My So-called Dictionary/Word List

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I put this list together as a student, so you will see some things in here that are quite simple. You will also see some words with *s/l* beside them. These are sound-alikes. I put them in the list, the way it sounded to me, then in the right column I entered the word the way it should be, or entered a possible alternative. There are prefixes, suffixes, drugs, abbreviations,etc. Some words have definitions, some do not. Please let me know if you run across any errors and I will correct them.


Word or Root Definition
d day
D&C dilatation and curettage
dacry- tear
dacryoadenitis inflammation of the lacrimal gland
dacryocystitis inflammation of the tear sac
dacryocystorhinostomy creation of a new, larger opening between the lacrimal sac and nasal sinus
dactyl- digit *finger or toe*
Dakin solution for wound care
Dalmane drug
damiana leaf herbal medicine
dandelion leaf & root herbal medicine
Darvocet drug
data wave *s/l* theta wave
DC discontinue
DC, D/C discharged, discontinued
d-cells *s/l* decelerations
ddC or Hivid *zalcitabin*  
ddl or Videx *didanosine*  
deafness general term for partial or complete hearing loss
debridement removal of dead tissue from a wound or burn site to promote healing and prevent infection
Decadron drug
decapitate separation of the head from the body
decerebrate posturing herbal medicine
deciduated *s/l* deciduoid
deciduoid serous surface papillomas with a secretory endometrium with deciduoid reaction
decilitre dL
decreased breath sounds  
decubitus horizontal position - as lying on one side
decubitus ulcer bedsore
deep end or deep ended *s/l* could be dependent
deep tendon reflexes DTR biceps, triceps, brachioradials
deep vein thrombosis *DVT* formation of a clot in a deep vein of the body, occurring most often in the femoral and iliac veins
defecation evacuation of feces from the rectum
deferens carrying away
defibrillation termination of ventricular fibrillation by delivery of an electrical stimulus to the heart, most commonly by applying alectrodes to the defibrillator externally to the chest wall but can be performed internally at the time of open heart surgery or via an implanted device.
defibrillator device that delivers the electrical stimulus in defibrillation
defibrillator used to convert a patient's quivering heart to normal sinus rythym
deflection peeling away or retraction of tissue without removing it
de-from, down, or not  
degeneration gradual deterioration of normal cells and body functions
degenerative arthirtis most common form of arthritis that especially affects weight bearing joints *e.g., knee or hip* characterized by the erosion of articular cartilidge *also refferred to as osteoarthritis arthristis, and degenerative joint disease*
degenerative changes  
degenerative disease any disease in which there is deterioration of structure or function of tissue
degenerative joint disease *DJD* most common form of arthritis that especially affects weight bearing joints *e.g., knee or hip* characterized by the erosion of articular cartilidge *also refferred to as degenerative arthristis, and osteoarthritis*
degludination *s/l* deglutition
deglutition swallowing
Dehap chemotherapy *s/l* DHAP - dihydroxyacetone phosphate (common side effect is hearing loss)
dehydration excessive loss of water from body tissue
déjà vu  
delineate describe in accurate detail
delirium a state of mental confusion due to disturbances in the cerebral function - many causes include fever, shock, or drug overdose
dementia an impairment of intellectual function characterized by memory loss, disorientation, and confusion
democele *s/l* appendocele
Demulen 1/25-28 birth control pills
demyelination deterioration of the myelin sheath
dent- teeth
DEP Department of Environmental Protection
depolarization change of a myocardial cell from a polarized *resting* state to a state of contraction
Depro-Provera contraceptive injection
DeQuervain disease giant cell thyroiditis
derm skin
dermabrasion surgical removal of frozen epidermis, using wire brushes and emery papers to remove scars, tattoos, and/or wrinkles
dermat skin
dermatitis inflammation of the skin characterized by erythema, pruritis and various lesions
dermatome the area of skin supplied by one spinal nerve through both of its rami
dermatosis any disorder of the skin not usually associated with inflammation
dermis dense, fibrous connective tissue layer of the skin
dermoid cyst congenital tumor composed of displaced embryonic tissue *teeth, bone, cartilage, and hair* more commonly found in an ovary; it is usually benign
descensus, uterine  
desclimation *s/l* desquamation of the skin - meaning shedding of the skin like scales
Desferal drug for hemochromatosis
desicco to dry up
desis bound or fused
Desquamative Interstitial Pneumonitis *DIP* Desquamative Interstitial Pneumonitis *DIP* - early stage of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. [VHosp]
destination *s/l* festination
detinerary *s/l/* deep tendon
Devonex cream gen = calcipotriene
DEXA scan  
Dexedrine amphetamine for ADD
dextr right or on right side
dextrous skillful & confident with the hands
DH x-ray *s/l* PA lateral chest x-ray
DHAP chemotherapy dihydroxyacetone phosphate
dia- across or through
Diabeta drug
diabetes- passing through
diabetes insipidus insufficient secretion of vasopressin
diabetes mellitus diagnosis made when fasting blood sugar is consistently over 140, and/or random blood sugars are consistently elevated above 180
diabetes mellitus metabolic disorder caused by an abnormal utilization of insulin secreted by the pancreas evidenced by hyperglycemia and glycosuria
diabetic retinopathy disease of the retina in diabetics characterized by capillary leakage, bleeding, and new vessel formation leading to scarring and loss of vision
diagnoses plural
diagnosis determination of the presence of a disease, based on evaluation of symptoms, signs, etc.
dialysate cleansing fluid used in peritoneal dialysis
dialysis dissolution across or through a membrane
dialyzer specialized filter of the artificial kidney
Diamox drug
diapermidia *s/l* dipyridamole
diaphor profuse sweating
diaphoresis sweating
diaphoretic profuse sweating
diaphoro profuse sweating
diaphragm a dome shaped muscle above the abdomen and below the lungs. When it contracts it creates negative pressure within the chest allowing air to be drawn into the lungs. [JHEncy]
diaphysis shaft of a long bone
diareesed *s/l* diuresed (as in diuresis)
diarrhea frequent loose or liquid stools
diastole to expand; period in the cardiac cycle when blood enters the relaxed ventricles from the atria
diastolic component  
diclofenac *Voltaren* NSAID
Dicyclomine for stomach disorders such as peptic ulcers, pancreatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, diverticulitis
didymus *s/l* edematous or epididymus
Diffuse Alveolar Disease *DAD* - See IPF Diffuse Alveolar Disease *DAD* - See IPF
Diffuse infiltrative pulmonary disease Diffuse infiltrative pulmonary disease
diffusely ex: abdomen soft, diffusely tender *not profusely*
diffusion Diffusion - movement of oxygen or carbon dioxide across the membrane of the alveoli
Diflucan *fluconozale* antifungal agent
dig. digoxin or digitalis
digital rectal exam *DRE* insertion of a finger into the male rectum to palpate the rectum and prostate
digoxin drug
diisocyanate see TDI
Dilantin Infatabs  
dilation and curettage *D&C* dilation of the cervix and scraping of the endometrium to control bleeding, obtain tissue for biopsy, or remove polyps or products of conception
diminished breath sounds  
dimpled skin referred to as: puau d'orange
diopters 18 prism diopters re: EENT
DIP Desquamative Interstitial Pneumonitis *DIP* - early stage of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. [VHosp]
diphtheria diphtheria
diplopia double vision
Diprolene for psoriasis
dips- thirst
dipso- thirst
diptheria infection of respiratory tract wuth Corynebacterium
dis- separate from or apart
disc margins  
disc or disk a flat plate-like structure composed of fibrocartilaginous tissue found between the vertabrae to reduce friction
discectomy *diskectomy* removal of a herniated disk
discogenic disco=disk shaped, genic = causing, forming, producing
discoid atelectasis  
disk plate-like structure between vertebrae
disk space narrowing  
disks of the eyes  
dislocation displacement of bones at joint
dismargins *s/l* disc margins
distal away from the midline
distance visual acuity a measure of the ability to see the details and shape of identifiable objects from a specified distance
distant breath sounds  
distoral *s/l* Desferal (for hemochromatosis
Ditropan XL *oxybutynin chloride* drug for overactive bladder
diuretic a drug that increases the secretion of urine commonly prescribed in treating hypertension
diverticulitis inflammation of the diverticula
diverticulosis presence of the diverticula in the gastrointestinal tract, especially the bowel
diverticulum a by-way; an abnormal side-pocket in the gastrointestinal tract usually related to lack of dietary fiber
Dix-Hallpike maneuver maneuver for vertigo, also known has Hallpike
dL or dl decilitre
DLCO diffuse capacity of lungs for carbon monoxide *DLCO*
DLCO Diffusing Capacity of Carbon Monoxide
DNA *s/l* could also be ANA
Dobbhoff type of feeding tube
Dock-Plantain allergen
dome of the talus  
dong quai root herbal medicine
Doppler not doppler - capitalize
Doppler sonography ultrasound technique used to evaluate blood flow to determine the presence of a deep vein thrombosis or carotid insufficiency, or flow through the heart, chambers, valves, etc
dorsal kyphosis  
dorsal lithotomy position  
dorsal nose  
dorsi- behind or in back of
dorsiflexion bending of the toes or foot upward
Dostinex antiparkinsonian agent, also a treatment for galactorrhea
double myuric aneurysm *s/l* abdominal aortic aneurysm
double strength in drugs is typed DS
double-armed suture where one needle is attached to each end of a suture length
double-J stent double-j stent
double-lumen Hohn catherter  
double-lumen home catheter *s/l* double-lumen Hohn catherter
Douglas cul-de-sac of Douglas
Douglas, pouch of cul-de-sac
downgoing one word
doxipin *s/l* doxapine
doxycycline drug
dr dram
drawer sign  
DS in drugs means double strength
DSS stool softener
DTR deep tendon reflexes
DTR responses 1+ diminished, 2+ normal, 3+ more brisk than average, 4+ hyperactive response
dual cystic  
Duarte double heterozygote  
Duchenne's muscular dystrophy most common type of muscular dystrophy
ductile carcinoma *s/l* ductal carcinoma
Dukes C colon cancer also Dukes A, B1, B2, C2, etc.
duoden- duodenum
duodenal ulcer ulcer located in the duodenum
duodenum first portion of the small intestine where most chemical digestion takes place
dura mater the outermost and most fibrous of the three membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord
DVT deep vein thrombosis - a clot in the vein
Dx diagnosis
Dyazide drug
dynia pain
dys painful or difficult
dysentery inflammation of the intestine characterized by frequent bloody stools; most often caused by bacteria or protozoa
dyskeratotic a condition of abnormal or premature keratinization of epithelial cells
dysmennorrhea painful menstruation
dyspareunia painful intercourse *coitus*
dyspepsia indigestion
dyspeptic indigestion
dysphagia G difficulty swallowing
dysphasia difficulty speaking
dysphonia condition of difficult voice or speech
dysplasia faulty formation
dysplastic nevus a mole with precancerous changes
dyspnea difficult or painful breathing
dyspneic dyspneic
dyspneic realting to painful or difficult beathing
dystocia painful and difficult labor
dystonic process of the tongue  
dysuria painful or difficult urination
dysuria painful urination

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