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Dice Chart

This chart generally referrs to most RhyDin-based forums. There are deviants from this formula, but most generally agree on starting dice and the 10,000 xp mark.

0 exp = d20 2,500 exp = d47 30,000 exp = d74
10 exp = d21 3,000 exp = d48 32,500 exp = d75
20 exp = d22 3,500 exp = d49 35,000 exp = d76
40 exp = d23 4,000 exp = d50 37,500 exp = d77
60 exp = d24 4,500 exp = d51 40,000 exp = d78
80 exp = d25 5,000 exp = d52 45,000 exp = d79
100 exp = d26 5,500 exp = d53 50,000 exp = d80
125 exp = d27 6,000 exp = d54 55,000 exp = d81
150 exp = d28 7,500 exp = d55 60,000 exp = d82
175 exp = d29 8,000 exp = d56 65,000 exp = d83
200 exp = d30 8,500 exp = d57 70,000 exp = d84
225 exp = d31 9,000 exp = d58 75,000 exp = d85
250 exp = d32 9,500 exp = d59 80,000 exp = d86
275 exp = d33 10,000 exp = d60 85,000 exp = d87
300 exp = d34 11,000 exp = d61 90,000 exp = d88
400 exp = d35 12,000 exp = d62 95,000 exp = d89
450 exp = d36 13,000 exp = d63 100,000 exp = d90
500 exp = d37 14,000 exp = d64 200,000 exp = d91
550 exp = d38 15,000 exp = d65 300,000 exp = d92
600 exp = d39 16,000 exp = d66 400,000 exp = d93
700 exp = d40 17,000 exp = d67 500,000 exp = d94
800 exp = d41 18,000 exp = d68 600,000 exp = d95
900 exp = d42 19,000 exp = d69 700,000 exp = d96
1,000 exp = d43 20,000 exp = d70 800,000 exp = d97
1,500 exp = d44 22,500 exp = d71 900,000 exp = d98
1,750 exp = d45 25,000 exp = d72 1,000,000 exp = d99
2,000 exp = d46 27,500 exp = d73 1,500,000 exp = d100

RhyDin Dictionary

Life Scrolls

(Added as a suggestion from Mv fox64)

Your life scroll (profile) is everything everyone knows about your character as soon as you walk into a room. Most guilds, forums, or anything else you get into in RhyDin and the like will ask you to put several things in your life scroll.

Using an example given me by Mv fox64 from Pokemon, the following is a typical "string" they will ask you to put in your life scroll :

PP - PuF - {4d94 - 523158} - 1400 GP

PP - the name of the guild generally goes first. In this case, the guild is PokePolice, and the acronym is PP.
PuF - the name of the forum comes after. The forum PuF (a pokemon forum) houses the guild PP.
4d94 - The dice you are given in this particular guild or forum. 4d means you have 4 dice. 94 means the dice have 94 sides. To learn more about dice, look at the dice charts under
Various RolePlay Online.
523158 - The Xpz (experience points) you have earned. In this case, he has earned 523,158 xpz, which is equal to d94 dice.
1400 GP - The amount of money you carry. Systems on money vary around RhyDin, but most agree on Gold Pieces as a common currency. This person has earned 1400 gold pieces in this particular guild.

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