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~*ChApTeR OnE*~

~*ChApTeR TwO*~

~*ChApTeR ThReE*~

~*ChApTeR FoUr*~

~*ChApTeR FiVe*~

~*ChApTeR SiX*~

~*ChApTeR SeVeN*~

~*ChApTeR EiGhT*~

~*ChApTeR NiNe*~

~*ChApTeR TeN*~

~*ChApTeR ElEvEn*~

~*ChApTeR TwElVe*~

~*ChApTeR ThIrTeEn*~

~*ChApTeR FoUrTeEn*~

~*ChApTeR FiFtEeN*~

~*ChApTeR SiXtEeN*~

~*ChApTeR SeVeNtEeN*~

~*ChApTeR EiGhTeEn*~

~*ChApTeR NiNeTeEn*~

~*ChApTeR TwEnTy*~

~*ChApTeR TwEnTy-OnE*~

~*ChApTeR TwEnTy-TwO*~

~*ChApTeR TwEnTy-ThReE*~

~*ChApTeR TwEnTy-FoUr*~

~*ChApTeR TwEnTy-FiVe*~

~*ChApTeR TwEnTy-SiX*~

~*ChApTeR TwEnTy-SeVeN*~

~*ChApTeR TwEnTy-EiGhT*~

~*ChApTeR TwEnTy-NiNe*~

~*EmAiL Me*~

~*BaCk To MaIn*~

I hope you all like the story!

CaN't HaVe YoU

~Revamped On October 2nd, 2000~

~*I wrote this story. This story is about a girl named Melanie Williams who becomes a backstreet dancer. She's been afan of their music and really hopes that Nick and her will get a lil get together. when she arrives, she finds out that Nick already has a girlfriend and that she's just using him to get herself things. Can mel and the other dancers help Nick realize that she's not what he thought she was in time before more choas start? Will Nick and Mel ever get together and be happy? *~
~*~*I hope y'all like the story! I worked really hard on it! Mail me feedback or sign the guestbook!*~*~

Last Updated: July 30th, 2001

WhAt'S NeW WiTh 'CHY'

get this gear!

This page was revamped on October 2nd, 2000
