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Hey, wow this is a fast follow-up entry for me.
Heh, usually it takes me a month to update,
but it's a new twilight, and I'm going to be
more current from now on. Today I'm posting
a few poems that I wrote not long ago, at work.
Yes, I write a lot at work, either from inspiration
or boredom or whatever. Speaking of work/writing,
Freezer Breeze is still in progress, not the actual
writing, because I stoped writing for it during the
summer, but I'm putting it all together in pages,
and there's so much stuff to mess around with...
I'll give you an example so you can have an
idea what it looks like: Bone Grind
I got about 10 pages done, and then I got stuck on the
cover, so I need to forget about that for now and go thru
all my notecards and paper and put together more pages.
If you're wondering what Freezer Breeze is, well it's
kind of a 'zine thing, with lots of art and creative writing.
I have another one that is online and I think it's amazing:
C you in the aftermath

The new poems are down below!

( Click Here For Previous Entry )

Today's Picture is:

   %%%  New Introduction
Trip the Past:
    Nov 2 - Silver Interference           Feb 16 - mmm, coffee            Oct 1- New Moon
    Nov 9 - Party Green                       Mar 18 - break-spring
    Nov 22 - The Devil is Blue             June 7 - darkroom
    Dec 15 - Rosie's a ho                     July 18 - In Concert
    Jan 31 - (tounge)blade                 Aug 9 - Rayograph
New-ish computer art by daniel gervais:
        V- Luv and the Grip
        Wrapping Paper
        Ripping Paper Mountains
        3rd Purchase
        door and cavedrawings
        woodgrain (tilepattern)
        bluegreen stage
New Poems by daniel gervais:
"drinker" poems
The Painted Bog
Pulse Epilogue / Sponge Theory

A tip of the iceberg preview of my new project: Freezer Breeze
Essential Reading: C you in the Aftermath

(pst! say something...)