My So-called Dictionary/Word List

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I put this list together as a student, so you will see some things in here that are quite simple. You will also see some words with *s/l* beside them. These are sound-alikes. I put them in the list, the way it sounded to me, then in the right column I entered the word the way it should be, or entered a possible alternative. There are prefixes, suffixes, drugs, abbreviations,etc. Some words have definitions, some do not. Please let me know if you run across any errors and I will correct them.


Word or Root Definition
T1c N1 M0 cancer classifications (TNM), other examples: T 1,2,3 or X, N 0,1, or X, M 0,1, or X, T1-2, T1-3, T1c there are more
T temperature
T & A tonsillectomy and adendoidectomy
tailer *s/l* taler
talus ankle bone
tarsal plates  
t.I.d. three times a day
T/Gel not T-Gel
T2BN0M0 T=tumor 2=Size B=Represents stage 2 N=extent of spread to lymph nodes *N0=none* M=extent of spread to other parts of the body *M0 = none*
T4 cell  
tab tablet
TAB therapeutic aborton
TAC for wound care *0.5% tetracaine, 0.5% epinephrine, 11.8% cocaine*
tachycardia condition of fast heart
tactile fever  
tactile stimulation evoking a response by touching
talipes equinovarus clubfoot
Tanner stage 2 genitalia  
Tanner Stage I stages of genital development
taste buds able to distinguish betweem sweet, sour, salty, bitter
tax- order or coordination
Taylor mercules *s/l* talo-Archilles
Tc-99m sestamibi scan technetium 99
TDI toluene diisocyanate
technetium 99 Tc-99m
technetium 99 Technetium-99m is a radioactive material which is frequently used in every hospital equipped for nuclear medical examination
TED hose TED hose, not Teds hose
TEE transesophageal echocardiogram
teeth hard bony projections in the jaws that serve to masticate *chew* food
Tegretol *carbamazepine* drug for convulsions, seizures, epilepsy
telangiectasia a tiny, red, blood vessel lesion formed by the dilation of a group of blood vessels radiating from a central arteriole, most commonly seen on the face,neck, or chest
telephonic ECG monitoring use of a protable ECG monitor, connected through telephone lines via a modem, that allows the patient to transmit ECG recordings to a staffed monitoring center for cardiac evaluation
telmisartan *Micardis* drug for hypertension
telo- complete
telos end
Tempa-DOT axillary thermometer  
Temodar gen=temozolomide *chemotherapy*
temosolomide Brand=Temodar *chemotherapy*
temoxin *s/l* tamoxifen drug for breast cancer
temporal lobe seizure  
temporomandibular joint the area of connectionb between he temporal bone and madibular bone
ten- tendon
Tenckhoff catheter for renal patients and peritoneal dialysis
tend- tendon
tendin- tendon
tendinitis inflammation of a tendon
tendon a band of fibrous tissue that connects muscle to bone
tendonitis *s/l* spelled tendinitis
Tenex for hypertension - also used for ADHD
teno- related to the cord to which muscle is attached
tenotomy division by incision of a tendon to repair a deformity caused by shortening of a muscle.
Tensilon test  
teragoid Correct spelling pterygoid - p is silent - re: CT scan of mandible
terato- monster
tesla magnetic Tesla *MRI* - Hitachi
Tessalon Perles antitussive.
test- testis or testicles
testes located on each side within the scrotum in the male, functioning to secrete testosterone
testicle one of the two male reproductive glands; located in the scrotum, that produces sperm and the male hormone testosterone
testis one of the two male reproductive glands; located in the scrotum, that produces sperm and the male hormone testosterone
testo- testicle
testosterone stimulates development of the seminiferous tubules and promotes sperm production
tetany tension; prolonged, continuous muscle contractions
tetra- four
tetracycline drug
tetralogy of Fallot an anomaly that consists of four defects; pulmonary stenosis, ventricular septal defect, malposition of the aorta, and right ventricular hypertrophy-causes blood to bypass the pulmonary circulation so that deoxygenated blood goes into the systemic circulation resulting in cyanosis
TGV Thoracic Gas Volume
thalam- thalamus *a room*
thalamus *dienecephalon* two gray matter nuclei deep with the brain responsible for relaying sensory information to the cortex
thal and treadmill shortened for thallium and treadmill
thanks technique *s/l* Tzanck technique
Thaymer-Martin STD screen
T-helper T-helper cell
T-helper cell  
Theodore *s/l* Theo-Dur
Theo-Dur drug for respiratory problems
theophylline two ells
therm temperature
therology report *s/l* spirometry before and after
theta wave  
thick-it *s/l* Thick-It or Thick-It 2 *to help with feeding*
thorac- chest
thoracentesis puncture or aspiration of the chest
thoracic kyphosis  
thoracic vertebrae average person has 12
thoracoplasty repair of the chest involving fixation of the rubs
thoracoscope Thoracoscope - instrument used to directly visualize the pleura and lung surfaces; introduced into the thorax under general anesthesia, it facilitates the collection of tissue samples *see Open Lung Biopsy*
thoracoscopy endoscopic examination of the pleural cavity using a thoracoscope
thoracoscopy *VATS* Thoracoscopy *VATS* - a minimally invasive "keyhole" surgical procedure which allows the surgeon to directly examine the chest cavity without a big incision. Often referred to as VATS *Video Assisted Thoracic Surgery* [more info/illus]
thoracostomy creation of an opening in the chest for insertion of a tube
thoracotomy incision into the chest
thorax cavity in which the heart and lungs lie; between neck and abdomen
thrill sensation of vibration over the heart
thromb clot
thrombectomy incision into an artery for the removal of thrombus
thromboangitis obliterens an occlusive vascular condition; usually of a leg or a foot, in which the small and medium-sized arteries become inflamed and thrombotic
thrombolytic therapy dissolution of thrombi using drugs *I.e., streptokinase or tissue plasminogen activator - TPA
thrombophlebitis inflammation of a vein associated with a clot formation
thrombosis presence of or formation of a blood clot within a blood vessel
thrombus a stationary bloodclot
thryrotoxicosis condition of hypersecretion of the thyroid gland characterized by exophthalmia, tachycardia, goiter, and tumor
thym- thymus gland
thyme leaf herbal medicine
thymectomy excision of thymus gland
thymosin regulates immune response
thymus gland located in the mediastinal cavity anterior to and above the heart, functioning to secrete thymosin
thyr- thyroid gland *shield*
thyro- thyroid
thyroid cartilage Adam's apple
thyroid function study measurement of the thyroid hormone levels in blood plasma to determine efficiency of glandular secretions including T3, T4, TSH
thyroid gland located in front of the neck, functioning to secrete triiodothyronine *T3*, thyroxine *T4*, and calcitonin
thyroid uptake and image nuclear image involving scan of the thyroid to visualize the radioactive accumulation of previously injected isotopes to detect thyroid nodules or tumors
thyroidectomy excision of thyroid gland
thyroid-stimulating hormone *TSH* stimulations secretion from thyroid gland
thyroxin liver metabolism  
thyroxine increases metabolism in cells; called T4
thyroxine *T4* regulate metabolism
TIA transient ischemic attack
tibio- pertaining to the larger leg bone
tibiotalar ligament  
Tickoff catheter *s/l* see Tenckhoff
Ticlid *ticlopidine* antiplatelet agent
tic-pertaining to  
Tidal Volume *TV or VT* volume of a normal inspiration or expiration during relaxed *normal* breathing
tigular layer *s/l* reticular layer
timothy grass allergen
Timunox *thymopentin*  
tincture of green soap.  
tinea a group of fungal skin disease identified by the body part that is effected, including tinea corporis and tinea pedis
tinea corporis ringworm
tinea pedis athlete's foot
Tinel sign shock-like pain when the volar aspect of the wrist is tapped
tinnitus a jingling; ringing, or buzzing in the ear
titer, viral load test that measures the amount of actively replicating HIV virus
titre *s/l* titer
TLC Total Lung Capacity
TLV total lung volume
TM tympanic membrane
toby *s/l* Tobi - cuminoglycoside antibiotic
toc- labor or birth
toco see tocolysis or tocodynamometry
toco- childbirth
tocodynamometry equipment used to monitor contractions
tocolysis stopping uterine contractions
tocolytic agent drug used to stop labor contractions
toe web infection two words - no dash
Tolectin DS  
toluene see TDI
toluene diisocyanate TDI
tomocytopenia *s/l* check thrombocytopenia
ton- tone or tension
tonarmin *s/l* tenormine
tongue muscular structure of the floor of the mouth covered by mucous membrane and held down by a band-like membrane know as frenulum
tonic-clonic stiffening-jerking; a major motor seizure involving all muscle groups - previously termed grand mall *big bad* seizure
Tonocard drug
tonometry use of a tonometer to measure intraocular pressure-elevated in glaucoma
tonsill- tonsil *almond*
tonsillar hypertrophy  
tonsillectomy excision of palatine tonsils
tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy T&A excision of tonsils and adenoids
tonsillitis acute or chronic inflammation of the tonsils
tonsils oval lymphatic tissues on each side of the pharynx that filter air to protect the body from bacterial invasion-also called palatine tonsils
top- place
topical applied to the surface of the skin
torch washing" to the left internal carotid artery Tortuosity is correct
tosis *s/l* ptosis
total hysterectomy removal of the uterus and cervix
total lung capicity TLC TLC - Total Lung Capacity - volume of lungs following maximum voluntary inspiration
total lung volume TLV
Tourette syndrome characterized by involuntary movements and use of inappropriate words
tox poison
toxic pertaining to poison
toxico- poison
TP-1 *thymostimuline*  
TPA thrombolytic drug
TPA tissue plasminogen activator
Tr treatment
trabeculectomy removal of a portion ofthe trabeculum to increase the flow of aqueous humor from the eye; used in treatment of glaucoma
trabescular meshwork mesh-like structure in the anterior chamber that filters the aqueous humor as it flows into the canal of Schlemm
trace bilateral  
trachea windpipe; passageway for air from the larynx to the area of the carina where it splits into right and left bronchus
tracheal tracheal
tracheesophageal spaces  
tracheoesophageal trachea and esophagus
tracheoesophageal puncture  
tracheostomy creation of an opening in the trachea most often to insert a tube
tracheotomy incision into the trachea
traction *Tx* application of a pulling force to a fractured bone or dislocated joint to maintain proper position during healing
TRAM flap  
transcranial sonogram  
transdermal absorption of a drug through unbroken skin
transdermal nitroglycerine drug
transect to cut across an organ or section of tissue
transesophageal echocardiogram *TEE* an echocardiographic image of the heart after placement of an ultrasonic transducer at the end of an endoscope inside the esophagus
transferrin peak  
transient and neural focal symptoms  
transient ischemic attack *TIA* brief episodes of loss of blood flow to the brain usually caused by a partial occlusion that results in temporary neuroligic deficit - often precedes a CVA
transitional cell carcinoma  
transmission to send across or through
transobdominal sonoram ultrasound image of the lower abdomen including the bladder, uterus, tubes, and ovaries
Transplant *TX or XP* surgery to replace a diseased organ or organs with healthy ones from a human donor.
Transtracheal oxygen *TTO2* delivery of oxygen by insertion of a thin catheter directly into the trachea. more info/illus
transurethral resection procedure to reduce the size of a prostate gland enlarged due to benign prostatic hyperplasia *BPH*
transurethral resection of the prostate *TURP* removal of prostatic gland tissue through the urethra using a retroscope, a specialized uroligic endoscope
transvers rectus abdominus myocutaneous *TRAM* flap abdomen, breast *plastic surgery procedure*
trap abbreviation for trapezius *a muscle*
treadmill test also thallium and treadmill test
tremor shaking; rhythmic muscular movement
Trendelenburg position  
trephination excision of a circular portion of the cornea inpreparation of a transplant
treponema pallidun organism that causes syphilis
tri- three
triangle three angles
trich hair
trich prep  
trichiasis misdirected eyelashes that rub on conjunctiva or cornea
trichophytin a skin test
trichophyton a genus of fungus
tricuspid valve valve between the right atrium and the right ventricle
trigeminal nerves in the brain - one on the left; one on the right
triiodothyronine *T3* regulate metabolism
Trilafon a commonly-prescribed antipsychotic
trimalleolar fracture  
trimester first-trimester
TRIO Transplant Recipients International Organization
trisoconception *s/l* trisomy conception, or maybe products of conception
trisomy conception  
trochanter large process below neck of femur
trochanteric a rough prominence at the upper part of the femur of many vertebrae
troph nourishment or development
tropin to act upon
troponin ex: CKs peaked at xxxx, troponin peaked at xxxx
Trousseau sign spastic contraction of the hand after application of a constructing arm cuff
trubthon *s/l* Trilafon, a commonly-prescribed antipsychotic
Tru-Cut needle biopsy  
true air hunger  
trusio *s/l* trusion - displacement of a bdy from an initial position
TSH thyroid stimulating hormone
T-suppressor cell  
TTO Transtracheal Oxygen
tubal ligation sterilization of a woman by cutting and tying *ligating* the uterine tubes
tuber ischiadicum  
tubercle small round process on bone
tuberculin test tuberculin test
tuberosity large round process on a bone
tuberous sclerosis  
tuboovarian *s/l* tubo-ovarian
tubular breathing  
tubular reabsorption a process by which the renal tubules and collecting ducts return most of the filtrate to the blood
tumor solid mass larger than 1-2-cm
tumor bed  
tuning fork two-pronged; fork-like instrument that vibrates when struck; used to test hearing, especially bone conduction
turbinectomy surgical removal of a turbinated bone *ex: nasal conchae*
Turbuhaler: multi-dose powder inhaler  
turmeric herbal medicine
Turner syndrome irregularity of one chromosome, short stature, infertility, and possible cardiac abnormalities in the female
turniculum *s/l* tenaculum
Tussar DM *s/l* Tussi Organidin
TVC total vital capacity
two-pillow orthopnea  
Tx treatment or traction
tympanic membrane *TM* eardrum; drum-like structure that receives sound collected in the external auditory canal and amplifies it throught the middle ear
tympanitis inflammation of the eardrum
tympanometry measurement of the conductibility of the tympanic membranes and ossicles of the middle ear by monitoring the response after exposure to external air flow pressure
tympanoplasty vein graft of a scarred tympanic membrane to improve sound conduction
typage *s/l* could be high-pitch
type and cross  
type and crossmatch  
Type I diabetes
Type II diabetes

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