Edge of Nowhere
Edge of Nowhere
Why call this page Edge of Nowhere?
Acting in Haste, Repenting at Leisure Not everything goes the way you want it, but sometimes you may get a second chance
Adventures in Babysitting Time in the holodeck with Miral
All's Fair In Love and Pencils A graffiti artist is on the loose. Can s/he help Janeway find her way?
As It Should Be A resident of the USS Enterprise can see how things should be, and it's not how they currently are
At the End of the Evening At the end of a long day Chakotay does something nice for Kathryn.
A Battle Won Evening activities for the senior crew. BYOP (Bring Your Own Pillow)
Benji Love comes in many forms
Boosting Morale Neelix’s latest home brew has a strange effect on the crew, including himself
Broken/Mended With Kathryn injured on an away mission with him, Chakotay has to take charge of the situation, while keeping his own fears at bay.
Callin' My Name "It's the sound of your voice, callin' my name"
A Can to Remember A young boy has a gift for a Starfleet Academy graduate
The Captain and Mistress Kathryn Visitors to Voyager cause an interesting situation.
Coffee and Computers Don't Mix A problem for the Captain
The Confession a drabble - diplomacy and something else.
Cooking Up Trouble Kathryn’s loose in the kitchen, but it’s all for a good reason!
Daughter A daughter's reflections
Dinner Date A series of padd messages between the commanding officers of Voyager
Dinner Party The commanding officers host a dinner party for friends and family
Dream Walkin' A meeting remembered
A Dress of Any Other Colour In answer to a challenge where Kathryn can wear a dress of any other colour except blue. Chakotay finally tells Kathryn just what he thinks she should be wearing!
Enigma Kathryn Janeway’s thoughts after Chakotay asks a key question in Parallax.
Family Tree Kathryn looks through an old family book
Firing Time Tensions rise on Voyager
For Always There's a wedding.
For the First Time Sometimes life is not how you'd imagined it might be
For the Good of the Ship Chakotay’s away missions are of great importance to Voyager. This stems from a conversation on the JanewayChakotay group and it took off from there. Set during Season 7, I guess you could call it my "Endgame explanation of sorts." I will admit that this is also slightly different for me.
Forwarding Him On Make the craziest wish you can in response to an email forward and perhaps it can come true
Full Circle Endgame... how it should have gone, from Kathryn's POV
Gently Kathryn just wants to change out of Arachnia's costume. Chakotay's stopping her from doing that.
Getting There A camping trip for Kathryn and Chakotay
Ghost in the Machine Strange events on Voyager’s second mission results in a visit from Admiral Janeway
The Gift Drabble - Chakotay doesn’t like birthdays
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow Kathryn goes for a new look.
Heartseeking Kathryn decides the time has come to change the way things are.
How the Deal was Made The Enterprise shower scene, Voyager style
How To Get Stuck in a Turbolift and Still Come Out Winning! Kathryn and Chakotay get stuck in a lift, again. But this time they’re prepared.
Human Frailty One of Kathryn's worst nightmares is being realised and there's nothing she can do about it.
The Icing on the Cake Tom Paris' latest plan backfires most unusually
Just A Date Why is a simple date causing problems onboard Voyager?
Just Another Failed Mission There's another shuttle down, and it has Voyager's commanding officers on board. Now they have to make it through the desert, in enemy territory.
Killing Seven Two drabbles about killing off the borg! Part of the JanewayChakotay challenge - Oh, and for the anti-death-to-Seven faction... I've mellowed a lot since then!
Legend of Drunken Ancestor What is the history behind Chak’s tat?
A Letter from Phoebe Janeway To Her Sister Phoebe Adams, nee Janeway, takes a moment to write to her sister
Lightning Crashes Caught in a Storm
Masterpiece Reflective thoughts by both Kathryn and Chakotay on each other
A Memorable Mission An away mission goes wrong. A JC tale from the view of Lieutenant Tom Paris.
A Moment to Remember The events of Unforgettable prompt Chakotay to write his thoughts down and a conversation with Kathryn as well
Never Leaving Drabble
Nothing to be Scared Of A filler for the episode Nothing Human
One Weekend On a camping trip with Tom and B’Elanna, Chakotay has some news for Kathryn
On Golden Bird An unknown part of Voyager has Chakotay mystified, but it proves to be a vital part in his blossoming relationship with Kathryn.
The Pact After the events of Endgame, Kathryn reminds Chakotay of an agreement that was made some years previously
The Path Chosen A camping trip
The Power of One One ship, one crew, one omnipotent being, and one first officer with a problem on his hands
The Proposal Kathryn’s having problems replacing her original crew for a new mission. Chakotay has a few ideas of his own.
A Quiet Night In All Kathryn wants to do is curl up under a blanket with a good book.
Rebuilding A brief interlude on the planet of Chakotay’s birth
Reflections of the Water After the events of Q2, Kathryn is able to return to her bathtub - alone - to do some thinking.
Regret The end of a relationship means a change in another
Reputations one final scene for the seventh season episode, Q2.
Reuniting Ten years is a long time
Secrets Waiting to be Told An episode addition to The Cloud. The senior staff is gathered at Sandrine’s and Chakotay is finding that he doesn’t know much about his captain at all.
A Sense of History Chakotay’s built quite a collection of objects during his time on Voyager. On their final night onboard, Kathryn and Chakotay come together to sort through it.
Sevryn The repercussions of a transporter malfunction bring to light the holographic program from Human Error.
Shattered... But Not Broken During the events of the episode Shattered, Chakotay finds that it takes more than one attempt to get things right.
The "Something" Series
Something into Nothing
Nothing into Something
Something into Everything
The progression of a relationship
Storm Clouds Clearing Chakotay has made some decisions regarding his life but will Kathryn go along with them?
The Struggle Within Captain Janeway might have found a way home... but there's a strange condition to the deal (my first Voyager fic written)
Taking Home the Medicine Wheel After Voyager returns to the Alpha Quadrant Kathryn has a favour to carry out
Talent Night Consequences of someone’s appearance at Talent Night
A Taste of Leola A Reunion
The Things She'd Do For Coffee Kathryn’s on the coffee hunt... and things are getting desparate
This is the Time A forgotten birthday present brings back memories and regret
A Thousand Miles NEW! A sense of loneliness – set after Voyager’s homecoming. Angst warning.
The Train Just a little problem on Chakotay's home planet, caused by Kathryn
Truth It's Chakotay's birthday but the party isn't the only surprise
To Use or Not To Use An important command decision to be made - a short essay on free speech *g*
Two Baby Fics Written when Sally visited her beta, SaRa... they were challenged - they responded!
The Waiting Room A challenge story involving five items
What it Takes Seventh season Chakotay wonders over his lot in life
When a First Officer Needs to be More Than a Friend Why did Chakotay not put in an appearance in sickbay after Kathryn returned from the Borg cube?
Who Dunnit Harry is dead. Who killed him and how? The crew intend to find out.

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Last update April 18, 2004
All stories copyright © Matteabrit aka Sally McCombs. StarTrek and StarTrek Voyager belong to Paramount.
Voyager HomeWorld: https://www.angelfire.com/trek/matteabrit/Voyager.html