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Dedicated to Clay Johnson, founder of

Members Speak

Kommunal Thanks to Clay
A page of heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the founder and creator of KnowPost.

  Definitly Thanks Clay, You have done a lot of all of us. I truely appreciate it! You have been very faithful to this community and to making things better for the people here. From the bottom of my heart, Thanks! Love, Jeni

  Clay, you have done a great job with KnowPost and I'm certain that things will work out, one way or another. Good luck to you and for everything that you are doing! Lisa

  And Clay, thanks for creating this unique community that I, for one, am glad to call myself a member of. Thank you. lch3778

  My being new to KnowPost won't keep me from saying thanks. Why, had not been your previous persistence I would not have be able to be here now. I know that is an "Edith Bunker" type statement but it is also a truism. Thanks Clay!....tutton

   YOU ROCK!.......febe

  I have faith. I'm really bummed, yes, but what will be, will be. Clay will find a home for us. We just have to move through this tough time. Maybe he will make us a NEW home. Whatever it is, it's not all about KP, it's about the gift Clay has given us.

Thank you Clay for the gift of community, of connecting with others in a meaningful way, on the Big Bad Internet. Knowledge at our fingertips, simply for the ASKING. Incredible as it seems, you gave it to us for an entire year. It's been one of the best years of my life. You have vision, imagination and drive. You have computers. YOU ROCK.

And thanks to Tara for sticking by you, it figures your "hand picked" community member is the one by your side. That, is a message. We are all here for you Clay. As I wipe real tears I wonder what will happen next. Whatever it is, I'll be around.

With Fondness and Great Respect, Cyndy

   I have said it before and am happy to say it again. Kp is a miracle.. it is a community and a gift. I thank you Clay....solona

  Thanks clay...keep up the good work!.....prncss

  Clay, because of you, my life has changed in ways that I never thought it would. You have given me a place to be ME, to talk to people with the same interests, the same ideals, the same happy times, the same sad times. We have all grown and flourished in this community that you started as "Human Search". I would be lost without KnowPost. Thank you Clay, for giving my life that extra little boost! ....Linda

  thanks clay, for showing me i had something to say and for giving me a place to say it. even if i never hear your name again, i'll remember you as long as i live.

What does KP mean to me?

Hearing that KP could be lost, some folks are talking about what they owe to KP. Some say they literally owe their lives, others great friendships, and so forth, so let's band together and do something useful here. Please put some serious thought into this: What does KP mean to me?

A concise, heartfelt statement could be very useful now. Try to get it into one answer please.
As you can't answer your own question, allow me a moment:

  This is Heyteach and I am very greatful for quite a few REAL friends that I have made on this ONLINE site. I appreciate the sense of community. This is the only website I hang out at and I'm glad to have met you all.

  Answer by colldoll on 7.21.00 4:07 PM
I actually came online in December of 1999, I was very behind the times, and that is when I got my new computer, one that was fast enough to not wear out my patience logging on.

My then boyfriend had heard about knowpost on the radio, I think it was Howard Stern. He said it sounded like something I would enjoy.

I logged on and immediately got excited, the first answer got a 5* rating and I was hooked. I enjoyed being here and got addicted very fast, and met some incredible folks.

The episode that has the most meaning to me was when my Saint Bernard, my precious dog, got very sick. It was nighttime, I could not reach the vet, and had an intuitive sense that I was losing her.

All of my offline friends were sleeping, and I did not want to disturb them, so I posted a soap. I got immediate support, love, advice, and such a warm heart rendering response from my online friends, that I did not feel alone at all.

My knowpost friends got me through the most difficult time I think I had ever been through. I would not have come through it nearly as well without knowpost.

Folks know I had lost more than a dog, I lost my most treasured companion and closest friend. (I am crying now, just remembering)
Folks validated my feelings and got me through it.

It took weeks, and no one ever told me to get over it, they stood by me and held my hand.

I will always remember and be grateful for the support. I have tried to return the support to others, but I could never repay the debt I owe tothe kp community for everything it gave me during that time.
Thank you all (needing more tissues)

I know others have stories just as heartwarming, and I hope they all share them here. Thank you Laurie, for this opportunity and your part in the support I received.

  Answer by cyndy10 on 7.21.00 7:57 PM
I have been at KnowPost for almost one year, to the day. My anniversary is August 1st.

KnowPost has changed my life. I wish I could put the feeling I have about KnowPost in a bottle and sell it. Nowhere on the internet can you find a similar site. The community feeling here is a marvel, and other "community" websites just don't measure up, AT ALL. Not even close. Name a website that people cry over, besides this one. The founder, Clay, adopted the view that he would be a servant. Well, he has served us well. He gave us everything we wanted.

I have no words to express how KnowPost has changed my life. I can ask any question that comes to mind, from trivial to profound, and get immediate answers. My house is a mess and I don't care. I learned what internet addiction is all about, thanks to KnowPost. I have met people here that I will remain friends with for a long time to come. My Internet experience has been forever changed. KnowPost is my CyberHome. I live here. I go out to the internet and bring back new toys to share with my friends. I find a question that interests me and I go out to the net to find an answer. Then I come home.

It's the community and Knowledge exchange that make it so special. And the friendly competition. It will be a great big empty spot in my life if KnowPost was to discontinue for ANY reason. It's become a big part of my life. I wake up thinking about the site, what Ceremail I've received, who's said what in the Soaps and wondering what New Questions will be there to stimulate me today. I fall asleep thinking about the answer I couldn't stay awake to type. I am undoubtedly KnowPost's Biggest Fan, except for Clay of course...

Clay has given me (us) the greatest gift I have ever received, save the birth of my children. He gave me friends, knowledge (exchange) and a home. I feel I belong here. I've never felt that anywhere else. The one thing we all have in common is the need to express ourselves in a way that is not being met in our Real Life. I thought I could never "just be ME". Well, that's the greatest gift, I can be the REAL ME, not a fake person like I feel like most of the time, pleasing people, jumping through hoops and trying to be Politically Correct all the time.

I have changed as a result of my experience here. But mostly, I am a changed person because of my KnowPost experience. I see life just a bit different now. I've met folks from all over the world. I have helped people, and people have helped me.

It's incredible, and as I said, I wish I had the words to convey what I feel.

Answer by Kilnamar on 7.21.00 9:57 PM
When I first found KnowPost it became an obsession. Way back then there was a Top 10 overall users and I worked restlessly until I reached that #1 position. I didn't stay there long, but that was ok. I reached it.

My involvement in KnowPost has slowed down since that time, mostly due to other responsibilities that have come up in my life. But I didn't realize till I heard that KP might be dying how much this community still means to me.

From my very first day as a KnowPost member I have met some of the greatest people in the world. Some friendships were immediate and strong...some built slowly into something endless...and some came out of the blue from places unexpected.

I can honestly say one thing. The KnowPost community has helped me through some VERY hard times. People who cared about me when I didn't care about myself. Those who gave me a loving slap in the face to make me see that I am worth something. I have met my online Mom here. My wife is a member here. Many of my greatest friends are members here.

The thing is...KnowPost is so much more than just those things. If I need an answer I can't find, this is the first place I look. I personally know someone here who can answer almost any question I could ever come up with.

And who can forget the amazing sense of accomplishment when an answer truly helps someone? That is priceless...for both people.

Is Knowpost worth it? It has to be. There is no way you can look at the life-changing things that have taken place here and say it's not worth it.

It's so worth it.

I guess that is all I have to say.... of the old timers.

Answer by psykomom on 7.21.00 11:25 PM
I came to KP at a very crucial time of my life. I had just lost my beloved husband of almost 30 years and my dad within two weeks of each other. I was reeling from the pain, the hurt and the memories. A cousin of mine sent me a new computer and at first I had no idea of how that could help me. My son-in-law told me about KP and so I came here. In a very short time, I had made a lot of good friends, I was having some fun again. I had always thought that if I were left alone like that, my books and tv would be enough, but they weren't. My heart was breaking and I couldn't concentrate. But when the people on here started reaching out to me and I started communicating with them, life finally did look a little bit better. I have still had many horrible moments, but the KP family is still here to help me at any time and I appreciate it very much. I would not like to be without all my friends on here.

  Answer by Tehuti on 7.22.00 12:54 AM
I'm going to post the letter I sent Oprah. I myself don't believe she will ever set eyes on it or hear of it. But I put as much thought into it as I could, and it does tell how I literally feel about this site.

This is nowhere near concise; I don't care if I'm docked down.

Dear Ms. Winfrey,

You may have received several e-mails about a website called "KnowPost." I too am
writing in the slight chance that you might read these and find them to be of interest. is a website that bills itself as the Knowledge Commons. When I first
found the site I thought it was only for asking questions. My very first question was
"What is the nationality of the surname Kristeva?" I found my question answered
eventually and then registered at the site to answer questions on my own. Because
KnowPost is a *community,* which means that people do more than act, they INTERact.

I soon found that it didn't matter what one asked there; there were even incredibly stupid
questions which demanded incredibly stupid answers. These I was always happy to
provide, and I found my efforts to make others laugh well rewarded.

This might sound trivial to you, but to me it's not...because all my life I've suffered from
horrible shyness. I have no "real" friends, I stay pretty much at home all the time, I often
find the constant arguing and flaming of other run-of-the-mill message boards to be too
hurtful...I can't even look a person in the eye when they say hello to me. Even responding
to e-mail is difficult; I hate the very word "shy" because it doesn't even begin to describe
the pain I feel when I try and fail to interact with others. As such I have become shut off
from just about everybody but my parents; them I live with, yet I have no job, and so I end
up feeling both alone and useless. What possible service can I provide?

I found that KnowPost offered me both companionship AND a service I could provide. I
could give people answers. And...I could make people laugh. This was what I became
known for in the short time I've been there...since late February, I believe it is. People
began mailing me to tell me how much they enjoyed the silly answers I gave them. Of
course, it's a very minor thing, and I wondered about the use of it myself...but they went
to the trouble of telling me how very much they appreciated my efforts.

There is so little joy or laughter in my life...that to be able to spread it to others, I found
somehow fulfilling, in a way. I was offering a service, however small. I was being

And I was surrounded by other people, after I entered the soapboxes, who shared many of
the same problems, beliefs, and thoughts as I did. I reached out and tried to communicate.
The best thing was...when they reached back out to me and, for the most part, accepted
me. This had never happened before...and I have to wonder if it will ever happen again. I
was both accepted and useful. How often can someone like myself claim this? It's not
very often. In fact, this is the only time I remember it happening.

But the problem is...KnowPost is in trouble now. They have run out of funds, and the site
is in danger of being shut down. As soon as I heard this I posted angrily, as I tend to do
when upset. "Screw everything," I said, because it's how I felt...every time I finally
manage to fit in, every time I allow myself to get comfortable, every time I feel secure and
welcome...something comes along to destroy that security. Whether it be flamers or
financial troubles. I figured I should only have known better than to get too comfortable,
because now there is only that pain of separation again. I've faced the pain before; it's one
thing that holds me back from making friends, because they will always end up leaving
you. I dared to reach out and this time, instead of being hurt by people, I was hurt by
circumstance. If it didn't happen one way, I should have known it would happen the

KnowPost became a sort of second home to me. A home I reached by way of a computer.
But how I reached it, whether I could see everybody's faces or not, doesn't matter. It
shouldn't matter. It's the quality of those friendships that matters most. For the first time I
felt truly secure and welcome, and now that is threatening to crumble all around me. It
may sound silly and petty, like a mere website to you, but to was more than that. It
was a community. It was...warm.

I can't even come up with the words to describe how a mere website made me feel. If you
had ever suffered the shyness I have, you would know how much something like this
could affect you. This describes how important it was--IS--to me, that I can't even put it
in words.

I didn't even wish to write to you; I doubt you will even set eyes on this message, but I'm
desperate (yes, desperate) enough to try, in the slightest chance that it might make a
difference. I hope against hope that you might read this and pay attention. I'm not the
only one who feels this way. Maybe the only one who feels with this degree of intensity,
but not the only one who wishes for KnowPost to remain. This fear of losing yet
something else that is so important to me is what motivates me to write to you. I want to
go on feeling welcome and useful, even in as minor a way as this. I want to go on being a
part of a community. Never mind that it's a "cyber" community. I've felt more welcome
there than I ever have anywhere else.

Ms. Winfrey, if you *do* read this, I urge you to at least visit the website: --check it out, and see what it's all about. If you do, look for
my name there--Tehuti. Read through some of my answers or some of my soaps--read
through ANY of the answers and ANY of the soaps. You will see petty fights and stupid
arguments, you will see temper tantrums and insulting remarks--but you will also see
thoughtful comments and in-depth responses, words of wisdom and encouragement and
little tidbits of silly nonsense, light chatter and friendly conversation. It is a community
with all its ups and downs. Of course there will be bad with the good. But it's a small
price to pay to feel truly welcomed. If such a site is to be shut down, where will people
such as myself find themselves welcome and useful? No ready answer comes to my mind,
because right now...there is no place left. A mere website has filled a void in me, and once
it is gone the void will only return. I will be left...alone and useless again.

Should you read this, will you at the very least visit the site and see for yourself just what
it is and what it means to so many of us? It wouldn't take very much of your
might even learn a bit or laugh a bit while you are there. I ask only that you do this, if you
can do nothing else.

If there is something else you can or wish to do, I ask only that you try to help us find a
way to keep the site going. I'm not talking about donations...but you've been known to
draw attention to other causes you find worthy enough. Check out KnowPost. Would
you find it worthy enough to be saved?

This is all that I ask you to do.

After all, it seems like such a small thing for you to do...but any little thing you could do
to help would mean the world to us.

I thank you for your time.


My personal story in CONCISE form? As concise as I can get: I came. I didn't really wish to stay, but I did. I ended up feeling welcome and useful here, the first time I've ever felt both welcome and useful ANYWHERE. That was something fulfilling for me. In so many times it was all I had to come back to when I felt unwelcome and useless everywhere else. And now I fear it too will become nothing...same as everything else I put too much hope in. Yes, it's "only a website"...but to me, at least, it was much more than that. It was, as I said, a sort of home.

Answer by solana on 7.23.00 8:35 AM
i will try to be simply short and to the point. i have been very lonely for a long time. i do not have a very active social life. kp came into my life at at a time when i was struggling just to get through the days. at first it was just an interesting place to go to get my mind off of my torubles. then i began to enjoy the give and take, and to make friends. i have made friends and had experiences that i never dreamed i would have. kp has opened my world, and broken my heart.. then kept me going. kp is a place to come to to find a friend. some folks go to a local coffee shp or tavern.. then meet friends there who support them. we can come here and find friends from all over and wupport ech other.. then make even more friends... and additionally, enjoy the process of asking and answering questions which to me is more fun than any "game" i have ever played... or heard of.
i have mad friends here.. i hope to have this place for a long time for a long time to come.

Answer by whatevillurks on 7.24.00 2:06 PM
I think KP may well have saved my life, from all of your caring answers in response to my post on suicide you have made me realise what i have going for me. You also saved me a friendship, I fancy my friend, people told me not to tell her, she just found out that one of her friends also fancies her, and she actually said to me "Why can't my friends JUST be my friends."
I think things would be pretty screwed up right now if i had told her.
Thanks everybody.

Answer by LLDY on 7.24.00 4:03 PM
What more can I say about the greatest site on the Web? People before me have told their stories and through them, so many of the stories of other KPers have been told.
I found this site just over a year ago. My Dad had just passed away and I just wanted to wallow in my sadness. I would come to the net to play games and generally just look around for something to grab my attention. Then one day, on my server's home page, someone had thoughtfully suggested that subscribers should check out this page. I did, just for the heck of it. It was a question and answer page, so I asked a question - something that my husband and I had been discussing earlier and couldn't find an answer to. Lo and behold, I had an answer in such a short time, I couldn't believe it.
Well, for the next little while, my time was pretty much taken up with my newly widowed mother and a daughter-in-law who was expecting her first child. I didn't get back here until sometime in August, but since then, I haven't left. I have laughed, I have cried, I have seethed with anger. I've yelled and screamed at my computer screen thinking that the people inside it would hear me. LOL!! I have made great friends here, and, as in all communities, I may have made some enemies. But who hasn't? It's a "tell it like it is" community. No one is afraid to say what they feel. I enjoy the jokes, I cry over the sad stories. I don't have friends in the "outside" world like I have here on KP. No matter what happens, I will always be thankful to Clay for thinking up something like KnowPost and making this aspect of life so meaningful for so many people. Thank you Clay, thank you Tara, thank you Cyndy, thank you, thank you, thank you to all - old friends and new.

Answer by lounds on 7.21.00 3:18 PM
I am greatful for the people that have been willing to share personal experiences, so of which may have been difficult to recall, all so that I could learn. I am greatful for those people that sent me a c-mail when they knew I needed some uplifting. I am greatful for those of you that allowed me to laugh with you and cry with you, and the knowledge that we will be able to continue to do so, and on a new level through chat. I am greatful that Clay made this site, and allowed us to BE US.. to fight, to love, to laugh to cry, to just be human.

Answer by GreyEyes on 7.21.00 3:43 PM
I've been online for seven years. Just before I found KnowPost I was becoming quite jaded about the content of the internet - I was quickly adopting a "been there, done that" kind of attitude and began spending more time offline than on. Then one morning I was half-heartedly reading a daily newsletter hoping but not believing that I would find something truly different...a site which wasn't more of the same. As I scrolled I almost skipped completely over a tiny write-up about a site called KnowPost. But I stopped, mostly because my mind was zeroing in on the word "know" in the title. I think the write-up said something about a "question and answer" site so I thought, "why not?" and clicked. Well, that was over a year ago and I've been on KnowPost ever since. I visit this site several times a day and except for a one week period, I have never missed a day. I've made long lasting and sincere friendships on KnowPost that will survive no matter what. I have laughed with KP, I have cried with KP and I've even gotten angry a couple of times but I constantly marvel at how a virtual community can elicit such emotions from me!
Clay Johnson deserves a handshake from Bill Gates himself for creating a real community, not a virtual one.
I love this site and I love the people who live here. Thank you Clay Johnson for renewing my faith in finding "something completely different" on the internet! Thank you, also for making it possible for me to be part of such a wonderful, caring and smart village.

Answer by norris on 7.21.00 3:47 PM
In February of this year, when I was still living in Arizona (I've now moved to Boston to go to grad school), I read a short article in TIME about "ask the expert"-type websites. The author of the article, Anita Hamilton, test-drove several of these sites and decided that KnowPost was her favorite. I decided to check out the site. I was addicted almost immediately.

I could ask anything I wanted-- from "What is an IPO?" (i'm pathetically financially illiterate) to "I'm coming to Boston to visit soon; does anyone know what sites I should see?" to "My cat just ate my tulips!! ahow can I keep this from happening?" In every case I received thoughtful, intelligent answers from people who knew what they were talking about. I also enjoyed answering questions that others asked -- about language, physics, relationships , anything.

I quickly found that KnowPost is much more than a simple knowledge exchange -- although it is excellent in that respect. It is also a community unlike any I have ever found in the past. There I found thousands of others like me -- people whose favorite question is "why?" There are so many kindred spirits. I quickly became an active community member.

When, in April, I had an abnormal Pap smear at the age of 22, I was scared to death. I asked the KnowPost community, "What should I expect from this? Please help me!" and received letters and answers from over a dozen women who had been through the same thing. They comforted me and educated me. They were invaluable as I dealt with the exams and the biopsy. And when the doctor found that no surgery was needed, they rejoiced with me.

I even got to know the owner/founder of KnowPost, Clay Johnson -- and, through our discussions on religion, philosophy, science and everything in between, we formed a strong relationship which eventually turned into "more-than-friends" -- wouldn't you know it; KnowPost is based in Boston, the city where I had already planned on moving for grad school! Clay and I are only at the beginning of our relationship, but already we are a sort of KnowPost "success story" -- two people brought together by their love of knowledge, thought and community.

KnowPost is a community that feeds many essential parts of the human spirit: the desires to gain knowledge, forge closeness with others, and share one's gifts and wisdom.

Answer by tutton on 7.21.00 4:15 PM
I found KnowPost just a while back and decided to see what this was all about. Since I have a debilitating disease that keeps me on the inside and in front of my computers for knowledge and news and friends. It sure has been a wild ride up to here. Those of you that have been to a rodeo will know exactly what I am talking about and the older (not in age - but tenure) Kpers were there at one time. "The Dickens" it took me nearly a month to find the soaps so I could become knowledgeable of the people. That little old profile didn't explain the compassion the majority of you have much less all the tales that were threaded throughout the soaps. I spent days trying to put all these people together in my mind so it would be just like I was sitting down at the kitchen table and shooting the crap with them. I still haven't got it all down but I am still working on it. Ernest P. Worrell would have said "KnowPost what I mean, Vern?" The thought of this site falling off the face of the screen would be devastating. My PC's are all that I have because I can't stand TV and there is not enough of my kind of talk radio to keep my mind occupied plus the phones are not as widespread as is this site. Cooooommmmeeeeeeee on!

Answer by LadyZora on 7.21.00 5:39 PM
I am one of the people that litterally owe my life to the people on KP. I found the site Dec. 27 1999 and I haven't been able to pull myself away. I found the soaps in about March and started posting in them in about May. After I hit the soaps I was hooked. I have met alot of wonderful people here that have helped me over the rough spots in my life without a second though baout it. Sometimes it's just easier to tell someone your problems if you don't have to look at them and you don't know them. No one here has ever judged me as far as I know and they all seem to like me... I don't have to worry about what everyone will think about me here and I can just be me. Knowpost is a wonderful place with wonderful people that will help you with anything. The people here have told me what to name my cat, what the first movie they remember seeing was, and how to improve my relationship... I know that if KP does god forbid go down that I will still have alot of friends from here. Prncss has knocked me upside the head a few times about stupid stuff I have done, psykomom has helped me with problems with my mother, Dilbert has let me know how much I am loved, and everyone else here has helped me in one way or another... made me laugh or smile when I needed it the most. I know this probably isn't as good as all the other anwsers up here but it's my anwser and it's what Knowpost is to me and I think... that I would be kinda lost without it... I mean where else can I go with such wonderful people that accually care about me even if I ask questions about really stupid stuff like if they want to be an Oscar Meyer Weiner?

Answer by goodwife on 7.21.00 11:36 PM
KnowPost is a great place to spend time because it is... just what cjoh worked to enable it to
become... a Community. As in any Community there are people from all walks of life, every
level of education, every religious persuasion, and many occupations. There are single, as well
as, married people. There are people of all ages (I wonder what the age span is? I feel a question
coming on.) There are disgruntled people, depressed people, well-adjusted people, sick people,
healthy people. I've watched the interpersonal skills of many improve while interacting with others
of every conceivable communication skill level. Things are not always rosy here, but no
Community is perfect. We often erupt in angry, sad, spiteful, mean or perverse ways! BUT, that is
more than offset by the joyous, humorous, creative, caring, loving, poignant, useful, informative,
helpful expressions that pepper the pages of this site every day. KnowPost is a Community in
every way. We interact in ways which enrich our lives, because we're real people who've taken
enough time to learn and to care about the others who regularly come here. Most of us
instinctively know that building up the others who frequent this place is of vital importance to our
own well-being. For a number of reasons, it seems people often no longer feel one with the
Community in which they live... in the way folks did in bygone days... therefore I believe people
will increasingly be hungry to reach out through cyberspace to connect with others in ways that
enrich their lives and allow them to enrich the lives of others in meaningful ways. Clay and his
Community are cyber pioneers. KnowPost Lives AND rules!

Answer by Pahel50 on 7.21.00 11:44 PM
solana introduced me to KP last August. At first, it was about the competition. Then (after Christmas, I think) I really started reading the soaps and getting to 'know' other KPers. There are a couple of people here that I swear we must have been twins seperated at birth. I have formed real friendships with a few. I actually miss two or three who haven't been around for awhile.
I love being able to be myself -- no pretenses; no face to put on. I am free here. My opinion counts for something.
What Clay developed here has been a refreshing change of pace. An escape from my real world sometimes. A place where I can meet with friends and discuss important and not so important matters.
You hit the nail on the head when you said the "sense of community". Thanks Clay. You gave us a wonderful gift, a part of your creative genius. I, too, am very glad to have met each and everyone of you.
If the day comes, I will mourn KP's passing.

Answer by Meadow on 7.22.00 2:31 PM
Well I found this thru my boyfriend...Walker. We spent many an hour answering all the GREAT questions. Finally, a place where MY opinion is important. Who knew that there are people out there that think I'm smart, and funny and cool! It keeps my spirits up, especially after a rotten day in the slave mines I call work. It makes me cry, and it makes me laugh. It has touched my soul, and my heart, and I think I'm a better person because I've been here!!!!

It's been a home away from home...and an obsession since I formally joined up a little over a month and a half ago. I'm sad to maybe see the end of an era. But I know that alot of my friends here, we will continue to be friends. Since so many of us live in Phoenix, it shouldn't be too hard!!

I love this place...and I hope we can find some way to continue the LOVE baby!!!

Knowpost is so great because.......

Answer by lounds on 7.21.00 3:13 PM
Definately the people.. the diversity in knowledge, skills, personalities, backgrounds.. it is what makes us such a wonderful group. So many are willing to give and share openly, so many are willing to ask for help when needed.. it is a great group.

Answer by Etienne on 7.21.00 3:41 PM
I think knowpost is great because I can ask a question that some people think it crazy, but then I get answers from people who really took my question seriously and give a really helpful, well thought out answer. I just signed up, and I think it's incredible that I can ask a question and find an expert so easily, or a layperson may a have a fantastic idea. And I can answer questions in fields I know about, and I feel so smart. I can help people with the things I know about that other people take for granted. I am loving knowpost!

Answer by GreyEyes on 7.21.00 3:50 PM
...of it's unique sense of community spirit! People come and people go on the internet in the blink of an eye but those very same people choose to stay at KP. I've been around the internet quite a few times and I've never been to a site like KnowPost! Not only can one learn just about anything, one can also make friends and just hang out! What more could one want?

Answer by LadyZora on 7.21.00 5:23 PM
Because of the people and the wonderful enviornment the way people will always make you feel better if you say you are sad. The way you can ask the weirdest question and people still give it merit and try their best to anwser it for you. The way you can ask for help and get it right then, the way that you can share what you know with other people. How you can say something and people will listen. And we have some of the most wonderful people here like Dilbert and Cyndy and Greyeyes, Lounds, Swords, Swillpig, Lizard, and everyone else who makes this such a community. It's great because it is a dream that came true and cjoh was wonderful enough to share it with all of us.

Answer by FloydL on 7.21.00 5:39 PM
KnowPost is so great because of the interactions that are possible between us.
The community is so rich and diverse. We all add our own bit of individuality to help create the whole, which is KnowPost.
Without us individual users, "KnowPost" would be an archive of interesting information. But that isn't what KnowPost is. KnowPost is unique in that it is "alive", not stagnant. It evolves on a continual basis as each new bit of information is posted for the entire world to see, and for other members of the KP community to respond to.
I appreciate KP for the life that it has, and for the life that it gives me. :)

Answer by lizard on 7.21.00 9:04 PM
we are all family

Answer by prncss on 7.21.00 10:36 PM
it's not that it is great, it's that it has secret addictive ingredients in it, like cigarettes. Therefore I propose that we all sue! *lol* Just joking. Knowpost is great because it provides information that you need, and the friendly, fun atmosphere that you want, all rolled up into one.

Answer by psykomom on 7.21.00 10:41 PM
...If you need laughs, they are here, if you need to know important facts, they are here, if you need a friend, you will find many here. There are so many people here from such diverse backgrounds, personalities, "smarts", all different ages and all shapes and types. You can just hang out and chat, ask questions or answer them, write about anything your heart desires and read many different opinions on many different subjects. These are real people here with real problems and with big hearts and I appreciate them all.

Answer by goodwife on 7.21.00 10:46 PM
KnowPost is a great place to spend time because it is... just what cjoh worked to enable it to become... a community. As in any community there are people from all walks of life, every level of education, every religious persuasion, and many occupations. There are single, as well as, married people. There are people of all ages (I wonder what the age span is? I feel a question coming on.) There are disgruntled people, depressed people, well-adjusted people, sick people, healthy people. I've watched the interpersonal skills of many improve while interacting with others of every conceivable communication skill level. Things are not always rosy here, but no community is perfect. We often erupt in angry, sad, spiteful, mean or perverse ways! BUT, that is more than offset by the joyous, humorous, creative, caring, loving, poignant, useful, informative, helpful expressions that pepper the pages of this site every day. KnowPost is a community in every way. We interact in ways which enrich our lives, because we're real people who've taken enough time to learn and to care about the others who regularly come here. Most of us instinctively know that building up the others who frequent this place is of vital importance to our own well-being. For a number of reasons, it seems people often no longer feel one with the community in which they live... in the way folks did in bygone days... therefore I believe people will increasingly be hungry to reach out through cyberspace to connect with others in ways that enrich their lives and allow them to enrich the lives of others in meaningful ways. Clay and his community are cyber pioneers. KnowPost Lives AND rules!

Answer by savia on 7.21.00 10:59 PM
of the people. Once, not long ago, someone said to me that perhaps we needed a moderator for the chat, to help new chatters get into the room, and understand it. I disagreed, saying if KP'ers wouldn't help someone, they weren't Kp'ers. That is the whole nature of this site, reaching out to others, helping them, whether by answering a simple question about how to do something, or what to do, or just sending out a hug to a troubled user. Kp'ers are the sort of people who want to help others. This place is a magnet for caring and sharing. The knowledge we share is icing, but the people are the cake.

Answer by Pahel50 on 7.21.00 11:51 PM
...I am free to be me. I put on no pretense when I come here. It's a meeting of minds; a learning experience; a refuge from the everyday stresses of the 'real' world. KP is someplace I can go where my opinion matters and people actually listen to what I have to say.  And I have met such interesting and varied people. People I would never get a chance to meet out there.  It has been a truly rewarding experience.

Answer by Jeni on 7.22.00 5:04 AM
Knowpost is great because it provides a place where people with different experiences can come together and learn from each other. There is too much barriers to meeting people of different perspectives in the 'real' world. KP provides a safe medium to understanding other people instead of hating them for their different point of view. yes, sometimes arguements happen but even they give us a chance to learn.

It also provides an outlease for feelings and concerns that we might not otherwise be able to express to anyone. It gives the oppertunity to make wonderful freinds and it gives a sense of accomplishments when you can answer a question and get a good rating.

Some of the people here can't get jobs because of phisical or mental illnesses or maybe just because they are stay at home parents. Everyone needs to feel like they are doing something important. this site provides that. It gives a person the feeling they are helping people in some way.

Being a stay at home parent is a thankless job that sometimes wears on you, but to come to KP and answer someons question and actually get some positive feedback really gives the self esteem a boost. that is definatly something that the average stay at home mom needs.

I personally have recieved much help with various illnesses I have had over the last year just by being here. The people are so freindly and helpful and are almost always ready to lend a kind word when someone needs it.


Answer by mamie on 7.22.00 11:37 AM
Knowpost is a great place because even though you can't reach out and touch it, it can reach back and touch you. It can bolster your spirits, allay your fears and kick the seat of your pants if you need kicking.
It's a place where no one is going to make fun of you if you broke the dishwasher trying to wash your hubcaps. It's a place where you can find something every day to celebrate, no matter how large, no matter how small. It's a place where acquaintances become friends. It's a place where friends gather to discuss everything from world peace to hand lotion. No topic is too big, too broad or too inconsequential.
I have learned a great deal from Knowpost. By just reading through other people's answers every day there is a great wealth of information to be had. Everyone has their own take on every subject raised - it is educational to just poke through the pages and find out how others feel - and fun to add your own thoughts.
The diversity of talent connected with this site could not possibly be duplicated. We are a unit. We are bright (brilliant?), connected, educated, just, serious and sometimes humorous individuals. We value what we have found at KnowPost, and are stronger for having had the privilege of using it for the last year.
And Clay, if you should ever need us, you know where we are; just yell and we'll be there.

Answer by Meadow on 7.22.00 2:38 PM
I can always find someone, somewhere who thinks the same things I do...and has the same feelings, thoughts, and opinions about life. And that my opinion is valuable, and appreciated. Plus, the people here are so damn smart, they make me work harder to keep up with them!!! and everyone has always been nice and friendly to me!

Answer by solana on 7.22.00 8:30 PM
this site has absolutely changed who i am. it has changed me forever. it has given me a stronger sense of self, and the truth of who i am was brought home to me because of this site. it all sounds rather vague, and i am sorry for that. but this is not vague. this site has helped me to find friends, has given me hours of pleasure and something to look forward to on those lonely days. thanks clay.. from the bottom of my heart

Answer by 3moons on 7.24.00 9:36 AM can ask and answer questions without fear of reprisal if someone doesn't agree.I also love knowpost because I love to learn,and that seems to be something all us posters have in common.Sometimes just "to know" is all I need.I may never use that piece of knowledge,but I KNOW it.

Answer by LLDY on 7.24.00 4:11 PM
of the people. Out of such a large community, we have more friends than we could ever count. Some have enemies, but that is to be understood - wherever you go there will be someone you don't get along with. I have found a place where I can come to participate or just to "lurk". Questions are answered, no matter how trivial, no matter how involved. You can pretty much count on an answer in very short order too. There is no one here who thinks they are better than anyone else. We are all in this together, we laugh, we cry, we scream with anger. When my friends hurt, I hurt. When someone is laughing, we all laugh, and when someone gets blind-sided, we all jump in to their defense. This is what a community is. It's people getting along under any circumstances. Again, I thank you Clay, for bringing us altogether, and also for participating yourself. You may be the King of the Castle, but you're still one of us!!

  Answer by Bluto on 7.24.00 7:45 PM
It lets the know-it-all in me run free.
It lets me ask the questions that I am afraid to ask
It provides a valuable source of information.
It is fun to read the responses.
The people here are generally nice, patient, and tolerent of my stupid questions.
No one has called me an idiot in several days.

Answer by heyteach on 7.21.00 2:53 PM
The people. There is a sense of community and we get folks from all over, most of whom love to share and help. You can't knock that.

  Answer by tutton on 7.21.00 4:50 PM
It sure has been a wild ride up to here. Those of you that have been to a rodeo will know exactly what I am talking about and the older (not in age - but tenure) Kpers were there at one time. "The Dickens" it took me nearly a month to find the soaps so I could become knowledgeable of the people. That little old profile didn't explain the compassion the majority of you have much less all the tales that were threaded throughout the soaps. I spent days trying to put all these people together in my mind so it would be just like I was sitting down at the kitchen table and shooting the crap with them. I still haven't got it all down but I am still working on it. Ernest P. Worrell would have said "KnowPost what I mean, Vern?" The thought of this site falling off the face of the screen would be devastating. My PC's are all that I have because I can't stand TV and there is not enough of my kind of talk radio to keep my mind occupied plus the phones are not as widespread as is this site. I really don't care which site this gets published and maintained on just do it.

How has KnowPost changed your life?
Answers 1 through 14 of 14

Answer by Lawboy on 12.30.99 9:41 AM

Do you have an hour?

To put it as succinctly as possible, I have met people here that I would not have met any other way, and that has changed my life. The people I have encountered are, by and large, intelligent, fun, caring people. What more could one want? And as for a special one....

It has also caused me to brush up on my typing quite a bit, and I'm faster now than I ever was before.

Answer by pmace on 12.30.99 9:49 AM

Not at all. It's just another internet-based community to share ideas with others. I try not to let cyber-relationships and things that go on outside the realm of reality change my life to any degree.

Answer by UrbanOne on 12.30.99 9:53 AM

I like to think that KP has enhanced my life. It's another layer. It's something to look forward to. It's a good barometer on how I'm feeling. It let's me know that I'm not crazy for thinking or feeling something, or at least if I am, I'm in good company!
My partner and friends think I'm a bit nuts about it, but that's OK; we all have our obsessions!

Answer by jmkm on 12.30.99 10:30 AM

I have met 2 people here that have enriched my life so much that I consider them good friends. Where else can you find someone, and have them become good friends of yours without ever having met them? It is also a place where because of anonimity, I can feel free to ask questions that I might not feel free to ask my closest "non-cyber" friends. KP and the internet in general has helped me fight a lot of lonliness, and that has saved my sanity this past year.

Answer by cyndy10 on 12.30.99 2:09 PM

I now understand internet "Addiction". I have found an interest in many new topics I previously would never have discovered. I come to KP to ask questions after I looked myself and was unsatisfied, and sometimes even before I have done a search on my own. I do research for other people, and have learned how to find information very quickly. I have made some cyber-friend, that maybe I will meet in person someday.

Answer by heyteach on 12.30.99 4:23 PM

I probably don't realize how much it has changed me. This is the most "social" I've ever been. The opportunity to "meet" lots of people I would not otherwise, and make some friends, is very precious. It's been nice to have my behavior mean more than my appearance--I've never worked among the totally blind before :) We don't have "all" the info on anyone--unless they say somewhere--you really don't know age, appearance, employment, part of the world, etc. If it's not really vital to the two of you, you tend to just move on to things that are of mutual interest. In "real" life, you don't get that perk.
It's also nice to have a place to go with all that damn trivia my mind holds. Anyone got an in with Alex Trebek? I've always passed the Jeopardy! test, I just am never high enough on the list or early enough, to get on :(

Answer by WhyKnot on 1.1.00 2:03 PM

KP has given me a place to feel like I am part of an on-line community. It is more than just a question/answer site. It has allowed me to meet people that expand my view of life in general and about people in particular. It revealed lots of information that I would have had to search all over half of hell and all of earth to find. It changed me in that I now am more open and willing to take chances while still being true to myself. Thanks Clay. Without KP, this would have cost a fortune at a shrink!

Answer by taragl on 1.2.00 1:32 AM

I have met the most brilliant, entrepreneurial, and witty people on KP. Talking with these people has inspired me to push my comfort zone and try new things.

Answer by jlm4012 on 1.7.00 7:19 AM

It's given me my love...given me happiness, love, a life and a future with him. I come here everyday to visit with him, to look at what he's been thinking of during his day, and to wait until we can be together online, or on the phone. This site is filled with friends of ours, a few who are very special to us. Truly, I am happy now.

Answer by LLDY on 1.7.00 6:01 PM

Let me count the ways!! I spend more time here on the computer than I ever did before. I have learned SO much, not only from other people, but by having to research answers. It has given me friends that I didn't know I had, people who are of like mind, and always there to give a pat on the back or an uplifting "Smile". I've come here when I am happy and I have come here when I am down. No one judges, no one cares if I'm still in my pajamas, and no one cares if my hair isn't combed. Best of all, we can have a party and I don't have to cook!!

Answer by Ingrid on 1.8.00 1:06 AM

It's given me an outlet I never had before. It's given me a new perspective on many subjects, and it's been kinda theraputic as I have worked things out by typing them in front of me.

I have laughed a great deal over so many responses....cried over a few. It's given me something to do when I am awake late at night.

Answer by jaschem1 on 1.10.00 7:57 PM

First of all, it has filled most of my days. I have met some great friends. I have asked a
lot of questions and got answers to them that have helped me understand things in my
life. I have gotten opinions from other people to see if they agree with me and why they
feel the way they do about topics. I have found a place to express myself.

Answer by Pahel50 on 12.31.99 9:24 PM

I think KP is changing my life because it has changed the life of a very dear friend. No details, but suffice it to say that KP has opened new doors for her that she was ready to enter. Our lives will proceed down different paths now, I'm sure. But it is her time and she must move on and I must stay where I am for now.

Ok, time to write a poem. Write why it's so important we still have KnowPost as part of our lives. Talented or not, just say what you think.

Answer by Pahel50 on 8.9.00 7:03 PM

Knowpost is my thinking place
A refuge when I need some space
For just myself, no kids or spouse
I answer questions with my mouse.

To talk to friends, both far and near
To laugh with them or shed a tear
To learn new things or get some tips
On what to do if my faucet drips.

Life without Knowpost would just be bleak
I can't imagine; I couldn't speak!
Knowpost affords me freedoms unknown
To be myself, but not alone.

So that is all from me, Pahel50
I think Knowpost is just nifty.

Answer by psykomom on 8.9.00 7:53 PM

Knowpost is my second home,
It's here I come to visit,
When I want to find a friend
Or ask someone what is it?

It has come to my rescue a lot
When my heart was hurting so bad,
I'd find somebody to cheer me up
And help me to not feel so bad.

There are nutty people at this place,
They are strange and they are smart.
They come from all over the world
And they now live here in my heart.

If there were no Knowpost to come to,
My world would be a bit darker,
For all my friends would be gone,
Yes, even the Meany Marker.

Of course, I'll still have a life,
I know all the others will, too.
But it will be a crying shame
Because life"s little extras are so few.

So here you have my poem,
I have no talent for this.
But I tried anyway,
And hope that you may
Give me 5 stars and throw a kiss.

Soapbox Post
Thanks on this day To Clay and Peter by cyndy10 on 11.25.99 1:34 AM

On this Thanksgiving, I wish to extend a heartfelt Thanks to Clay, and Peter, for this Spectacular Website. I've learned so much by being a member and participant of the KnowPost Community. I search for answers on the internet about topics I had no interest in only to become enthralled by a new subject. I can speak my mind here without fear of censorship. I've never been as intellectually stimulated and challenged anywhere else on the internet, and rarely matched in real life. The cross section of people is astounds me. The way the community mimics real life, all the interaction, Questions, Answers, Soaps, Ceremail, and whatever you're dreaming up for us next...never ceases to amaze me. It's truly an online city you've created out of thin air. I can't thank you enough. I've made good friends here, they may be online only, but they are friends nevertheless. Both Clay and Peter are responsive to our needs as a community, and have reworked the site to give us the new look and features. I can only try to imagine how much work went into the new site. KnowPost has changed my experience and perception of the internet, forever. For all this, and more, I am truly thankful.

Thank You Clay.

Thank You Peter.

To my KnowPost Friends, Please have a Wonderful Thanksgiving Day. I sincerely hope you all have a great day with your families. I love you all, and hope to be with you here for many years to come.

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