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Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups

Name: Ivan
Breaking Name: Deep Freeze, Bust a Puff
Aliases: Puffy, Rice Addict, Sayuhhh, Icyurthong
Age: 19 (So what the fudge am I supposed to celebrate?)
Hometown: Oakland California
Ethnicity: Chinese(Cantonese)
Graduating Year/College: Cal State Hayward, 2004
Cybertek Claim: Navy Blue Jacket
Fav. Jack In The Box Food: Jumbo Jack and Orea shakes kick ass
Fav. Tv Shows: That 70's show, Dawson's Creek, Smackdown, Simpsons, Boston Public, Jamie Fox show, Grosse Point, Blind Date, Robotech- First generation, Star Trek The Next Generation,
Current Womens: Like the song says, "Everyone needs to find a somebody" and I 'm still looking for her.
Fav. Celeb Womens: Rain Lee... As one... Hanul... Jennifer Love Hewitt... Reese Witherspoon...Sasha Singleton .... Maribel Wong .... Jessica Alba .... Eugene from SES .... Katie Holmes .... Lita... Rachel Leigh Cook... Kyanna V ... J (Korean singer from Virginia or Washington I think)
Signature Breaking Move(s): Handspin, K-pose
Breakdancing Highlight: From the second performance, when me and Danny were supposed to do the K at the same time, I did it too fast but I held it like 2 seconds longer than normal while Danny had time to kick his pose up too and then we both landed at the same time and went on with the rest of the routine.
So Far Greatest Lifetime Achievement(s): Graduating Chinese school after 8 years in there, being voted most artistic in the yearbook back in 9th grade, taking that drafting class at laney to realize that I didn't want to be an architect even though everyone dreams to be one, Duke of Homecoming back in 1998, Crowned Prince back in 3rd grade beauty pagent thingie, working for IRS/meeting Sandra, joining ABD, bowling 210 once, winning 25 dollars in a poetry slam, winning the snail race back in 6th grade, getting my first kiss, first time holding hands, first time in love and first time in love that it hurts. First time I realized that all times I was smitten or thought I was in love was because I was in love with the idea of love. I wanted to be in love so bad that I just made up all these fake emotions that eventually passed as I stopped seeing her day by day. Then I realized what real love was when I would hear a slow song on the radio and just start feeling sad because I missed her. Her as someone that shared the same feelings as me, not just someone else on the receiving end of the kiss or the hand holding.
Signature Sayings: Besmirched, hooriden, dude, Sweet, right on, chea, hey woman, respect my authoritay, I see your thong, is that velvet?
Current Breaking Status: Retired, check out the rest of the site for my explaination.
Other Stuff: Yes I admit I watch Dawson's Creek. Something about those dramas are cool. And they're only a year behind me unlike "Boys Meets World" which was I think 3 years ahead of me. So on "Dawson's Creek" I think Joey is wrong for doing Dawson like that. She's trying to keep a friend even though she pretty much backstabbed him but then both of them want to hold onto the relationship because they've been friends since they learned how to talk. And yes, since I heard the theme song for "Grosse Point", I've been hooked. That show is pretty well written for a sitcom and is hella funny at times too. Although the Hunter character isn't that pretty, she makes up for it by being complex. See, she's just a beach because she grew up in Hollywood and is bitter at industry for all her success and creates this hard shell of meaness that she doesn't let anyone go through .... One time my expository writing teacher was pretty deep when he said, "Are you more lonely when you're in love or when you don't have anybody?"

To view the old bio click here
Last updated 1-20-01

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