
updated sites: 
(September 2011)
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Sites about the Bronze / Iron Age:
Alésia: general information
Images of Alésia
The battle of Alésia, 52 B.C.E.
General information about the Archéodrome de Bourgogne
Bibracte, a Gaulish oppidum (9 pages)
Stone and Bronze Age books
"Bronze Age metalworking in the Netherlands (c.2000-800 B.C.)" (thesis by Maikel H.G. Kuijpers, University of Leiden)
The British 
Bronze age
Prehistoric canoes
A lecture about Celts (1998)
Musée d'archéologie Bargoin (France)
Romano-British coins
Dutch Bronze Age copper
Early and Middle Bronze age
Late Bronze Age
Overview on the Bronze Age
Chronology, the prehistory of mankind
Early Bronze Age Metalworking in Britain
The Eburones
Friesland in the time of emperor August
The Gallic Wars 
(14 pages)
Pictures of Gaulish artifacts (part1)
Pictures of Gaulish artifacts (part 2)
Roman "Gucci" shoes
The Gundestrup Cauldron
Gold hats of ancient Bronze Age "wizards"
Links to other sites (after 2000 B.C.E.)
More links to other sites (after 2000 B.C.E.)
More links to other sites (after 2000 B.C.E.) #2
Links to other sites (before 2000 B.C.E.)
The Middle East Metal Ages
Second King's Grave in Oss, NL
Third King's Grave near Oss, NL
An overview of images on these sites
Activities in a Dutch prehistoric museum, 2002
Phoenician ships
Images from the Dutch Early and Middle Bronze Age
Images from the Dutch Late Bronze Age
Images from the Dutch Iron Age (#1)
More images from the Dutch Iron Age (#2)
More images from the Dutch Iron Age (#3)
Images about bronze casting techniques
Pictures of Bronze and Iron Age pottery (part 1)
Pictures of Bronze and Iron Age pottery (part 2)
Images from Romans
The bronze 
"Star disk of Sangerhausen"
Should Stonehenge be called "Steinhenge"?
Prehistoric skills
Gaulish tribe names
The verb "to be" in Gaulish (part 1)
The verb "to be" in Gaulish (part 2)
The verb "to be" in Gaulish (part 3 -results)
Colouring wool blue with woad and yellow with birch

All about Europe before 2000 B.C.E.:
First farmers : daily life, contacts, pottery, food
Early farmers burials in Germany
Culture, housing, tools, clothes
Textonly version
News about neolithic items
Ötzi, the glacier man
Images from the Dutch Neolithic Age

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Nederlandse sites