My So-called Dictionary/Word List

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I put this list together as a student, so you will see some things in here that are quite simple. You will also see some words with *s/l* beside them. These are sound-alikes. I put them in the list, the way it sounded to me, then in the right column I entered the word the way it should be, or entered a possible alternative. There are prefixes, suffixes, drugs, abbreviations,etc. Some words have definitions, some do not. Please let me know if you run across any errors and I will correct them.


Word or Root Definition
E to A changes  
e. coli cause of many cases of acute cystitis
ear instillation introduction of a medicated solution into the external canal
ear lavage irrigation of the external ear canal, commonly done to remove excessive buildup of cerumen
earthle *s/l* Hürthle *alt 129*
ebcephal- brain
EBNA Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen
eburnation joint disease?
EBV Epstein-Barr virus
ec- out or away
ECASA- enteric-coated aspirin
eccentric pertaining to away from center
eccentricity oddity or peculiarity
ecchymosis bruise; a black and blue mark - large purpura
echno, echmo *s/l* ECMO
ECG echocardiography
echinacea root herbal medicine
ECHO Echocardiogram *ECHO* - a picture of the heart produced on a television screen by 'echoes' of ultrasound [Procedure]
echocardiography *ECHO* recording of sound waves through the heart to evaluate structure and motion
eclampsia true toxemia of pregnancy characterized by high blood pressure, albuminuria, edema of the legs and feet, severe headaches, dizziness, convulsions, and coma
ECMO Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
Ecotrin drug
ectasis expansion or dilation
ectomy excision or removal
ectopia displacement
ectopic pertaining to a place outside
ectopic pregnancy implantation of the fertilized egg outside the uterine cavity, often in the tube, ovary, or rarely the abdominal cavity
ectropion outward turning of the rim of the eyelid
ECU emergency care unit
eczema to boil out; skin conditon characterized by the appearance of inflamed, swollen papules and vesicles that crust and scale, often with the sensation of itching & burning
EDC estimated date of confinement
edema presence of abnormally large amounts of fluid; swelling
edema, dependent painless swelling in the ankles and feet
edentia condition of teeth out
EEG electroencephalogram
EEG with MP leads  
eepol *s/l* EPO (epoetin alfa anemia)
efatropium *s/l* ipratropium *Atrovent inhaler*
effect result or outcome
efferent nerves carry impulses away from the brain and spinal cord
effort effort
effusion escape of fluid into the tissue
effusion pleural effusion
EHL electrohydraulic lithotrypsy *disintegrating a stone*
EIPV Enhanced-Potency Inactivated Polio Vaccine
ejaculatory duct duct formed by the union of the vas deferens with the duct of the seminal vesicle; it's fluid is carried into the urethra
ejection fraction measurement of volume percentage of left ventricular contects ejected with each contraction
ejection fraction  
ekaza *s/l* ECASA (enteric-coated aspirin)
EKG Electrocardiogram
EKG readings 12 leads are: aVR, aVL, aVF, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6 *s/l AV, LV5 and 6 = aVL, V5, and V6*
EL 10 *DHEA* immunomodulator  
elastic recoil ability of the lung to 'snap back' at the end of inspiration.
elecampane herbal medicine
electrocardiogram *ECG or EKG* Electrocardiogram *ECG or EKG* - a record of the electrical activity of the heart; it records electical impulses preceding contraction of the heart muscle. [Procedure: ECG]
electrocautery use of an instrument heated by electric current *cautery* to coagulate bleeding areas by burning the tissue *e.g. to sear a blood vessel*
electrodesiccation use of short, high frequency, electric currents to destroy tissue by drying-the active electrode makes direct contact with the skin lesion
electroencephalogram EEG test/procedure for nervous system
electrolytes electrolytes=140, 3.9, 23 or preferrably electrolytes: sodium 140, potassium 3.9, CO2 23
electrolytes measurement of the level of specific ions *sodium, potassium, CO2, and chloride* in the blood; electrolyte balance is essential for normal metabolism
electromeningeal *s/l* leptomeningeal
electromyogram *EMG* a neurodiagnostic graphic record of the electrical activity of muscle at rest and during contraction to diagnose neuromusculoskeletal disorders *e.g. muscular dystrophy*
embarrassment to impede the function of; to obstruct
embolectomy incision into an artery for the removal of an embolus
embolism the sudden blocking of an artery by an embolus carried to the site by the blood flow.
embolus travelling clot
embryo developing organism from fertilization to the end of the eigth week
emesis vomiting
EMG electromyogram
emia blood
emiotherapy not correct - try immunotherapy
emiscontin *s/l* drug - MS Contin
emphysan to expand
emphysema a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease characterized by dilation and destruction of alveoli leading to large air spaces, decreased elastic recoil and air trapping. Emphysema is one of two conditions which present as a singular disease called COPD; the other is chronic bronchitis. [JHEncy]
emphysematous emphysematous
emphysematous changes  
empirical antibiotic using an antibiotic before the culture has grown out a specific bacteria; this is then changed if the organism is not sensitive to the antibiotic used
empyema accumulation of pus in the pleural cavity
empyema empyema
Enbrel *entanercept* drug for rheumatoid arthritis
encapsulate within little box
encephal brain
encephalitis inflammation of the brain
encephalopathy, Wernicke's vitamin B1 *thiamin* deficiency, cause of dementia
end- within
end expiratory wheezes  
end inspiratory wheezes  
end respiratory wheezes  
endarterectomy to remove plaque and restore circulation
andarterectomy *s/l* endarterectomy; coring of the lining of an artery to clear a blockage caused by a clot or artherosclerotic plaque build-up
enderstein dion level *s/l* androsterenedione
endocarditis inflammation of the lining of the heart
endocardium membrane lining the cavities of the heart
endolymph fluid within the labyrinth of the ear
endomethazine *s/l* indomethacin
endometrial stripe  
endometriitis inflammation of the endometrium
endometriosis condition characterized by migration of portions of the edmometrial tissue outide the uterine cavity
endometrium lining of the uterus that is shed approximately every 28-30 days in the non-pregnant female during menstruation
endorectal *transrectal* sonogram of the prostate scan of the prostate made after introducing an ultrasonic transducer ito the rectum-also used to guide needle biopsy
endoscope instrument of examination within
endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography endoscopic procedure including x-ray fluoroscopy; also known as esophagogastrodueodenoscopy *EGD* or panendoscopy
endoscopy examination with a body cavity with a flexible endoscope for diagnosis or treatment; used in the gastrointestinal tract to detect abnormalities and perform procedures such as a biopsy, excision of lesions, dilation of narrowed areas, removal of a swallowed object
endosteum membrane lining the medullary cavity of a bone
endotracheal anesthesia  
endotracheal intubation passage of a tube into the trachea via the nose or mouth to open the airway for delivering gas mixtures to the lungs
endotracheal tube *ET* a tube which by which a patient is connected to a respirator, it's inserted through the patient's mouth or nose, passes through the throat *and vocal cords*, and into the air passages. The patient will be unable to speak while the tube is in place.
endovaginal sonogram ultrasound image of the uterus
endovascular surgery interventional procedures performed at the time of cardiac catheterization
end-stage emphysema end-stage refers to the patient for whom the damage to their lungs has reached a stage where symptoms severey affect their quality of life and has begun to affect other organs, such as the heart. Drugs, progressive exercise programs, oxygen, lung reduction surgery, and ultimately lung transplants are considered in a step-wise fashion to maximise the oxygen delivery from what lung tissue remains." [definition provided by Donald R. McGee, MD]
end-stage organ disease a disease that ultimately leads to functional organ failure. Examples: emphysema *lungs*, cardiomyopathy *heart*, and polycystic kidney disease *kidneys*.
English plantain allergen
ENT Ear, Nose & Throat
entanercept *Enbrel* drug for rheumatoid arthritis
enter intestine
enter- small intestine
enteritis inflammation of the small intestine
enterocele also rectocele, cystocele
enterocele pouching sac of peritoneum between the vagina and rectum
entroconan *s/l* troponin
entroitus *s/l* introitus
entropion inward turning of the rim of the eyelid
enureses, nocturnal bed wetting during sleep
enuresis to void urine; involuntary discharge of urine, most often refers to a lack of bladder control
enzyme chemical that speeds up reactions between substances
EOMI extraocular movements intact
eosinophils leukocytes that are likely to be elevated in response to severe nasal allergy
e-out or away  
epi upon
epicardium membrane forming the outer layer of the heart
Epicoccum allergen
epidermal pertaining to upon the skin
epidermal tumors skin tumors arising from the epidermis
epidermis thin, cellular outer layer of the skin
epididym epididymis
epididymectomy removal of the epididymis
epididymis coiled duct on top and at the side of the testis that stores sperm before emission
epididymis singular - empididymides=plural
epididymitis inflammation of the epididymis
epididymus cordlike structure within the scrotum
epigastric also midepigastric
epigastric region upper middle region below the sternum
epigastrium structure upon the stomach
epiglottis a lid-like structure that covers the larynx during swallowing to prevent food from entering the airway
epilepsy disorder affecting the central nervous system characterized by recurrent seizures
epiloia tuberous sclerosis, characteristically includes hamartomas of the glial tissues of the brain
epinecheal *s/l* eponychial
epinephrine affect sympathetic nervous system in stress response
epinephrine, racemic  
epiphora abnormal overflow of tears caused by blockage of the lacrimal duct
epiphyseal plate growth center at end of bone
epiphysis wide ends of a long bone
epiphysitis inflammation of epiphyseal regions of the long bone
episi- vulva *opening*
episiotomy incision of the perineum to facilitate delivery
epispadias urethral opening on the upper surface of the penis
epitaxis nosebleed
epithelium cells covering external and internal surfaces of the body
Epogen injection used for treatment of anemia, usually from chronic renal insufficiency
epthoid sinus *s/l* ethmoidal sinus
equivocal vauge, questionable
ER emergency room
erect position normal standing position
ergometer bicycle
erosion to knaw away; loss of superficial epidermis leaving an area of moisture but no bleeding
erosive osteoarthritis  
erthyemanous this is wrong - use erythematous
eructation belch
eruption appearance of a lesion on the skin
eryth red
erythema redness of the skin produced by congestion of the capillaries
erythematous redness or inflammation of the skin *see erythema*
erythr red
erythroblastosis fetalis disorder that results from the imcompatibility of a fetus with an Rh positive blood factor and a mother who if Rh negative, causing red blood cell destruction in the fetus - necessitates a blood transfusion to save the fetus
erythrominodosin *s/l* erythema nodosum
erythromycin antibiotic
erythropoietin drug used for people with low hematocrits; chronic renal failure
escutcheon normal hair pattern
esophag- esophagus
esophageal varices swollen, twisted veins in the esophagus especially susceptible to ulceration and hemorrhage
esophagitis inflammation of the esophagus
esophagogastrodueodenoscopy *EGD* endoscopic procedure including x-ray fluoroscopy; also known as panendoscopy
esophagoplasty repair of the esophagus
esophagoscopy examination of the esophagus with an esophagoscope
esophagus muscular tube that moves food from the pharynx to the stomach
esophogeal pertaining to the esophagus
esotropia right or left eye deviates inward toward the nose
esthesi- sensation
estimated date of confinement expected date of delivery of baby - usually 280 days or 40 weeks from date of conception
estrabusiness *s/l* strabismus re: EENT
estradiol estrogen produced by the ovaries
estro- female
estrogen hormone responsible for the development & maintenance of secondary female sex characteristics
ESWL translate when ESWL is dictated
ET endotracheal tube
et scan *s/l* PET scan * *positive emmission tomography*
Ethilon *suture* nylon suture *example: repaired using 4-0 Ethilon X 4*
ethmo- sieve-like
etiology all the causes of a disease or abnormal condition
etnol oral antibiotic *s/l* empirical antibiotic
ETOH ethly alcohol
eye-uritis *s/l* arteritis
eu- normal
eucalyptus leaf herbal medicine
eugenic pertaining to good condition
eu-good or normal  
eupnea normal breathing
eustachian obstruction blockage of the eustachian tube usually as a result of infection; as in otitis media
eustachian tube tube connecting the middle ear to the pharynx *throat*
Euthroid drug
euthyroid thyroid gland is functioning normally
evacuation of subdural hematoma removal of accumulation of blood in the space below the dura of the brain
eversion turning outward
evoked potentials test/procedure for nervous system
exacerbation increase in severity of a disease with aggravation of symptoms
exanthema eruption
exanthematous eruption of the skin caused by a viral disease
excise to cut out
excisional biopsy *Bx* removal of an entire lesion for pathological examination
excoriation abrasion from scratching
exidy *s/l* exudate
exo- outside
exocrin gland pancreas
exocrine denoting secretion outside
exogenous obesity  
exophthalmus protrusion of one or both eyeballs, often because of thyroid dysfunction or a tumor behind the eyeball
exostosis a projection arising from a bone that develops from cartilage
exostosis bony browth from surface of bone
exotropia right or left eye deviates outward away from the nose
expansile gas  
expectorant a drug that breaks up mucus and promotes coughing
expectorant coughing up and spitting out of material from the lungs
expectoration expectoration
expiration breathing out; exhaling
expiratory expiratory
Expiratory Reserve Volume *ERV* Expiratory Reserve Volume *ERV* - maximal amount of air that can be expired starting at Functional Residual Capacity *FRC*.
expiratory time expiratory time
extant same as "existing", ex: in light of his extant coronary disease
extension straightening at the joint so that the angle between the bones is increased
extensive mechanism realignment *s/l* extensor mechanism realignment
extensor digitorum cummunis  
extensor mechanism realigment  
external auditory canal external passage for sounds collected from the pinna to the tympanum
extra- outside
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenator *ECMO* Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenator *ECMO* - a device that acts as an artificial lung, oxygenating the blood that passes through it from the patient's blood vessels.
extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy *ESWL* procedure using ultrasound to penetrate the body from outside and bombard and diintegrate a stone within
extracranial MRA megnetic resonance image of the neck to visualize the carotid artery
extradural defect  
extravascular pertaining to outside vessel
extremis meaning at the point of death
exudate Exudate - the material composed of serum, fibrin and white blood cells in variable amounts that escapes from blood vessls into a superficial lesion
eye grounds  
eye instillation introduction of a medicated solution into the eye
eye irrigation washingof the eye with water or other fluid
eye trocar used to help isolate the eye from its surrounding structures so that anesthesia can be instilled
eyebright herb herbal medicine
eyelid *palpebra* moveable protective fold that opens and closes, covering the eye

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