Funny Poems For Kids - My Computer


An excess of 2 billion students and teachers provide or receive educations throughout the world on a regular basis. 1.4 billion of the 2 billion plus represents students and 65 million represents educators. In the United States alone, there exists 74.1 million students with a whopping 3.7 million full-time teachers educating kindergarten through secondary school children. Today's employers require workers to have some tech skills. Right now 50% of jobs require this knowledge but the number is expected to rise to 77% within a decade. Although the United States' student attendance is quite high, students in the US studying engineering and science degrees is somewhat low when compared to other countries such as India and China. As shown in the chart below, for example, the US sits at 15% for students pursuing engineering and science degrees compared to India at 30% and China at 40%, respectively. Another important point is that less than 10% of American engineers are women. What's more is that the high school dropout rate in the US is so high that their loss wages and other monetary losses amount to a figure high enough to purchase 13 Windows 7 Netbook PCs for EACH student in the United States! When considering the fact that each year, Americans toss out enough paper to build a 12 foot wall from New York to California, in conjunction with the cost of loss income due to the high school dropout rate, it makes great sense to go green with Microsoft One Note. Using One Note is a great way to save money, trees, and to educate students. One Note helps in simplifying the teaching process as well which is great for all teachers!

Via: SchoolMatters Bakersfield Personal Injury

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