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Around the World Part 4 - Chicago

After a short customs inspired delay, the Oz is finally back with the final (for now) of the around the world supporters club series.

This week MattyOz has touched down in the home town of Capone, Boot leg liquor, Al Bundy & of course Current Blue Hero Brian McBride. Please give a warm Welcome to Dianna Salisbury, Secretary of the Everton Supporters Club North America branch, direct from the windy city of Chicago Illinois. In this edition we shall learn of things such as Breakfast Kick offs, Flowing Coffee & Gingers Alehouse.

First and foremost thank you very much for your time Dianna and to start proceedings Oz is very interested in learning how this American branch of Evertonians came into being? Diana then went on to say that-

“The supporters club started purely by accident. I had just moved back from England and was yearning for some footy, ANY footy. I met up with some friends at Ginger’s to watch an early morning Arsenal match and as I looked up and down the bar, there to my surprise was an Everton plaque next to the cash register. I asked my friends, “Who is the Evertonian?” And just as I said that, Jamie (an ex-pat) comes over and introduces himself! We got talking and he told me that he knew of several other Blues that frequented his bar. I had friends working at the club at the time, so I suggested that we should start a supporter’s club. Well, a year later and it’s starting to gain momentum. We’ve just elected a new Chairman, ex-pat Michael Greaves and we’ve launched a website”,

Outstanding, does this American offshoot have any ambitions, i.e. get togethers etc planned for the future?

“We’re having a mini-summit on March 29 to discuss the direction of the club. One of the topics of discussion will be our ‘Legends Weekend’. We’re hoping to get a player over for a charity dinner and weekend of fun. We’re also going to purchase two season tickets for travelling Blues next season”!

Best of luck with the legends weekend & the season ticket initiative is first-rate. Oz is sure that any visiting American Blues will be indulged, welcomed, and shown an unforgettable experience, by all fellow Toffees. Moving right along How is the club travelling in regards to membership & numbers?

“We have approximately 30 Blues from across the US. That may not seem like a lot, but we are growing. I get at least one new membership form a week, so slowly but surely we will grow”!

Great news, ok then lets get to match days. Can you give us an Idea of who what when & where, Favourite beverages etc?

“We don’t get many EFC matches televised over here, but when we do we’re up for it! If they’re on live (as opposed to tape delayed) the match usually begins at 9:00 am Chicago time, we’re 6 hours behind the UK. Those in the Chicago area meet at Ginger’s Ale House ( Social Secretary, Jamie Hale, owns the pub and is a True Blue! Breakfast is available and the coffee is flowing! Ginger’s shows all Premier League matches available on Fox Sports World and Setanta, so even if the Blues aren’t playing we still have somewhere to go to jeer the redshite! There are a core of about 10 Blues who come to Ginger’s each match day. They are mostly ex-pats with the exception of myself and one other American! Favourite beverages at Ginger’s Ale House include Guinness, Boddington’s and Budweiser. Coffee is best for early matches, though! Other bars that show Premier League matches include Fado and the Abbey Pub. But Ginger’s is the headquarters for the Everton FC Supporters Club-North America.

Gingers alehouse certainly appears the place to be. Regarding EFC what kind of exposure if any does the club receive in your area?

“Prior to Brian McBride joining Everton on loan, EFC was virtually unknown in the Chicago area. But, since Brian is a local boy (he grew up in a suburb of Chicago) he has been profiled in the number one paper in Chicago, The Chicago Tribune. Our only other exposure to Everton is through Fox Sports World and it’s weekly EPL Review Show”.

Thus far Brian certainly has impressed in his short but high impact stay. Can you tell us a little on the popularity the world game obtains in your country & further sports it has to compete with?

“Football is ranked fifth behind (in no particular order) Baseball, Basketball, American Football and Ice Hockey. It’s been said that with the performance in this past summer’s World Cup that soccer is close to overtaking Ice Hockey in TV ratings/numbers. However, soccer is the most played sport in America. Over 18 million kids between the ages of 5-18 play soccer. Almost 5 million adults play some form of soccer (indoor or outdoor)”.

Definitely seems to have the potential to become very mainstream in the not too distant future. What of other Football clubs; are there any noticeable British Clubs whom have a significant Following?

“I’d say the most supported club in the area has to be Arsenal, with LFC and MUFC close runners-up. Celtic has a huge following in the area also”.

And some of the most famous players admired in the states both Everton & non- Everton? Dianna then continued by saying –

“Notable Evertonians that have played for the NASL (North American Soccer League) in the 70s and 80s and MLS (Major League Soccer) from the 90s to the present include Richard Gough, Preki, Paul Rideout, Duncan McKenzie, John Spencer, Joe-Max Moore, Brian McBride. Other greats who have played in the US include Pele, Bobby Moore, Gordon Banks, Johan Cruyff, Franz Beckenbaur and Hristo Stoichkov”.

Indeed some Great names & favourites listed, now what if any EFC concerns does the branch you’re involved in have, and can you give readers an observation on Rooney, Moyes, this season etc.?

“One of our main concerns is the support from EFC. We’d like to see more info about our supporter’s club, as well as those across the globe, on the official team website”. Valid concern, and Rooney? “He’s amazing and I’m looking forward to watching him develop into a world-class player”! & The boss? “I feel the most important thing that David Moyes has done for this team is getting the boys fitness tested. In prior seasons, the team always looked a bit tired and unfit by the 80th minute. This season, with a few exceptions, the boys all look fit and healthy and able to work hard for 90 minutes”.

Yes he certainly has them fit this time around, talking of the players what then of your own personal favourites?

“My current favourite player is David Unsworth. Before that it was Richard Gough. I played in defence as a kid, so I’m always drawn to the defenders”!

Ha you defenders always certainly seem to bond together. Now before we close Diana can you give an insight into your personal Favourite Everton moment?

“I had always heard that you don’t pick a team to support, the team picks you. Well, my favourite moment would have to be the moment I was ‘chosen’ by Everton. It was November 4, 2000. I was studying at the University of Liverpool and my parents came over for a visit. (Now, at the time I was a reds supporter. Prior to moving to Liverpool the only English football I had access to was in 442 or a 90-minute highlights programme on Fox Sports. Liverpool was always on the TV show and seemed to be in every issue of 442. So I chose them as my team.) Anyway, I decided to take my folks to their first ever football match but since the reds were out of town I had to take them to Goodison. At the time I would have rather been anywhere else than Goodison Park. It was rainy, cold and the football wasn’t very good. But something about that game hooked me. We lost 1-0 to Aston Villa. Paul Merson chipped the ball over Gerrard’s head from about 25 yards out and it dribbled into the goal. Gazza went off with the first of his many Goodison injuries. And the fans were as quiet as mice. I don’t know what it was, but that was the day that Everton chose me. And I couldn’t be happier”!!

Well there we have it, another view of and insight into Evertonians from again another corner of the ever-shrinking globe. Personally the Bull would like to thank all the contributors whom were open warm & readily willing to contribute to this series of interviews. This series has further reinforced the fact that EFC have the pre-eminent & most passionate supporters the world over. Many special thanks must go to Ged in Budapest, Yusuf in Singapore, Royston of Norway, and of course Dianna in Chicago, for making this all possible.

The Bull has grounded the leer jet for the time being and will continue the series in the near future when further Evertonians in isolation can be unearthed & tracked down.


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