My So-called Dictionary/Word List

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I put this list together as a student, so you will see some things in here that are quite simple. You will also see some words with *s/l* beside them. These are sound-alikes. I put them in the list, the way it sounded to me, then in the right column I entered the word the way it should be, or entered a possible alternative. There are prefixes, suffixes, drugs, abbreviations,etc. Some words have definitions, some do not. Please let me know if you run across any errors and I will correct them.


Word or Root Definition
R respiration
R right *R is circled*
R/O rule out
R2S *s/l* in an EKG = R to S progression
RA latex test can be used to confirm rheumatoid arthritis
rabeprazole sodium brand=Aciphex *for GERD*
rachitis *s/l* orchitis
rachitis hepatidamidus *s/l* orchitis or epididymitis
racemic epinephrine  
RAD reactive airway disease
radi- radius
radial artery used by MOST healthcare workers to measure pulse
radial keratotomy technique designed to decreased myopia by making multiple symmetrical, spoke-like incisions in the cornea, allowing it to flatten centrally
radiation therapy treatment of neoplastic disease by using ionizing radiation to deter proliferation of malignant cells
radical neck dissection en bloc removal of lymphatic chains and all nonvital structures in the neck
radioallergosorbent test RAST
radiography an imaging modality using x-rays to diagnose a condition or impairment somewhere in the body
radioiodine therapy use of radioactive iodine to treat disease, such as to eradicate thyroid tumor cells
radiology x-ray imaging
radionuclide organ imaging a diagnostic imaging technique using injected or ingested radioactive isotopes and a gamma-camera for determining size, shpe, location, and function of various body parts
radioulnar joint the joint between the wrist and forearms
rale crackle
rales popping sounds heard on auscultation of the lung when air enters diseased airways and alveoli-occurs in disorders such as bronchiectasis or atelectasis
range of motion *ROM* total amount of motion in a joint, described by the terms related to body movements *e.g., the elbow extends 80 degrees*
Rankin study *s/l* roentgen study *relating to x-rays*
Ranson criterion from GI/GU book
rapacuronium bromide Brand=Raplon *neuromuscular blocking agent*
Raplon gen=rapacuronium bromide *neuromuscular blocking agent*
rash a general term for skin eruption
RAST radioallergosorbent test
rating of perceived exertion *RPE* a self-assessment scale to rate breathlessness and fatigue during exercise
Ray cage used in spinal fusion
Raynaud phenomenon pallor and numbness in fingers and toes due to arteriolar constriction
rays of the foot  
RDA Recommended Daily Allowance
RDS respiratory distress syndrome
re- again or back
reactivate to make active again
reactive airway disease *RAD* condition caused by reaction to a trigger *ie allergen, odor or hypersensitivity* or event *such as exercise-induced asthma*. Asthma and Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis are examples of RAD.
Rebetol** for hepatitis C Rebetron
rebound tenderness a sign of inflammation of the peritoneum in which pain is elicited by the sudden release of a hand pressing on the abdomen
receptor organ that receives nerve stimulations
rect- rectum
rectal ampulla dilated portion of the rectum just above the anal canal
rectocele also cystocele, enterocele
rectocele pouching of the rectum into the vagina
rectovaginal fistula abnormal opening between the vagina and rectum
rectovaginal septum  
rectum distal *end* portion of the large intestine
recumbent position lying down
recurrent to occur again, a return of symptoms
red clover tops herbal medicine
red raspberry leaf herbal medicine
red sage herbal medicine
redical retrobute prostatectomy  
redicular pain of a radicular nature
redroot pigweed allergen
redtop grass allergen
reductase inhibitor, HMG-CoA  
reefing infolding or tuck of a tissue, as in a tuck made in plication
reflux backward flow
refractive errors defects in the bending of light as it enters the eye, causing an improper focus on the retina
refractory unyeilding
regemin therapy *s/l* adjuvant therapy
remission a period of time in which symptoms and signs stop or abate
Renee test *s/l* Rinne test
ren*renal* kidney
Renagel drug
renal angiogram x-ray of the renal artery made after injecting contrast material into a catheter in the artery
renal biopsy removal of kidney tissue for pathological examination
renal calculi crystal formed from calcium and grow in the kidneys
renal cortex outer region of the kidney
renal pelvis basin-like portion of the ureter within the kidney
renal tubule stem portion of the nephron
renal vein function: to carry blood away from the kidneys
renin hormone that is synthesized, stored, and secreted by the kidneys, and which raises blood pressure by indirectly narrowing blood vessels
renin, plasma enzyme that affects blood pressure. Normal readings for adult plasma renin upright are 2.9 to 10.8 ng/ml/hr.
repair of rectal *s/l* perirectal
repolarization recharging of the myocardial cell from a contracted state back to a resting state
rescue medication Rescue Medication - short-acting medication designed to relieve symptoms quickly
resect cut and remove
resectoscope urology endoscope sent through the urethra to resect *cut and remove* lesions of the bladder, urethra and prostate
residual volume RV - Residual Volume - the amount of air left behind after a maximum expiratory effort
Resource a nonfat, high-protein diet formula
respiration Respiration - Respiration has two meanings in physiology. Along with breathing, respiration includes all chemical processes that occur in the body converting oxygen and food to water, energy and carbon dioxide.
respiratory distress syndrome *RDS* breathing complications experienced by newborns when immature lungs lack enough surfactant to keep air spaces open. Also called hyaline membrane disease.
respiratory system entire system of organs and tissues involved in breathing; these include the nose, throat, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs
respiratory volume to total lung capacity ratio RV:TLC
Restoril drug (Sounds also like Zestril)
restrictive airway disease restrictive airway disease
restrictive lung disorder condition limiting the intake of air into the lungs
reticular opacities  
retigenous *s/l* vertigenous (vertigo)
retina innermost layer that perceives and transmits light to the opric nerve
retinacular release as in: lateral retinacular release
retinal detachment separation of the retina from underlying epithelium, disrupting vision and resulting in blindness if not repaired surgically
retinitis inflammation of the retina
retraction pulling tissue back or away to expose a structure or another tissue
retro- backward or behind
retroflexion of the uterus abnormal backward bending of the uterus
retrograde going back
retrograde pyelogram *RP* x-ray of the ureter, bladder, and kidney taken after contrast medium is sent up through a small catheter passed through a cyctoscope to detect the presence of stones, obstruction, etc.
retroversion of the uterus backward turn of the whole uterus *tipped uterus*
Retrovir *zidovudine*  
Retzius surgical procedure in the pubic area are initiated by entry into structure known as the space of "Retzius"
reverse transcriptase  
reverse Trendelenburg position position in which most head and neck procedures are carried out
Rh factor presence, or lack of, of antigens of the surface of red blood cells that may cause a reaction between the blood of the mother and fetus, resulting in fetus anemia *which causes erythroblastosis fetalis*
Rh imune globlulin immunizing agent given to an Rh negative mother within 72 hours after delivering an Rh positive baby to supress the Rh immune response
Rh negative absence of antigens
Rh positive presence of antigens
rhabd- rod shaped or striated *skeletal*
rhabdo- rod-shaped
rhabdomyoma skeletal muscle tumor
rhabdomyosarcoma malignant skeletal muscle tumor
rheumatic heart disease damage to heart muscle and heart valves by rheumatic fever *a streptococcal infection*
rheumatoid arthritis most crippling form of arthritis characterized by a chronic, systemic inflammation most often affecting joints and synovial membranes *especially in the hands and feet* causing ankylosis and deformity
rhin- nose
rhinoplasty surgical repair of the nose
rhinorrhea thin, watery discharge from the nose
Rhizopus allergen
rhizotomy interruption of cranial or spinal nerve root
rhoncherous *s/l* rhonchorous
rhonchi high-pitched musical sounds heard on auscultation of the lung as air flows through a narrow airway-occdurs in disorders such as asthma or emphysema
rhubarb root herbal medicine
rhytidectomy face, plastic surgery procedure
rib detail ex: throughout right rib detail
ribs the average person has 12 pairs
ribs, false ribs 8 through 12
ribs, floating ribs 11 and 12 specifically
rickets caused by deficiency of calciferol
ricular *s/l* auricular
riding the ventilator  
Riedel stuma chronic fibrous thyroiditis
right heart catheterization measurement of oxygen saturation and pressure readings of the right side of the heart
rigor or rigidity stiffness; stiff muscle
Rinne test test that utilizes tuning forks positioned near the pinna to test for air conduction and bone conduction
RLQ right lower quandrant
RNA RNA: ribonucleic acid
RNR *s/l* INR
roberalikia *s/l* rubra lochia (rubra=red)
rods rod-shaped cells within the retina that respond to dim light
roentgen relating to x-rays
rofecoxib *Vioxx* drug for osteoarthritis; primary dysmenorrhea
Roferon-A *interferon, alfa-2a*  
Romberg test assesses position sense in the trunk and legs by having the patient stand with feet together, opening & closing the eyes
rongeur instrument used to bite off protruding bony spinous processes
ROS review of systems
rose hips herbal medicine
rosemary herbal medicine
Rosenberg sign  
rosiglitazone maleate *Avandia* drug for type 2 diabetes
rotation circular movement around an axis
Roux-en-Y anastomosis gastric bypass
RPE rating of perceived exertion
rrhagia to burst forth
rrhaphy suture
rrhea discharge
RRR regular rate and rhythm
RT Respiratory Therapy
RTC return to clinic
RTO return to office
RU-486 drug that causes abortion
rub the movement of one surface moving over another
rubella reddish; German measles
rubra lochia  
rubeola reddish; 14-day measles
rugae wrinkles
rugous, vagina vagina rugous
ruptured membranes rupture of the amniotic sac, usually at onset of labor
RUQ right upper quandrant
Russian Thistle allergen
rust ring eye examination
RV RV *respiratory volume, residual volume*
RV:TLC RV:TLC *respiratory volume to total lung capacity ratio*
R wave also R wave progression
Rx translate to prescription when "Rx" is dictated

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