Meant For Each Other....?

A/N: Well, umm, for once, I don’t have much to say about my own fanfic except that when I wrote the last line it made me think of the prom theme from Never Been Kissed, so that’s how I got my title.

Meant For Each Other

Hermione really did love Ron. Despite their fights, the times they didn’t talk to each other for long stretches of time, she really did love him. She didn’t really know why they ended up doing that kind of stuff so often, but they did.

She loved the way he smiled at her. She loved his flaming red hair and freckles to match. She loved the way he never thought much about doing anything before actually doing it. She wished she could be like that, because when you think about doing something, you always end up with reasons not to do it.

She knew she was falling in love with her best friend. She knew that that could be a terrible mistake. Imagine what could happen if he loved her, too, but it didn’t work out. Where would they be then? They couldn’t go back to being just friends… could they? Would they lose something they had worked so hard to achieve? It was such a fragile friendship, but it was also the most meaningful one they had ever known in their short lives.

She worried what people would think. People wouldn’t take them seriously. Would they? Would they just think it was a joke? Why do people always think love is a joke? Do they have any idea what that does to those in love?

Or, maybe they would think it was about time that Hermione and Ron got together. Maybe people already saw them as a couple. Maybe all the glances between the two went to their heads.

It’s so hard to know what anyone else is thinking. Hermione worried that Ron didn’t return her feelings. She would be devastated. Hermione was a person who didn’t do much unless she was very sure of herself, but that’s all she was sure of – herself. She wasn’t sure of Ron. She couldn’t be sure if he loved her, too.

This love was tearing her apart with worry. The fear of rejection was the worst. She cried at night just thinking about it. Just thinking of it! Imagine how much of a wreck she would be if it really happened!

She couldn’t show her fear to anyone. Not this fear, not any other fears. She didn’t want people to know her weaknesses. And this was her biggest one.

She couldn’t ever imagine loving anyone other than Ron. Did that mean they were meant to be? She didn’t know the answer to that question.