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Never shake hands with strangers. You never know where their hands have been

Name: Sheng Saechao
Breaking Name: HydroBoi (without water... life as we know it wouldn't exist... neither would breaking)
Aliases: hmm... MaiaJanus? (in my freshmen year, a few of my friends actually thought it was my real name. hehe)
Age: Two years younger then Hyolee
Hometown: Oakland
Ethnicity: Mien
Graduating Year/College: ... Hehe... i'm a sophomore.. 03 hopefully...
Cybertek Claim: ... Was it green? i never got one.
Fav. Jack In The Box Food: It would have to be the hot japenols... man.. so good and spicy, like Hyolee ~ (not that i've tasted her before =)
Fav. Tv Shows: Haven't watched TV in like two years... but it was The Next Generation
Currrent Womens: Did I forget to mention that hyolee was so good and spicy?
Fav. Celeb. Womens: I'm not into celebrities, that's dumb to love someone and to have them be ignorant of your existence.
Signature Breaking Move(s): ... Currently? well... hydro?... since so much mousing on starcraft has strengthen my wrist.
Breakdancing Highlight(s): Second performace at OACC where I actually pulled off a few rounds of headspin (if anyone remembers it differently; i'm not interested, let me keep my memories), and meeting the beautiful LD's because of breakdancing.
So Far Greatest Lifetime Achievement(s): Hmm ... I'd like to think every little thing is important ... but I think I would have to be ... actually ... I have yet to be proud of any of my achievements.
Signature Sayings: ~Shake it, shake it baybee~ , Hyo there~
Breaking Status: Off-centered
Other Stuff: Organic chemistry ... genetics ... Hyolee ... SES ... FinKL ... Starcraft .. .ochem ... The cup is half-full of the best stuff made on earth, but tastes bitter to most as they have had so few of these drinks. A hint of the complicated world that we live in comes from the fact that we need to spend 20 years in school to survive. My favorite tech is z rush, I can get a full group within the first couple of minutes. If I were to die now, the greatest regret would be that I have yet to live. One moment of happiness will last a lifetime. soaring... I'd like to come back as a bird.
What I Say: Never disrespect FinKL in front of his face unless you want to see him get very violent.

To view the old bio click here
Last updated 10-21-00

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