Inside Out


Chapter 1


Sitting in 1 studio, Morgan is recording her 6 rock songs, her little 5’6” 130lb frame sitting on a wooden stool in front of a mic, with her waist length reddish / pink ratted out hair kept falling in her face…her latest tattoo on her ankle was itching something fierce…obviously healing.  She’d been at this bullshit recording for nearly 3 hours…but she was big on perfection and besides if she didn’t get it right, Dani would definitely throw her back into the studio to re do them…and do them right.


Sitting in another studio, Daniella is recording her 6 R & B songs, her taller frame of 5’9” and 125lbs, was sitting on the carpeted floor trying to find a comfortable position laying down so her diaphragm wouldn’t get smashed when she was doing the long notes.  Her long black hair that was nearly past her ass was fanned out along the floor as her violet eyes stared at the ceiling…she was pulling on her navel ring with her pinky finger…trying to get some notes right…the key was a little off.


Morgan and I make up the 2 person group that was us…we decided a long time ago, when you mix heavy Rock with heavy R & B…it’s nothing but a destruction phase getting ready to start…So as a 2 person group we dubbed ourselves Sisters Of Destruction.  Of course the record company ate it right up.


We were signed to different labels, but were a fully functional duet.  We did songs together and we did songs separate.  Morgan being the Rock influence was signed to Rounder with 12 Stones…


Me being the R & B influence I was signed with Republic Records…I was the first and only R & B artist to be signs to an all Rock Record company…the record Executive said he saw something there he’d never imagined…he said I might have had R & B, but there was definitely a little Rock there also…and he’s see how I did.


Morgan’s cell phone started to ring…as she said a silent thank you to God for finally getting a break she picked up the phone and said, “Hello.” “Hey baby.”  The familiar voice on the other line was her long time boyfriend Paul McCoy…he was also a Rock singer…he was the lead singer for 12 Stones…they’d worked their butts off as long as we had and they had just started hitting it big…


Paul was currently on tour and he must’ve got 5 seconds to himself in order to call Morgan.  They had meet 6 months ago when they decided to do a duet together…And they’ve been together ever since.


They spoke on the phone for about 15 minutes, and then Morgan informed our manager she needed a ‘bathroom break’…Morgan walked down to the ladies room and locked the main door…and made sure no one else was in it.  She pulled her little vial out of her pocket…she just needed a pick me up…something to help her finish the recording time…


As Morgan let the angel dust enter her nasal cavity…she instantly felt like a million bucks…like she was 10 feet tall and bullet proof…and could do anything.  She dropped a few Visine drops in her eyes to take the red out…and she headed back to the studio.


I wrapped up my recording and walked over to check on Morgan…she was wailing on the microphone like you couldn’t believe it…every song sounded like total gold.  She winked at me and  I knew she’d be finished soon…She looked a little tired…Hell she looked how I felt…so I could only imagine how she felt and how I looked.


We wrapped up the session and took off to our 2 bedroom Penthouse in New York City…our rooms were on separate ends of the pent house…As soon as we got home…we crawled into bed and immediately fell into a peaceful slumber.


Chapter 2


I woke up early the next morning and went for my daily run…when I came back Morgan was up, showered and dressed, sitting down eating breakfast…I walked in and ruffled her reddish-pink hair and said, “So when’s lover boy coming home?”  Morgan grinned and said, “He should be home in a few days…when do we start recording the songs we sing together?” 


I smiled and said, “In about 2 hours…so drink some warm honey lemon tea…I’m gonna go grab a shower.”  I took off down the hallway to my room and jumped into the shower…


Morgan watched as Dani disappeared down the hall and listened for her to step in the shower…walking quickly and quietly she hauled ass back to her room and locked the door…digging through her dresser…she knew she had an extra vial some place…she’d used the last of the Angel Dust yesterday for her recording pick me up and now Dani informed her she was going to finish up their 3rd album today…of all days…


Morgan had gotten zero sleep…and now she was crawling around on the floor on her hands and knees like a wild pig…DAMNIT!  Where was her extra party stash…she hid it from herself all the time…trying to hold out and only using it when she absolutely needed it…she only used it this much when they were in the recording studio…


Morgan flipped her long hair out of her face as she crawled into the closet and started digging through boxes and boxes of every different kind of drug she’d tried…2 huge boxes housed the little ones…1 box for the good shit that she would always go back for more…and 1 box for all the nasty stuff that she didn’t like using because of the way it made her feel.




Morgan crawled out of the bottom of her closet and had two full vials ½ full of Angel Dust…she’d use one now and one at the studio when she needed the pick up.  She poured it out onto her mirror made her lines…and slowly inserted the straw into her nose…she had to be careful once she did too much at one time and got a nose bleed…she knew she had a bad, BAD addiction…but she couldn’t bring herself to tell her best friend since kindergarden. 


Morgan slowly snorted the white powder, and slowly felt herself come to life…she went ahead and snorted the rest up her other nasal cavity…she basked in the tingly feeling…and then go up and went to the bathroom washed the mirror off, flushed the vial and straw, then blew her nose…so none of the white powder ever made an appearance under her nose…


As we rode in the limo the studio sent…I said, “Don’t forget we’ve got a performance to do at the MTV Video Music Awards…that’s next week Thursday night, so we really need to figure out what we’ll be wearing…plus you and Paul will be presenting an award…and I’ll be presenting an award with some bad tempered foul mouth rapper named Fred Durst…apparently he’s reputation is notorious…I can’t imagine why they’d put me and him together…”


Morgan giggled and said, “Well…maybe thy wanna see if you two can get along…ya never know…it could be interesting.”


I smiled and said, “Yea…I guess it could be interesting.”


We continued to the studio and worked into the wee hours of the morning.


Chapter 3


- -1 Week Later…MTV VMA’s- -


I was sitting in a dressing room in the back…looking over my outfit…Black plastic pants, matching steel toed boots and a matching tank top with spaghetti straps.  MY long raven hair had tons and tons of spiral curls throughout it. 


Morgan was down in a separate dressing room in the same outfit as me only it was bright red.  Her reddish-pink hair was in long dreads that one of the hair ladies had done for her to keep it out of her face.  Morgan reached over and locked the door…one more pick me up.


She grabbed a bottle of Sunny Delight popped the cap off, and pour half the vial into the bottle, replaced the lid and shook it for a few minutes, then down the small bottle in 2 second.  She could feel the orange juice and angel dust sliding through her system.  She needed the vitamin C…and snorting the dust before presenting and then before a live performance was something she never did.  She didn’t want to look like she was completely cracked out.


I watched as Morgan and Paul walked out and presented Best Song…they made the crowd laugh.  I was trying to keep the butterflies to a minimal…then one of the backstage guys walked up and said, “Daniella, we had a small re-route with presenters…Fred Durst said he wasn’t going to present with some half and half group…he didn’t know if you was the Rock or the R & B side so…we’ve got someone to put in his place…Hey Sonny c’mere really fast.”


I looked over and the most gorgeous man I’d ever seen in my life walked towards us…he had on black jeans, tenny shoes, black t-shirt that said ‘San Diego’ in the middle in red letters.  He had big chocolate brown eyes, long waist length brunette dreads, and go-tee that matched his hair. 


I thought I recognized him and the stage hand said, “Daniella St. Jaymes…I’d like you to meet Sonny Sandoval…he’s the lead singer of POD.”  I smiled and said, “Ah…Payable on Death.  Satellite is a great album.”  We shook hands, he smiled and said, Thank you…It’s nice to meet you.”  I smiled and said, “Yea you too.”  I nearly dropped to the ground when he smiled at me.


I said, “So were doing best kissing scene in a music video…how do we wanna do this?”  Sonny said, “Well…I’ll let you take the lead…you seem a little more confident about this whole thing.”  I said, “Are you insane…I’m a bundle of nerves right now…I’ve never done something like this…I’m used to just performing and then leaving.” 


Sonny said, “Well the nervousness doesn’t show…either way I’ll let you take control of it once we get out there.”  I said, “You don’t have a girlfriend or a wife…I don’t wanna piss anyone off…or incite a jealous rage.”  Sonny laughed and said, “No…so the floor is pretty much yours and you can do whatever ya want…what ever makes you feel comfortable.”


They announced us and we walked out together and over to the podium…Sonny said, “Were presenting Best Kissing Scene in a Music Video.”  I said, “Hey Sonny how do you like to kiss?”  Sonny said, “I dunno…What do you mean Daniella?”  I said, “Well…Do you like to kiss fast?  Like this?”  I grabbed his fast and pecked his lips…and continued, “Or do you like to kiss slow?  Like his?”  I cupped his face and brushed my lips against his and He kissed me back, he wrapped his arms around my waist…I felt his tongue slide into my mouth…as our tongues dueled…I could hear the crowd going insane.


We pulled apart, and as Sonny fell back on to the stage, sprawled out…I smiled deviously and said, “I think he likes number two…so while you figure out how you like to kiss…check out the nominees for Best Kissing Scene in a video.


When the segment was over, Sonny and I walked back stage and I said, “I hope I didn’t frighten you too much.”  Sonny smiled and said, “Where did you learn to kiss like that?”  I smiled and said, “Plenty of practical while in St. Josephs all girl catholic school.”  I walked away with a sway of my hips, I peeked back and sure enough Sonny’s eyes followed me.


Chapter 4


Next on the agenda for the night was Morgan and I singing a song together…Carson Daily came out and said, “In the shortest amount of time our next performers have been labels as anything but singers…tonight…they shut every one up…please welcome…Sisters of Destruction.”

I see how your trying to
Weasel your way in my mind
I know how you maneuver
With your confusion

You tell me that I’m your only
And how bad that you want me
Well then why are you so shady
If I’m supposed to be your lady

Why should I believe…anything you say
And how could you shame me that way

Tell me where…where did you get the nerve
To even think that you…you could play me wrong

You thought we didn't know
You thought we were in the dark
But boy your covers blown
Cause we both know now
You thought you had us fooled
At your beck & call
But now who's the joke
And look who's laughing now

Now your trying to use us

Against one another…but it won't work

I see right though your game boy

And I know exactly where to play boy

You tried to deny all your actions

For once in your life be a real man

At least give me the proper respect of…

The truth

I already know you did it

Why should I believe anything you say
And how could you shame me that way

Tell me where…where did you get the nerve
To even think that you…you could play me wrong

You thought we didn't know
You thought we were in the dark
But boy your covers blown
Cause we both know now
You thought you had us fooled
At your beck & call
But now who's the joke
And look who's laughing now

I see right through you baby
Try not to be like you don't want me
Why don't you get it through your thick head



Why don’t you just get it through you tick, thick, thick, thick head



Cause I’ve seen this game before
And I’m not trying to see it no more
I’m not trying to hear your lies
No not again…

No-No Not again

Sorry…you couldn't be a better man

You thought we didn't know
You thought we were in the dark
But boy your covers blown
Cause we both know now
You thought you had us fooled
At your beck & call
But now who's the joke
And look who's laughing now

Guess you thought wrong

Look who's laughing…now

You so stupid


When the song was finished, we walked off stage and the sounds of the crowd cheering were near deafening.  We definitely went back to pent house that night with some sweet images to put under our pillows.


Chapter 5


For some reason or another after the MTV VMA’s I kept running into Sonny, every where I went I seemed to run into him…even late one night I was at the studio re-doing a couple of my tracks…I took a break to get some water…I was walking down the hallway…and wasn’t paying attention and hit a chest and fell back onto my ass.


I leaned to the side and was rubbing my now sore booty…when I looked up and came face to face with Sonny…I said, “We really have to stop meeting like this.  Sonny squatted down and said, “You okay?”  I said, “My ass hurts…but I’ll live.”  Sonny took my hand and helped me up to my feet…


Sonny said, “Sorry about that…Can I make it up to you?”  I said, “What did you have in mind?”  Sonny said, “How about some dinner…I know a really great restaurant around the corner from here  I smiled and said, “You got it.”  Sonny offered me his arm and I looped my hand around his bi-cept and we took off walked down the street.


We walked into this small little Mexican restaurant…and Sonny seated me and then went up and ordered out food.  We talked while we ate and just generally got to know each other.  Sonny said, “So you’re one half of the sisters of destruction…how long have you guys been singing together?”  I said, “Since high school…we’ve known each other since forever…and when we started singing together we just had a sound that seemed to click…which is why we were sucked up so fast into contracts.  We were signed by 2 different labels because of our music styles…”


We laughed a lot over dinner and then walked back to the studio…we talked a lot more while sitting on the floor of the studio…by the end of the night, Sonny had asked for my phone number…and I wrote it down and he saved it in his cell phone.  As I saved his in my cell phone.  Sonny lived in San Diego…this was going to be an interesting relationship if there was one.  I had a beach house in Santa Monica…guess I’d be there on my days off.


A few weeks later, Sonny and I started seeing a lot of each other…I got to meet his mother…who was diagnosed with cancer…she was fighting it as hard as she could…she was a sweet lady…Sonny’s mother and father were divorced so when he was a boy he would bounce between the 2 homes…


Since we started dating, Sonny’s mom invited me over Sunday’s for dinner with the rest of the family.  I in turn asked Sonny’s mom to come listen to me record a song for a soundtrack to some movie that wasn’t out yet.  Sonny brought her up to the studio and I immediately started…


Can you rock with me
Aw baby…Non-stop with me
Can you take it to the top with me
I just wanna love you baby
Always thinking of you baby

Can you roll with me
Ooh baby…All over me
Can you take control of me
I just wanna love you baby
Always thinking of you baby

I think I like
How your body feel next to me
Aw baby when you kissing me
aw baby when you loving me
I can't describe
What I want to do to you tonight
Aw baby when you come to me
I'll make it so you'll never leave

Can you rock with me
Aw baby…Non-stop with me
Can you take it to the top with me
I just wanna love you baby
Always thinking of you baby

Can you roll with me
Ooh baby…All over me
Can you take control of me
I just wanna love you baby
Always thinking of you baby

See I don't know
If I can handle you as just a friend
Aw baby I can't pretend
Aw baby I'm so far in
But I don't mind
As long as I could have you in my life
Aw baby I'm satisfied
Even if you're not just mine

Can you rock with me
Aw baby…Non-stop with me
Can you take it to the top with me
I just wanna love you baby
Always thinking of you baby

Can you roll with me
Ooh baby…All over me
Can you take control of me
I just wanna love you baby
Always thinking of you baby

Boy you make me not the same
Aw baby, aw baby, ooh baby, ooh baby
Can you feel me when we say
Aw baby, aw baby, ooh baby, ooh baby

Can you rock with me
Aw baby…Non-stop with me
Can you take it to the top with me
I just wanna love you baby
Always thinking of you baby

Can you roll with me
Ooh baby…All over me
Can you take control of me
I just wanna love you baby
Always thinking of you baby

Can you rock with me
Aw baby…Non-stop with me
Can you take it to the top with me
I just wanna love you baby
Always thinking of you baby

Can you roll with me
Ooh baby…All over me
Can you take control of me
I just wanna love you baby
Always thinking of you baby

Oh, Mmmm, love you baby
Mmmm, yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah, yeah
Oh Mmmm, love you babe
Mmmm, yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah, yeah


When it was finished she said it was beautiful…


A few weeks later…It had been 3 weeks since I heard from Sonny…No messages, no e-mails…and no visits…I couldn’t imagine what was going on.


Chapter 6


So I went to San Diego to find out what was going on… went to Sonny’s house and knocked on the door…


Sonny answered and I said, “What’s going on?”  Sonny said, “What are you talking about?”  I said, “We’ve been dating for a few months and then all of a sudden 3 weeks with nothing from you…is every thing it your mom?”


Sonny said, “No…Noni is alright.”  I said, “Then what’s going on with us?”  Sonny said, “I’ve been meaning to call you…I just don’t think that we are going to work out…”  I stood and watched as he started messing with his go-tee…


I said, “Really…and what brought you to that conclusion?” 


Sonny said, “I just started realizing that I do Rock…you do R & B…people are going to give us so much shit about not being from the same musical influence.” 


I said, “How’s come this smells like a line of bullshit?  No one has said anything to me about the different musical genres…if they haven’t bothered us now…why would they even start.”


Sonny said, “Maybe they were saying it to me…and I just haven’t said anything to you about it…”  I said, “No cause in the short amount of time that I’ve known you…you never had a problem telling me or anyone else anything…you’re by no means the type of person to keep shit in…and you know it.”


We were standing on the porch talking...I had my arms crossed over my chest in defense mode and I said, “So this is it?” 


Sonny shoved his hands in his front jean pockets and said, “What the fuck you want me to say?” 


I said, “I was just hoping you could be honest with me, instead of being a chicken shit lame ass fucker.”


Sonny’s head popped up and looked at Dani…she was pissed and he knew it…but he didn’t have the heart to tell her the truth…there had been a few minor details to his life that he’d left out…things along the line of him having an ex-wife and a daughter…and they had reconciled a few weeks ago…which is why he had to think of some type of lie.  But she’d totally seen right through it.


I glared at Sonny and said, “I’ll see you around…oh wait…no I won’t…”


The whole phrase ‘I wouldn’t piss in your mouth, even if your teeth were on fire’ came to mind as Daniella walked away.


Chapter 7


A few weeks later…Morgan and I were invited to the Playboy mansion for new album (s) release party…a bunch of bands were gonna be there…Limp Bizkit, POD, Kitten, All Saints and a few other bands. 


Morgan had disappeared into the bathroom…she had been doing that a lot lately…that girl and her bladder…she always said she had a hamster bladder I guess I just never noticed it until now.


I was walking around the back yard and watched as the all male bands messed with the playmates.  A few guys from Limp Bizkit…had more then one girl on their arms…Some girl walked up to me and said, “Are you Daniella St. Jaymes?”  I said, “Yes I am…how may I help you?”  She smiled and said, “I’m Amy Sandoval…I’d appreciate it if you kept your slut ass away from my husband.”


I said, “Sure lady as soon as you tell me who your husband is.”


She smirked at me and said, “Sonny Sandoval.”  I said, “Excuse me?”  That Amy girl smirked and said, “I take it he forgot to mention he was married for the few months he was seeing you…oh and he’s got a kid with me…but the reason he broke up with your ass is because were back together…so I suggest you stay away from my man.”


I said, “Fine by me.” 


I turned to leave when she ran around and stood in front of me and said, “I’m serious when I say stay away from my husband…he’s a great man.”  I said, “What makes him so great?”  Amy smiled and said, “He dropped the whore and came back to his wife and child.”


I said, “What makes you think he’s such a great man when he didn’t even tell his girlfriend of 5 months that he was married.”  She pulled her hand back and slapped me across the face…it was like the slap heard round the world…every one stopped what they were doing and looked up to see what was going on.


I smirked and said, “Thank you so much for giving me a reason to defend myself.”


I pulled my arm back and belted her right in the face…her ass hit the ground like a sack of potatoes…Sonny ran up and said, “Dani, what the fuck?”  I shoved him and said, “You tell your wife…Mrs. Sandoval…If she ever touches me again…she’s gonna wind up down there and become more then personally acquainted with the ground again.”  I walked through the mansion and out the front door to my Toyota RAV 4…


“Excuse me.”  A voice said behind me…I stopped and turned around and came face to face with a blue eyed hottie…I planted my hands on my hips and said, “Something I can do for you junior?”  He said, “Damn…Nice Right hook to the bitch that was messing with ya.”


I walked back towards the house…and said, “I don’t fight…I just don’t like getting slapped…if someone’s gonna hit me then god damn hit me…no slapping or hair pulling…Daniella St. James.”  I stuck my hand out and he took it and shook it and said, “Fred Durst.” 


I said, “You’re that guy…the one who didn’t wanna come on stage with me at the VMA’s…something about me being a newbie.”  Fred smiled and said, “Well…don’t believe everything you hear and also, I just came to tell you that your friend…Morgan…she’s upstairs in the bathroom and won’t come out.”


I took off upstairs and Fred followed me…the door was locked and I could get the door open…Fred reared back and kicked the door open…I looked in and Morgan was passed out on the floor with blood coming out of her nose in gallons…


I ran over and as I tossed my cell phone to Fred, I said, “Please call an ambulance.”


Chapter 8


Rushing through the doors of the Emergency Room of Cedar Sinai Hospital...I went immediately to the nurse’s station...I said, “Excuse me...but they just brought my friend in here...Morgan Hill...she was passed out in a bathroom and an ambulance just brought her in.” 


The nurse said, “You’re just friends?  You’re not a family member or next of kin?” 


I said, “No.” 


The nurse said, “I’m sorry, but only family or next of kin is allowed medical information or in to see patients.” 


I grabbed the nurse by the collar of her perfectly bright white pressed nurses uniform and pulled her half way across the counter and said, “Look lady...I don’t give a shit, what you need...Morgan has been my best friend since Kindergarten and if you don’t tell me what the fuck is going on with’re going to find yourself in a lot more pain they you ever thought possible...”


I cleared my throat and continued, “So take my fingerprints, do a retina scan, a pap smear, throat culture, CBC, WBC, RBC, and get a pint of blood while your at it...and call about my driving record...but one way or another I wanna talk to a doctor and find out what’s happened to me best friend of nearly 16 years!...If you understand what I just said nod your little head and then carry your prissy ass down to the ER and get me a doctor...NOW!”


The nurse nodded and she took off down the hallway as fast as her little legs would carry her...


3 minutes later a doctor came back with the nurse following him...she kept poking him and pinching his ass to get him to walk faster.  He just basically told us, she was barely stabilized and that he wouldn’t know anything until her tests came back...which would be another hour.  Fred just stood next to me with his hands in his pockets. 


Fred watched the raven haired beauty as she nearly wiped the nurse and her seed from the earth...he was about to say something...but he felt a twinge when he heard the panic and pain in Dani’s voice...


Fred actually wanted to laugh...he’d never seen a nurse or doctor in Cedar Sinai move so fast...they were usually pretty lazy about patient care...apparently Ms. St. James was gonna be keeping them on their toes while Morgan was in attendance. 


I looked over at Fred and said, “What?”  Fred threw his hands up in the air in defeat and said, “Hey...I’m neutral...I can along for the ride.” 


I slumped against the wall and I could feel the tears sliding down my cheeks...I said, “I’m sorry...I just hate the waiting ya know?  I don’t know what’s wrong with her...she’s been my best friend for so long...and my singing partner in crime even longer...I don’t know what I’d do if something ever happened to her.”


Fred walked over and took my hand he said, “C’mon...Let me buy you a shitty cup of coffee in this’s gonna be a while before they can really tell you anything.” 


We walked over to the elevators and got in as soon as the elevator doors closed I leaned against the wall and started crying...


Fred being a man wasn’t sure what to do...poor thing he was basically thrown into it all.  Fred grabbed the girl and pilled her to him letting her cry on him...he wrapped his arms around her...and could feel the tiny ladies body racked with sobs.  He got her calmed down and they sat in the cafeteria drinking several cups of coffee and just talking.




Chapter 9


As Fred and I sat in the cafeteria talking and waiting…I had completely forgot all about Paul…Morgan’s boyfriend.  I called Paul’s cell phone right away and told him what had happened…it was a good thing he was in town with the band otherwise he’d have to leave touring to come back and see her…He was totally beside himself he had to have his drummer drive him to the hospital..


Fred and I walked got back to the ER…we had just walked in as the doctor came out and said, “I’m sorry Daniella…But has Morgan ever acted funny…seemed like she just wasn’t with it?”  I said, “No…why?  What’s going on?” 


The doctor said, “We gave her a drug screen test and she came out positive for Angel Dust, Cocaine, and some other highly dangerous drugs.  She’s been ingesting them through her nasal cavity…which by the looks of it…she’s been doing this for roughly about 6 years.” 


I said, “No, that’s impossible…we got to drug free schools and talk about not doing drugs…”  The doctor said, “Well…obviously one of you was only drug free and able to talk about it.”  I nearly fell over...


Fred could see Dani swaying a little and looked like her legs were gonna give out on her...he stepped a little closer and wrapped his arm around her waist...she didn’t fight him on it...infact she grabbed his hand that was resting on her hip.  He could feel her body shaking from head to toe...she was struggling to stay on her feet and not collapse in a big puddle on the ground.


I said, “What...What’s the next step...How can I help her get through this?  What can be done?”  The doctor said, “Well...there’s a very good rehab facility about 30 miles from here in a small town were most famous people go to rehab from drugs and alcohol.  We can have her transfer and checked into there when she gets more stable.”  I said, “Okay...Do I have to sign anything?”  The doctor said, “Yea...I’ll have the nurse draw the papers up and then bring them into you so you can sign them.”


I said, “When can I go in and see her?”  The doctor said, “C’mon I’ll take you up to the Intensive Care Unit.”  I looked at Fred and said, “Would you mind coming with me...I know we just met and every thing but I really don’t wanna be up there alone.”  Fred nodded and said, “Yea...If you want me to come with you sure.” 


Fred held onto her as they rode up to the 5th floor to the Intensive Care Unit.  Fred watched as she walked in and immediately went to Morgan’s side and grabbed her hand...the shorter girl with the pinkish red hair had pale-pale skin...almost no color at all.  He watched as Dani stroked her hair and squeezed her hand, trying to get some kind of response out of her unconscious friend, but nothing seemed to work. 


Fred made himself comfortable on the floor against the wall with his elbows resting on his bent knees and looked up when Dani joined him on the floor also, he watched as she pulled her knees into her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs.  She still had the sniffles from crying in the elevator.  Fred reached over and handed her a box of Kleenex.


I looked up and took a tissue and said, “Thank you...I know you must think I’m some kind of cry baby or something...I’m really sorry I dragged you into all of this...If you want to leave you can.”  I felt more tears sliding down my cheeks and Fred scooted closer to me and said, “Hey...everything is gonna be okay...and believe me when I say If I didn’t wanna be dragged into it...I would of stayed at the release party.  I don’t think you’re a cry baby...I think you’re just having a normal reaction to just finding out a friend was in trouble.”


I said, “I didn’t even know she was doing drugs.  The doctor said she’s been doing it for around 6 years...we’ve been best friends since kindergarten.  How could I not know she was hooked on drugs...I’ve been so busy the last 6 years from trying to get us record deals to recording 3 albums to touring and modeling to whatever...I couldn’t take 5 minutes out to just ask her... ‘Hey how are you doing today?’...I’m a horrible friend.  This really sucks.”


I checked my watch it was almost mid-night...I hadn’t realized how late it was...Fred pulled me over and laid my head in his lap and I started to feel my eyelids getting heavy...and I could feel Fred running his fingers through my hair which was totally relaxing me. 


Fred watched the raven haired beauty as she slowly fell asleep...she needed it...she’d had a rough day.  He had to admit...he’d never wanted to be closer to anyone in his life then he did her right now...having her fall asleep in his lap was just a bonus.  And soon he felt sleep take over his body.


Chapter 10


In the morning...My eyes fluttered open as the sun slowly peaked through the blind in Morgan’s hospital room.  SHIT!  I completely forgot where I had been all night.  I slowly sat up and pulled my long hair off of Fred’s lap.  It was full of static from the I just pulled it up into a ponytail...I slowly stood up...listening to every bone in my body pop and crack from sleeping on a hard concrete floor all night.


I looked over and Paul must’ve come in during the night some time, while we were sleeping, because he was asleep in the chair next to Morgan’s hospital bed.  Fred saw who I was looking at and jumped up and said, “Do you know him?”  I said, “That’s Paul...Morgan’s boyfriend.  He’s the lead singer of the Christian Rock band 12 Stones.”  Fred said, “I thought he looked familiar...good band.”


I stifled a laugh and Fred said, “What?”  I said, “You listen to Christian Rock?”  Fred smiled and said, “Well...yea...of course...why wouldn’t I?”  I said, “The author of Break Stuff...the song that says fuck more then a porno, listens to Christian Rock?” 


Fred chuckled a little and said, “What?  So I was having a bad day when I wrote that song...Don’t tell me you don’t have bad days...especially after that performance at the VMA’s...That song had a lot of feeling behind it...who wrote it you or Morgan?” 


I said, “Me...”  He said, “Why?”  I said, “A couple of years ago I ran across a real smooth talker...and an even smoother actor...told me everything I wanted to hear and then some...we got engaged and then I found out he was actually cheating on me with another girl...and when she found out about me...she was as pissed off at him as I was.”


Fred stuffed his hands into his pockets and said, “ how did this other girl find out about you?”  I looked at Fred and smirked.  Fred said, “You didn’t...did you...You little did.”  I laughed and said, “Of course I did...why should I be the only one pissed off about a man cheating on me...when two pissed off females are better then one.”  Fred nodded and said, “True.”


I walked over and kissed the top of Morgan and Paul’s heads and Fred and I left the room to go down and get some more coffee...When we got back Morgan was awake with Paul sitting next to her and our manager Ross had finally gotten there...Morgan made everyone but me leave the room.


I sat on the foot of her bed and said, “Morgy, what happened?  I mean...was it something I did...I mean...we’ve been best friends for so long and I didn’t know you was hooked on drugs...why didn’t you tell me.” 


Morgan said, “It wasn’t anything you was just something that happened...I kept saying I was only using it to get through the recording times...and then it was just to get through the really long concert nights...but the more excuses I used to try and quit...the more reason I came up with to have to use it.  I was a mess and I knew it...hiding vials and bottles of it from you...little plastic white powder filled bags...Every time I tried to come tell you I needed help...I found another reason to keep using it.  I just kept snorting it up my nose or mixing it with orange juice or whatever I had on me at the time.  I think once I even poured it into a sandwich and ate it.”


I said, “Oh know you can tell me anything and I’ll help as much as I can.  You’ve been my best friend for nearly 16 years...and I almost lost you...well I refuse to lose you now.  I had the doctor draw up some papers there’s a rehab place 30 minutes from’re going and I don’t want any argument.”  Morgan nodded and said, “This was a huge wake up call Dani...I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”  I said, “No...It’s ok...Just don’t keep something like this from me ever again...or I swear the next thing up your nose will be my foot.”  We looked at each other tears sliding down our all messy and we just busted out laughing...we couldn’t help it. 


2 days later, Morgan was released and then transfer to Wondering Hills Rehab Retreat.  She had to de-tox for 72 hours...and then start therapy, activities...and was allowed 2 phone calls every week.  It was a 5 month was for people who’d been doing drugs for 5 years or more.  Ross decided to cancel our new album tour due to undisclosed reasons. 


Me on the other hand...since I had 5 months before anything was going to happen with Sisters of Destruction...Fred and I started getting a little closer...when Limp Bizkit went on the road for there new album, Fred asked me to join him...and I was only too happy to get away from actual performing while on a tour.


Chapter 11


One day, the guys from the band were relaxing before the concert that night...most of them were playing basketball...I was sitting in the grass area writing some lyrics for a song...Ever since all the drama with Morgan had happened I started thinking more towards the Rock edge and not so much R & B...


Fred was helping me get out my aggressions...which I was really thankful for him being there to help me.  I tried calling Morgan at the rehab center a few times...but she wasn’t accepting phone calls from anyone who wasn’t family. 


I thought I was family...


I couldn’t keep my mind on the writing for some reason...My mind just kept drifting back to Morgan...I wanted to talk with her so bad...Fred must’ve noticed I wasn’t staying focused...he came over and I felt like I was being watched...I looked up when the shade appeared over me out of nowhere...and said, “Something I can help you with?” 


Fred leaned down and kissed the top of my head as he sat next to me in the grass...He said, “Concentration not what it used to be?”  I said, “Lately no.”  I leaned against Fred’s shoulder and said, “I wanna talk to Morgan so bad.”  Fred said, “I know you do baby...But you can’t force her to take non-family phone calls.”  I could feel the tears swelling up in my eyes...


I sat up and whipped the tears off my checks that had escaped my eyes.  Fred pulled me back into his arms and started blowing raspberries on my neck and shoulder...he knew it tickled me and I couldn’t help but crack up laughing.  I finally squealed out an, “Uncle...UNCLE!!!”


Fred said, “You done being sad?”  I smacked his arm and said, “No! Shit head.”  Fred laughed at me when I made a face towards him...he flipped me over and swatted my ass and I laughed again, he said, “You wanna go for a walk?”  I smiled over at him and said, “Yea.”  Fred stood up and pulled me up with him...


We walked around the the middle of walking Fred took my hand in his and laced our fingers together...we’d been on tour together for the last month and a half and this was the first time he’d touched me intimately...I looked side ways at him and half smiled at him.  Fred said, “You don’t mind do you?”  I shook my head no and gave his fingers a squeeze.


I said, “I know I can’t force her to take non-family calls...but I just wish she’d call me...she’s been calling Paul...he’s been trying to help her as much as I want to...but she just won’t except help from me...and I can’t figure out why.”


Fred said, “Maybe she’s ashamed...I mean you guys have been friends for so long...maybe she’s ashamed because she couldn’t come to you and admit to you that she had a drug problem...Denial is the worst thing in the world next to shame...I’ve done shit in my past I’m shamed of.”  I said, “Yea right like what?”


Fred swallowed hard and said, “It was probably about 4 years ago...when we started taking off...and getting more and a few of the guys from the band who were single did a sleazy porn movie with a bunch of sleazy half porn stars...”  Fred must’ve seen the look on my face and he said, “See...Told ya...but I think the best lesson I learned from that was wearing a condom...I wore tons...and even though I did wear condoms...I got tested...Thank GOD all my tests came back negative. The hardest thing would have been telling my mother I got some kind of incurable disease from a girl who I made a porn movie brutal is that?”


I giggled a little and said, “Pretty mother would beat my ass.”  Fred laughed and said, “Yea...Mine would too...which is why...I pray to God every night she DOESN’T find out.  She would beat me within an inch of my life.”  I said, “ need to be spanked a few hundred times.  I bet you was a brat growing up.”  Fred said, “Me?  Never...Okay, well maybe just a little.”


I couldn’t help but laugh again.


Fred leaned against a door jam and pulled me against him and said, “So what have you ever done and feel ashamed now?”  I smiled evilly for a second and fisted the collar of Fred’s t-shirt and said, “I’m ashamed I hit Sonny’s wife...who the hell am I kidding...I’m just ashamed I didn’t hit her hard enough for her mother to get a bruise.”


Fred took my fist out of his shirt and said, “You’re a feisty one...I’m gonna have to keep my eye on you.”  And his kissed my fist.  I got milli-inches from his lips and while looking into those deep blue eyes, I said, “You do that Mr. Durst.”  I looked down at his bright red lips and pressed the softest of kisses to his lips.  I pulled away, smirked a little and walked away.


Fred said, “Ah hell no.”


I laughed and took off down the hall way, with Fred hot on my heels.


Chapter 12


As I was being pursued by Fred, I ducked into a spare dressing room...and waited for Fred to catch up to luck would have it, Fred walked by the room I was in...


I reached out and jerked him into the dressing room, closing the door and turning the light off behind him.  I pushed him against the wall...And his hands slowly went around my waist as he pulled my tight against his body.  I kissed his lips and this time he took over the kiss...


Fred cupped my face in his hands and immediately deepened it...Fred moved around to where I was up against the wall...My hands went up the insides of Fred’s t-shirt and I could feel his skin, so soft and totally touchable...I relished the feeling of his tongue softly caressing every inch of the inside of my mouth.


I can feel his hands slide from cupping my face down to my neck and then slowly down my arms, and to around my waist and then down to cup my butt.  Fred lifted me up a little and I wrapped my legs around his waist.  His hands stayed under my butt so I wouldn’t fall...He trailed kisses down along my jaw line, to my ears and to my neck...his soft lips make their way across my throat and I totally melted in his hands.


I pulled away and I could hear both of our labored breathing...I said, “What the heck was that all about?”  Fred laughed a little and said, “I don’t have a clue...You wanna tell me what that kiss was all about at the other end of the hallway?”  I said, “I figured since you weren’t making that much of a move...I might as well give you a run for your money.” 


Fred reached over and flipped on the light and saw her lips were a little full from the kisses...he watched as a slow smile spread across her face and finally got the meaning of what she just said...she was attracted to him as much as he was to her...and it was okay to be more forward with her...


He was being careful because he didn’t wanna scare her...but now that she made the first move...he hoped they could work their way into a relationship...he really was fully attracted to her...and for some was a stronger attraction then to anyone else he’d dated in the past...


Fred thought back as they left the room and down the hall hand in hand...When he secretly dated Britney was a big mistake...everything about that bitch was fake....boobs, hair, eyes, teeth...the bitch had caps on her teeth...fuck...what the hell...nothing was fake about Daniella.  She was gorgeous from head to toe...he couldn’t understand why that piece of crap Sonny Sandoval would be so cruel and heartless to her.


The more he thought about what Sonny had done to Dani...the more pissed off he became...He always was known for having a bad temper...and just generally not putting up with peoples shit.  He was actually happy to have witnessed her socking Sonny’s wife and knocking her out cold.  Of course it would have been nicer if it would have been Sonny she socked...he really deserved it.


Fred was pulled from his thoughts as he felt Dani’s hands on him again.  Fred looked down at her and she was touching his arm with her free hand...


I said, “You better go start getting’ve got a show in less then 30 minutes.”  Fred said, “You’ll be here when I get back?”  I smiled and said, “Where else would I be?  If you haven’t forgotten I’m on the tour as your guest.”  Fred leaned over and softly kissed my lips and said, “How could I forget?”


I watched as he walked off for the concert.


Chapter 13


When Fred came off the stage a couple of hours later, he jumped in the shower and got cleaned up.  I was sitting in the hallway on one of the huge equipment trunks.  Fred walked out and grabbed my hand and I walked with him out to the limo...we’d be staying the night and moving onto the next town in the morning. 


Fred laced our fingers together and I said, “So!  Tell me more about these porno movies of yours.”


Fred busted up laughing and said, “You’re asking for it.” 


I said, “What?  It will give us something to watch know instead of me watching you could be me watching you do something freaky with a complete stranger.” 


Fred pointed at me and said, “Oh that’s it!  That is it!!” 


I laughed as I took off running down the hall, Fred caught up to me, grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder and then smacked my ass while he carried me out to the limo...


We rode in the limo over to the hotel, Fred checked us in...Fred had been getting me my own room, because nothing was really happening between us...the clerk across the counter handed me my room key and I slid it back across the counter to the lady...Fred looked at me questioningly and I slowly pulled his key out of his back pocket...where he’d just placed it and started walking towards the elevators...Fred said, “Uhhhh Daniella...”  I turned around and said, “You comin’ or not?”  Fred’s eyes suddenly grew bigger as he figured out what I was doing...


Fred looked at the clerk and tossed him a 50 and said, “You keep all phone calls away, hotel employees, fans and visitors...and you’ll get another one when we check out tomorrow.”


The guy looked down at the 50 dollar bill and said, “Yes Sir Mr. Durst.”


Fred grabbed his bag and caught up to me at the elevators.  One we got into the elevators and the doors closed he said, “You’re just full of surprises tonight aren’t you?”  I smirked and said, “You think so huh?” It was a slow ride to our floor and I reached over and grabbed the collar of Fred’s t-shirt and pulled him to me...He had his hands on the wall and was looking into my eyes.


Fred watched Daniella’s mouth slowly open and watched as her soft, wet tongue snaked out between her lips and slowly stroked his bottom and top lip.  And then watched as her tongue dampened her own full red lips. 


Out of the corner of his eye he watched as Daniella’s hand slid over to the control panel of the elevator and hit the stop button...when her tongue touched his lips again his hands grabbed her hips and pulled her against him and he kissed her with a fevered pitch.  They almost lost control...but Dani kissed him solid once more and pulled away as she reached over and hit the button and the elevator continued its journey.


Upon arriving to the room...Fred looked around and checked things out...he didn’t notice the growing pile of clothes on the floor by the door.  Fred heard a loud attention getting whistle in the sitting area and walked out of the bedroom and saw Daniella standing by the kitchen nook in a t-shirt that barely reached mid-thigh...he watched as she walked towards him.


I stopped just to the side of him...he turned his head to look at me and I said, “I’m gonna go to bed...when your finished inspecting the room...lock the door and turn the lights off and come to bed...I’ll be waiting for you...”  I walked behind him and stripped my panties and bra off, but left the t-shirt on and said, “Oh...can you hold on to these for me.”  I laid the panties over his right shoulder and the bra over his left shoulder and walked into the bed room...


I pulled the t-shirt off and laid under the covers in bed.


Fred looked down at his jean cover erection that seemed to be growing bigger and bigger by the second and said, “I don’t think we should keep her waiting long do you? neither.”


Chapter 14

**S M U T Warning**


Fred pulled the red lace matching lingerie off his shoulder and looked at them...he could already smell Daniella’s scent in the cotton crotch of the lace panties.  He threw the sexy lacy garments over his shoulder and walked into the room.  On his way to the bed he stripped off his T-shirt, shoes, socks, jeans and boxers.


Fred started at the foot of the bed, and slowly got under the covers and crept up the bed kissing and licking along Daniella's long soft legs.  He could hear her squealing and giggling at the certain places that he kissed starting with her knees...and slowly spread her legs apart and was kissing up the insides of her thighs...he slowly ran his tongue up her soft wet slit.


Fred heard the throaty moan that came out of her sweet mouth and nearly cam without doing a damn thing...just the sound of her voice being that aroused was enough for him.  His tongue reached out and rubbed against her clit a little and he watched as she fisted the sheets of the bed in her hands. 


Fred decided it was enough torture and started slowly making his way up her body, kissing and licking up her navel. Up and around her perky nipples and watched as they hardened even more.  Fred completely moved up her body and started kissing her neck and then cheeks, and finally her lips...


I could feel his erection rubbing against my center.  I smirked and pushed Fred over onto his back and started with his neck, and licked and kissed my way down his body, outlining a few of his tattoos with the tip of my warm wet tongue.  My tongue slid against his skin slowly going lower and lower.


I got to his erection...and I guess you could say I French kissed it...which got a very fast reaction out of Fred...something along the lines of a ‘Holy Fuckin’ Shit’...He exhaled deep and I giggled a little...


Fred lifted the covers to see me and said, “I know you’re not laughing at me...”  I couldn’t help but laugh more and said, “No...Never...okay maybe just a little.”


Fred reached down and grabbed me pulling me back up to sit straddled on his lap...I moved a little and rubbed my soaking wet center against his aching erection.  And felt him suck in a breath and said, “Don’t do that again.”  I moved just a hair and another gasp of air sucked in as he gripped my hips and flipped my over onto my back and settled himself between my thighs.


Fred said, “I guess I should ask now...Do you want me to wear a...” 


Before he could finish, I put my index finger against his lips to hush him...and I pulled him down and we slowly took each other lips in a sensual kiss that seemed to never end...


Fred’s erection slowly enter Daniella’s warm silky center...if he wasn’t careful he’s cum and it would be completely over...Once fully sheathed he sat still for a minute...but when Daniella’s hips started moving and she was kissing his neck and ear begging for him to take her and make her cum harder then she’s ever cum was all Fred’s undoing.


He slowly started to move in and out of her...her soft moans were enough to make him harder and hornier if that was at all possible at the was.  The moonlight was shinning just enough in the room that made it look like Daniella was glowing...and the look on her face was pure bliss...Fred started thrusting faster...the sounds that filled the air were moans, and groans and bare flesh smacking bare flesh...It was the sound of two people making love...and Fred loved to hear every single sound, noise and moan in the quiet room.


Fred felt Daniella’s walls starting to clamp down around his erection as he felt his own orgasm growing....he could feel her’s ripping through her body as she laid under soon as he felt her cum surround his erection there was nothing holding him back...he suddenly pushed all the way into her and groaned out his orgasm.


I felt him explode deep inside of me...and I felt completely satisfied for the first time in my life.  Fred slowly pulled out of me and gathered me in his arms...he kissed around me face and lips for the next 15 minutes, while we got our breathing under control...


Soon we fell asleep in each others arms.


Chapter 15


The next morning...Daniella’s eyes slowly fluttered open...she felt a pair of arms around her that felt familiar and suddenly the night’s extra curricular activities came flooding back to her.


I touched the hands touching my mid-drift...I moved around and in a raspy voice Fred said, “Morning.”  I giggled and said, “Morning.”  I put my lips against his forehead and kissed him lightly and said, “I’m going to go shower...Sleep a little longer and I’ll wake you when I’m finished.”  Fred said, “Or how about we sleep a little longer and shower together in a little bit.”  I smiled and wrapped my arms around him and said, “Perfect.”


So, we slept a little longer and then got up and got in the shower together...when we got out...we got back to the bus and took off to the next town for the guy’s tour.  While we were on the bus...I pulled my laptop out and jumped online to check the news...somehow I ended up on the breaking story was Morgan getting out of rehab early and going on tour with 12 Stones and Paul McCoy her now fiancé????


What the hell...Morgan was out of rehab and hadn’t even called let me know she was doing ok...They even had a new video for Morgan and Paul...I clicked on it and was watching as the music played...


How can you see into my eyes like open doors
Leading you down into my core
Where I've become so numb
Without a...soul
My spirit's sleeping somewhere cold
Until you find it there and

Paul:               Wake me up
Morgan:         Wake me up inside
Paul:               I can't wake up
Morgan:         Wake me up inside
Paul:               Save me
Morgan:         Call my name and save me from the dark
Paul:               Wake me up
Morgan:         Bid my blood to run
Paul:               I can't wake up
Morgan:         Before I come undone
Paul:               Save me
Morgan:         Save me from the nothing I've become

Now that I know what I'm without
You can't just leave me
Breathe...into me
And make me real

Paul:               Wake me up
Morgan:         Wake me up inside
Paul:               I can't wake up
Morgan:         Wake me up inside
Paul:               Save me
Morgan:         Call my name and save me from the dark
Paul:               Wake me up
Morgan:         Bid my blood to run
Paul:               I can't wake up
Morgan:         Before I come undone
Paul:               Save me
Morgan:         Save me from the nothing I've become

Paul:               I've been living a lie
Paul:               There's nothing inside

Frozen...inside without your touch
Without your love...darling the life...among...the dead...

All this time
I can't believe I couldn't see
Kept in the dark
But you were there in front of me

I've been sleeping a 1000 years it seems.
I've got to open my eyes to everything...

Without a thought
Without a voice
Without a soul

Morgan & Paul:
Don't let me die here
There must be something wrong


Paul:               Wake me up
Morgan:         Wake me up inside
Paul:               I can't wake up
Morgan:         Wake me up inside
Paul:               Save me
Morgan:         Call my name and save me from the dark
Paul:               Wake me up
Morgan:         Bid my blood to run
Paul:               I can't wake up
Morgan:         Before I come undone
Paul:               Save me
Morgan:         Save me from the nothing I've become

Paul:               I've been living a lie
Paul:               There's nothing inside


When the song was over...I was sitting at the table silently crying...Fred came over and said, “Baby...what’s wrong...”  I pushed the laptop over to Fred and he read the news article on Morgan and saw the video and knew I was upset because Morgan hadn’t bothered to call me...or contact me at all...


Fred pulled me in his arms and I cried myself to sleep.


Chapter 16


A few weeks later, the tour finished up and I went to my apartment...I looked all over the apartment...Morgan was no where to be found...her clothes...and practically all her belongs had been moved from the room.  Fred had come to the apartment with me...apparently he’d had a house close to where we lived, about 6 blocks from us...


I called Morgan’s cell phone and got nothing from her...I left numerous voice was like she had totally disappeared off the face of the earth.  So I called the next best person Paul...I said, “Paul...where the fuck is Morgan?”  Paul said, “Daniella, don’t get bent out of shape with me...this is between you and Morgan.” 


I said, “Paul...she’s my best friend...she’s the closest thing I have to a sister...and now she just up and leaves...this is so not cool you can either tell me where she is...or I swear by God and all that is holy...I will have every fuckin’ cop looking for her!”  Paul said, “Dani...this is really out of my hands...Morgan just wants to be left alone right now...we got engaged and were tying to focus on the wedding and everything...just let her be for a while...she’s only been out of rehab for 2 weeks...she’s still getting used to her life without drugs.”


I said, “Yes, well if you ever wanna get her started back on drugs you know who to get a hold CHICKEN SHIT FUCKER!”  I slammed my flip phone closed and threw it across the room and it hit the wall and broken into a few thousand pieces.


Fred came over...and said, “Just a guess...but it didn’t go well.”  I looked up and giggled a little and said, “What gave it away?”  He said, “Well...chicken shit fucker...was kind of a hint...but the whole exploding cell phone was like a huge sign.”  Fred pulled me close to him and kissing my forehead and rubbed my back and said, “C’mon you come stay at my house for a couple of days...well get you a new phone can even come with us to play basketball.”  I said, “Okay...good plan.”


So the next morning, we went down and Fred helped me pick out a new cell phone...and then we ran by the police station...Limp Bizkit’s death threats were getting a little crazy...they’d been having a few on and off...but the one the night before was a little physical with 10 bricks through bedroom and living room windows.  Death threats weren’t uncommon for the band...but bricks through the window and so many at once...was definitely new.  We all walked down to the park that was 2 blocks from Fred’s place and the girls watched as the guys played some and Heather (Wes Borland’s wife) were laughing and making fun of the guys...we’d decided to head back to the house to grab some water and we’d be back...


We got back to the house...and there were 3 cop SUV’s in the driveway of Fred’ place...we ran up and the police chief said they’d finally found out who’d been stocking the band...and it wasn’t the band the stalker was was Fred.  Some deranged female fan who said his music was telling her to kill him.  Said song number 10 on the album said to kill him on the 10th day of the month...but before the girl could get arrested she took off...


I suddenly realized it was the 10th day of the month.  The cops asked us where the guys were and we said the park...we jumped in the SUV’s and showed them where the guys were playing basketball...We pulled up and jumped out and just as we were running across the park lawn...


Everything started going in slow motion...I watched as Fred walked over to the far wall and grabbed his t-shit and pulled it on...and then stopped to tie his he stood up...gun shots start ringing through the park.  A cop threw me to the ground and every one started hitting the ground...I was clawing trying to get away from the cop, but he wouldn’t let me go.


I looked up and could see Fred’s body lying prone on the concrete of the basketball court.  A couple of cops finally rushed the woman and had her cuffed and I scurried to get to Fred’s side...he wasn’t moving...I got to him and blood was coming through his t-shirt at his right shoulder and in the middle of his chest...I said, “DJ and Wes give me your” 


They pulled their shirts off and I packed the wounds...I grabbed Wes’s hands and put them on Fred’s chest and said, “Keep pressure should slow the bleeding...I packed the other shirt in Fred’s shoulder and lifted his head onto my lap.  I touched his forehead and his eyes were slightly open...and his baby blues were...


Fred touched his chest...he had his cross on and he gripped the chain and pulled it hard and broke the chair and grabbed my hand and put the cross in the middle of my palm and closed my hand up in it...Tears streaming down my face and he beckoned me to lean over and he whispered in my ear, “Give it back when I live...I love you.”  I said, “I love you too...”  Fred passed out...from pain or loss of blood...I cried harder...


“Fight! C’mon Fred...hold on a little longer baby...Please....Please don’t leave me...Please.”


The EMT’s rushed up and loaded him into the ambulance and I rode to the hospital with Heather and Wes.


Chapter 17


- - 2 Weeks Later- -


I sit in ICU room 215, looking at Fred...he’s paler then normal...he’s such a white guy...he needs a tan...I watch as the breathing monitors and tubes expanded Fred’s chest to help him had been 2 weeks since the whole stalker shooting...I haven’t left his side once.


Morgan showed up for like 5 minutes...just enough to look through the glass to see me sitting by Fred’s side...but she never walked in or anything.  I saw her through the window...she just looked at me and then looked at Paul and walked away with him. 


- -2 More Weeks Later- -


I didn’t know who to cry for more...I was crying for Fred to wake up, but I was devastated that my best friend of 16 years had cut off all contact with me.  The nurses had showed me how to change Fred’s I stood up and pulled the bandage had been nearly 3 weeks since the whole incidence...and Fred was nearly healed...but for some reason he wasn’t waking up...


I ran my fingertips lightly across the scar on his chest, over his rib cage...suddenly, a small chuckle came from Fred’s mouth, as a hand came out of nowhere and grabbed my hand and he said, “No...Stop...that tickles.”


Tears sprang to my eyes instantly as I grabbed his hand with both of mine...for the first time in 4 weeks, Fred’s eyelids, slid open and he lazily looked around the room...His precious blue eyes were a sight for sore eyes.


Fred saw Daniella with tears streaming down her cheeks...and noticed she was wearing the cross he’d given her the day he’d been shot...he moved around a little and was stiff...he couldn’t imagine how long he’d been laying in the hospital bed.  Fred lifted his arm and touched Dani’s cheek and whipped her tears away and then pulled her to him...She laid her head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around her.


A couple of hours later, the nurse had come in and raised Fred up to a sitting up position...The doctor came in and said, “Mr. Durst, you’ve been in a sleeping coma for 4 weeks...yet you’re body has fully healed from the wounds you sustained...We’re going to run a few tests...but you should be able to leave tomorrow morning.”  The doctor left and I stayed in Fred’s arms, never moving.


I said, “You do realize, with them discharging you’re staying with me from now on.”  Fred chuckled a little and said, “I don’t mind...I like being with you.”  Fred kissed the top of my head and pulled me all the way into bed and pulled the covers over me…we both fell asleep.


In the morning the hospital released Fred and I drove him to my apartment.  We walked in and I set his stuff down in Morgan’s old room and said, “You can keep your stuff in here for privacy and you can sleep in my room or in here, where ever you feel more comfortable.” 


Fred saw Dani get quiet when mentioning Morgan’s name she’d told him Morgan and Paul showed up for 5 minutes, and neither came in or say anything to her...pretty much forcing her to deal with what was happening to him on her own.  Fred walked up and nuzzled her neck and she seemed to snap out of the daze she was in...


And turned around and leaned into his body...he held onto her and she said, “Why don’t you relax a little I’ll get dinner started...”  Fred gave her a soft kiss on the lips and said, “I’ll unpack my shit and then lie down, wake me when you’re ready to eat.”  She nodded and gave him a wink and a pushed off his body with her hips and walked out.


Fred started hanging his clothes in the closet...then he noticed about 20 different shoe boxes sitting in the bottom of the closet...He squatted down and pulled them out...they were all sitting on a mobile tray...obviously so Morgan could pick out a pair of shoes with ease. 


Fred picked up a big box thinking it was a pair of boots and opened it...he nearly had a heart attack.  The whole box was full of bag and vials of cocaine and angel dust.  One big mirror and a box of razors to cut and chop up the drug.  Suddenly the door swung open and Fred dropped the box as Dani was standing there.


I must’ve startled him I walked over giggling, Fred had fallen back onto his rear end and dropped his shoe box...I said, “Are you okay sweetie?”  Fred looked he was going to throw up.  I squatted down next to him and said, “Are you ok?”  Fred just pointed to the box.


I leaned over and picked it up and all the contents fell out of it...I started to fall back but Fred caught me. 


Fred looked at her...Dani was in complete shock.


Chapter 18


Fred watched as Dani moved slowly to her hands and knees and crawled over and kept his eyes on her as she slowly started pulling the lids from the boxes...each box revealed something box had nothing but empty vials that once held cocaine or angel box had nothing but bottles and bottles of caffeine pills sleeping pills...uppers...downers. Another box full of mirrors caked with angel dust or was like a big fuckin’ drug buffet.


Fred saw the tears streaming down her cheeks he felt useless...there was literally nothing he could do for the young lady that held his heart in her tiny hands.  Fred watched as Dani walked out of the room and came back with a big card board box and a roll of duct tape.  He watched as she slowly picked up one box put the lid on and taped it on and placed it in the box...she did that with all the boxes.


After she finished she taped up the cardboard box and pushed it out to the living room and just stood looking at it.  Fred could have sworn she looked defeated.  Fred walked up behind Daniella and pulled her into his arms and she broke...she started crying.  Dani said, “I don’t understand what I did wrong...I haven’t heard from Morgan in months...not since she went to rehab...She showed up to the hospital after you were shot and stood outside your room and looked at me for like 5 seconds and then walked away with Paul.  She’s supposed to be my best sister...But I don’t even know what we are anymore.”


Fred kissed the top of Dani’s head and rubbed her back...trying to calm her while whispering soothing words in her ear.  Fred finally calmed her down enough and said, “What do you wanna do with the box?”


I looked up at Fred and suddenly felt a rage in me I hadn’t felt in my entire life.  I walked over and called down to the parking garage and had the guy pull my car out of the garage and had someone walk up and take the box to my car.  I said, “I have to go do this on my own...Order some pizza I should be back in a couple of hours.”  Fred kissed my lips lightly and said, “Be careful.”  I smiled and said, “I will.”  I left.


When I pulled up to the rich ritzy looking Apartment complex...I asked for Paul McCoy’s apartment number...shocker...My name was on the guest list, of people who didn’t have to have an appointment to come.  I walked into the elevator and pushed the 15th floor button...When I got to the apartment; I pushed the little doorbell...and heard Paul’s voice say, “I’ll get it Morgy.”  Paul opened the door and said, “Daniella...What are you doing here?”  I shoved the box into his arms and said, “Just bringing Morgan her shit that she left at my place when she decided to leave.  I’m sure you can see that she gets it.”  I walked back down to the elevator and pushed the button again. 


A few minutes later a voice behind me said, “Why did you bring that junk to the apartment?”  I turned around and Morgan had changed her appearance her pink hair was gone and in it’s place was electric blue with black streaks...I scoffed and said, “Junk it might be, but it’s your left it in your old closet...Fred found it...I figured if you was going to have a new apartment you should have all your shit with you.”


Morgan said, “Where is this attitude coming from...why are you being such a haven’t seen me in months and you can’t even say hi...or how are you doing since you got out of rehab...You’re just gonna throw a box of drugs at Paul and act like a bitch.”  I said, “Okay fine...Here let’s start again...ready?”  Morgan being the naïve one...nodded.


I said, “ are you feeling since you got out of rehab...I hope you’re doing well because you’ve been out of rehab for months and haven’t called me once...and how’s that fiancée you’ve got...I sure hope he can still fuck you 6 ways from Sunday like he could before...Oh and by the way, congratulations on getting engaged I read it on right after I saw the music video you two made precious...oh and just so you know, you don’t have to ask about Fred, cause he lived...he’s out of the coma and staying with me until he finishes healing from those gun shot wounds and ripped through his chest and nearly killed him that were inflicted by some fuckin’ psycho fan...Thanks for showing up at the hospital for like a split second to give me some kind of poor-poor pitiful me look...I’m recouping nicely...considering I was damn lucky one of those bullets didn’t hit me too...”


I finally breathed for a minutes and said, “Is that the attitude you was talking about?  Because from where I’m standing honey it wasn’t attitude it was just months and months of frustration that was built up while worrying whether or not how my singing partner, my best fuckin’ sister was doing...You didn’t even call me...You could have could have e-mailed...hell you could have fuckin carrier pigeoned a message to my ass...but you didn’ just pretended I didn’t exist.”


I started to have tears slide down my cheeks and said, “I don’t even want to talk to you...after months of being ignored by you...I have so much more I want to say, but I can’t because looking at you right now makes me physically ill...I want to puke right couldn’t take 3 small seconds out of your life to call me...You will never know what it feels like to be shit on like this.  I hope some day you really know what this feels like.  If I would have done this to you...then you’d know.  It hurts more then I’m telling you.” 


I walked in the elevator the door were open, Morgan walked over and said, “Thank you...Thank you very much.”  In her ‘how could you make me feel so bad?’ voice.


I looked at her, and pushed the button to close the doors, as they were closing I looked at her and said, “Fuck you very much.”  The doors closed and I couldn’t stop myself from crying...I drove back to the apartment, and went to bed...I couldn’t eat.  Fred tried to get me to talk.  But what more could be said...honestly.


Chapter 19


Morgan walked back to her and Paul’s apartment, in total disbelief...she couldn’t believe the way that Daniella had just treated she was some common gutter rat street punk.  What the hell did Morgan know...she really should have called Dani when she got out...she knew how worried Dani was to begin with...But pride got in her way...she refused to let Daniella or anyone else see her at her most vulnerable time.


Paul looked at Morgan and said, “She is pissed right?”  Morgan nodded and said, “And hurt...You were right...I should of called her...And I should of done it as soon as I got out of rehab...what I did was so fuckin’ low...I can’t believe I just treated the only family I have like shit.”  Paul pulled Morgan into his arms and comforted her the only way he knew how...He knew Morgan may have lost the only family she had in her life.


A few weeks later, I released my first single for my solo album...I sent a letter to Morgan telling her it was her decision whether or not we continued as Sisters of Destruction or we just parted way and lead our separate lives.  The one thing we always had was music...writing, singing, playing, listening...everything was always music...and now...Nothing.


Fred did the directing of my first video and was also in it too...The video started off with me drive Fred and I around the streets of LA in Fred’s Jeep...we had the top off and my hair was flying out the top...then it cut to me being on stage rocking the song with my band...and Fred watching over my from the side.  I’d decided in the beginning of my solo career that Fred would be my solo manager and my record label saw nothing wrong with that.  Fred was a talented guy and they knew I was in capable hands.


Morgan was sitting at home a month later and was switching through the channels...and stopped on MTV...and The VJ said, “I’m happy to be introducing a first solo video from Daniella of the Sisters of Destruction duo...The song is called Low and her new album that hits stores in a week is appropriately titled ‘Just the Way Life Goes’...”...Morgan turned it up and watched the video and then suddenly heard the words that went with it.



Everybody’s talking
But they don’t say a thing
They look at me with sad eyes
But I don’t want the sympathy

Its cool you didn’t want me
Sometimes you can’t go back
Buy why’d you have to go
And make a mess like that
Well I just have to say
Before I let go…

Have you ever been low
Have you ever had a friend
That let you down so
When the truth came out
Were you the last to know
Were you left out in the cold
Cuz what you did was low

No I don’t need your number
There’s nothing left to say
Except I never thought
It’d hurt this much to be sane
My friends are outside waiting
I’ve gotta go…

Have you ever been low
Have you ever had a friend
That let you down so
When the truth came out
Were you the last to know
Were you left out in the cold
Cuz what you did was low
What you did was low (low)
What you did was low (low)
What you did was low (low)

I walk out of this darkness
With no sense of regret
And I go with a clear conscience
We both know that you can’t say that
Here's to show
For all the time I loved you so…


Have you ever been low
Have you ever had a friend
That let you down so
When the truth came out
Were you the last to know
Were you left out in the cold
Cuz, what you did was low

Have you ever been low
Have you ever had a friend
That let you down so
When the truth came out
Were you the last to know
Were you left out in the cold
Cuz, what you did was low

Have you ever been low
Have you ever had a friend
That let you down so…

Cuz what you did was low…



Morgan just sat there...she knew the song was about Daniella’s anger towards her.  How could she blame her...She really hadn’t given Daniella much of a choice in the matter.


Morgan cried...she might have lost her sister forever...but what the hell could she do?


Chapter 20


It had been a slow grueling process but Morgan had swallowed her pride and had finally gone to Daniella to save what was left of the Sisters of Destruction and most importantly to save what was left of their friendship...They’d been talking now for about 6 months...and were slowly getting back to what they once were to each other.


Morgan and Paul had been married now for 4 months...and Morgan was 3 months pregnant.  Fred had asked Daniella to marry him a few weeks ago and she happily accepted...he knew without a shadow of a doubt any woman who would be willing to nearly get shot with a bullet meant for him and then fight to help save his life...was worth breaking down his long term commitment fears and having her in his life until the day he died.


Fred was sitting out in the crowd...Daniella was asked to come back and perform at the MTV Music Awards again...she was going to be performing a song that Fred had never heard but it was a bonus track on her album that he’d never gotten around to hearing her record or finding it hiding on the album...Somehow the song was big with anyone who took the time out to listen to her solo album completely.  Fred loved to hear her sing.


Daniella was standing in the dressing room at the back...She looked at herself in the mirror and knew Fred would go crazy later. 


She started at her feet...she had on 3 inch open toed heals that strapped around her ankles...and long black leather pants that laced down her legs, plus down the front and a matching black leather tank top that laced down the front and pushed her breasts to the top...Not too much cleavage but just enough to show off...Her hair had taken 3 of the hair stylists sat and spiral curled every hair on her head after pulling it up into a point tail.


Morgan was actually the one who got to introduce Daniella.  Morgan stood on stage with a little bit of nausea and said, “Ladies and gives me great pleasure to introduce to you the next performer of the evening...I’ve watched as she’s grown up through the years and in the last 12 months...she shot through the music charts with her first solo album...when she’s used to being known as a duet albums only kind of gal...I give to you...My best friend...My singing partner...My sister Daniella.”


Fred watched as Daniella walked out and nearly had to run home to change his boxers...She looked totally hot...He couldn’t get over how great her body looked...A mic popped up from the floor and came straight to her mouth...While this moody slow bass was filling the speakers...It was a slow seducing song...And Fred watching as Daniella’s hips swayed back and forth in a slow her hands slid all over her body in a sensual motion...

I'll always think of you
Inside of my private thoughts
I can imagine you
Touching my private parts
With just the thought of you
I can't help but touch my self
That's why I want you so bad

Just one night of Moonlight
With you there beside me
All night, doin' it again and again
You know I want you so bad
Baby, baby, baby, baby
Baby, baby, baby

Oooh I get so high
When I'm around you baby
I can touch the sky
You make my temperature rise
You're makin me high

Can't get my mind off you
I think I might be obsessed
The very thought of you
Makes me want to get undressed
I wanna be with you
In spite of that my heart says
I guess I want you to bad

All I want is Moonlight
With you there inside me
All night, doin it again and again
You know I want you so bad
Baby, baby, baby, baby
Baby, baby, baby

Oooh I get so high
When I'm around you baby
I can touch the sky
You make my temperature rise
You're makin me high
Baby, baby, baby, baby

I want to feel
Your heart and soul inside of me
Let's make a deal
You roll, I lick
And we can go flying into ecstasy
Oh Darlin' you and me
Light my fire
Blow my flame
Take me, take me, take me away

Oooh...Ah, Oooh...Ah, Oooh...Ah, Oooh...Ah,
Oooh...Ah, Oooh...Ah, Oooh...Ah,

Oooh God I really want you

All I want is Moonlight
With you there inside me
All night, doin it again and again
You know I want you so bad
Baby, baby, baby, baby
Baby, baby, baby

Oooh I get so high
When I'm around you baby
I can touch the sky
You make my temperature rise
Boy, you're makin me high
Baby, baby, baby, baby

Oooh I get so high
When I'm around you baby
I can touch the sky
You make my temperature rise
Boy, you're makin me high
Baby, baby, baby, baby

Fred was the first to jump to his feet, whistling and clapping...yelling Daniella’s name.  By the way, the outfit was definitely the highlight of their night when they got back home.


Chapter 21


--9 Months Later--

Morgan and Paul had a baby girl that they names Alexandra Marie McCoy...She was definitely their kid...she was a beautiful mix of their looks together...of course minus Morgan’s new Purple hair she was sporting.


Morgan, Paul and Alexandra watched as Fred and Daniella exchanged vows in a beautiful outside wedding ceremony.  It was lines with white and red roses and satins all over the back yard of their new home, which they’d found and moved into together 3 months prior to the wedding.  Daniella was in a beautiful white satin dress with white open toed heels...and Fred was in a handsome looking 3 piece black suit...And for once in his life ditched his signature red baseball cap...


Only to be replaced by a black baseball cap...Daniella just couldn’t help but laugh at him...he’d absolutely refused to go without a hat...And she figured he leave it off until after they got married, but once she walked down the isle...and he stood there looking at her with that damn cap on backwards...she was laughing so hard she was leaning against him...Her laugh was infectious because every one else started laughing about it as well.


When everyone got to the reception, they all changed into laid back clothes, jeans and t-shirts mostly.  I started to walked into the reception hall when a hand grabbed me and pulled me into a closet...I looked up as a pair of arms went around my waist and pulled me tight against a body...I said, “Something I can help you with Mr. Durst?”  Fred looked down and said, “Yes Mrs. Durst you can kiss your husband.”  I wrapped my arms around his neck and said, “I think that can be arranged.”


Fred brushed his lips against mine as light as a feather touching me...and slowly increased the passion level...It was such a huge turn on to get kissed like that by my husband...I was almost ready to beg him to throw me on the floor and fuck the daylights out of me...but I knew we had guest waiting.


Fred pulled away and said, “I love you.”  I smiled and said, “I love you too.”  Fred took my hand and laced out fingers together and said, “C’mon I have a surprise for you.”  I grinned and said, “Really what?”  Fred chuckled and said, “ wouldn’t be a surprise anymore if I told you...Just c’mon.”


Daniella let Fred lead her into the reception hall and he sat her down in a chair in front of everyone else...and after brushing her lips with his he walked up front with Wes and they pulled out two guitars and sat down in chairs...


Fred said, “When I first met Daniella...I would think about her constantly...I don’t thing there was ever a time in the months we’ve been together and engaged when I haven’t thought of her...she’s been there with me through all the tough shit...and I was there with her through all of her tough shit...I think it was just after I’d been shot...and was released from the hospital...Dani insisted I stay with her until I was fully healed...”


I smiled and Fred continued, “So...on day she left me alone in the apartment one day and I started writing this song...and once I started it was like I was a writing machine...I couldn’t took me 8 minutes to write this whole song...So I waited until the write moment to give it to her...I guess there is no better time then your wedding day right?”  I blew Fred a kiss as they started playing and Fred started singing his soft silky voice...usually yelling and screaming was so calm...and relaxing.


The biggest lie you ever told
Your deepest fear 'bout growin' old
The longest night you ever spent
The angriest letter you never sent
The boy you swore you'd never leave
The one you kissed on new years eve
The sweetest dream you had last night
Your darkest hour, your hardest fight

I wanna know you
Like I know myself
I'm waitin' for you
There ain't no one else
Talk to me baby
Scream and shout
I want to know you...inside out

I wanna dig down deep
I wanna lose some sleep
I wanna scream and shout
I wanna know you inside out
I wanna take my time
I wanna know your mind
Ya know there ain't no doubt
I wanna know you inside out

The saddest song you ever heard
The most you said with just one word
The loneliest prayer you ever prayed
The truest vow you ever made
What makes you laugh
What makes you cry
What makes you mad
What gets you by
Your highest high, your lowest low
These things I want to know

I wanna know you
Like I know myself
I'm waitin' for you
There ain't no one else
Talk to me baby
Scream and shout
I want to know you...inside out

I wanna dig down deep
I wanna lose some sleep
I wanna scream and shout
I wanna know you inside out
I wanna take my time
I wanna know your mind
Ya know there ain't no doubt
I wanna know you inside out

I wanna know your soul
I wanna lose control
C'mon let it out
I wanna know you inside out
So dig down deep
And lose some sleep
I wanna scream and shout
I wanna know you inside out

I wanna know you inside out
I wanna know you inside out
Tell me everything baby...
I wanna know you inside out
Tell me everything...yea-yea-yea
I wanna know you inside out
Tell me everything...
I wanna know you inside out
Tell me everything...

I wanna know you inside out



After Fred stood up and took me in his arms I couldn’t help but was then that I realized everything in my life was as it should have been...Morgan was back in my life...and I had this great man, husband and lover in my life that I just couldn’t seem to get enough of.


The End.