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Main Characters Sidequests FAQs Blitzball Secrets FFX International


As I've mentioned before (for those who remember), I've decided not to do a walkthrough for this game, reason being it is actually quite a straightforward game, if you ignore all the sidequests. I'm sure the average player will be able to complete Final Fantasy X (minus all the sidequests) without any help. Since the difficult things about this game lies with the numerous sidequests and Blitzball, and I already have a section for all the sidequests and another for Blitzball (and even one for secrets/goodies etc!), there really is no necessity for a walkthrough ... So, this became an FAQ section instead! This section was compiled from the emails sent by fans of FFX from many various countries ^_^ Thanks for the support, and please do continue to email me with your questions about FFX and I'll try my best to answer them!

Blitz Stuff

I always set up Tidus's mark to TechCopy Venom Tackle whenever possible, but after about 10 tries pressing X when Venom Tackle is in progress, I get no success and no message indicating why he didn't learn it. Any idea what's causing it?

Hmmm. You DO know that you can only learn it when the person Tidus is marking is using it? If some other player (whom Tidus is not marking) is using Venom Tackle you won't be able to learn it.

Well, assuming the person you've got Tidus marking is using Venom Tackle, first you've got to make sure Tidus CAN learn the technique Venom Tackle (it'll be highlighted on the screen when you choose the opponent for him to mark). If that's the case, then the only reason why you can't learn it will be because you've got the timing wrong. But the time frame in which to learn Venom Tackle is quite long, so that shouldn't be a problem.

By the way, if Tidus's level is lower than that of the player then he would have a hard time learning it, but you should get a message saying his level is too low in that case.

I need help! While I am the best at Blitzball, my brother cut one of my players when his contract ended, and now I can't play! PLEASE HELP ME! How can I get another player so I can continue my reign of Blitz?

All you have to do is scout for another player so you can Blitz again! You can hire at most up to 8 players at any one time. Just appoach anyone and press the square button (I think, at least it's square for the Jap version. Anyway triangle is for the menu, 'X' for action and 'O' for cancel right? That leaves only the square button), if he/she is a Blitzball player you'll be able to recruit him/her (like how you challenge Triple Triad players in FFVIII). If you want to get back the player you lost, you'll have to go to the Besaid Aurochs' locker room in the Luca Stadium to talk to him (assuming the player you lost is one of the original Aurochs).

I've played the game till the end twice ... but both times I couldn't get Wakka to join my Blitzball team ... is there any special requirements? Or am I not allowed to start playing Blitzball before he joins? Or does it have something to do with the first tournament result? I won both times ...

Have you actually 'talked' (more like press the square button, actually, like the way you try to get any other players to join) to Wakka to try and make him join? In my case I talked to him on the airship, maybe you could get him before then, but I'm not sure about that. There aren't any requirements, except that you have to talk to him; he won't just join automatically! His contract's really cheap; it's only 1 Gil per game, and he has one of the best shots too, Aurochs Spirit!

How do you scout for other players? And do you have to have an empty spot on your roster for them to play?

You can hire at most up to 8 players at any one time. About getting new players, just appoach anyone and press the square button, if he/she is a Blitzball player you'll be able to recruit him/her.

Yo man I don't understand that whole renewing the contract thing? How do I do it?

It's easy enough, after a certain number of Blitz games when a player's contract expires you'll be given an option to renew his/her contract. Just choose how many terms/sessions you'll like to renew it and you'll be told how much it costs and whether that amount is ok with you. Note that if you choose 'no' at this point you would NOT be given a choice to renew the contract again. So be careful!

My only original Aurochs team member is Tidus. Does this mean that, for Aurochs Spirit, Wakka's Shot value becomes Wakka's ST + Tidus's ST + 10? By the way, who're on your Blitzball team now?

Unfortunately, Tidus isn't considered one of the original Aurochs (he's from the Zanarkand Abes, see) so in your case Aurochs Spirit would only be Wakka's ST + 10, and of course the nap effect. You may want to consider getting back one of the original Aurochs (Datto, Letty, Jassu, Botta or Keepa. Personally IF you decide to get back one of them I'd recommend Datto).

As for my team now, follow this link!


Is there any trick to catching the butterflies or any way to make it easier? Cos I've tried my hardest and I still wasn't able to win any of the treasures.

I'm really sorry, but about the butterflies sidequest there really isn't any help I could give you without visuals. There isn't any trick, though there IS some sort of strategy, which involves telling you to keep left here and keep right there etc, so you can imagine how hard it'd be for me to try telling you without some pics to illustrate. All I can tell you is try a few times first to note where the blue and red butterflies are, without worrying about the time; just try and remember where they are. Once you have done this, slowly try and find the fastest way to get the blue ones while avoiding the red ones.

Are there any tips you can give me about dodging lightning, cuz I dodged 48 and it said that I only dodged 18!

Unfortunately, for the lightning dodger sidequest, like I mentioned on the site, there isn't a lot I can help you with. It takes a lot of patience. Note that moving to another map or loading your game data would cut off your continuity in evasion; so what may have happened to you is maybe you travelled from the northern part of the Thunder Plains to the southern part? If that was the case then your count would have reverted to 0. So make sure you stay in the same scene!

International Queries!

Hi, I came across your site recently and read about FFX International. I found this game on an online store and I’m thinking of ordering it. However I have a US PS2. Could you give me a little help and tell me what I need to play it on my US PS2?

Another thing, you mentioned on your website about English support in the game. How far does that go? Can you change everything to English? Menus? Subtitles? Also, about the voiceovers, is it possible to have the Japanese voices but have English subtitles? That’d be very nice indeed.

To play FFX International on a US PS2 you'd need a mod chip, however I'm not sure where you can get one where you live, and you have to know that such chips are not exactly extremely legal (some mod chip makers were sued by Sony recently), so you need to be careful when you go about getting one ^^;

About the English support for FFX International, indeed it is possible to change ALL the text in the game to English, that is, all the subtitles as well as the menus (items, skills, magic names, etc) and everything else. It'll be totally in English. However, when you first start the game before you choose the language the instructions are in Japanese, and that's the only place where you'll see any Jap, after that (if you choose English that is) everything would be in English. However, you can't choose Jap voices for the characters (which is a sad thing I might add, cos the Jap voices are sooooo much better! Good thing I've got the Jap version of FFX as well ^_^)

Your site says that the voices for FFX International are in English, how about on the bonus CD, with the extended ending scene? Are the voices there in English? How about English support for that scene? Any at all?

Unfortunately, for the bonus DVD, 'Other Side of the Final Fantasy 2', the dialogue, subtitles, everything is all in Japanese. After all, FFX International WAS a game released in Japan. The GIA had a translation for the extra ending (Final Fantasy X: Another Story), but sadly that site is now closed, so I've put the translation up here.

About choosing English or Japanese for FFX International, could you tell me which option sets it to English? Will it be in English when I get the choice between choosing Sphere grids? I'd like to try out the international grid.

When you choose 'new game' in FFX International, the first choice you'll get is to choose your Sphere Grid. Option 1 is the original version (with new abilities added, supposedly easier), and option 2 is the international version (supposedly more difficult). After that the game will prompt you to confirm your choice, choose the first option to confirm or the second option to cancel your choice. Then you'll get to choose the language: option 1 is Japanese and option 2 is English.

I was reading someplace they added some new abilities to the International version of FFX? Do you know what they are?

The new abilities in FFX International aren't much, really. Instead of using power/mana/speed/ability distillers to get power/mana/speed/ability spheres, you can now use abilities to do the same. I don't think there are any other new ablities besides this, or maybe there are, but nothing great, just minor changes to make things more convenient for players ^_^

What happens to Tidus in the extra 15 min video? Is he locked in a cage and is Yuna going to rescue him like I've read elsewhere?

Note: the answer to this question is a major spoiler, so if you haven't completed FFX and don't want to be spoiled then skip the rest of this answer. To read on, just highlight the text below.

Well, that particular video was purposely made to be very low quality so that the viewer can't make out exactly what was happening, but from what I gather, yeah, Tidus was locked up in a cage somewhere by somebody (it's all very mysterious) for using mechina (which is forbidden) to help Yuna, apparently, and naturally he feels it's very unfair cos he did it to save Spira, and in addition Yuna is his girl so it's only natural that he's helping her, something like that. At first Wakka thinks it might be some kind of trap or a ploy to get Yuna and so he's against the idea of rescuing Tidus, especially now that Yuna is so busy with so many things demanding her attention, but Rikku feels that Yuna should follow her own feelings and do what she wants. Yuna comes to the decision that yes, she wants to see Tidus again, so she decides to go rescue him. And oh, I think Lulu's pregnant with Wakka's child by the way ^^

ARRRRGGGH!!! I can't beat XXX!!!

I can't beat Neslug! Help me!

(Note: What's written here can actually be used to defeat most of the original monsters at the monster arena, with a few exceptions such as Nemesis etc)

First some info about Neslug. He has 4 million HP, but his speed is quite slow, so with luck you may be able to get rid of him before he even attacks. After you deal about 2 or 2.5 million damage or so to him (about half his HP I think) he'll get into a defensive position and will regenerate for about 20,000 or so HP each turn. When he's near death he'll get rid of his shell and his speed will increase, but by then you'll probably be able to kill him off before he attacks.

Ok, now for the strategy. Note that to defeat Neslug (indeed, to defeat most of the original creations) your characters need to be at a pretty high level, so some training would be unavoidable, for Wakka most of all, but it'll be best to train everyone as well. There's no shortcut to this, unfortunately ^_^; The character who can cause the most damage is Wakka, with his Attack Reels. It can hit 12 times, and you need to train Wakka til he's able to cause around 90,000 damage each time. That adds up to more than a million damage each time you use Attack Reels. It's important that you practice a bit to make sure you can get 12 hits though. You need to stop the slot at "2 hits" for all 3 of the wheels.

Of course, you need to get a weapon with the Break Damage Limit ability. I suggest getting his Legendary Weapon, the World Champion (powered up of course). Also it'll be best if you can get him an armour with the Auto-Haste ability, and maybe the Break HP limit ability as well, but if you can kill Neslug before he attacks all you'll need is haste ^_^

Although only Wakka needs his Legendary Weapon, it's a good idea to get them for everyone as well, so they can help attack if necessary. Also if you don't have Auto-Haste for everyone's armour, at the start of the battle cast Haste immediately on everyone.

Set Wakka's Overdrive Type to the one which increases when he causes damage to enemies (I forgot the name). Enter battle with all your characters' Overdrive gauges full (the other characters won't be using their Overdrives, it's just so they can use Entrust to help Wakka). Let Wakka use Attack Reels immediately, then have someone use Entrust to transfer his/her Overdrive gauge to him. It's enough to have just 1 or 2 characters to have the Entrust ability if the others have Mime. Then use Entrust just before it's Wakka's turn, and after Wakka uses Attack Reels, have another character use Mime and he/she will use Entrust on Wakka again.

If you've finished using everyone's Overdrive gauges (that is, they've all used Entrust to fill up Wakka's Overdrive gauge and he's finished using Attack Reels) and Neslug is still alive (not likely if your levels are high enough), have your strongest and fastest characters use Quick Hit on Neslug until he dies. That's all there is to it, he shouldn't even have time to attack you at all! ^_^

How the hell do you beat Shinryu? My Tidus is at strength level 125 and I still can't beat him! I was thinking if I got Godhand powered up and used Spare Change it should amount to 99999 damage, but that would cost a million Gil. I think that would be much too costly. How did you beat him?

You're right, save the Gil for more important things! Ok, first, get Tidus's, Rikku's and Wakka's Legendary Weapons cos they're the only ones who can fight underwater. Try to train them up as well as get armour for them following my suggestions in the Miscellaneous/Secrets section. (Note that in the US or International version of FFX, levelling up using the Loner Overdrive mode would be somewhat slower due to the limit imposed on the amount of S.levels you can gain per battle. Guess Square discovered that this made levelling up too easy so they decided to make it harder ...) Enter the battle with all 3 characters' Overdrive gauges full. Since Wakka's Attack Reels causes the most damage if you can get it right (get '2 hits' on all three slots, and you would have a total of 12 hits), have Wakka use it first, then have Rikku or Tidus use 'Entrust' to transfer their gauges to him. If Wakka's Strength is high enough he should be able to take out Shinryu with just 2 Attack Reels. Note that every time you attack Shinryu he will counterattack, so if your characters aren't strong enough, there's no help for it; you'll just have to train up some more ^_^

Other FFX queries

Do I really need to play 100 Blitzball games to get Wakka's Legendary Weapon? And where can I steal, bribe or win Megalixirs?

I THINK you need to win 100 matches in order to get World Champion, but I've received an email from Brent Poynton saying he only won 12 matches and was able to get it. So you can try your luck, I guess, but I've not verified that yet.

As for Megalixirs, you can bribe a Varuna (Inside Sin/Omega Ruins, 1120000 Gil for 20) or a Xiphos (Macalania Woods, 54000 Gil for 1) for them. Alternatively, you can get 30 of them from the monster trainer for unlocking the battle against Shinryu. You can also get 4 Megalixirs from the lightning-dodging sidequest (it's a once-off thingy though). Other than these, you can find some of them in treasure chests scattered around, or win them from Blitzball tournaments, but there're no monsters you can steal them from, unfortunately.

What item is needed in order to get the Master Thief ability, and where can I get them?

For the Master Thief ability, you'll need 30 Pendulums, which you can get from the chocobo race at the Remiem Temple.

I can't find anyone that sells 4-slot armor late in the game (right before Sin, after getting the Legendary Weapons etc).

Just follow this link, and read the 'super armour' section!

What kind of weapon or armor has the Break HP Limit ability and where can I get it? Or what items do I need to customize it?

The Break HP Limit ability is only for adding on to an armour. As far as I know, there're no armour that comes with this ability in either the Jap or US version of FFX, only in the International version can you get such armour by defeating the heretic aeons, which I've heard is insanely difficult (I've not had the chance to try yet, cos of my exams >_<)

However, you can use Wings to Discovery to add that ability to your armour; you need 30 Wings apiece. For exact details check out this link.

Personalities and Technicalities ... ???

I was wondering do you know if the normal memory card will work for the Japanese PS2? I'm assuming this is one of the newer Japanese PS2's that doesn't require the driver for the DVD to be on a memory card (I came to this conclusion because there was no memory card included with the PS2 I purchased.)

Another thing, is it safe to run my PS2 on American outlets and voltage? I know Japanese electronics use 100v compared to our 110v outlets but I wasn't sure if it was a wise thing to do.

You should be able to use the same memory card you used for your US PS2 for the Japanese PS2 as well. As far as I know a memory card isn't offically included as part of the PS2 package.

As for the voltage thingy, it'd be safest to use a step-down transformer for the Jap PS2. Where I live I had to buy a transformer for my Jap PS2 too. The guy at the shop told me if I didn't want my set to catch fire I definitely should use an adaptor. Doubtless an exaggeration, but better safe than sorry ^_^