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Ask Jaydogg Anything!
Jaydogg has been a member since April 30th,1999.
# Asked: 383 -- # Answered: 1221
Average: 0.53 -- Average: 4.25
Rank: 192 -- Rank: 69

6.14.00 - Ask the Jaydogg anything. oh's the end of the world! I'm jumping on the bandwagon!! AHHH! Ask me anything!!

breakup on 6.14.00 - Do you have the hour and date set for the end of the world?

Breakup - Um....nope. I don't

LLDY on 6.14.00 - What exactly is your job at KnowPost, and have you always been so darned cute?

LLDY - I am only a mere Brain. I don't have any real powers except to help keep the quality of KP up. I've always been "This damned cute"

Seedy69 on 6.14.00 - I thought you were really good pals with CJOH - how come you don't have an official job at KP?

Seedy69 - We are pals. I just have never pursued a job at KP. I'm still unsure whether or not I have the qualifications.

taragl on 6.14.00 - What is the biggest challenge you have had to overcome in your life?

Tara - Being diabled most definitely. Having to adapt to a world created for others is vey difficult.

heyteach on 6.14.00 - Jay, I'll do you a favor here! Go ahead and advertise for your perfect woman (Becki isn't taken yet ;)

Heyteach - My perfect woman would be one who also wants me. Still waiting....

artemis on 6.15.00 - Name three similarities between Jaydogg and that cat Shaft.

Artemis - We're both a bad mutha...aight I'll shut my mouth; we're both damn sexy; we're also both slick in teh way we talk

Loaded on 6.15.00 - I think I read somewhere that you were a drummer. What's your set up and who is your favorite professional drummer? If I didn't read somewhere that you play the drums will you just make something up so I won't look like totally lost.

Loaded - I'm a VERY amateur drummer. I wish i had a set. if I did it'd definitely be a nice set of dark greeen Pearl Exports with Paste symbols...lots of them...

Scrooge on 6.15.00 - Do you really type with your toes?

Scrooge - Only when my hand are busy doing other stuff

prncss on 6.16.00 - What time is it?

Prncss - Time for me to get funky!

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