A Perfect Love Confounded Out Of Hand

A/N: This fic…* shudders * creeps even ME out. Anyway, the song that Hermione sings and I make reference to is “April 29” by The Rembrandts from their CD called LP. It’s a really good CD, though not many people have heard of it, or them, for that matter. (Actually, they sing the theme for Friends. You know, “I’ll Be There For You.”) The main song is “Written in the Stars” written by Tim Rice for the Broadway play “Aida.” (Thank you to the person who pointed that out to me!) I hope the mixing of the two songs isn’t a problem, but, April 29… if you haven’t heard that song, you wouldn’t understand…

A Perfect Love Confounded Out of Hand

Hermione had opened the letter so expectant of sweet words from Harry. Her hopes were shattered when she read it.

I am here to tell you we can never meet again

She staggered backwards and fell on the floor. The impact didn’t faze her as she stared blankly at the piece of parchment in her hand. She read the words over and over. It couldn’t be true.

Her Harry would be coming home in seven days. April 29. She kept telling herself that.

“Everything is fine… April 29…” She sang soothingly to herself.

Simple really, isn’t it, a word or two and then A lifetime of not knowing where or how or why or when

She wanted to destroy the note, but she wasn’t able to. She willed her fingers to shred it to bits, but they didn’t respond. Her eyes forced her to read the words over and over again as if they were somehow going to change.

Dearest Hermione,

I know how you’re looking forward to the day that I would be coming home, so I’m so sorry to tell you that I may not make it. I wish I could tell you more, but I don’t want to put you in danger. Hermione, I want you to know that I love you. I love you more than life itself, and that’s why my love will always be with you, no matter what. Remember that – I will always love you.

~ Harry

You think of me or speak of me or wonder what befell The someone you once loved so long ago so well

Hermione sobbed. She cried so hard that she thought the tears would never end. She wished that she could cry a river to carry her away from the pain.

The house was so empty, and the clock struck one. Hermione was losing the concept of time. She was miserable. Desolate. Melancholy.

Is it written in the stars

Are we paying for some crime

Is that all that we are good for

Just a stretch of mortal time

She tried to sober up, telling herself that Harry had only said that he may not be back. There was still hope. But the feeling in her stomach was far from hopeful.

Mental pain led to physical pain as her head pounded and her stomach churned. The pain was too much for her to bear.

Is this God’s experiment

In which we have no say

In which we’re given paradise

But only for a day

It wasn’t fair. No one else had to go through what Hermione had to go through. Of course, if it was hard on her, it had to be worse for Harry. He was the only person in the wizarding world that was a match for Voldemort. The only person who didn’t fear the Dark Lord.

Hermione worried day and night for Harry’s safety already, so now her worries intensified. The days blurred together, but they were agonizingly slow. She couldn’t take it.

Nothing can be altered, there is nothing to decide

It was April 29. She sang through her tears, “I’ve been so lonely since I lost my mind, and my patience is wearing thin.” She felt that she couldn’t wait anymore.

“But I’ve been lucky when I think of you, and how I’ll see your face again,” I won’t see you again, “Everything is fine, April 29,” everything isn’t fine, “I’ll try to be on time, April 29,” I’ll be on time… for you, Harry…

No escape, no change of heart, no anyplace to hide

The Muggles do it all wrong, Hermione thought. Too much blood and not quick enough.

She was glad that there were spells for everything. She laughed. Everything. She remembered all the times when she had used spells to get in and out of trouble. She had also used plenty of spells to get Harry and Ron out of trouble, too.

Ron. Her face fell. How would he feel when he’d hear the news? Ron was always there for them. He had really changed since Hogwarts. He learned to be more sensitive to other people, which had really helped a lot.

Ron would miss her. But, he would miss Harry, too. If you don’t do this, he’ll never be able to look at you without thinking of Harry. This is the right thing to do, she assured herself.

Sometimes in my darkest thoughts, I wish I’d never learned

What it is to be in love and have that love returned

Biting her lip, she raised her wand. “This is for you, Harry.” She then uttered the incantation and her breath started to come in ragged gasps.

Is it written in the stars…

“I… love… you… Harry…”