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    Hello everyone!  This site is called Moonshine, and it's one of four web sites I have made. They all have my unique style(s) of art and poetry in them, but this one is a little different because I write a journal-like entry and post a picture from my digital photo collection every time I update it. They're all made by me, Daniel Gervais. I'm sure you'll like them! I don't update it every day, but every time I have something to say, or something new I want people to see, I put it here.
Since this is just a sort of intro, it's in the intro part of the page. Please read my entries, and please take a look at the pictures that go with them! Then send me a message and tell me what you think! If you like my art, I can direct you to where you can find more, or I can send you some exclusive stuff that isn't on my web pages.
My email address is still:
My ICQ # is still: 1673930
THANKS!  -Daniel Gervais

You are referred to my other online locations...
all these sites have great stuff, go check it out!

T h e  N e w  E f f o r t
my latest computer art gallery
80 individual pieces!

C you in the aftermath
an online zine composed of
fascinating poetry and art.
this is sort of a masterpiece of mine..

Inspector Colossus' Laboratory
my "home" page that hasn't been updated
in over a year. But it still has a whole lot of
computer art and words n' stuff from my past.
also you can find out a little more about me...
or, who I was anyway...