Bulldog Bash, August 2001

That's smoke by the way...

These pics are crap. (And take ages to load - SORRY!) I know. I never said I was #insert name of famour photographer here#. I know the llama in a snowstorm thing isn't really true here...but CH pics are thin on the ground. You can do better? Well send me you CH pics.

Murky Mateo... Paul's pissed off somewhere... JB like this band... JB want CD...ooooh! Is that Hubert of the FLC? Nah..it's Carl from Caddyshack! Duelling not banjos...with special guest Carl Spackler Bald and balder... G has a halo...

From Virtual-Festivals.com, this review:
"What about the music?", I hear you cry!
Well I could say 'if you're looking for music then why are you reading about a biker gathering?' But instead I'll say this: - The Fall were on good form - they may not have been an obvious choice, but racking in behind the ascorbic rock of Big Yoga Muffin and the bluesy tunes of Cooley High, then the cantankerous Mark E. Smith took the mic and actually gave something that looked more like a performance, rather than his more common habit of roaming around, behind and off the stage whilst looking out for unwary photographers to lash out at. If I had to state a favourite track then it might have been 'Folding Money'. But there again, it might not.
Guest appearance of the day (for it goes without saying that every good festival should have one) came from birthday boy Huey - yes he of Fun Lovin' Criminal fame. Playing a few tunes with Cooley High he looked like he was having the time of his life just jamming along in front of this mildly scary crowd.

These 4 Bulldog photos copyright Sara Bowsey and John Bownas 2001.

From efestivals.com:
Next up was Cool High - a bluesy-rock outfit from New York who were joined for a while by Fun Lovin Crims main man Huey for, it has to be said, an obviously unrehearsed jam! The rest was good though.
Hmmm. And here's another pic:

Click to enlarge the image, then press 'back' on your browser to return to this page.
If you got any CH live images that I haven't please send 'em in. You WILL be credited.


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