- = [Guam Pics] = -

Please let the page load, there's alot of pics here so be reeeeeaaaaalllly patient okies?

Koa, one of 2 of Erika's house cats, comfortably sitting atop a speaker-- WITH EYES AGLOW AND READY TO POUNCE!!

Erika at Wendys, all smiley :D

Abby on the phone, holding my Pagat Cave hiking stick in an unusual place... **poke poke**

Abby in her devil-hooded jacket

Abby in her devil-hooded jacket again

Abby, Erika and me in my car

Abby, Erika and me in goofy dumbass mode :P

Abby and Erika, all smiley :D

Me and Abby, all smiley :D

Erika and me, all smiley :D

Abby drenched from the rain. Nice shot, Erika!

Erika and me at Shirleys in Agana. I'm trying on her mom's sunglasses. Erika said I looked like "a cockroach"

Damn the blur... Erika smiling and Teddy poking

Erika: "Want see-food?" Teddy: "*gasps* Hell NO!!" That's not their actual conversation but this pic is damn funny to me!

Erika and Teddy, fighting over the last Wendy's chicken nugget...

... And the chicken nugget saga continues!!

Teddy was playing around with Erika's hair and pretended to bite her head, only to accidently leave a piece of food lodged in her hair! Damn those braces, huh Teddy? Erika's mortified expression cracks me up!

Edna, Chris (her bf), Erika, Abby and a chinky Teddy at Wendys in Tamuning. It was raining hella hard and we came from UOG's anime fest

Teddy in passenger seat

Teddy acting weird :S

Ted looks back as Abby-- Uh, what IS she doing anyways??

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