Listen To My Heart

A/N: The more I read this songfic, the more I liked it. And that’s a good thing, ‘cuz I thought it was really bad when I first posted it. I know it should be longer, so I’m sorry about that. Short and sweet? =) BTW- The song is “What Have I Got To Lose” by Blessid Union of Souls, the BEST band EVER! They rule!

Listen To My Heart

What could Hermione Granger ever see in me? A Malfoy. She hates me, and I’ll never be able to persuade her to do otherwise.

I started to write you a letter the other day

Didn’t know exactly what I was going to say

And at the last minute I threw it away

Cause I didn’t think you’d read it anyway.

If only there would be a way to tell her how I feel. I’m no good with words unless they’re sharp, hurtful ones. And forget about me being able to express my emotions. That’s not an option for Draco Malfoy. If only I could be a totally different person, I might have a chance with her.

And I’m the kind of man whose glass is half full

But I’m a bit torn from the strings you pulled

I relentlessly ostracize her and her friends, so of course she strikes back. Every time I say a cruel word to her I want to scream, “Hermione, I don’t mean it! I love you!” but I can’t. The words from her mouth sting, mostly because I know they are true.

And since I already felt a bit abused

I thought to myself

What have I got to lose

Cause I can’t fall much further down

If you would only hear my heart.

I’ve got nothing to lose, at least nothing that matters in the least. Nothing matters to me more than she does. If I tell her how I feel, there’s the possibility she could return my feelings (though I doubt it). If I don’t tell her, I’ll never know, and I’ll let the greatest treasure of my life walk away.

Don’t want to go to sleep cause I don’t want to dream

I always wake up with tears it seems

I know she could never be mine, but I want to hold her in my arms, and I want her to look into my cold steel eyes and see the side of me that no one else can see.

Cause I ain’t got nothing to lose

But look what I’ve got to win

If only I can get you to hear my heart

If you’ll only listen, listen to my heart…

Now, read the sequel!