Maxine's OTHER Stories...

I Disappear **Metallica James Hetfield**
Inside Out **Limp Bizkit Fred Durst**
This Woman **Vin Diesel**
Last Time **OCC**
The Way It Is **OCC**
Crash **Chaske Spencer**
This Hate, This Love **Kellan Lutz**
The Truth **Alex Meraz**
Never Let Me Go **Vampire Diaries Tyler Lockwood**
Fallen **Twilight Saga Jared**
I See You **Twilight Saga Emmett Cullen**
Better Then Tonight **Twilight Saga Quil**
Arms **Twilight Saga Paul** Part 1 to Trilogy
Let Me In **Twilight Saga Paul** Part 2 to Trilogy
Runaway **Twilight Saga Paul** Part 3 to Trilogy
Don't You Wanna Stay **Twilight Saga Paul**
Falling In ~Sequel to Don't You Wanna Stay~ **Twilight Saga Paul**
Give Up Forever **Twilight Saga Paul**
Little Wonders **Twilight Saga Paul**
Around **Twilight Saga Paul**
Beautiful Ending **Twilight Saga Paul**
Don't Let It Go **Twilight Saga Paul**
Feel My Love **Twilight Saga Paul**
Fools Like Me **Twilight Saga Paul**

These stories are STRICTLY for entertainment purposes, nothing else. I don't own anything associated with the WWE or any other organization.**
If you have any questions, please email

Maxine 1
Maxine 2
Maxine 3
Maxine 4
Maxine 5
Maxine 6
Maxine OTHER Stories 2