GT House

Title: GT house
Author: Yamcha’s Saiyan Babe (J. Dee) aka Mirashia aka Veggie Gurl 4221
Rating: NC-17 (possible offensive language and Lemon in later chapters)
Story Brief: Voted Dragonball characters are stuck living in a house together and can’t leave unless voted so...

This is the home base for where I will have my GT House interactive fic.... and since fanfiction net often crashes there are peeps out there that miss out on reading the lastest chapters and stuff so this is what this page is for... I'm going to add an MB and stuff up here along with the chapters and you can leave your votes and stuff in for the fic... because it's interactive I really need peeps to interact and it's kinda hard where you don't know where to send ya votes or your ideas in to...

So far there are about 9 chapters on this fic... and probably alot more to come if people keep voting the way they have ::G::...

Chapters so far:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 *updated*

But here's the deal so read below so ya get the basic idea...

this fic is taken off the Australian show entitled BIG BROTHER a show about a group of people stuck sharing a house together and each week one of them is voted out, and the winner gets a bunch load of cash... it is purely INTERACTIVE!!! That’s what I want this fic to be with you the reviewers... I think this is the first interactive Fic where you vote what happens... I hope it catches on.... and for thse who are reading this not through ffn you can e-mail me at yamcha's saiyan babe and if my mail link don't work leave ya vote on the MB thingie which is HERE! the link should be up now...

Right here’s the deal, I will write what is voted or reviewed in so if any of you want something to happen in the GT house write a review in... Let me know I’ll check the reviews daily or every second day and post a story up at least twice a week to let you know what’s going on in the house... But lets get the mindless babble out of the way first... on how this fic will work...


1/ I need two votes from different people no cheating please on who you want in the GT house

2/ When it comes time to kick a character out... I need over three votes...

3/ Two votes or more for a character to hook up with another character for example... Goten and Bra in the shower, or Trunks and Pan in the kitchen... you get the idea right?

4/ If you want a character who hasn’t been in the GT house yet, vote them in but if there’s over three different characters big vote for who stays and who goes majority only...

I want you to vote for characters from the db-gt series any characters and mail me with your votes I will check the list in a few days time and see by majority who gets to come in to the GT house... now don’t just restrict the character to the obvious ones you can pick people like Bulma, Chibi Goku... don’t feel pressured to pick the typical ones... Trunks, Goten, Pan, Bra, Marron, Ubuu... hell pick some Z characters too... I wanna have some fun with this fic and see where it goes!!! once someone reviews/contacts me saying they wanna see a certian character dance or do something totally silly it this fic I’ll do that... for the next chapter depending when I get contacted...

This fic is controlled completely by you, but written by me... sound like a good idea?? Then review it please!!!