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11.17.02 posted by Tia
*sigh* I may be in love. hehe. No time to write much right now. I'm too busy mooning. hehe. And giggling. hehe. hehe. hehe.

10.31.02 posted by Tia
Happy Halloween, Samhain, or whatever you call it.
Scroll to the bottom and check out our new bumper sticker.

10.28.02 posted by Tia | Catagory: Blog
Tia: I'll be so glad when Bush is out of office.
Grandpa: Ah he's doing a good job.
Tia: Not for anyone who isn't male, christian, white and middle, or especially upper, class.
Grandpa: ... Like I said, he's doing a good job.

I hate Bush and that's about all I'm going to say about that today. I've been ranting about him for a week solid and I'm tired of it.

Not a whole lot going on in the land-o-Tia. I've had a couple of dates. I hate dating. Other than the fact that it's free (for girls) there's not a whole lot to redeem this process. It's boring. Probably the reason I tend to date people who are already my friends. First date was a major hottie. Major hottie. But as happens with most major hotties he was a bit... stupid and egotistical. He referred to his friends as his "niggahs" and threw up a gang sign at someone he knew. He's white and he drives a spakin' new BMW that mommy and daddy gave him. What a retard. I wish he had grown up where I grew up, which actually was a ghetto. He took me out to dinner and then we played pool with some of his friends, which wouldn't have been that bad had I been with other people. Hottie or not, I don't think there will be a second date.

Second guy was much better. It was awkward but much better. The guy was not a hottie. In any way. But he was really really nice and really really nervous. Which I thought was adorable. Another bonus was he's not a little rich boy. He's the first guy I've been out with in a long time whose parents aren't doctors, lawyers, own a business, run a business, or just have shit loads of money for no apparent reason. I'm so sick of little rich white boys I could scream. He took me on the traditional dinner and a movie date. Which shows lack of imagination but at least he didn't take me to a strip club. cough cough. I had a nice time and got a really sweet shy kiss to top it off. Definantly would go out with him again. I do have to admit that girls get the better end of the dating stick. Guys have to ask you out, plan the date, pay for the date, and look presentable. Girls just kinda have to show up looking ok.... Oh also have to mention that both of these guys were around 4 years younger than me. haha. yeehaw. I want to be Cher when I grow up.

Everybody keeps asking me what I've done to lose weight. Here's a hint dumbasses: stop eating stupid shit. There's one girl I know who's got to weigh 250+ and every time I see her she's cramming cheese and sour cream potato chips fried in butter and diped in chocolate down her throat. And every time I see her she says, "My god you've lost so much weight! How did you do it? I wish I could!" ... duh? Everybody knows what they have to do but everybody is just too lazy to do it. I know this first hand. Skip the 20 thousand books on protein - carbs + good fats - bad fats + starvation = perfect body. Here it be clear and simple: Eat less, move more fatass. And from one fatass to another, for gods sake wear clothes that cover up to the gym. Every time I go I almost lose my chicken strips due to some chick with the largest ass I've ever seen crammed into bike shorts. Stop the insanity, buy some $7 jogging pants from Wal-mart.

I would now urge everyone to read Stranger In A Strange Land by Robert Heinlein. Good shit yo.

Note: Because of lack of participation by the writers I chose and the other writers who submitted articles sucked I will be keeping the name Amazon Faeries and there will be no staff writers. If someone would like to submit an article as a guest writer that is fine.

10.14.02 posted by Tia | Catagory: Misc
The Joys of Life - Part 1 - Male/Female Dynamic

09.14.02 posted by Justin | Catagory: Blog
There are a number of things that make life a lot better. There's sex, first and foremost. There's ice cream, and sunshine, and puppies. There's flowers, and spring, and really crisp October nights. Driving with the windows rolled down and listening to good music, really tasty food, and getting noticed when you do something right. All of these things pale beside the glory of the Crush. [Read More]

09.11.02 posted by Tia
We Will Not Forget.

Do something nice today. Tell your friends and family you love them. Be thankful for what and who you have. Talk to God. It'll make you feel better whether you believe in him or not.

09.10.02 posted by Steven | Catagory: Misc
Wishing more people would die. Steven's Summer 2002 Shitlist

09.09.02 posted by Tia | Catagory: Misc
Behind the Lyrics ~ Khia ~ "My Neck, My Back"

08.29.02 posted by Justin | Catagory: Blog
I started this column very differently a few moments ago. Based on the advice of Stevie, I was gonna write about Christopher Reeves’ Halloween possibilities and his costume choices. I got about ˝ of the way done when I thought to myself, “Hey, I liked Superman”. [read more]

08.12.02 posted by Tia | Catagory: Blog
Joy to the world - Tia got some ass - let all - receive - the same! - Let every pubic mound - get licked and fondled - and nipples and cock get sucked! - and nipples and cock get sucked! - and NIIIiiippPPP - [read more]

07.26.02 posted by Tia
I guess I should specify. For those of you who want to be staff writers here are some guidelines for submitting articles.

07.26.02 posted by Tia | Catagory: Misc
A Tribute To My Favorite Guys!

07.26.02 posted by Tia | Catagory: Blog
I''m proud to announce that we're celebrating our first annual Penis Appreciation Month! And I for one and excited! Very! [read more]

07.15.02 posted by Tia
Why does spellcheck let me write things like "fax pas"? I mean really, what good is it?

07.05.02 posted by Tia | Catagory: Blog
Hey the page has be updated now, so whoever you are you can stop emailing me everyday about it. Thanks a bunch you annoying fuck.[read more]

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