My So-called Dictionary/Word List

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I put this list together as a student, so you will see some things in here that are quite simple. You will also see some words with *s/l* beside them. These are sound-alikes. I put them in the list, the way it sounded to me, then in the right column I entered the word the way it should be, or entered a possible alternative. There are prefixes, suffixes, drugs, abbreviations,etc. Some words have definitions, some do not. Please let me know if you run across any errors and I will correct them.


Word or Root Definition
F fahrenheit
faint syncope
fallopian tubes *uterine tubes* tubes extending from each side of the uterus toward the ovary that provide a passage for ova to the uterus
fannensteil incision see Pfannensteil incision
fanninstile *s/l* Pfannensteil
far-point vision  
fasci- fasia *a band*
fascia a band; a sheet of fibrous connective tissue that covers, supports, and separates muscle
fascioscrapulohumeral dystrophy  
fasting blood sugar *FBS* measurement of blood sugar level after a fast of 12 hours
fatty SFA disease fatty superficial femoral artery disease
fauces the opening that leads from the mouth and into the oropharynx
FBS fasting blood sugar
FDA Food & Drug Administration
featureless okay but might be fissureless
febrile relating to a fever
fecal lift *s/l* see fecalith
feces another word for stool
FEF Forced Expiratory Flow
FEFMAX Forced Expiratory Flow at Maximum Effort
Feldene drug
femor- femur
femoral artery  
femoral embolectomy performed to remove blood clots
femoral pulse  
femoral-popliteal bypass surgical treatment for anteriosclerotic disease of the femoral artery
femur longest bone in the body
fennel seed herbal medicine
fentanyl patch a pain reliever
fenugreek seed herbal medicine
feochromocytoma *s/l* pheochromocytoma
Feosol for iron deficiency
ferilin *s/l* discharge purulent discharge
ferre to bear
ferritin lab test
Ferrlecit *sodium ferric gluconate* drug for iron deficiency anemia
Ferro-Sequels OTC iron supplement
ferrosulfate *s/l* ferrous sulfate
ferro-sulfate *s/l* ferrous sulfate
ferrous sulfate  
fetal monitoring use of an electronic device for simultaneous recording of fetal heart rate and uterine contractions
fetoscope placed on the abdomen to auscultate fetal heart tones
fetus developing organism from the ninth week to birth
FEV1 FEV1: forced expiratory volume in one second
FEV1 Forced Expiratory Volume in one second
FEV1/FVC ratio  
FEV1:FVC ratio FEV1:FVC ratio *forced expiratory volume in one second to forced vital capacity ratio*
feverfew herb herbal medicine
FH family history
FIAC *fiacitabine* -- antiviral  
FIAU *fialuridine* -- antiviral  
fibr- fiber
fibrillation chaotic, irregular contractions of the heart as in atrial or ventricullar flutter
fibroadenoma benign solid tumor of the breast that is firm, spherical, measures 1 to 5 cm in diameter and typically occurs in younger women
fibrocalcific residuals  
fibrocystic breasts benign condition of the breast consisting of fibrous and cystic changes that render the tissue more dense - patient feels painfull lumps that fluctuate with menstrual periods
fibroid benign tumor in the uterus somposed of smooth mucle and fibrous connective tissue
fibromyalgia syndrome of musculoskeletal pain, weakness, and fatigue
fibromyoma benign tumor in the uterus somposed of smooth mucle and fibrous connective tissue
fibromyomata submucous fibromyomata
fibronodular infiltrate  
Fibrosing alveolitis Fibrosing alveolitis
fibrosis Fibrosis - a condition marked by relative increase in formation of interstitial fibrous tissue in any organ or region of the body *scar tissue is fibrous*
fibrous pertaining to fiber
fibulo- pertaining to the smaller leg bone
ficart classification *s/l* Ficat *re: x-ray*
Ficat classification re: x-ray
fido estrogens *s/l* phytoestrogens
fimbriae finger-like ends of fallopian tubes
findings *s/l* may be fine needle
fine and gross manipulations  
fine needle aspiration  
fine-needle biopsy  
finger cot  
first dorsal interosseous  
fiscolitis *s/l* vasculitis.
fissure cracking, splitting, grooving
fistula abnormal passage such as from one hollow organ to another
fistula, rectovaginal abnormal opening between the vagina and rectum
fistula, vesicovaginal abnormal opening between the bladder and vagina
Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome a complication of gonorrhea in women, marked by fever and right upper quandrant pain
Fitzucurtis *s/l* Fitz-Hugh-Curtis
fl oz fluid ounce
flaccid flabby, relaxed, or having defective or absent muscle tone
flagellum hair like process on sperm cell that makes it motile
flank the posterior portion of the body between thr ribs and the ileum - sometimes associated with the kidney
flank incision used to gain access to the retroperitoneal space to perform a nephrostomy
flash pulmonary edema NOT fast pulmonary edema
flatulence gas in the stomach or intestines
flatus a blowing
flatus gas expelled per rectum
Fleets enemas Brand - capitalize
flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy
flexion bending at the joint so that the angle between the bones is decreased *bending a limb*
flora microorganisms that line on or within a body to compete with disease-producing microorganisms and provide natural immunity against certain infections
Florasine *s/l* Thorazine *for hiccups*
Florescine testing color staining the eyes for scratches on the cornea
Florinef drug
flow volume loop  
FLT *fluorothymidine* -- antiviral  
fluconazale *Diflucan* antifungal agent
fluctuance white
fluid fluid levels this is correct *fluid twice* typed fluid-fluid levels
Fluimucil *acetylcysteine* -- immunomodulator  
fluorescein, fluorescein staining drops for eyes
fluorescein angiography visualization and photgraphy of retinal and choroidal vessels made as fluorescein dye, which is injected into a vein, circulates through the eye
fluorescent antibody testing done to diagnose sexually transmitted diseases
fluoroscopy x-ray using a fluorescent screen to visualize structures in motion, such as during a barium swallow
Flutter® Tradename for a mucus clearance device
focal dystonic process of the tongue  
focal muscle atrophy  
Folkerson procedure *s/l* Fulkerson procedure (ortho)
Foley catheter most often used for indwelling urethral catheter
follicle-stimulating hormone *FSH* initiates growth of the ovarian follicle; stimulates secretion of estrogen in females and sperm production in males
follicular adenoma  
follicular cyst  
folliculitis skin problem
Folstein Mini-Mental State Exam phychiatric exam
foramen opening in bones where vessels enter and exit
forangiomalacia *s/l* try full range and motion
Forced Expiratory Flow *FEF* a flow rate measurement of how much air can be expired from the lungs
Forced Expiratory Ratio in 1st second FEV1/FVC%
Forced Expiratory Volume *FEV1* the amount of air expired in one second during the test for vital capacity
forced vital capacity FVC
Forced Vital Capacity *FVC*  
forceps, low  
fornice recess formed between the vaginal wall and cervix
forsimax *s/l* Forsamax (drug for osteoporosis
fossa shallow bone cavity
fossas, or fossae tonsillar fossas
Fo-Ti herbal medicine
fovea centralis pin point depression in the center of the macula lutea that is the site of sharpest vision
fracture broken or cracked bone
fracture line line made by broken bone *e.g., oblique, spiral, or transverse*
fracture, closed broken bone with no open wound
fracture, comminuted broken in many little pieces
fracture, comminution presence of more than 2 fractures
fracture, complex a displaced fracture that requires manipulation or surgery to repair
fracture, greenstick one side of the bone is broken, the other bent
fracture, open compound fracture; broken bone with open wound
fracture, simple a nondisplaced fracture involving one fracture line that does not require extensive treatment to repair *e/g/, hairline Fx, stress Fx, or a crack*
FRC FRC - Functional Residual Capacity - volume of air remaining in the lung after a normal
fremitus, vocal vibration felt by the examiner when a patient speaks
frenotomy incision in the frenulum
frenulotomy incision in the frenulum
frenulum small fold of integument mucous membrane that checks, curbs, or limits movement of an organ or part such as under the tongue
frenulum pureputii penis fold on the lower surface of the glans penis that connects it to the prepuce
frontal tympanic discomfort  
frozen section *FS* a surgical method involving cutting a thin piece of tissue from a frozen specimen for immediate pathological examination
FSH follicle-stimulating hormone
FTA-ABS test used to identify the organism that causes syphilis
fulguration to lighten; use of a long, high-frequency, electric sparks to destroy tissue, the active elctrode does not touch the skin
Fulkerson procedure ortho term
full range and motion  
functional residual capacity *FRC* functional residual capacity *FRC*
fundus upper portion of the uterus above the entry to the uterine tubes
fundus *base* interior surface of the eyeball including the retina, optic disc, macula, and posterior pole *curvature of the back of the eye*
funduscopic eye exam *opthalmic exam*
fungus plural = fungi
funicular repair procedure that surgically rejoins individual severed nerve fibers
furosemide therapy  
furuncle boil; an painful nodule formed on the skin by inflammation originating in a hair follicle caused by staphylococcois
Fusarium allergen
FVC Forced Vital Capacity
FVL: flow volume loop  
Fx fracture

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