
Basic Tying
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Salmon and
Steelhead Hooks
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Dennis Dickson Stories and Tying Instructions
Confessions of a Fishing Guide: The Bunny Intruder
by Dennis Dickson
Jan-Feb 2010)
Dickson's Lights Out
by Dennis Dickson (Sept-Oct 2009)
The Mono Loop Queets River G.P.
by Dennis Dickson (May-Jun 2009)
'Just keep reeling Bette'
- A Tarpon Story
by Dennis Dickson (Jan-Feb 2009)
The Rolled Muddler
by Dennis Dickson (Sep-Oct 2008)
Dickson's Crystal Caddis
by Dennis Dickson (Jul-Aug 2008)
Dickson's Cop Car
by Dennis Dickson (May-Jun 2008)
Other Articles
The Bear Encounter
by Ard Stetts (June 2013)
"Return to the Grande Ronde",
by Steve Burke (October 2012)
"A New Method to Tie Articulated Flies",
by Alan Shepherd (October 2012)
"Rainbows on a Bead-Head Wooly Bugger",
by Steve Burke (May 2012)
"Pitcroy Fancy Spey From My Vise",
by William Lovelace (Jan 2012)
"Project Healing Waters Holds 2-Fly Contest
For Veterans",
by Steve Burke (Aug 2011)
"Sometimes You Have to Work With What You've Got",
by Ard Stetts for
The Real Skinny (Feb 2011)
My Trip to Yellowstone and Fishing the Woven Nymph
by Lawrence Finney (Dec 2010)
Tips and Techniques from Dr. David Burns
Dr David Burns (Dec 2010)
Fly Fishing The Grande Ronde with Dennis Dickson
by Steve Burke (Oct 2010)
A Simple Approach to Flies for Alaskan Salmon in August
by Dr John Glaspy (Jan-Feb 2009)
Tying The Intruder
by Steve Burke (Mar-Apr 2008)
Creativity in Fly Tying: Varying the Approach to Tying the
Same Fly with Different Materials and Styles
by William Lovelace (Mar-Apr 2008)
Articulated Fly Patterns: Where did they come from? How do you tie them?
by Steve Burke (1999)
"Russian Bullets – Tube Fly
by Stuart
Anderson (May-Jun 2010)
"Intruders – Tube Fly
by Stuart
Anderson (May-Jun 2010)
"The Black Dog Mystery",
by Andrew Marshall (May-Jun 2010)
"A Trio of Long Tails From Schaadt",
by Dean Endress (Mar-Apr 2010)
"Favorite Flies, Fly Shops, and Rivers",
by William Lovelace (Mar-Apr 2010)
"FISH ON! Now What?",
by Ard Stetts for
The Real Skinny (Mar-Apr 2010)
The Go To Box of Dr. David Burns
Steve Burke with extracts from D. Burns emails (Jan-Feb 2010)
"A Late Autumn Day in Alaska",
by Ard Stetts for
The Real Skinny (Jan-Feb 2010)
"Tube Flies on a Tube Steak Budget!",
by William Lovelace (Jan-Feb 2010)
"New Favorite Flies for Chum Salmon",
by Steve Burke (Jan-Feb 2010)
"Favorite Flies",
by William Lovelace (Nov-Dec 2009)
"And They Say Salmon Won’t Hit a Fly",
by Steve Burke (Nov-Dec 2009)
"Favorite Contributor Flies",
by Steve Burke (Nov-Dec 2009)
"It Isn’t Always Pretty",
by Ard Stetts for
The Real Skinny (Nov-Dec 2009)
What Can I Say About Blondes,
by William Lovelace
(Sept-Oct 2009)
Salties from Way Down Under,
by Bob Frandsen (Sept-Oct 2009)
"Fishing with the Bears",
by Ard Stetts for The Real Skinny (Sept-Oct 2009)
"Lying in Wait",
by Ard Stetts for The Real Skinny (Jul-Aug 2009)
A Day on Puget Sound, Sea-Run Cutthroat, and Salt Water Flies,
by William Lovelace (Jul-Aug 2009)
Flies and Tips from Stevie Munn with a Special Tribute to Scotty Howell,
by Stevie Munn (Jul-Aug 2009)
Matukas - The Aussie Connection,
by Bob Frandsen (Jul-Aug 2009)
The Evolution of the Answer
by Ard Stetts (May-Jun 2009)
The Flies of New Zealand - The Kiwi Collection by
William Lovelace (May-Jun 2009)
"How Bout Them Kings" by Ard Stetts (May-Jun 2009)
Tying Flies to Catch Fish First
Mark Willigar (May-Jun 2009)
Feather Wing Streamer Flies - A Brief History,
by Ard Stetts (Mar-Apr 2009)
Underwood's Decorative Wooden Flies, A Profile (Nov-Dec 2008)
Fly Fishing the Estuaries, Tidal Waters, and Open Ocean for Pacific Salmon
by Steve Burke (Sep-Oct 2008)
Marc's Tidal Strategy, The Man Behind the Fly
by Selim Hassan (Sep-Oct 2008)
Summer Steelhead
by Dr. David Burns (Jul-Aug 2008)
Summer Steelhead Fly Fishing
by Steve Burke (Jul-Aug 2008)
Choosing a Fly Rod: Fly Rod Action by Steve Burke (2007)
Choosing a Fly Rod: Fly Rod Weight by Steve Burke (2007)
Choosing a Fly Rod: Fly Rod
Materials by Steve Burke (2007)
Salmon and Steelhead Fly Tying Hooks by Steve Burke (2007)
Sea-Run Cutthroat Flies by Preston Singletary (2002)
Salmon Spawn and Other Egg Imitations by Steve Burke (2001)
Woodward Alevin and Other Imitations by Steve Burke (2001)
Dave's Fry Fly and Other Fry Imitations by Steve Burke (2001)
Cased Caddis and Other Caddisfly Imitations by Steve Burke (2001)
The Art of Articulation: Simplified Stingers by Don Johnson (2000)
Articulated Fly Patterns: Where did they come from?
How do you tie them? by Steve Burke (1999)
Favorite Flies Series
Favorite Flies
Favorite Flies Series
by Steve Burke and William LovelaceReviews
Salmonfly.Net Reviews - Issue 1- Book Review of
Steelhead Country, Angling in Northwest Waters
by Steve Raymond.
Salmonfly.Net Reviews - Issue 2 -
Website Review of
from Tide High and Low, Inc.
Salmonfly.Net Reviews - Issue 3 - Ezine Review of
Catch Magazine the online visuals experience from Brian O'Keefe and Todd Moen.