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Dedicated to Clay Johnson, founder of

The Bug Collection
Most of these are fixed, however I am leaving the informaion up in case they occur in the future.  Read the Reported Bugs.  If your BUG is not listed here, use the Human Click link at the bottom of the page to "Report-A-Bug."

The Database Error - Posting to Soaps.
When you have text ready to post to a soap, hit the GO button, you will get a white screen that says:

"Database error. The webmaster has been notified of the error, please try again later. Sorry for the inconvenience."

There are 3 things you can do:

1) As soon as you are ready to post your addition to a soap, hit GO and IMMEDIATELY hit STOP on your Browser.  Then, hit the same GO button again.  Your soap addition will have posted.  This method takes you to the "Congratulations! Your Soap has posted" page.      ...courtesy of LadyZora

2) Hit BACK on your Browser TWICE.  This will take you back to the soap, you will see that your text has posted.

3) Hit your LINK to the My KP page.

Ceremail does not always show up on "My KnowPost".
Occasionally it goes straight to your INBOX and may not even be marked as unread.

There is only one fix.

Periodically check your inbox for ceremail that may have skipped the Front Page.

Posting a LINK to an UPDATE in a Question.
When adding a link in an update, everything below it, including answers, becomes the LINK as well.

There is one fix.

Add text after the link and the link will not transfer to the answers.

Using BACK on your Browser takes you to the Log In page.
Normally, this happens after you left click a link on My KnowPost and hit BACK in an attempt to get back to your My KnowPost page.

There are a couple things you can do to about this.

1) Hit FORWARD again to get to the page where you can choose another option, like My KnowPost...

2) Follow Ethmer's instructions for surfing KnowPost HERE.

No Expertise
Oue Expertise rankings have disappeared.

Latest Soap Responses
This is not functioning.

.jpg Profile Pic won't upload, error says it's a .pjpg file not supported.
Upon loading a profile pic, a standard .jpg file won't upload, the error states it's a pjpg...

There are a couple things you can do to about this.

1) Convert it to a .gif file.  (link pending)
2) Read this for some help: HERE.
3) And, read THIS.

New Bug Pending... (Lisa's Soap)

User Preferences
In MY (Cyndy) User Preferences, my Favorite Book Setting will not hold text.  I have to type it in each time.  As soon as I hit GO, it posts, but back on the Preferences page it is blank.

Cyndy - Win98, IE5, Cable Modem

There is a fix:

Thanks to Tehuti:  Don't use "QUOTATION MARKS".......

If anyone else has any User Preferences Bugs, be sure to let me or Colldoll know!

Rating Old Answers
This is just here because it needs to be done, it is not a bug.

Closed Questions need moving, recategorizing
This is just here because it needs to be done, it is not a bug.

Click Here to let me know so I can add it to this page:

...if it says I'm offline, leave a message anyway, it goes to my email automatically!

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