it.

WHOOOOOOOO!!! TAKE IT OFF BABY!! **clears throat** Sorry. No, these aren't customers but my co-workers in casual attire! The dude on the left is Joey (He's a Czechoslavakian-Mexican) and the dude on the right is Adrian (He's a Filipino-Mexican). Joey already quitted but he stops by once in a while.

Cover your eyes. Really. This guy with the horrible scar is Eric Lee. His grandma threw boiling hot water on him. Ouchies. This was his last day at work. And that's Brian's hand.

Once again, Brian and Eric Lee. Eric looks like he's turning himself on. HAHA! Miss that dude. Still haven't got him back for throwing popcorn at my face :P

This here is Ross, awesome dude who has a vast knowledge of anime, games and comics. Looks like he's saying, "Heeeeeeeeeeeyyyy!"

And this is Jason, another cool dude. Awesome sense of humor. I dubbed this pic, "Pretty Jason" :P He was embarassed of this pic. I told him I'll delete it if he agreed to do another pose. ** I lied **

Lost Ross. The flash blinded him. Bwahahaha!

Another pic of Jason, wearing Brian's sunglasses upside down. The girl in the back doing bunny ears is Sandy. She has a kick-ass cell-cam (cell + built-in digi-cam = cell-cam)!!

A group pic gone horrible wrong. See, they had the right pose with their arms all crossed but Jason and Brian went a bit too far. Poor Ross!

Our manager, Bill, was away. And Jason wanted to play! He put on the jacket. Put his hand in the pocket. And said, "Look, I'm Bill... Hey!" Cruddy poem >_<

This here is Brian... in pain. I was so mean! The floor was slippery and he ended up doing the splits! He's grabbing onto something, asking for help and what do I do? I take a picture. Then Me and Ryan helped him up to his feet.

This here is Ross (holding up a tong) and Tina.

This is Alex, a former newbie and a pretty cool Mexican. He reminds me of Johnny Depp-- in an Edward Scissorhands kind of way.

This is Adrian and Valerie. Yeah, occassionally she gets her exercise by doing this.

And this Tim, all sprawled on the floor. Of course, he wasn't ready for this pic.

It's the 3 A's: Adolfo, Adrian and Alex!

Again with Alex. He likes posing alot!

And this is Martin's beer belly! Marvel at the girth, people... MARVEL!!

This here are managers, Bill and once again, Martin. All we need is a hotdog (or a Vienna sausage) and this would've been a GREAT picture!

Ok, these next pictures were taken outta pure boredom. It's kinda awkward for a girl to take pics of guys posing (I couldn't keep a straight face) So here we got Brian and Alex posing...

Brian, Tim and Alex as "The Black Tie Mafia" They look so cute here, all serious and stuff. Eeeehhh...

Here's Tim looking all smug, oooh!

Now this is a cool pic. It's Alex in a drunken pose, or what he calls it. His eyes are glowing and there's a lens glare on the side. Ok, you know what; this is actually scary. RUN!!

And here's another one of our managers, Moises (The "i" is silent). It's his turn to be all smug!

Seriously, I have more work pics coming soon! Too lazy to do it though... Heh-heh.