In the Name of Love By: Avada_Kedavra Rated: PG An odd twist on Lily's thoughts about her marriage

To Remember By: Anne Rated: PG MWPP and Lily's graduation day

Always Sisters By: Anne Rated: PG A fic about Lily and Petunia's relationship

The Birthday Party By: Anne Rated: G A glimpse at Harry Potter at two

The Wizards in White Robes By: Anne Rated: G Cornelius Fudge, he led the world in advancements in cauldron bottom thickness

Love Always, Mom By: Anne Rated: G Mrs. Longbottom writes her son a note, before her demise

Nobody Likes You When You're 23 By: Anne Rated: G A long series about the Hogwarts gang years in the future

Of Masters and Mentors and Matrimony By: Anne Rated: G Sequel to Nobody Likes You When You're 23

Sweet Home Privet Drive By: Anne Rated: G A songfic about dear old Dudley

Romeo, Romeo, Whofore art thou, Romeo? By: Anne Rated: G MWPP, Lily and Shakespeare (In Progress)

Left Behind By: Anne Rated: PG Peter's girlfriend is left waiting

Life Before Death By: Harmony Griswold Rated: G Harry meets his friends in the afterlife...

Lesson in Muggle Cooking By: Harmony Griswold Rated: PG Hermione, Ron and Harry take a class in life as a Muggle

Love Is In the Air By: Kitty Kat Rated: PG H/H/R's seventh year, and love is in the air

True Life By: Kitty Kat Rated: G Based on the MTV show

The Witches From Thunder Canyon By: Madd Spammer and Draca Rated: PG A reality based fic

Reflections By: Madd Spammer Rated: G Harry reflects about his life

A Matter of Time By: Madd Spammer Rated: R Sequel to Reflections

A Perfect Love Confounded Out Of Hand By: Madd Spammer Rated: PG13 Hermione is waiting for Harry

A Slightly Misplaced Gerbil By: Madd Spammer Rated: G An author fic

All For You By: Madd Spammer Rated: G Harry devotes his life

Bubble Gum In A Dish By: Madd Spammer Rated: G Hermione's childhood

End Of The Line By: Madd Spammer Rated: G A series based on End Of The Line Songfic

Graduations By: Madd Spammer Rated: G Hermione's graduation and she has to make an important decision

Listen to my Heart By: Madd Spammer Rated: G Draco's true feelings for Hermione...

It Doesn't Matter By: Madd Spammer Rated: PG Sequel to Listen to my Heart

Love Can Wait By: Madd Spammer Rated: G Hermione and Ron are dating, but Harry's got a suspicion why

Meant for Each Other...? By: Madd Spammer Rated: G Hermione and Ron...are they meant for each other?