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Welcome to Paint Shop Pro Class Tutorials (29529 bytes)

Web Pages and Graphics are best viewed in 800x600 with "High" or "True Color" settings.

This Website has been created for the use of current NTC Paint Shop Pro Class students only. We ask that the link to this page or downloads on this page not be shared for any reason.

All Tutorials and Graphics on this site ©byDiana/Laura 2000 do not use without permission.

The Class you are in right now may be the only hands on class for Paint Shop Pro in the USA. If it is not the only class it will be one of the very few. People across the United States are screaming for just such a class in their area.  The lack of any may be the reason PSP has acquired a huge cult following. I would venture to say that there are more Online Clubs, Personal Webpages and Emails dedicated to this program than any other in the history of the Internet. Cheers to NTC and its Staff for allowing you this unique opportunity!

*If you are on AOL and would like to bookmark this page left click the red heart in the upper right hand corner. To use the link you made go to Favorites on the AOL taskbar and scroll down to "Favorite Places" and left  click again. A box will open up for you, left  click on "PSPClass"


1st Project~Adding a simple frame.

2nd Project ~ Creating a personal desktop (2762 bytes)

Trick~Add a Frame to Your Folder

Tube Tutorials

Text Tutorials

Locket Tutorial

Using Email Stationary & How to Email Graphics

Animated Desktops

Animated Snowglobes

Plug-In Filters

Pagecurl Tutorial

Water Animation Tutorial


JASC Virtual Tour

Give this tutorial time to load it is a fantastic tour of PSP and its Tool functions in movie form. Its well worth the time to view.

With Paint Shop Pro there is no such thing as you must do it only one way. We would love to see your projects and hear your ideas and tips. Feel free to send us any finished graphics, ideas or questions and don't forget to let us know if we can share them with the class.   Both Laura and I  already get hundreds of emails a day so we ask that you keep all email  class related.  We need to have PSPCLASS in the subject line so we will be sure to see your email quickly and have the opportunity to respond to it as soon as possible.  Please do not use an  Instant Messenger to contact us unless we have set a time beforehand.

Laura at

Diana at


Download Paint Shop Pro 30 Day free trial.

You may download this file to anyplace on your computer. It will extract to where it needs to be.


Download Winzip 8.0

Download this file to your Desktop and it will extract itself.

name : CZY
key:  6EB8010C


Sample Idea's

We created a few pages using techniques we will learn or have learned in the class to show you what you can do with Paint Shop Pro and a little imagination.  These pages are Graphic Intense..that means they are full of Graphics and Animation and will take a long time to load. Be Patient!

Class Page

Webpage 1

Webpage 2

Webpage 3

Webpage 4

Webpage 5


Group Ad's

We have gained permission from the Webmaster of an Online Groups page that offers a large listing of online Groups you can join. When you join an online group you should expect to sign a permission slip with rules you must follow. You should also expect to receive tons of email, so I would suggest you try one group at a time.  If  you need a reference to join use MissyDianaMaire from the Online Group "Unfathomed Wizperz".  Again we ask that you do not share this link with friends as part of our agreement with the Groups Webmaster.

T&T Ads


Lets goTube'ing!

Here are a few sites to start your tube collection. Make sure you check each page for Links and Webrings to find other Tube and PSP sites of your own. Before downloading  make a folder on your desktop called Tubes to store your PSP tube finds in. This folder does NOT need to be kept in your Paint Shop Pro's Tube Folder unless you plan to use them with your "Tube Tool".

Teeny Tuts

Herkey's Corner


Jazzy's Kid Tubes

Jamies Tubes

Alphabet Soup

Annie's Tubes

PSPug Webring

PSPug Webrings Free Tubes

Rayaloin Tube Site of Links



A little extra fun for people with Personal Websites. Join a Website Competition Group!

Site Fights

Web Brawls