My So-called Dictionary/Word List

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I put this list together as a student, so you will see some things in here that are quite simple. You will also see some words with *s/l* beside them. These are sound-alikes. I put them in the list, the way it sounded to me, then in the right column I entered the word the way it should be, or entered a possible alternative. There are prefixes, suffixes, drugs, abbreviations,etc. Some words have definitions, some do not. Please let me know if you run across any errors and I will correct them.


Word or Root Definition
g gram
G6PD glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
gabapentin *Neurontin* drug for convulsions, seizures, epilepsy
gait a manner of walking or moving; a manner of rate of movement
gait and station ex: gait and station are normal
gait, unaided, brisk  
gallbladder receptacle that stores and concentrates the bile produced by the liver
gallop abnormal heart sound that mimics the gait of a horse
gallop an abnormal heart sound that mimics the gait of a horse; related to abnormal ventricular contraction
gamma GTP  
ganciclovir AIDS investigative drug
gangli- ganglion *knot*
gangloid cyst cystic mass of tendon in wrist
gangrene an eating sore; death of tissue associated with a loss of blood supply
Garderella STD
gas-fluid exchange  
gas-permeable lenses  
gastoenterostomy formation of an artificial opening between the stomach and small intestine; often performed at the time of gastrectomy to route food from the remainder of the stomach to the intestine *also performed to repair a perforated duodenal ulcer*
gastr- stomach
gastrectomy partial or complete removal of the stomach
gastric cardia gastic=relating to stomach; cardia=the opening of the esophagus into the stomach; also the part of the stomach adjoining this opening
gastric lavage oral insertion of a tube into the stomach for examination and treatment; e.g., to remove blood clots from the stomach and monitor bleeding *lavage=to wash*
gastric resection partial removal or repair of the stomach
gastric ulcer ulcer located in the stomach
gastritis inflammation of the stomach
gastrium, upper epigastrium
gastroanenias stretching *s/l* gastrocnemius. The "gastroc" muscle or calf muscle
gastrocele pouching of the stomach
gastroenteritis inglammation of the stomach and small intestine
gastroesophageal reflux *GERD* a backflow of contents of the stomach into the esophagus often as a result of abnormal function of the lower esophageal sphincter; causes burning pain in the esophagus
Gastrografin study capitalize
gastropexy fixation of the stomach *to the abdominal wall*
gastroptosis downward displacement of the stomach
gastroscopy examination of the stomach with a gastroscope
gatelinium *s/l* gadolinium
G-CSF drug (generic filgrastim)
Gelpi type of retractor
gen good
gen producing
GEN *lab test* gentamicin
genesis formation
geni *genial* born with
genitourinary *GU* relating to genital and urinary organs and functions
Gentlehaler Gentlehaler: compact low-velocity pressurized aerosol device
genu valgum knock-knee *opposite of bowleg*
genu varum bowleg
geras old age
GERD Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease *GERD* - flow of stomach contents back up into the espohagus.
Geri-Chair brand name for a type of geriatric chair
geron old man
gestation period of fetal development
GFX stent a type of stent
GH growth hormone
GI bleed gastrointestinal bleeding
GIA instrument stapler
gibbus deformity  
ginger root herbal medicine
gingiv- gum
gingivitis inflammation of the gums
ginkgo biloba herbal medicine
ginseng root herbal medicine
glands of Zeis oil glands surrounding the eyelashes
glandular pertaining to a gland
glans acorn
glans penis bulging structure of the distal end of the penis *glans = acorn*; sensitive tip of the penis
glare away *s/l* try sclera, sclerae *plural*
Glasgow coma scale  
glaucoma a group of diseases of the eye characterized by increased intraocular pressure that results in damage to the optic nerve, producing defects in vision
Gleason score assessment of a cancer's aggressiveness based on a pathologists interpretation of the cells found in the biopsy cores, 4=low-grade cancer, 10 = worst
gli- glue
glioma tumor of glial cells graded by degree of malignancy
glipizide drug for diabetes millitus
glomerul- glomerulus *little ball*
glomerulonephritis form of nephritis involving the glomerulus
glomerulonephritis, acute  
glomerulonephritis, local  
glomerulus little ball-shaped cluster of capillaries located at the top of each nephron
glomus tumor excision nails, plastic surgery procedure
gloss- tongue
glossectomy excision of the tongue
glossitis inflamation of the tongue
glossorrhaphy suture of the tongue
glottis opening between the vocal cords in the larynx
gluc- sugar
glucagon hormone produced by islet cells of pancreas; increases blood sugar by conversion of starch to glucose
Glucometer Brand name - capitalize
glucose *sugar* test chemical test used to detect sugar in the urine, and most often to screen for diabetes
glucose mean conjointant *s/l* Glucosamine chondroitin *OTC herbal remedy for arthritis*
glucose tolerance test *GTT* measurement of the body's ability to metabolize carbohydrates by administering a prescribed amount of glucose after a fasting period, then measuring blood and urine for glucose levels every hour thereafter-usually 4 to 6 hours
glucosuria sugar in the urine
Glucotrol drug
gluteal buttocks
gluteus maximus large muscle in the buttocks
glutination *s/l* agglutinin
glyc- sugar
glycogen excess glucose removed from the bloodstream by the liver
glycohemoglobin a molecule *fraction* in hemoglobin that rises in the blood as a result of an increased level of blood sugar; it is a common blood test used in diagnosing and treating diabetes
glycos- sugar
glycosuria sugar in the urine
glycosuria sugar in urine
Glyset *miglitol* antidiabetic agent for type 2 diabetes
gm gram
gm% or gm/dL
gm/dL or gm%
GM-CSF GM-CSF: granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor
gnos- knowing
goiter enlargement of the thyroid gland caused by thyroid dysfunction, tumot, lack of iodine in the diet, or inflammation
gold shot  
goldenseal root & leaf herbal medicine
GoLytely enema
gonad ovaries or testis; sex gland in which reproductive cells develop
gonad - male testicle - produces sperm and male hormones
gonado- sex glands
gonio- angle
goniometer instrument used to measure joint angles
gono- seed
gonorella *s/l* Garderella
gonorrhea *STD* contagious inflammation of the genital mucous membranes caused by invasion of the gonococcus, Neisseria gonorrhea
Goodpasture syndrome condition that causes inflammation and fibrinoid degeneration in the lungs; pulmonary hemorrhage within alveoli, and collagenous deposits in alveolar septa
goopastrose *s/l* Goodpasture's
Gore-Tex material used for arterial bypass grafts
Gore-Tex graft  
gotu kola herbal medicine
gout disease from urate crystal deposition
gouty arthritis acute attacks of arthritis usually in a single joint *especially the great toe* caused by hyperuricemia *an excessive level of uric acid in the blood
gr grain
grade walking, going
grade 2/4 level of pain 2=mild, 4=discomfort
grade 4 systolic murmur  
Grade I systolic murmur typed Grade I *capital I*, not Grade-1
gram record
Gram stain capitalize Gram
grand mal seizure tonic-clonic seizure
graph instrument for recording
graphy process of recording
gravel root herbal medicine
Grave's disease condition of hypersecretion of the thyroid gland characterized by exophthalmia, tachycardia, goiter, and tumor
Graves' disease  
gravida a pregnant woman
gravida secunda *s/l* secundagravida *one word*
greasewood allergen
GR-diasis *s/l* giardiasis
great vessels  
green barley herbal medicine
green lady Maalox, Donnatol, and lidocaine *and maybe Benadryl*
green soap tincture  
gross large; visible to the naked eye
ground-glass opacification  
group destrip *s/l* group D strep *streptococcoci*
growth hormone *GH* influences growth
GS 393 *PMEA*  
gt drop
gtt drops
GTT glucose tolerance test
guadalhymnal *s/l* glenohumeral *joint of the shoulder*
guaiac a wood resin, commonly used as a regeant in lab tests for the presence of occult blood
Guillain Barre syndrome polyneuritis; swelling of the nerves
gums tissues covering the processes of the jaws
Gunk - slang term for mucus. Gunk - slang term for mucus.
gut suture short for catgut - not a brand name suture
gutter splint  
gyclovir *s/l* ganciclovir - AIDS investigative drug
gynec- woman
gyneocomastia development of mammary glands in the male, caused by altered hormmone levels
gyri ring or circle; convolutions *mounds* of the cerebral hemispheres
gyrus a convolution

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