8 Oct, 12 > 14 Oct, 12
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26 Nov, 07 > 2 Dec, 07
19 Nov, 07 > 25 Nov, 07
12 Nov, 07 > 18 Nov, 07
Sunday, 30 November 2008
Topic: Prophecy Meditation
30 NOV. PROPHECY, WARNING MEDITATIONS FOR AFRICAN DIASPORA CHRISTIANS -- BLACK CATHOLICS, COPTICS, ORTHODOX IN THE MYSTICAL BODY OF CHRIST, LITURGICAL AND CHRISTIAN CHURCHES African Christians, Pacific, Marianas, and Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Polynesia, Oceania Christians, Black Catholics Everywhere, Black African Saints, Coptic, Orthodox, Roman Catholic Saints, Black Spirituality


Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,


DEVOTIONS AND PRAYERS FOR THE LITURGICAL CHURCHES AND ALL OTHER CHRISTIANS WHO SO DESIRE(Including Lutheran, Episcopalian, Anglican, and members in the Mystical Body of Christ –All Christianity combined):

Black Christ

Black Christ

Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book by James Wesly Smith, 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from BarnesandNobles.com, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from www.booklocker.com/books/3088.html


Kapalichus with Theodorus martyred, from Sabsir. Both jailed at Satuf and beheaded at Bahra, under the reign of terror and persecutions of Roman Emperor Diocletian beheaded with Bishop Sergus, at Antinoe, Kemet, Antinoe (313 A.D.), in Africa under the reign of terror and persecutions of Roman Emperor Diocletian.



Afrocentric Glorious Mysteries



Pray the Joyful Mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous Mysteries on Thursday, the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious Mysteries on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent – Sorrowful. Mysteries/Meditations are events in the Life of Yeshua(Jeus)!

See http://www.rosary-center.org/howto.htm



Divine MercyBlack Christ

Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I


Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT II



Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PTlII







Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book (James Wesly Smith), 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from BarnesandNobles.com, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from www.booklocker.com/books/3088.html



During the Second Intermediate Kemetian New Kingdom Period, roughly 1570 B.C.-1200 B.C. Yusef, son of Yacob emigrated to Kemet with his tribe into Kemet (Egypt) because of famine. Some put the year as earlier as about 1630 B.C..

The emigration brought the Habiru into their first real contact with Kemetians and Africans (But see the above, where 12th Dynasty had invaded Palestine).

For Egyptians, it was the time of change. Yusef’s arrival coincided with the final Kemetian conquests of the Hyksos invaders. That conquering tribe had begun around 1720 B.C.

During the Hysksos occupation, the Neshesi Nubians took their independence from Egypt at Dongola Reach. The area is now a Northern sub-district province in Sudan, about 47 miles above the 3rd cataract. The Nubians then established trade with the Hyksos as equals and allies.

The Kemetians (Egyptians) soon revolted. From Thebes, called Niwt Amun of City of Amun, an area over which the Hyksos had little control, Black Nubian Kings of the 17th Dynasty sent men and materials to help the Kemetians.

The Kemetians engaged their racial kinsmen to oust the Hyksos invaders. They won many victories, finally freeing, then uniting the area.

After ruling 200 years, the Hyksos were expelled, this around 1550 B.C.. Later Nubian Napatan-Ethiopian Pharaohs (1610 B.C. to 715 B.C.) would make Thebes their capital.

Trade Missions


It should always be remembered, as goes trade, so goes new or developed ideas—such as The Way, (what Christianity was originally called).

Kemetians (Egyptians) expanded their trade with the darker skinned Africa. One Pharaoh reportedly received a pigmy as a gift from Punt, a land though to have been on the Somali coast. He left stringent orders so that the little man would arrive safely.

Kemetian Queen Hapsetshut of the 18th Dynasty (15th century) visited Punt, and arranged for the export of myrrh (the spice that was a gift to Mother Maryam by the Magi), gold, ebony, incense, animals, and fruits. The dynasty saw Nubians become a principle force in Egyptian politics. (Remember these points when you see Ethiopian Queen Candace convert to Christianity).

Egyptian trade lanes between Mesopotamia and Africa, via sea routes shipped incense produced from gum resin trees, grown only in South Arabia, Ethiopia, and Somaliland, which borders Ethiopia and Kenya.

The latter part of the New Kingdom period was called by the Akkadians, the Amarna Age of Revolution. But Kemet (Egypt) was decaying.

During the reign of Amenophis III (1402 A.D. to 1364 A.D.), and his successor, Egyptian officials, complaining of Habiru (Hebrew) freebooters, constantly requested Nubian troops when losing the Syrian Palestine area.

The next Pharaoh proved revolutionary. Amenophis IV, called Akhenaton introduced the concept of “There is One God!” (Monotheism) into Kemet at a time, the Habiru still lived there. He changed the priesthood, making many enemies.


Black Saint Videos

Part I https://www.youtube.com/v/sUnU4xR5D9E

Part II https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMnYwZEfBg4

Black Saints Videos

https://www.angelfire.com/realm/blackcatholics/BlackSaintsVideos.html Black Saints Videos




Test! Discern The Spirit! Accept what speaks to YOUR SOUL/SPIRIT. Disregard the rest!


Fair use, educational and religious purposes, 17 U.S.C. for those in the Africa Diasora who would otherwise not be exposed to such.


Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 30- A GREAT WHIRLPOOL

Advent Prayer: O Jesus, little child, come into my heart on Christmas morn, to wash away my sins and remain there in eternally. O Mary, Mother of my Savior, prepare for Jesus a cradle in my heart. Amen. O Come Let Us Adore Him in The Eucharist!

Prayer: Most holy Virgin, I am now going to receive Jesus, thy beloved Son, my God and Redeemer. Thou, my Mother, prepare my heart to receive Him. Make me a fitting tabernacle of the Most High. I ask this favor of thee for love of thy own pure and Immaculate Heart, and through the intercession of all the Saints. Amen.

Toddler Laws
If I like it, it's mine.
2. If it's in my hand, it's mine.
3. If I can take it from you, it's mine.
4. If I had it a little while ago, it's mine.
5. If it's mine, it must never appear to be yours in any way.
6. If I'm doing or building something, all the pieces are mine.
7. If it looks just like mine, it's mine.
8. If I think it's mine, it's mine.

Mother Teresa - Then suffering comes to us, we should accept it with a smile, because it is the greatest gift that God gives us. It is a gift to have the courage to accept everything that He sends us.

Meditations by Padre Pio - Remember that God is in us when we are in the state of grace and outside of us, so to speak, when we are in a state of sin; but His angel never abandons us. He is our most sincere and faithful friend when we do not make the mistake of saddening Him with our wicked conduct.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen - You can judge pride by the positioning of a book

"Notice how often today authors will have their picture taken with their book in their left hand, the title in full view of the camera, so that the photograph may tell the story: `Look, Ma! My Book!' Television commentators have books on their desks with the title toward the audience so that the audience may be impressed. No one who reads books at a desk ever has the titles turned away - but toward himself. Perhaps some day when there are diaphonous walls, the intelligentsia will keep the titles on there bookshelves turned toward the wall so their next door neighbor will know how smart they are."

Only God can mold a Mountain out of our molehill of insignificance

"In the face of Divine Wisdom, all that we have, or do, or know, is a gift of God, and is only an insignificant molehill compared to His Mountain of Knowledge. Well indeed then may those who enjoy any relative superiority ask with Paul: `What do you have that you haven't received? And if you've received it, why do you boast as if it were yours alone?' (1 Corinthians 4: 7)."

St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html - My daughter, I want to instruct you on how you are to rescue souls through sacrifice and prayer. You will save more souls through prayer and suffering than will a missionary through his teachings and sermons alone. I want to see you as a sacrifice of living love, which only then carries weight before Me. You must be annihilated, destroyed, living as if you were dead in the most secret depths of your being.

You must be destroyed in that secret depth where the human eye has never penetrated; then will I find in you a pleasing sacrifice, a holocaust full of sweetness and fragrance. And great will be your power for whomever you intercede. Outwardly, your sacrifice must look like this: silent, hidden, permeated with love, imbued with prayer. I demand, My daughter, that your sacrifice be pure and full of humility, that I may find pleasure in it. I will not spare My grace, that you may be able to fulfill what I demand of you.

I will now instruct you on what your holocaust shall consist of, in everyday life, so as to preserve you from illusions. You shall accept all sufferings with love. Do not be afflicted if your heart often experiences repugnance and dislike for sacrifice. All its power rests in the will, and so these contrary feelings, far from lowering the value of the sacrifice in My eyes, will enhance it. Know that your body and soul will often be in the midst of fire. Although you will not feel My presence on some occasions, I will always be with you. Do not fear; My grace will be with you...(1767)

Dailys - http://www.catholic-forum.com/e-pistle.html - Quote of the Day As he was walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon, who is called Peter, and his brother, Andrew, casting a net into the sea; they were fishermen. He said to them, "Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men." At once they left their nets and followed him. -Mt 4:18-20

Today's Tidbit Protoclete is derived from two Greek words meaning first and called. It literally means first called and is applied to St. Andrew because he is considered to be the first one of the Apostles to be called by Jesus.

MEDJUGORJE DAY BY DAY These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press. Nov 30 - A GREAT WHIRLPOOL

Given to the locutionists, Jelena and Mirijana :

My children, pray! The world has been drawn into a great whirlpool. It does not know what it is doing. It does not realize in what sin it is sinking. It needs your prayers so

that I can pull it out of this danger (Locutionist Jelena & Mirjana February 17, 1984). In Luke's gospel, Peter is confronted with a miracle at the hands of Christ :

But when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, " Go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man! " (Lk 5 :8).

Reflection :

We sometimes hear that we need to get rid of our hang-ups, or guilt; we hear that guilt and shame are wrong and destructive. But this is not entirely true. Only false guilt arising from mistaken and misplaced judgment is wrong. Only imposed shame and coercive put-downs that are unjust and unfair are destructive.

True guilt and honest shame are essential to your moral fiber. Guilt is an acknowledgment of sin, while shame is what we feel when we know the judgment of guilt is correct. Guilt tells us we were wrong; shame is what makes us blush by appealing to our conscience. In the end, without acknowledging our guilt and confessing our sin we cannot receive the Lord's forgiveness and the grace of healing.

Application :

A simple prayer for today;

O Lord, when the occasion warrants, help me to realize my sin and guilt, that I may amend my life through your hearing forgiveness. Amen.

Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 29 - DO NOT BE PREOCCUPIED

"The true gift of the Son of God is the gift of the Incarnation, in which He gave Himself to us, and which remains with us in the Eucharist, in His Word, every day until the end of history" (Pope Benedict, Nov. 16, 2005, General Audience).

"You should adore our Lord Jesus Christ, who makes himself present to us on the altar, so that we might offer him the homage and adoration we owe." (St. John Eudes) Lost on a rainy night, a nun stumbles across a monastery and requests shelter there. Fortunately, she's just in time for dinner and was treated to the best fish and chips she had ever tasted.

After dinner, she went into the kitchen to thank the chefs. She was met by two of the Brothers. The first one says, "Hello, I am Brother Michael, and this is Brother Charles." "I'm very pleased to meet you," replies the nun. I just wanted to thank you for a wonderful dinner. The fish and chips were the best I've ever had! Out of curiosity, who cooked what?"

Brother Charles replied, "Well, I'm the fish friar." She turned to the other Brother and said, "Then you must be...?" "Yes, I'm afraid so--I am the chip monk."

Mother Teresa - God has His own ways of working in the hearts of men, and we do not know how close He is to each one.

Meditations by Padre Pio - It is a great grace to be able to serve this good God when youth renders one susceptible to everything. Oh how this offering, by which one offers the first fruits of the tree, is appreciated. And what can restrain you from making a total offering of your entire self to the good God, by deciding, once and for all, to give the world, the devil and the flesh a kick, as our god-parents did for us in a determined manner when they held us at Baptism? Perhaps the Lord does not deserve this further sacrifice from you?

Archbishop Fulton Sheen - Too many politicians can't be trusted because they lack humility

"Our modern world has produced a generation of rich politicians who talk love of the poor, but never prove it in action, and a brood of the poor whose hearts are filled with envy for the rich and covetousness of their money. The rich who are humble help rather than use the poor to pave their way to power."

To him who has been given much, much will be expected

"Scripture bids us to be wise and `correctly interpret the word of truth' (2 Timothy 2: 15). Humility moderates our estimate of what we know and will remind us that God gave to the wise more talents than others and more opportunities for developing those talents. But of him who has received much, much also will be expected. The intellectual leader has a tremendous responsibility thrust upon him and woe to him if he uses his office of teaching to lead the young into error and conceit."

St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html - Today the Lord said to me, Daughter, when you go to confession, to this fountain of My mercy, the Blood and Water which came forth from My Heart always flows down upon your soul and ennobles it.

Every time you go to confession, immerse yourself entirely in My mercy, with great trust, so that I may pour the bounty of My grace upon your soul. When you approach the confessional, know this, that I Myself am waiting there for you. I am only hidden by the priest, but I myself act in your soul. Here the misery of the soul meets the God of mercy.

Tell souls that from this fount of mercy souls draw graces solely with the vessel of trust. If their trust is great, there is no limit to My generosity. The torrents of grace inundate humble souls. The proud remain always in poverty and misery, because My grace turns away from them to humble souls. (1602)

Today, I went to confession to Father An. [Andrasz) I did as Jesus wanted. After confession, a surge of light filled my soul. Then I heard a voice: Because you are a child, you shall remain close to My Heart. Your simplicity is more pleasing to Me than your mortifications. (1617)

Dailys - http://www.catholic-forum.com/e-pistle.html - Quote of the Day Jesus invited us to be like Him, humble of heart. But what is humility of the heart? It consists in receiving humiliations from God with a submissive love, in accepting one's state of life and one's duties whatever they are, and in not being ashamed of one's condition. -St. Peter Julian Eymard

Today's Tidbit Currently the Church Liturgical Year is in the final week of Ordinary Time. Advent begins on the first Sunday following the last day of November. The first Sunday of Advent marks the beginning of the Liturgical Year.


These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.


Our Lady asks us to empty ourselves before we begin to pray :

You must not be preoccupied during prayer. In praying, do not concern yourselves with your sins. Sins must be left behind (First Years March 1985)

And from Jesus : " Peace! Be still! "…and there was a dead calm (Mk 4 :39). Reflection :

At the foot of a cliff, under the windows of the Castle of Miramar, at a depth of eighty feet below the surface of the clear waters of the Adriatic, there was, years ago, a kind of cage fashioned by divers in the face of the rock. In that cage were some of the most magnificent pearls in existence. They belonged to the Archduchess Rainer.

Having been unworn for a long time, the gems lost their color and the experts were unanimous in declaring that the only means by which they could be restored to their original brilliancy was by submitting them to a prolonged immersion in the depths of the sea. For some years they were kept lying in the crystal depths, and gradually regained their unrivalled beauty and splendor.

The only secret of regaining the lost luster of the inner life, of spirituality and faith, is to get back again to those blessed depths from which the soul first received its bright touch of the divine and holy.

Application :

Today, spend some time being still, silent, and sensitive to the soft voice of the Spirit within.

1st Message to J.N.S.R. August 27,2008

Come Lord JESUS!

This is God's Time - Our Earth August 27, 2008

1st message JESUS: The Earth is a double planet that bears in itself the experience of God: - Good and Evil - Justice and Injustice - Love and Hatred

The children of the blue planet are actors. There are: - those who carry out all sorts of experiments, - and those who submit to them, the guinea pigs.

It is the Earth of Suffering and of Love, this Earth called to give birth to Universal Love,

Sublime Love that is from God Alone, this Earth is waiting to receive Him.

Then, Truth shall reign in its entirety, enclosing within itself all the sufferings that happened so that the Reign of Love triumphs forever.

From one end of the universe to the other, spectators witnessed all that God has done on this blue planet that carried the Holy Daughter of God, chosen among all women to bear within Her the Incarnation of Love,

Who is the Son of God,

Who carried the Cross,

Who is bringing about the fruitfulness of Love.

His Holy Suffering is Life.

This Earth has carried the Cross that holds all the Crosses of men who have just been born again, through the Blood of the Sacrificial Cross and the Water of Baptism, bearing the Spirit who is God for the Universal Resurrection of Heaven and Earth, the New Heavens, the New Earth.

JESUS Christ

† Amen, Amen, Amen.

† † † http://www.jnsr.be/uk.htm

Lec-What I Heard - November 28, 2008

What I Heard November 28, 2008 6:45 A.M. From the Still, Small, Inner Voice

Son, allow me to use your time to communicate with my faithful people.

I AM the God of heaven and earth and everything that is in the whole of creation. My power extends far beyond what the limits of the human mind can comprehend and yet my mercy and love still cannot be fathomed in its profundity. As I AM the God of the universe and all that has life in it, yet I know very well each one of you and how you love me and my son and how you treat your fellow human beings, your brothers and sisters and your neighbors as well.

The universe is teeming with life in various forms. When you enter into my glory, your eyes will be opened to the great wonders of creation. You will see worlds that will astound you with their wonders and awe inspiring beauty.

Be joyful therefore for your Father loves you and wishes to give you eternal happiness.

7:00 AM

Scripture Reference: On Living Beings in the Universe Revelation5:13 And I heard every creature in heaven, on earth, in the world below, and in the sea---all living beings in the universe---and they were singing: "To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb, be praise and honor, glory and might, forever and ever!"

The Lord Controls the Sun, Moon and Stars Isaiah 45:12 I am the one who made the earth and created human beings to live there. By my power I stretched out the heavens; I control the sun, the moon, and the stars.

Message to littlest of servants November 28, 2008

While in Church this morning, after Mass, while I was praying before the BLESSED SACRAMENT I received the following message from JESUS.

I was told that soon every knee will bend to HIS MOTHER. That all mankind will recognize HER as QUEEN; MOTHER. QUEEN OF THE UNIVERSE, MOTHER OF ALL MANKIND.




Message to J.N.S.R.August 26,2008

JNSR: I am sending this to all our friends so that they speak in the Name of the Lord, to all those that the Lord is calling.

Very soon, Come Lord JESUS

August 26, 2008 JNSR: This disposition to receive the fruits of Heaven, I have it at this time. I shall not squander, for nothing in the world, those instants of happiness for myself and for those who will read all that God gives me.

JESUS: Behold, God is coming to all. Let us proclaim that His Reign is necessary, so that the Earth finally enters into the Peace and Joy of her Supreme Sovereign. Heaven and Earth were made for this Great and Sublime Reign of the Creator, and of all His Divine Creation. This reign consists in giving the true meaning of this Fruitfulness of Love that God desires to fill the entire Universe.

Behold this Reign of Love and Peace, where God comes to live among men who do not expect to live as ever before, benefiting at will, humanly divine, of all the Richness that God will provide for ever.

Angels, saints and man are and will soon be at this same level of Love, with the future change, when all will enter in the Love of God, of the completed Creation in God. As bearer of hope, man is called to bring the Good News of this New World, to all men of all countries.

Things will change. The Time has come.

Do not be confused, everything will be precise and clear like the water flowing in torrents and coming to clean the Earth of all its imperfections. Like the winds that will come from Heaven to sweep away all the evil actions of men and even their memory. Like the Earth that will cover those mountains of insolence from men who dared to measure themselves to God.

I made Heaven and Earth and all sorts of planets still empty of population to come, like those that have already received life, such as the Earth. All this for you, My creatures, issued from My Bosom.

Be sure that nothing will be hidden from you, and that all will be revealed little by little, as I have promised. Trust in Me and I will inform you of even the smallest detail, so that you will feel at home with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit who console, guide and fortify.

See you soon. The Most Holy Trinity of Love coming to unite you to Itself.

† Amen. Amen. Amen.

JESUS Christ, Man and God among men of God.

† † † http://www.jnsr.be/uk.htm

Peace to you.



"Glorious St. Joseph, tenderhearted father, faithful guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of God, I ask you to join me in praising God the Father through His Divine Son who died on the cross and rose again to give us sinners new life. Through the Holy Name of Jesus, pray with me that we may obtain from the eternal Father the favor we ask. (here state your intention)."

Say this prayer for nine consecutive days.

Fear not! God is your shelter (the 23rd Psalm and the Lord’s Prayer. God never fails. Don’t fail him. Call on Jesus. Jesus on the mainline, tell him what you want!


BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)







Part I


Part II





Part I


Part II



For further information:





Black, African Saints


Black and African Catholics Prophecy Meditations





Black African Catholics Coptic, Latin rite, Orthodox Prophecies Meditations


Black Saints Videos Part I



YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, DailyMotion, Blip.tv, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast

Part II



YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, Revver, DailyMotion, Blip.tv, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast

James Wesly Smith is an attorney and writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the Early African Liturgical Churches. His 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at stbernice@yahoo.com

Posted by realm/blackcatholics at 10:19 AM PST
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Now Playing: Afrocentric Glrorious Mysteries, Chaplet Divine Mercy
Topic: Prophecy Meditation
30 NOV. PROPHECY, WARNING MEDITATIONS FOR AFRICAN DIASPORA CHRISTIANS -- BLACK CATHOLICS, COPTICS, ORTHODOX IN THE MYSTICAL BODY OF CHRIST, LITURGICAL AND CHRISTIAN CHURCHES African Christians, Pacific, Marianas, and Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Polynesia, Oceania Christians, Black Catholics Everywhere, Black African Saints, Coptic, Orthodox, Roman Catholic Saints, Black Spirituality


Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,


DEVOTIONS AND PRAYERS FOR THE LITURGICAL CHURCHES AND ALL OTHER CHRISTIANS WHO SO DESIRE(Including Lutheran, Episcopalian, Anglican, and members in the Mystical Body of Christ –All Christianity combined):

Black Christ

Black Christ

Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book by James Wesly Smith, 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from BarnesandNobles.com, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from www.booklocker.com/books/3088.html


Kapalichus with Theodorus martyred, from Sabsir. Both jailed at Satuf and beheaded at Bahra, under the reign of terror and persecutions of Roman Emperor Diocletian beheaded with Bishop Sergus, at Antinoe, Kemet, Antinoe (313 A.D.), in Africa under the reign of terror and persecutions of Roman Emperor Diocletian.



Afrocentric Glorious Mysteries



Pray the Joyful Mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous Mysteries on Thursday, the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious Mysteries on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent – Sorrowful. Mysteries/Meditations are events in the Life of Yeshua(Jeus)!

See http://www.rosary-center.org/howto.htm



Divine MercyBlack Christ

Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I


Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT II



Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PTlII







Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book (James Wesly Smith), 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from BarnesandNobles.com, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from www.booklocker.com/books/3088.html



During the Second Intermediate Kemetian New Kingdom Period, roughly 1570 B.C.-1200 B.C. Yusef, son of Yacob emigrated to Kemet with his tribe into Kemet (Egypt) because of famine. Some put the year as earlier as about 1630 B.C..

The emigration brought the Habiru into their first real contact with Kemetians and Africans (But see the above, where 12th Dynasty had invaded Palestine).

For Egyptians, it was the time of change. Yusef’s arrival coincided with the final Kemetian conquests of the Hyksos invaders. That conquering tribe had begun around 1720 B.C.

During the Hysksos occupation, the Neshesi Nubians took their independence from Egypt at Dongola Reach. The area is now a Northern sub-district province in Sudan, about 47 miles above the 3rd cataract. The Nubians then established trade with the Hyksos as equals and allies.

The Kemetians (Egyptians) soon revolted. From Thebes, called Niwt Amun of City of Amun, an area over which the Hyksos had little control, Black Nubian Kings of the 17th Dynasty sent men and materials to help the Kemetians.

The Kemetians engaged their racial kinsmen to oust the Hyksos invaders. They won many victories, finally freeing, then uniting the area.

After ruling 200 years, the Hyksos were expelled, this around 1550 B.C.. Later Nubian Napatan-Ethiopian Pharaohs (1610 B.C. to 715 B.C.) would make Thebes their capital.

Trade Missions


It should always be remembered, as goes trade, so goes new or developed ideas—such as The Way, (what Christianity was originally called).

Kemetians (Egyptians) expanded their trade with the darker skinned Africa. One Pharaoh reportedly received a pigmy as a gift from Punt, a land though to have been on the Somali coast. He left stringent orders so that the little man would arrive safely.

Kemetian Queen Hapsetshut of the 18th Dynasty (15th century) visited Punt, and arranged for the export of myrrh (the spice that was a gift to Mother Maryam by the Magi), gold, ebony, incense, animals, and fruits. The dynasty saw Nubians become a principle force in Egyptian politics. (Remember these points when you see Ethiopian Queen Candace convert to Christianity).

Egyptian trade lanes between Mesopotamia and Africa, via sea routes shipped incense produced from gum resin trees, grown only in South Arabia, Ethiopia, and Somaliland, which borders Ethiopia and Kenya.

The latter part of the New Kingdom period was called by the Akkadians, the Amarna Age of Revolution. But Kemet (Egypt) was decaying.

During the reign of Amenophis III (1402 A.D. to 1364 A.D.), and his successor, Egyptian officials, complaining of Habiru (Hebrew) freebooters, constantly requested Nubian troops when losing the Syrian Palestine area.

The next Pharaoh proved revolutionary. Amenophis IV, called Akhenaton introduced the concept of “There is One God!” (Monotheism) into Kemet at a time, the Habiru still lived there. He changed the priesthood, making many enemies.


Black Saint Videos

Part I https://www.youtube.com/v/sUnU4xR5D9E

Part II https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMnYwZEfBg4

Black Saints Videos

https://www.angelfire.com/realm/blackcatholics/BlackSaintsVideos.html Black Saints Videos




Test! Discern The Spirit! Accept what speaks to YOUR SOUL/SPIRIT. Disregard the rest!


Fair use, educational and religious purposes, 17 U.S.C. for those in the Africa Diasora who would otherwise not be exposed to such.


Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 30- A GREAT WHIRLPOOL

Advent Prayer: O Jesus, little child, come into my heart on Christmas morn, to wash away my sins and remain there in eternally. O Mary, Mother of my Savior, prepare for Jesus a cradle in my heart. Amen. O Come Let Us Adore Him in The Eucharist!

Prayer: Most holy Virgin, I am now going to receive Jesus, thy beloved Son, my God and Redeemer. Thou, my Mother, prepare my heart to receive Him. Make me a fitting tabernacle of the Most High. I ask this favor of thee for love of thy own pure and Immaculate Heart, and through the intercession of all the Saints. Amen.

Toddler Laws
If I like it, it's mine.
2. If it's in my hand, it's mine.
3. If I can take it from you, it's mine.
4. If I had it a little while ago, it's mine.
5. If it's mine, it must never appear to be yours in any way.
6. If I'm doing or building something, all the pieces are mine.
7. If it looks just like mine, it's mine.
8. If I think it's mine, it's mine.

Mother Teresa - Then suffering comes to us, we should accept it with a smile, because it is the greatest gift that God gives us. It is a gift to have the courage to accept everything that He sends us.

Meditations by Padre Pio - Remember that God is in us when we are in the state of grace and outside of us, so to speak, when we are in a state of sin; but His angel never abandons us. He is our most sincere and faithful friend when we do not make the mistake of saddening Him with our wicked conduct.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen - You can judge pride by the positioning of a book

"Notice how often today authors will have their picture taken with their book in their left hand, the title in full view of the camera, so that the photograph may tell the story: `Look, Ma! My Book!' Television commentators have books on their desks with the title toward the audience so that the audience may be impressed. No one who reads books at a desk ever has the titles turned away - but toward himself. Perhaps some day when there are diaphonous walls, the intelligentsia will keep the titles on there bookshelves turned toward the wall so their next door neighbor will know how smart they are."

Only God can mold a Mountain out of our molehill of insignificance

"In the face of Divine Wisdom, all that we have, or do, or know, is a gift of God, and is only an insignificant molehill compared to His Mountain of Knowledge. Well indeed then may those who enjoy any relative superiority ask with Paul: `What do you have that you haven't received? And if you've received it, why do you boast as if it were yours alone?' (1 Corinthians 4: 7)."

St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html - My daughter, I want to instruct you on how you are to rescue souls through sacrifice and prayer. You will save more souls through prayer and suffering than will a missionary through his teachings and sermons alone. I want to see you as a sacrifice of living love, which only then carries weight before Me. You must be annihilated, destroyed, living as if you were dead in the most secret depths of your being.

You must be destroyed in that secret depth where the human eye has never penetrated; then will I find in you a pleasing sacrifice, a holocaust full of sweetness and fragrance. And great will be your power for whomever you intercede. Outwardly, your sacrifice must look like this: silent, hidden, permeated with love, imbued with prayer. I demand, My daughter, that your sacrifice be pure and full of humility, that I may find pleasure in it. I will not spare My grace, that you may be able to fulfill what I demand of you.

I will now instruct you on what your holocaust shall consist of, in everyday life, so as to preserve you from illusions. You shall accept all sufferings with love. Do not be afflicted if your heart often experiences repugnance and dislike for sacrifice. All its power rests in the will, and so these contrary feelings, far from lowering the value of the sacrifice in My eyes, will enhance it. Know that your body and soul will often be in the midst of fire. Although you will not feel My presence on some occasions, I will always be with you. Do not fear; My grace will be with you...(1767)

Dailys - http://www.catholic-forum.com/e-pistle.html - Quote of the Day As he was walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon, who is called Peter, and his brother, Andrew, casting a net into the sea; they were fishermen. He said to them, "Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men." At once they left their nets and followed him. -Mt 4:18-20

Today's Tidbit Protoclete is derived from two Greek words meaning first and called. It literally means first called and is applied to St. Andrew because he is considered to be the first one of the Apostles to be called by Jesus.

MEDJUGORJE DAY BY DAY These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press. Nov 30 - A GREAT WHIRLPOOL

Given to the locutionists, Jelena and Mirijana :

My children, pray! The world has been drawn into a great whirlpool. It does not know what it is doing. It does not realize in what sin it is sinking. It needs your prayers so

that I can pull it out of this danger (Locutionist Jelena & Mirjana February 17, 1984). In Luke's gospel, Peter is confronted with a miracle at the hands of Christ :

But when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, " Go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man! " (Lk 5 :8).

Reflection :

We sometimes hear that we need to get rid of our hang-ups, or guilt; we hear that guilt and shame are wrong and destructive. But this is not entirely true. Only false guilt arising from mistaken and misplaced judgment is wrong. Only imposed shame and coercive put-downs that are unjust and unfair are destructive.

True guilt and honest shame are essential to your moral fiber. Guilt is an acknowledgment of sin, while shame is what we feel when we know the judgment of guilt is correct. Guilt tells us we were wrong; shame is what makes us blush by appealing to our conscience. In the end, without acknowledging our guilt and confessing our sin we cannot receive the Lord's forgiveness and the grace of healing.

Application :

A simple prayer for today;

O Lord, when the occasion warrants, help me to realize my sin and guilt, that I may amend my life through your hearing forgiveness. Amen.

Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 29 - DO NOT BE PREOCCUPIED

"The true gift of the Son of God is the gift of the Incarnation, in which He gave Himself to us, and which remains with us in the Eucharist, in His Word, every day until the end of history" (Pope Benedict, Nov. 16, 2005, General Audience).

"You should adore our Lord Jesus Christ, who makes himself present to us on the altar, so that we might offer him the homage and adoration we owe." (St. John Eudes) Lost on a rainy night, a nun stumbles across a monastery and requests shelter there. Fortunately, she's just in time for dinner and was treated to the best fish and chips she had ever tasted.

After dinner, she went into the kitchen to thank the chefs. She was met by two of the Brothers. The first one says, "Hello, I am Brother Michael, and this is Brother Charles." "I'm very pleased to meet you," replies the nun. I just wanted to thank you for a wonderful dinner. The fish and chips were the best I've ever had! Out of curiosity, who cooked what?"

Brother Charles replied, "Well, I'm the fish friar." She turned to the other Brother and said, "Then you must be...?" "Yes, I'm afraid so--I am the chip monk."

Mother Teresa - God has His own ways of working in the hearts of men, and we do not know how close He is to each one.

Meditations by Padre Pio - It is a great grace to be able to serve this good God when youth renders one susceptible to everything. Oh how this offering, by which one offers the first fruits of the tree, is appreciated. And what can restrain you from making a total offering of your entire self to the good God, by deciding, once and for all, to give the world, the devil and the flesh a kick, as our god-parents did for us in a determined manner when they held us at Baptism? Perhaps the Lord does not deserve this further sacrifice from you?

Archbishop Fulton Sheen - Too many politicians can't be trusted because they lack humility

"Our modern world has produced a generation of rich politicians who talk love of the poor, but never prove it in action, and a brood of the poor whose hearts are filled with envy for the rich and covetousness of their money. The rich who are humble help rather than use the poor to pave their way to power."

To him who has been given much, much will be expected

"Scripture bids us to be wise and `correctly interpret the word of truth' (2 Timothy 2: 15). Humility moderates our estimate of what we know and will remind us that God gave to the wise more talents than others and more opportunities for developing those talents. But of him who has received much, much also will be expected. The intellectual leader has a tremendous responsibility thrust upon him and woe to him if he uses his office of teaching to lead the young into error and conceit."

St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html - Today the Lord said to me, Daughter, when you go to confession, to this fountain of My mercy, the Blood and Water which came forth from My Heart always flows down upon your soul and ennobles it.

Every time you go to confession, immerse yourself entirely in My mercy, with great trust, so that I may pour the bounty of My grace upon your soul. When you approach the confessional, know this, that I Myself am waiting there for you. I am only hidden by the priest, but I myself act in your soul. Here the misery of the soul meets the God of mercy.

Tell souls that from this fount of mercy souls draw graces solely with the vessel of trust. If their trust is great, there is no limit to My generosity. The torrents of grace inundate humble souls. The proud remain always in poverty and misery, because My grace turns away from them to humble souls. (1602)

Today, I went to confession to Father An. [Andrasz) I did as Jesus wanted. After confession, a surge of light filled my soul. Then I heard a voice: Because you are a child, you shall remain close to My Heart. Your simplicity is more pleasing to Me than your mortifications. (1617)

Dailys - http://www.catholic-forum.com/e-pistle.html - Quote of the Day Jesus invited us to be like Him, humble of heart. But what is humility of the heart? It consists in receiving humiliations from God with a submissive love, in accepting one's state of life and one's duties whatever they are, and in not being ashamed of one's condition. -St. Peter Julian Eymard

Today's Tidbit Currently the Church Liturgical Year is in the final week of Ordinary Time. Advent begins on the first Sunday following the last day of November. The first Sunday of Advent marks the beginning of the Liturgical Year.


These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.


Our Lady asks us to empty ourselves before we begin to pray :

You must not be preoccupied during prayer. In praying, do not concern yourselves with your sins. Sins must be left behind (First Years March 1985)

And from Jesus : " Peace! Be still! "…and there was a dead calm (Mk 4 :39). Reflection :

At the foot of a cliff, under the windows of the Castle of Miramar, at a depth of eighty feet below the surface of the clear waters of the Adriatic, there was, years ago, a kind of cage fashioned by divers in the face of the rock. In that cage were some of the most magnificent pearls in existence. They belonged to the Archduchess Rainer.

Having been unworn for a long time, the gems lost their color and the experts were unanimous in declaring that the only means by which they could be restored to their original brilliancy was by submitting them to a prolonged immersion in the depths of the sea. For some years they were kept lying in the crystal depths, and gradually regained their unrivalled beauty and splendor.

The only secret of regaining the lost luster of the inner life, of spirituality and faith, is to get back again to those blessed depths from which the soul first received its bright touch of the divine and holy.

Application :

Today, spend some time being still, silent, and sensitive to the soft voice of the Spirit within.

1st Message to J.N.S.R. August 27,2008

Come Lord JESUS!

This is God's Time - Our Earth August 27, 2008

1st message JESUS: The Earth is a double planet that bears in itself the experience of God: - Good and Evil - Justice and Injustice - Love and Hatred

The children of the blue planet are actors. There are: - those who carry out all sorts of experiments, - and those who submit to them, the guinea pigs.

It is the Earth of Suffering and of Love, this Earth called to give birth to Universal Love,

Sublime Love that is from God Alone, this Earth is waiting to receive Him.

Then, Truth shall reign in its entirety, enclosing within itself all the sufferings that happened so that the Reign of Love triumphs forever.

From one end of the universe to the other, spectators witnessed all that God has done on this blue planet that carried the Holy Daughter of God, chosen among all women to bear within Her the Incarnation of Love,

Who is the Son of God,

Who carried the Cross,

Who is bringing about the fruitfulness of Love.

His Holy Suffering is Life.

This Earth has carried the Cross that holds all the Crosses of men who have just been born again, through the Blood of the Sacrificial Cross and the Water of Baptism, bearing the Spirit who is God for the Universal Resurrection of Heaven and Earth, the New Heavens, the New Earth.

JESUS Christ

† Amen, Amen, Amen.

† † † http://www.jnsr.be/uk.htm

Lec-What I Heard - November 28, 2008

What I Heard November 28, 2008 6:45 A.M. From the Still, Small, Inner Voice

Son, allow me to use your time to communicate with my faithful people.

I AM the God of heaven and earth and everything that is in the whole of creation. My power extends far beyond what the limits of the human mind can comprehend and yet my mercy and love still cannot be fathomed in its profundity. As I AM the God of the universe and all that has life in it, yet I know very well each one of you and how you love me and my son and how you treat your fellow human beings, your brothers and sisters and your neighbors as well.

The universe is teeming with life in various forms. When you enter into my glory, your eyes will be opened to the great wonders of creation. You will see worlds that will astound you with their wonders and awe inspiring beauty.

Be joyful therefore for your Father loves you and wishes to give you eternal happiness.

7:00 AM

Scripture Reference: On Living Beings in the Universe Revelation5:13 And I heard every creature in heaven, on earth, in the world below, and in the sea---all living beings in the universe---and they were singing: "To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb, be praise and honor, glory and might, forever and ever!"

The Lord Controls the Sun, Moon and Stars Isaiah 45:12 I am the one who made the earth and created human beings to live there. By my power I stretched out the heavens; I control the sun, the moon, and the stars.

Message to littlest of servants November 28, 2008

While in Church this morning, after Mass, while I was praying before the BLESSED SACRAMENT I received the following message from JESUS.

I was told that soon every knee will bend to HIS MOTHER. That all mankind will recognize HER as QUEEN; MOTHER. QUEEN OF THE UNIVERSE, MOTHER OF ALL MANKIND.




Message to J.N.S.R.August 26,2008

JNSR: I am sending this to all our friends so that they speak in the Name of the Lord, to all those that the Lord is calling.

Very soon, Come Lord JESUS

August 26, 2008 JNSR: This disposition to receive the fruits of Heaven, I have it at this time. I shall not squander, for nothing in the world, those instants of happiness for myself and for those who will read all that God gives me.

JESUS: Behold, God is coming to all. Let us proclaim that His Reign is necessary, so that the Earth finally enters into the Peace and Joy of her Supreme Sovereign. Heaven and Earth were made for this Great and Sublime Reign of the Creator, and of all His Divine Creation. This reign consists in giving the true meaning of this Fruitfulness of Love that God desires to fill the entire Universe.

Behold this Reign of Love and Peace, where God comes to live among men who do not expect to live as ever before, benefiting at will, humanly divine, of all the Richness that God will provide for ever.

Angels, saints and man are and will soon be at this same level of Love, with the future change, when all will enter in the Love of God, of the completed Creation in God. As bearer of hope, man is called to bring the Good News of this New World, to all men of all countries.

Things will change. The Time has come.

Do not be confused, everything will be precise and clear like the water flowing in torrents and coming to clean the Earth of all its imperfections. Like the winds that will come from Heaven to sweep away all the evil actions of men and even their memory. Like the Earth that will cover those mountains of insolence from men who dared to measure themselves to God.

I made Heaven and Earth and all sorts of planets still empty of population to come, like those that have already received life, such as the Earth. All this for you, My creatures, issued from My Bosom.

Be sure that nothing will be hidden from you, and that all will be revealed little by little, as I have promised. Trust in Me and I will inform you of even the smallest detail, so that you will feel at home with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit who console, guide and fortify.

See you soon. The Most Holy Trinity of Love coming to unite you to Itself.

† Amen. Amen. Amen.

JESUS Christ, Man and God among men of God.

† † † http://www.jnsr.be/uk.htm

Peace to you.



"Glorious St. Joseph, tenderhearted father, faithful guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of God, I ask you to join me in praising God the Father through His Divine Son who died on the cross and rose again to give us sinners new life. Through the Holy Name of Jesus, pray with me that we may obtain from the eternal Father the favor we ask. (here state your intention)."

Say this prayer for nine consecutive days.

Fear not! God is your shelter (the 23rd Psalm and the Lord’s Prayer. God never fails. Don’t fail him. Call on Jesus. Jesus on the mainline, tell him what you want!


BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)







Part I


Part II





Part I


Part II



For further information:





Black, African Saints


Black and African Catholics Prophecy Meditations





Black African Catholics Coptic, Latin rite, Orthodox Prophecies Meditations


Black Saints Videos Part I



YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, DailyMotion, Blip.tv, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast

Part II



YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, Revver, DailyMotion, Blip.tv, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast

James Wesly Smith is an attorney and writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the Early African Liturgical Churches. His 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at stbernice@yahoo.com

Posted by realm/blackcatholics at 9:17 AM PST
Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Friday, 28 November 2008
Now Playing: Afrocentric Sorrowful Mysteries Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet Divine Mercy
Topic: Prophecy Meditation
28 NOV. PROPHECY, WARNING MEDITATIONS FOR AFRICAN DIASPORA CHRISTIANS -- BLACK CATHOLICS, COPTICS, ORTHODOX IN THE MYSTICAL BODY OF CHRIST, LITURGICAL AND CHRISTIAN CHURCHES African Christians, Pacific, Marianas, and Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Polynesia, Oceania Christians, Black Catholics Everywhere, Black African Saints, Coptic, Orthodox, Roman Catholic Saints, Black Spirituality


Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,


DEVOTIONS AND PRAYERS FOR THE LITURGICAL CHURCHES AND ALL OTHER CHRISTIANS WHO SO DESIRE(Including Lutheran, Episcopalian, Anglican, and members in the Mystical Body of Christ –All Christianity combined):

Black Christ




 Afrocentric Sorrowful Mysteries Rosary Pt I

 Afrocentric Sorrowful Mysteries Rosary Pt II

 Afrocentric Stations Cross Pt. I

Afrocentric Stations Cross Pt. I I






Pray the Joyful Mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous Mysteries on Thursday, the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious Mysteries on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent – Sorrowful. Mysteries/Meditations are events in the Life of Yeshua(Jeus)!

See http://www.rosary-center.org/howto.htm



Divine MercyBlack Christ

Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I


Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT II



Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PTlII







Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book (James Wesly Smith), 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from BarnesandNobles.com, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from www.booklocker.com/books/3088.html


Sophia and my daughter Dabamoth (Dibamonia) and Bistamon. We are martyrs (my daughters, virgin martyrs). Sophia was beheaded in Kemet. 4 June in the Abyssinian Coptic Calendar.

Sophia with Irene. We are martyrs, beheaded in Kemet under Emperor Claudinus. 18 Sept.

Sophia, I was beheaded with Bifamon ,I am the martyr also known as Bamon, Abba Phoebammon, or Nefam. 20 May?

Sophoreus, I am a Coptic friend of God, 28 Feb.

Sophronius of Shanazum (Shenetom, near Luxor), and Dalasina. We were martyred in Kemet, killed at Luxor by Governor Arrhianus orders, under Roman Emperor Diocletian persecutions. 16 Nov.

Sostras, Presbyter (Elder), Possibly a duplicate name, but a Presbyter (Elder), of the (Africa) Mareotis area in Kemet, who agreed to the deposition at Alexandria in 321A.D.in a synod of more than one hundred African Kemetian (Egyptian) and Libyan bishops of Heretic priest Arius and his wicked, irreverent henchmen. (One of the holy folk).


Spisinna, martyred in Africa, in the West and North. 7 June

Statonica with my husband, Selaficus (Seleucus). We are martyrs, 11 March. Coptic Calendar.

Stephanus (also known as Stephana, Corona), with Victor, and with Januarius, martyred in Kemet, 8 May. Latin Rite tradition places Victor in Kemet (Coma), my husband soldiered in Alexandria (or Coma) under Antonius Pius (136 to 161 A.D.). Many attempts were made to kill me. Finally he died by beheading.

I, his young wife, 16 years of age Corona, gave him encouragement. I was tied to two trees, which were bound together, then released, which ripped me to pieces. 14 May (in Italy); 15 May at Osimo; 22 Sept.

Stephanus, martyred with Victor, in Kemet. 1 April

Stephen. Martyred in Africa with Claudius, 3 Dec.

Stephen I, I was martyr and pope 12 May 25 A.D. to 2 Aug. 257 A.D. The with elected me after the death of Saint Lucius, within two months. I was against the decrees and letters of the bishops of Africa (Saint Cyprian of Carthage). I said baptism was valid, even when heretics conferred it. 3 Aug. or 3 Nov. (Armenian Church), 30 Oct, or 1 Sept.

Stephen the Anchorite, I am a Coptic friend of God, 7 May. Abyssinian Coptic Calendar.

Stephen, son of Enkua Marjam, Abyssinian Ethiopian friend of God, 25 Sept. Abyssinian/Coptic Church

Stupur. Martyred in Africa withMaximus, 16 Feb. Successa, Romulus, Acutus, Pinnarius, Marulus, Successus, Misias, Matutina, Donatus, Alexander, Solutor, and Saturninus. We were martyred in Africa, 27 March.

Successus, martyr and bishop in Africa withRogatus, 28 March

Successus, martyr in Africa with Peter, 9 Dec.

Successus, martyr in Alexandria with Didymus, 5 April.

Successus, Paulus, Geruntius, Januarius, Saturninus, Julius, Catus, Pia. Martyrs in Africa, 300 A.D. 19 Jan, with Paul, 14 Jan. (Probably the same as Successus, martyr in Africa with Paul, 19 Jan).

Successus, Paulus, Victorinus, Saturus, (Saturninus) Missor, Geruntius, Lucentius, Januarius, Florida, Theocosia, and 8 companions. We were martyred in Africa, 14 Jan. Also 19 Jan in some dioceses.

Successus, Romulus, Acutus, Pinnarius, Marulus, Misias, Matutina, Donatus, Successa, Alexander, Solutor, and Saturninus. We were martyred in Africa, 27 March.

Susanna (Dhusina), of Thmuis, a Coptic 5 Oct. I isin Coptic Calendar.

Susennius (Sisinnus), I was a servant of Theodosius, 15 July Coptic Calendar.

Susennius (Susneus), martyred under Roman Emperor Diocletian, 21 April, Coptic Calendar.

Susita (Shenus), martyred inBelkim, in Kemet, Originally shepherd, the authorities of Governor Arahianus ordered me to death in Antinoe, during the persecutions of Roman Emperor Diocletian. 20 May.

Symeon of Kemet (4th century), 5 April

Symphorianus, martyr in Africa with Felix 3 Feb.

Sympmphronius and Hipolytus, martyrs in Africa, 3 Feb

Syncletica of Alexandria, (350 A.D.), 5 Jan. Theocosia, Paulus, Successus, Victorinus, Saturus, (Saturninus) Missor, Geruntius, Lucentius, Januarius, Florida, and eight companions. We were martyred in Africa, 14 Jan. Also 19 Jan in some dioceses.

Tacceus, and Aradus, We are martyrs at Alexandria. 20 April.

Tacla (Tecla) and Abja, We are saints of the Coptic Church, 25 Jan. We are listed in the Coptic Calendar. (Same as Tecla (Tacla) and Abja, Coptic saints. 25 Jan. Coptic Calendar).

Tacla, the Theologian, I am an Abyssinian Coptic friend of God, 1 Sept. I am listed in the Coptic Calendar.

Tacla (Tecla) Adonoi, of Dabra-Libanos, I was resident in the monastery of Saint Tacla Halmonot, Abyssinia. 18 Jul. I am listed in the Coptic Calendar.

Tacla Hawaryat, I am an Abyssinian friend of God, 23 Nov. I am listed in the Coptic Calendar.

Talida. Abbess; Terrece, Africanus, Pompeius and Companion, Bishop, Demetrius (Archdeacon) and Calaegerus

Tatusbaya with my brother Selarianus, 22 Nov. Coptic Calendar.

Ten Disciples of Athenogenes. the Bishop of Heracleopolis Heracleopolis (311 A.D.), martyred

Terence, Publius, and Pompeius, and Companions, Africanus of Carthage (3rd century (249, 251 A.D.), martyrs, 13 March

Terentius with Theodore, martyred at at Carthage with Zeno, 10 April.

Thais (Taisia) of Kemet (4th century), 8 Oct.

Thais (Taisia) of Kemet (5th cen), 10 May

Thais of Kemet (Egypt) May 14


Black Saint Videos

Part I https://www.youtube.com/v/sUnU4xR5D9E

Part II https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMnYwZEfBg4

Black Saints Videos

https://www.angelfire.com/realm/blackcatholics/BlackSaintsVideos.html Black Saints Videos




Test! Discern The Spirit! Accept what speaks to YOUR SOUL/SPIRIT. Disregard the rest!


Fair use, educational and religious purposes, 17 U.S.C. for those in the Africa Diasora who would otherwise not be exposed to such.


Fr Doucette - Thu, Nov 27, 2008: "I am the example


"I am the example"

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Dear Friends,

On that day Sadducees approached Jesus, saying that there is no resurrection. They put this question to him, saying, Teacher, Moses said, If a man dies without children, his brother shall marry his wife and raise up descendants for his brother. Now there were seven brothers among us. The first married and died and, having no descendants, left his wife to his brother.

The same happened with the second and the third, through all seven. Finally the woman died. Now at the resurrection, of the seven, whose wife will she be? For they all had been married to her. Jesus said to them in reply, You are misled because you do not know the scriptures or the power of God. At the resurrection the neither marry nor are given in marriage but are like the angels in heaven. And concerning the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what was said to you by God, I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob He is not the God of the dead but of the living. Matthew 22:23 32

Here is the message Our Lord gave to Joseph. Jesus spoke to him in these words, As you know I died on the cross and was buried but on the third day I rose from the dead. I am the first one to rise to life in body and spirit. My resurrection from the tomb was of great importance for the world to believe that I am the Saviour of the world.

There are some people who do not believe in the resurrection of the body. They think that once a person is dead that is the end of that person. My resurrection shows that such thinking is false. The Sadducees believed this falsehood and I showed them that they were wrong. The truth is that every person who is dead will rise again at the end of the world. Their spirits will be united with their bodies and they will appear before Me with their resurrected bodies to be judged. At the end of time death will be no more.

Death came into the world because of sin. Adam and Eve were created never to die but because of their very serious sin, death entered the world and all are to die. But remember death is not the last word.

You will all rise again. Work hard then with the graces I give you so that you will be in heaven with your resurrected body. I am the example you need to look at. Come walk with Me every day and you will enjoy a life of glory in heaven.

Father Melvin

To access archive, please click on: http://groups.google.com/group/father-melvin-doucettes-letters

Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 28 - FIND SOLACE IN PRAYER

St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Abbot and Doctor "The Eucharist is that love which surpasses all loves in Heaven and on earth." (St. Bernard)

Mother Teresa

I believe that God has created each soul, that that soul belongs to God, and that each soul has to find God in its own lifetime and enter into His life. That is what is important. All of us need to seek God and find Him.

Meditations by Padre Pio

All human ideas, from wherever they come, can be both good and bad. One must learn to assimilate all the good and offer it to God, eliminating the bad.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen - God must be the source of the humble and show it through their resources

"Before undertaking a task great or small, before making decisions, before beginning a journey, the humble will acknowledge their dependence on God and will invoke His guidance and His blessing on all their enterprises. Even though they be placed above others by vocation, or by the will of the people, they will never cease to recognize that God has made of one blood all the nations that dwell on the earth. If they are very rich they will not be `defenders of the rights of the poor' without unloading their riches in their aid."

St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html - When we began to share the wafer, a sincere and mutual love reigned among us. Mother Superior [Irene] expressed this wish to me: "Sister, the works of God proceed slowly, so do not be in a hurry." In general, the sisters sincerely wished me great love, which is that which I desire above all. I saw that these wishes truly came from their hearts, except for one sister, who had a concealed malice in her wishes, although this did not cause me much pain, for my soul was pervaded by God.

Yet this enlightened me as to why God communicates so little with a soul of this kind, and I learned that such a soul is always seeking itself, even in holy things. Oh, how good the Lord is in not letting me go astray! I know that He will guard me, even jealously, but only as long as I remain little, because it is with such that the great Lord likes to commune. As to proud souls, He watches them from afar and opposes them. (1440)

When I was apologizing to the Lord Jesus for a certain action of mine which, a little later, turned out to be imperfect, Jesus put me at ease with these words:My daughter, I reward you for the purity of your intention which you had at the time when you acted.

My Heart rejoiced that you had My love under consideration at the time you acted, and that in so distinct a way; and even now you still derive benefit from this; that is, from the humiliation. Yes, My child, I want you to always have such great purity of intention in the very least things you undertake. (1566)

Dailys - http://www.catholic-forum.com/e-pistle.html - Quote of the Day O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. -Words on the Miraculous Medal revealed to Catherine Laboure


These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.


A Message to Jelena and Mirijana :

Pray! It may seem strange to you that I always speak of prayer, and yet I say again, pray! Why do you hesitate? In sacred scripture you have heard it said : " Do not worry about tomorrow, for each day has worries enough of its own. " And so do not worry about other days. Find solace in prayer. I, your Mother, will take care of the rest (Locutionists Jelena & Mirjana February 29, 1984).

And in John's gospel. Assurance from Christ : I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage; I have conquered the world (Jn 16 :33).

Reflection :

One summer a young woman had been rehearsing some songs, leaving her harp before an open window. Suddenly she heard the sound of distant and very lovely music. It lasted only a few seconds and left her very puzzled. When it happened again she noticed that the sound came form the instrument and was caused by the gentle breeze from the open window playing on the harp strings.

At times of prayer we can be like that harp, by allowing sufficient calm to gather round us so that the Holy Spirit, the Breath of God, may play his music in us. But remember, it was a gentle breeze, and the music could be heard only because of the surrounding stillness.

Application :

Today, spend several minutes in silence, repeating only the names of Jesus and Mary. Let every anxiety be calmed by their power.


From: Gianna, see: http://www.centeroftheimmaculateheart.org/foundation/singlenews.asp?item_ID=487&comm=0&list_code_int=NEW01-INT

Fair use 17 U.S.C. for those in the African Diaspora who would otherwise not be exposed to such for religious and educational purposes.

The Words of God the Father through Gianna Sullivan July 8, 2006

Dear children of humanity,

I sent My Son, your Savior Jesus, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, Who agreed to humble Himself and to come and be born in the womb of a Virgin. He agreed to become Flesh and to suffer for you so that all of the children of humanity would know that their sins were forgiven through His one Redemptive Act of salvation.

He taught and preached and proclaimed the Good News that I His Father am a Father of Mercy and Love, of kindness and tenderness, filled with compassion; and that My Heart was large enough to contain all of the sins of the world. It was so large that it could contain not only your sins, but all of your imperfections as well as all of your acts of sacrifice and penance.

Before my Son, Moses came and preached the Good News also, taking My Words of the Ten Commandments, and urging and assisting the children of humanity to reflect and to change their ways and to return back to their "Abba".

Before Moses, remember Noah and that great day! People waiting for a sign mocked him and his family as they prepared, listened to and obeyed Me, not for just simply a few years, but for several hundred years. But no one ever knew the day or the time.

I patiently waited for Noah to prepare, although everyone around him except a few did not listen to him. They were making merry in many ways, in the form of adultery and other sweet enticements and good pleasures. Then that one great day fell upon the people on earth and wiped out their existence, which I promised not to do again. From that time to this time, tell me, "What change has there been?"

My sweet beloved Mary, a humble servant and spouse to the Holy Spirit, continues to hold back the sword of the Angel, preventing it from striking and revealing the bowls of purification. However, even my sweet Mary could not do this unless I allowed her, for I have been a patient and loving God.

But now, without revealing a time or a date or a place, I will forewarn humanity to take a cautious look at your very selves. Tell me, "What have you done to desecrate My Sanctuary?" And, "What have you done to repent, as you continue to ignore My Words, the Words of my Blessed Son and those of My dearly beloved Mary? As you continue to ignore them, you continue to entice yourselves and become blind to the Truth.

If you followed the Word of the Gospel of My Son, there would be no need for any prophet or seer. There has never been so great a prophet or seer or leader as my beloved John the Baptist, no other above him except for My Son. But humanity has not followed the Word of the Gospel and has not responded as requested. Humanity is not living My Words and praying as My beloved Mary has asked.

What will it take for the children of humanity to realize that their focusing on their petty ways and their ignoring and dismissing the Words of My Son and My beloved Mary, cannot continue without consequence?

I speak to you now because I am a tender and loving Father. I am the Father, your God, along with My Son, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, and along with the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity Who enlightens you to discern the Truth. Foolishness arises when people try to change the Truth. It only reflects selfishness, lack of knowledge, lack of humility and lack of respect for the Truth.

You cannot change the Word of God! Just because the times change, you cannot change the Word of God. You do not even pay attention to the "signs of the times"; so how can you claim to change the Word based on what you believe to be a change in the times?

Regardless of your religion, all children of humanity, know that I am your God, with the gender of "father", Who allowed His Son to be born of a Virgin. No human birth can occur unless it is through a woman; and as a "father", I remain just that, the Father.

No one knows how long I will allow my beloved Mary to continue to hold back the sword of the Angel. Her pleading on your behalf is nearing its end; and when that time comes, you best be prepared. For as you have known from the Old Testament, the "children of Israel" were saved. How many "children of Israel" are there today?


The Words of God the Father through Gianna Sullivan June 8, 2006

Dear children of humanity,

If you are seeking a "god" different than I, then what would that entail? Would it be a "god" of your choice, of your liking? Pause for a moment and think. What would you like? In each of your minds and hearts, due to your free will, you are given many graces and options. Perhaps you would want more material means, power and prestige.

As God your Father, why was it that I sent my Son, Who obliged me and humbled Himself to save humanity, to suffer on a Cross? The mystery, yes indeed, the mystery of the Cross! Why was it that He could have anything He wanted? Why was it that He wanted you?

Have you ever thought what you truly wanted, not just for now, but overall, for your entire life? Is it for your children and family? Is it for those whom you love? Is it for that which you seek to maintain or to give most charitably to other people from what you gain? What is the true reason?

There is only one reason! Look to your Mother, pure and Immaculate, wholesome, humble and most wise. Did she not receive the better gift? She made the ultimate choice! It was nothing other than to be in Union with My Will, to live, to breathe and to die for only one purpose. For that purpose she is given the greatest and most holy title, Mother of God, even though she does not seek titles. However, she is given it. Look to her. There you will find the entrance, the security, the protection, the wisdom and the treasure.

Peace to you, children. Peace is what you can have. Is it what you want?

Look to her! Peace.

The Words of God the Father through Gianna Sullivan May 8, 2006

Dear children of humanity,

I look down upon you in graciousness because of this great Queen, a most pure and holy servant of the Throne of God, Immaculate in all ways, who looks only to cleanse you, to purify you, and to bring you to the Throne. Her cloak of humility is one that speaks volumes and volumes of Truth and enlightenment. It tells the entire story, chapter by chapter, of your lives.

Yet, here she is, so pure and humble. It would behoove you to look with graciousness, humility and with all due respect to her in thanksgiving that she, through her "fiat", has been moved to graciously receive the Word of God in her womb. The Son of Man came forth to suffer and to purify and to die for you because of Love.

All has come because of her one "fiat". All can join in this "fiat". You can say "yes" as this pure virgin said "yes". You are graced and can accomplish all that was offered to her through your free will.

Do not be mistaken about whether I am God. I am the God of not only the universe, but of all the cosmos, and of every human being's soul. Look to me! Receive Peace, and know what Truth entails. Because of free will you will never have everything outlined for you; but what you will have is the Covenant of protection and direction, of Love and everlasting Life!

The Words of God the Father through Gianna Sullivan April 8, 2006

Dear children of humanity,

Look at your Queen! She is the Empress of the World! There is no one as pure as she is pure. She has a direct link to the Holy Trinity; and there she presents your petitions and pleads on your behalf. O' it would be wise, children of humanity, to look to her and to invite and welcome her into your communities and into your homes.

There is no so august a Princess, most pure and elevated even higher than Esther, to the level of Empress. As she desires and as she implores on your behalf for your salvation, so We listen and are moved.

What a foolish notion it would be to not give the proper reverence in due course to such a Queen! Had it not been for this most beautiful and pure Empress, the Hand of your Almighty Creator would have dealt harsher blows. She is the one who holds back the angels' wings through her purity, her innocence, and her unconditional Love for you.

Regardless of your creed, you must know that man develops and creates these areas of difference; and that God, your God, the only Almighty One, is the One Who distributes the graces accordingly with Divine Justice. He reprimands, purges, prunes and vindicates.

O' that you would be as humble as she, and perhaps your God would lend you a listening ear. Thank her, and come to Me. For the day will come when We shall meet face to face!

Peace to you.



"Glorious St. Joseph, tenderhearted father, faithful guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of God, I ask you to join me in praising God the Father through His Divine Son who died on the cross and rose again to give us sinners new life. Through the Holy Name of Jesus, pray with me that we may obtain from the eternal Father the favor we ask. (here state your intention)."

Say this prayer for nine consecutive days.

Fear not! God is your shelter (the 23rd Psalm and the Lord’s Prayer. God never fails. Don’t fail him. Call on Jesus. Jesus on the mainline, tell him what you want!


BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)







Part I


Part II





Part I


Part II



For further information:





Black, African Saints


Black and African Catholics Prophecy Meditations





Black African Catholics Coptic, Latin rite, Orthodox Prophecies Meditations


Black Saints Videos Part I



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Part II



YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, Revver, DailyMotion, Blip.tv, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast

James Wesly Smith is an attorney and writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the Early African Liturgical Churches. His 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at stbernice@yahoo.com

Posted by realm/blackcatholics at 8:58 AM PST
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Thursday, 27 November 2008
Now Playing: Afrocentric Luminous Mysteries of Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Topic: Prophecy Meditation


African Christians, Pacific, Marianas, and Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Polynesia, Oceania Christians, Black Catholics Everywhere, Black African Saints, Coptic, Orthodox, Roman Catholic Saints, Black Spirituality


Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,


DEVOTIONS AND PRAYERS FOR THE LITURGICAL CHURCHES AND ALL OTHER CHRISTIANS WHO SO DESIRE(Including Lutheran, Episcopalian, Anglican, and members in the Mystical Body of Christ –All Christianity combined):

Black Christ



Divine MercyBlack Christ Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I

Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT II


Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PTlII



First Luminous Mystery

Third Section Luminous Mysteries

Fifth Section Luminous Mysteries




Pray the Joyful Mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous Mysteries on Thursday, the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious Mysteries on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent – Sorrowful. Mysteries/Meditations are events in the Life of Yeshua(Jeus)!

See http://www.rosary-center.org/howto.htm



Divine MercyBlack Christ

Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I


Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT II



Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PTlII







Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book (James Wesly Smith), 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from BarnesandNobles.com, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from www.booklocker.com/books/3088.html


Sissinius of Tantatho, priest with Iraja (Herais). with brother, Abadir. We are children martyrs of Saint Basilides sister. Basilides is called the Father of Kings. We were brought under arrest to Antinoe, Kemet, beheaded with 3685 companions and other martyrs with Cluthus, a physician and priest.

Also martyred with us were Apa Paphnutius of Tentyra, priest; Apa Isaac of Tiphre, priest; Apa Shamul of Taraphia, priest; Apa Simeon of Tapcho, priest; Theodore of Chotep, priest; Moses of Psammanius, priest; Philotheus of Pemdje, priest; Macarius, of Fayum, priest; Maximus of Vuchim, priest; Macroni of Thoni, priest; Senuthius, of Buasti, priest; Simeon of Thou, priest; Ptolemaeus, priest; who was son of the Eparch, priest; Thomas of Tanphot, priest. Coptic calendar, 25 Sept.

Sobel, Cantidus, and Cantidianus, Kemetians by birth, martyred at Antioch. 5 Aug.

Socrates, at Tiberiopolis (361, 362 A.D.), martyr, 28 Nov.

Sodon, martyred in Libya, Africa. 25 Jan

Solochon (Solon) with Pamphamer, and Pamphalon. Martyred Kemetian soldiers. Our post was at Calcedon. We were killed with clubs, under Maximinian. Solochon lived through the brutal beating, but died of his injuries in a Christian house. 17 May.

Solomon, I am Abba Solomon. anchorite. I was a hermit for 50 years in a cave at Antinoe, Kemet (Thebaid). I traveled the monasteries of the Thebaid, living at Antinoe some 40 years, but 50 years in the cave, myself. I counted more than 2000 following the life of the monks there, many living and worshipping God in the rock faces caves. They worked with their hands, as they etched out a spiritual existence for God. I memorized all of the Holy Scriptures. Coptic Calendar.

Solutor, at Carthage, martyr with Paul, 15 March

Solutor, Adventor, Octavious. We were martyred in Turin, our unit was the Theban Legion. We retreated from Agaumum, Switzerland, Adventor, and Octavius, were caught and beheaded. I, Solutor, escaped, and was finally captured near Ivrea, and beheaded. 20 Nov. (20 Jan translation of relics).

Solutor. Martyred in Africa with Hermes, 21 Jan.

Solutor, martyred with Victor, Saturninus, in Africa. 26 March

Solutor, Paulus, Alexander, Theodulus, Theohilus, Octavius, Petronius, and Manilus, Martyrs at Carthage, 15 March

Solutor, Romulus, Acutus, Pinnarius, Marulus, Successus, Misias, Matutina, Donatus, Successa, Alexander, and Saturninus. We were martyred in Africa, 27 March.

Sophia and my daughter Dabamoth (Dibamonia) and Bistamon. We are martyrs (my daughters, virgin martyrs). Sophia was beheaded in Kemet. 4 June in the Abyssinian Coptic Calendar.

Sophia with Irene. We are martyrs, beheaded in Kemet under Emperor Claudinus. 18 Sept.

Sophia, I was beheaded with Bifamon ,I am the martyr also known as Bamon, Abba Phoebammon, or Nefam. 20 May?

Sophoreus, I am a Coptic friend of God, 28 Feb.

Sophronius of Shanazum (Shenetom, near Luxor), and Dalasina. We were martyred in Kemet, killed at Luxor by Governor Arrhianus orders, under Roman Emperor Diocletian persecutions. 16 Nov.

Sostras, Presbyter (Elder), Possibly a duplicate name, but a Presbyter (Elder), of the (Africa) Mareotis area in Kemet, who agreed to the deposition at Alexandria in 321A.D.in a synod of more than one hundred African Kemetian (Egyptian) and Libyan bishops of Heretic priest Arius and his wicked, irreverent henchmen. (One of the holy folk).


Spisinna, martyred in Africa, in the West and North. 7 June

Statonica with my husband, Selaficus (Seleucus). We are martyrs, 11 March. Coptic Calendar.

Stephanus (also known as Stephana, Corona), with Victor, and with Januarius, martyred in Kemet, 8 May. Latin Rite tradition places Victor in Kemet (Coma), my husband soldiered in Alexandria (or Coma) under Antonius Pius (136 to 161 A.D.). Many attempts were made to kill me. Finally he died by beheading. I, his young wife, 16 years of age Corona, gave him encouragement. I was tied to two trees, which were bound together, then released, which ripped me to pieces. 14 May (in Italy); 15 May at Osimo; 22 Sept.

Stephanus, martyred with Victor, in Kemet. 1 April

Stephen. Martyred in Africa with Claudius, 3 Dec.

Stephen I, I was martyr and pope 12 May 25 A.D. to 2 Aug. 257 A.D. The with elected me after the death of Saint Lucius, within two months. I was against the decrees and letters of the bishops of Africa (Saint Cyprian of Carthage). I said baptism was valid, even when heretics conferred it. 3 Aug. or 3 Nov. (Armenian Church), 30 Oct, or 1 Sept.

Stephen the Anchorite, I am a Coptic friend of God, 7 May. Abyssinian Coptic Calendar.

Stephen, son of Enkua Marjam, Abyssinian Ethiopian friend of God, 25 Sept. Abyssinian/Coptic Church

Stupur. Martyred in Africa withMaximus, 16 Feb.

Successa, Romulus, Acutus, Pinnarius, Marulus, Successus, Misias, Matutina, Donatus, Alexander, Solutor, and Saturninus. We were martyred in Africa, 27 March.

Successus, martyr and bishop in Africa withRogatus, 28 March

Successus, martyr in Africa with Peter, 9 Dec.

Successus, martyr in Alexandria with Didymus, 5 April.



Black Saint Videos

Part I https://www.youtube.com/v/sUnU4xR5D9E

Part II https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMnYwZEfBg4

Black Saints Videos

https://www.angelfire.com/realm/blackcatholics/BlackSaintsVideos.html Black Saints Videos




Test! Discern The Spirit! Accept what speaks to YOUR SOUL/SPIRIT. Disregard the rest!


Fair use, educational and religious purposes, 17 U.S.C. for those in the Africa Diasora who would otherwise not be exposed to such.




Fr Doucette - Thu, Nov 27, 2008: "I am the example


"I am the example"

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Dear Friends,

On that day Sadducees approached Jesus, saying that there is no resurrection. They put this question to him, saying, Teacher, Moses said, If a man dies without children, his brother shall marry his wife and raise up descendants for his brother. Now there were seven brothers among us.

The first married and died and, having no descendants, left his wife to his brother. The same happened with the second and the third, through all seven. Finally the woman died. Now at the resurrection, of the seven, whose wife will she be? For they all had been married to her. Jesus said to them in reply, You are misled because you do not know the scriptures or the power of God.

At the resurrection the neither marry nor are given in marriage but are like the angels in heaven. And concerning the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what was said to you by God, I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob He is not the God of the dead but of the living. Matthew 22:23 32

We had a cloudy day yesterday and some rain. A lot of the snow disappeared overnight but it is still cloudy this morning and there is fog.

Here is the message Our Lord gave to Joseph. Jesus spoke to him in these words, As you know I died on the cross and was buried but on the third day I rose from the dead. I am the first one to rise to life in body and spirit. My resurrection from the tomb was of great importance for the world to believe that I am the Saviour of the world.

There are some people who do not believe in the resurrection of the body. They think that once a person is dead that is the end of that person. My resurrection shows that such thinking is false. The Sadducees believed this falsehood and I showed them that they were wrong. The truth is that every person who is dead will rise again at the end of the world. Their spirits will be united with their bodies and they will appear before Me with their resurrected bodies to be judged. At the end of time death will be no more.

Death came into the world because of sin. Adam and Eve were created never to die but because of their very serious sin, death entered the world and all are to die. But remember death is not the last word.

You will all rise again. Work hard then with the graces I give you so that you will be in heaven with your resurrected body. I am the example you need to look at. Come walk with Me every day and you will enjoy a life of glory in heaven.

Father Melvin

To access archive, please click on: http://groups.google.com/group/father-melvin-doucettes-letters or http://www.queenofpeace.ca/# Lec-What I Heard - November 27, 2008

What I Heard November 27, 2008 6:55 AM From the Still, small, inner voice

Son, anointing comes to those who hears my voice and do my will. The trumpets will sound and those who hear will rise up to meet Jesus in the air. How supremely joyful that event will be to those who patiently wait and keep their garments immaculately clean.

They are ready to attend the wedding feast of the lamb. Hear the good news! An era is coming to an end, a time to fulfill prophecy in its fullness. Let not your heart be troubled by depressing news you hear. All these things must happen first.

Rejoice however for your redemption is near. 7:10 AM

Scripture Reference:

Good News Bible Revelation 19:5-9 Then there came from the throne the sound of a voice, saying, "Praise our God, all his servants and all people, both great and small, who have reverence for him!"

19:6 Then I heard what sounded like a crowd, like the sound of a roaring waterfall, like loud peals of thunder. I heard them say, "Praise God! For the Lord, our Almighty God, is King!

19:7 Let us rejoice and be glad; let us praise his greatness! For the time has come for the wedding of the Lamb, and his bride has prepared herself for it. 19:8 She has been given clean shining linen to wear." (The linen is the good deeds of God's people.)

19:9 Then the angel said to me, "Write this: Happy are those who have been invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb." And the angel added, "These are the true words of God."

Message to Sharon Fitzpatrick Nov.26,2008








After Mass this morning while praying before the BLESSED SACRAMENT I received the following vision and message.

I saw a wall of water going over land (the land appears to me to be Florida). I then saw what looked like thousands of people underwater. I then saw the LAMB OF GOD ON HIS THRONE and millions of people standing before HIM. I knew that this was their judgment. I then saw what looked like only hundreds of people before JESUS ON HIS THRONE.

These were the souls left that were going to judged into either HEAVEN or purgatory, the rest had been judged into HELL.

When I saw this I immediately cried out to JESUS FOR HIS MERCY, that HE would have MERCY on us all.

I then saw what looked to be over half the people of the millions I originally saw standing before HIM again, this time to be judged into either HEAVEN or purgatory.

JESUS then spoke to me and said that the first judgment I saw was what the people deserved. The second judgment was the judgment they received due to prayers of the faithful.




I praised JESUS for HIS MERCY (I was crying as this vision was one of the most powerful I have ever had) and I also told HIM that I wished their was no HELL. The thought of so many going there to suffer for an eternity at the hands of the filthy demons overwhelmed me.

I then prayed that JESUS would allow the mini-judgment (the illumination) to happen quickly. I prayed that the HOLY SPIRIT would come upon us and change our HEARTS. I prayed the the ETERNAL FATHER would hurry and purify the world so that the ERA OF PEACE would begin.

That would mean all of mankind would then give the FATHER, SON, AND THE HOLY GHOST perfect praise. That all mankind would finally reflect the HOLY TRINITY living in perfect love of one another as DAD originally planned it.

Message to J.N.S.R.August 25, 2008

Come, Lord JESUS!

The Voice speaking out

August 25, 2008

JNSR: The Voice speaking out has no name yet in this beginning, where we see all the beasts of the Revelations of St. John, fleeing before the White Horse. The Rider upon that Horse is holding a sword in his right hand, and in his left hand, he holds the reins of his powerful horse which obeys him by galloping behind this wild mob going straight towards a bottomless pit.

All these beasts have escaped from their shelter at the bottom of weak men where they had taken refuge. They were offering them temptations and were nourished by the sins that they provoked amongst men who treated with contempt, God and all Humanity.

Obeying the father of lies, they followed orders that came directly from the protagonist, who is actually with them on the way to that bottomless pit, from where no one can come out.

We can see this unbridled race: the Rider pressuring them and follows them and directs them in spite of themselves, toward nothingness. Our Lord JESUS Christ, who is none other than this fiery Rider on His White Horse, has just been made aware of the Hour that the Almighty Father has kept secret until now. He says to us:

"Soon, I will ring the horn which will reverberate in the plains, valleys and mountains, to the four corners of the world, as a warning to all mankind. No one will be able to say that they did not hear, even the deaf will hear. The Hour is here. Repent and do Penance!"

Men will be as in the time of St. John the Baptist, who called them, in order to make them enter into the Baptism of God, so as to gain the Eternal Kingdom of God.

Today as yesterday, on behalf of all the Saints in Heaven, united to the Most Holy Trinity, directed to all men on Earth, you will hear:

JESUS: Men of little faith! If you knew what God has in store for you, for these Times that are coming, you will already have seen that the Lord facing your cities and towns, says: I leave the trees of the forests still green, even budding as if the new sap was growing, pushing all that stops it from coming to renew life, escaping everywhere. You will already have seen the young and new growth of a delicate green color at the tip of giant trees, that want to tell you of their hope in their expectation. You will have heard all the songs of the birds that come flying to your windows, to make you share their joy in seeing again the Holy of Holies on Earth.

For all the animals, better than men, have kept a memory of their distant ancestors who saw Christ dying on the Cross for the Salvation of mankind. Even if they do not communicate as you do, they are, and they all know, My Holy Creation. Amen. The Word of the Lord.

Heaven and Earth are telling you of My Return in Glory, that great Day both terrible and marvelous, when Christ comes back. All will already be purified. The Earth and mankind will then be able to see Me as I AM, in the Glory of My Father, who is in Me and Me in Him.

The Spirit will speak to you: Behold the One who IS, who WAS and who is TO COME, to give you abundant Life, the True Life in God, which has no end.

Come, enter into His Eternity. Promise yourself that you will be united to Him who is your own life, so the the Union be sealed, to come back to tell you that on this beautiful Day of the month of........ and of the year........ you were united for Eternity to Him who is the Spouse of all souls.

JESUS Christ your Saviour Dear little espoused soul who holds her Word which is Mine, and which I have set into her soul for Eternity. Speak in My Name, I shall open all doors for you.

Jesus of Nazareth Saviour and Redeemer

† Amen. Amen. Amen. † † †


Message to Michael DiBitetto Nov.25, 2008


November 25, 2008 Tuesday evening 7:00 p.m. Tonight we prayed The Litany’s

At the end of the 3rd decade, Our Blessed Mother has appeared as…

“Our Lady Of Fatima”

Michael said: I bow down only to Jesus Christ


- now over the picture of The Sacred Heart, St. Padre-Pio has appeared and he is celebrating mass.

-and now on the-wall … I see a very LARGE BROWN CROSS …

-and now I see a LARGE BROWN ANCHOR (The Anchor signifies ‘hope’)

-and now I see The Holy Spirit as a ‘DOVE’ on the-wall … and It’s coming from –the-wall- and is going around the room, and It’s going “over” everyone’s head … including everyone on the radio internet.

And now once again… I see …


















(and now The Blessed Mother has disappeared.)

-and now over The picture of The Sacred Heart … St.Padre Pio has appeared and he’s still celebrating mass …

-and now over The picture of The Divine Mercy … The Holy Spirit has appeared and ray’s of light are coming down towards everyone in the prayer group.

-and now …on the wall … I see … St. Padre Pio … and he’s holding The Eucharist out towards the prayer group … and They’re coming from his hand out one-at-a-time towards everyone in the prayer group … everyone is receiving Spiritual Communion from St. Padre Pio this evening.


That is all for this evening … Thank you for joining us in prayer. All of us here at the Trust Prayer Group wish you from the bottom of our hearts a Happy and Holy THANKS GIVING …



The periods that sometimes appear after some of Blessed Mothers words mean this is where She has .... paused.... before Her next word or paragraph.

And to all our brothers and sisters everywhere…Thank you all for joining us in prayer…. Especially those who live too far away to join us here in Shelton….MAY GOD BLESS YOU AND MAY OUR BLESSED MOTHER BE ALWAYS BY YOUR SIDE…. AND MAY THEY BLESS AND INCREASE THE PRAYER-GROUPS THAT HAVE STARTED……..for more information e-mail us at trustprayergrp@...

Mother of Perpetual Light Nov.21, 2008

The Words of these messages are being received in poetic verse allegedly from the Blessed Mother under the title "The Mother of Perpetual Light". On a number of occasions alleged messages were also received from the Eucharistic Jesus starting with the words "I Am The Bread, I Am The Wine", also in poetic verse.

For many more messages and information go towww.jesusmaryjoseph.org Only 2008 and Special Needed messages are posted here. All messages are posted daily at the web site.

We now have three complete books of messages. You may download the complete books from the web site See the archives for more information





"THY WILL BE DONE" 11-21-2008


Message to Carol Ameche Nov. 23, 2008

11-23-08 Xtrnloc. through Carol Ameche at Sunday prayer gathering.

My dearest ones, I am your Mother, the Immaculate One of God. I tell you, this day, My heart sings as the birds sing. (many birds heard outside in back yard during message) Let them be a sign of My presence always, wherever you are. Whenever you hear them, be reminded I am with you then, there, everywhere.

My dear faithful ones, you bring joy to the world. Your joy, your prayers spread out like waves; and when you are especially trying hard to pray and it is difficult, your prayers are crashing on the sands of the world with greater force than ever. Your prayers are graces crashing on the wills of those who struggle, but especially on those who know nothing of prayer.

Rejoice with Me this day for Christ the King in your hearts, in your lives, in your minds as He speaks to each one of you here and each one of you everywhere who listens. Is it not a great gift to all of us to share Christ the King? To hear Him, to feel His love, to know that yes, He truly loves me in spite of myself, you will say. I truly love you, My children, because of yourselves, because of the great plan of the Father.

Within the next months you will see such changes, rapid changes. You will see events the Father has spoken in the past about, events that would touch the entire world; and, now you have seen that here in the crash of another kind that will keep crashing until your money is gone, worthless.

It is then that you will rejoice once more that the Father's words are fulfilled in spite of the tragic events that result from this main event that has spread to the entire world and economies, and great gloom faces the future of very many people who cannot believe what has happened.

We rejoice that the Father's Will goes forward, His plan takes another step in the direction of fulfillment. There is punishment involved, yes; but more than that, there is the care of the Father and the dependency that you are learning, the trust that you are drawing upon, the understanding in your mind of His words in a new way.

This event (crashing of Markets all over the world after ours began) was not explained; and, so, it was not paid attention to when the words were given. Now you see it, now you understand how the world struggles together; and you My faithful ones, everywhere, pray together and say 'yes' we will trust in You. Yes, we must trust in You, Father, and the might of Your arm.

It will be difficult; but it will be more prayerful and more peaceful within your hearts, My children, as you adjust to each new change within the entire world and ways of living because of this one large event in the economy of the entire world. My children, this is a major sign, as you know, of the Father's plan, of the One World people and their plans for ruin. Scripture reminded you this week that the Lord's plan for you is not ruin, but hope and health and trust and goodness.

I remind you of goodness today, My children, that you are a sign of goodness, not a lofty, pious sign, but a humble servant sign; and I rejoice once again for you. The world thrives as the world struggles, because you are all closer, and you see more people praying.

My dear ones, I love you. I am so grateful for you, just that, My children: goodness, peace, trust, sanctity and the love of all of Heaven, just that. That is who you are, who you are becoming. Rejoice, My dear ones. Rejoice, because we have each other. Rejoice, because we are one in our love for the Triune God.

Rejoice, for there is great reason. Prepare now through this holiday week to give thanks, to give more thanks than ever for each other. Amen, little ones. Let us go forward, together. Amen. Amen. Amen." Carol Ameche


"Hail, sacred tabernacles, where Thou, O Lord, dost descend at the voice of a mortal! Hail, mysterious altar, where faith comes to receive its immortal food! Oh, I love Thy temple! It is an island of peace in the ocean of the world, a beacon of immortality! Thou art near to hear us.... O happy Church!

Truly in thee is a hidden God, an infinite treasure, a copious redemption, an everlasting safety. Human eye sees not, nor can any finite intelligence penetrate that ineffable, mysterious presence of Heaven's great Lord." (St. Paul of the Cross)

Mother Teresa - Vocation, for a Christian, is Jesus. Our means, how we spend our time, may be different, but it is still our love for Jesus in action.

Meditations by Padre Pio -

The Lord points out and calls, but we do not want to see and answer because we prefer our own interests.

It also sometimes happens that because the voice is always audible, we no longer hear it; but the Lord enlightens and calls. It is man who puts himself in the position of no longer being able to hear.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen - No one is better than the next!

"The psychological reason for the modern fondness for news which deflates others or brings out the evil in their lives, is to solace uneasy consciences which are already laden with guilt. By finding others who apparently are more evil than we, we falsely believe that we are somehow better `than the rest of men' (Luke 18: 11)."

St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html -

O Lord, You who penetrate my whole being and the most secret depths of my soul, You see that I desire You alone and long only for the fulfillment of Your holy will, paying no heed to difficulties or sufferings or humiliations or to what others might think. (1360)

O my Lord, my soul is the most wretched of all, and yet You stoop to it with such kindness! I see clearly Your greatness and my littleness, and therefore I rejoice that You are so powerful and without limit, and so I rejoice greatly at being so little. (1417)

I strive for the greatest perfection possible in order to be useful to the Church. Greater by far is my bond to the Church. The sanctity or the fall of each individual soul has an effect upon the whole Church. Observing myself and those who are close to me, I have come to understand how great an influence I have on other souls, not by any heroic deeds, as these are striking in themselves, but by small actions like a movement of the hand, a look, and many other things too numerous to mention, which have an effect on and reflect in the souls of others, as I myself have noticed. (1475)

Dailys - http://www.catholic-forum.com/e-pistle.html -

Quote of the Day You must ask God to give you power to fight against the sin of pride which is your greatest enemy - the root of all that is evil, and the failure of all that is good. For God resists the proud. -St. Vincent de Paul

Today's Tidbit Apostasy is the total and obstinate repudiation of the Christian faith. An apostate automatically incurs a penalty of excommunication.


These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.


The following message was given to Jelena for the parish:

Devote five minutes to the Sacred Heart. Each family is an image of it (Locutionists Jelena & Mirijana July 2, 1983).

And from John's gospel, a prayer of Jesus to the Father:

Righteous Father, the world does not know you, but I know you; and those know that you have sent me. I made your name known to them, and I will make it known, so that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I in them (Jn 17:25-26). Reflection:

The love of Christ is symbolized by his heart. To be consecrated to the Sacred Heart is to be consecrated to the Lord's love, pledged and dedicated to it. Our Lord's love, pledged and dedicated to it. Our Lady emphasizes this in her messages. From October, 1988: "I am calling you today to the prayer of consecration to Jesus, my dear Son, so that each of your hearts may be his."

And in Nov of 1983: "Place an image of the hearts of Jesus and Mary in your homes." In April, 1984: "I pray that you especially venerate the Heart of my Son." And last, in October of 1983: "May all families consecrate themselves to the Sacred Heart each day."


Today, let us live these messages of the Blessed Virgin by consecrating ourselves to the Sacred Heart, using the prayer she dictated to Jelena for that purpose:

O Jesus, we know that you are gentle, that you have given your heart for us, crowned with the thorns of our sins. We know well that today you still pray for us so that we will not be lost.

Jesus, remember us if we fall into sin. Through your most Sacred Heart, enable us to love one another, that hatred may disappear from among men. Show us your love, we love you and wish that you protect us with the heart of the Good Shepherd.

Enter into each heart, Lord Jesus! Knock on the door of our hearts with patience and persistence. We are still locked within ourselves for we have not understood your will. O Jesus, continue to knock, that our hearts may open to you, especially when we remember the passion which you suffered for us. Amen.

Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 27 - 27 YOU ARE MINE

Message of November 25, 2005

"Dear children! Also today I call you to pray, pray, pray until prayer becomes life for you. Little children, at this time, in a special way, I pray before God to give you the gift of faith. Only in faith will you discover the joy of the gift of life that God has given you. Your heart will be joyful thinking of eternity. I am with you and love you with a tender love. Thank you for having responded to my call."

Mother Teresa - Through prayer I become one in love with Christ. I realize that praying to Him is loving Him.

For me, prayer means being united to the will of God twenty four hours a day, to live for Him, through Him, and with Him.

Meditations by Padre Pio - We must become accustomed to the sufferings which Jesus will be pleased to send us. Jesus, who cannot bear to keep you in a state of affliction at length, will come to help and comfort you, by instilling new courage in your spirit.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen - Blessed are the merciful!

Humility as it relates to others is a golden mean between blind reverence on the one hand and an overbearing insolence on the other. Humble people are not rigid exacters of things to which they have no undoubted right; they are always ready to overlook faults of others knowing that they have so many themselves. Neither are they greatly provoked at those slights which put vain persons out of patience, knowing that as we show mercy to others so shall we receive mercy from God."

St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html - When, at the beginning of my religious life, following the novitiate, I began to exercise myself particularly in humility, the humiliations that God sent me were not enough for me. And so, in my excessive zeal, I looked for more of them on my own, and I often represented myself to my superiors other than I was in reality and spoke of miseries of which I had no notion.

But a short time later, Jesus gave me to know that humility is only the truth. From that time on, I changed my ideas, faithfully following the light of Jesus. I learned that if a soul is with Jesus, He will not permit it to err. (1503)

Dailys - http://www.catholic-forum.com/e-pistle.html - Quote of the Day Guard your eyes that they may not look upon anything contrary to purity; your ears, that they may not listen to evil conversation; your mind, by banishing from it all suggestive thoughts; your heart, by stifling impure desires at their very birth. -St. John Baptist de la Salle

Today's Tidbit The word "Cathedral" is derived from the Greek word "cathedra," which means chair. The cathedral of a diocese is the seat of the bishop and is the principal Church of the diocese.


These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.


Our Lady gave this message of warmth to the two young locutionists:

I hold all of you in my arms. You are mine. I need your prayers so that you may be all mine. I desire to be all yours and for you to be all mine. I receive all your prayers. I receive them with joy (Locutionists Jelena & Mirijana February 23, 1984).


And from Psalm 4: I will both lie down and sleep in peace; For you alone, O Lord, made me lie down in safety. Psalm 4:8


Right after World War II, Europe was flooded with homeless, hungry children. Thousands of scared and frightened kids were housed in refugee camps. They were lovingly cared for and adequately housed and fed. But they could not sleep; they were restless and unable to relax.

A psychologist had an idea. After the children were put to bed, they were each given a loaf of bread to hold. If they wanted more to eat, more was provided, but this particular "bedtime bread" was not to be eaten, it was just to hold. The bread produced a miracle: the children dozed off, assured that they would have something to eat tomorrow. That assurance provided calm and restful sleep.

The Blessed Mother gives such assurance. She will place bread in our hands tonight. It will be there tomorrow. What we have to hold onto is her Son. We can be at peace.

In Psalm 23 we hear, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." Other translations say, "The Lord is my shepherd, therefore I shall lack nothing." Our faith is based upon trusting the Shepherd, resting in his arms, and knowing that we will be nourished and fed. We are safe with the bread of trust in our hands.


"I hold all of you in my arms," the Mother of God says today. "You are mine. I need your prayers so that you may be all mine." Today, offer all your prayers to Mary for her intentions.

"The devotion to the Eucharist is the most noble because it has God as its object; it is the most profitable for salvation, because It gives us the Author of Grace; it is the sweetest, because the Lord is Sweetness Itself." (Pope St. Pius X)

Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 26 - SURRENDER YOURSELVES TO ME

Message of November 25, 2006

"Dear children! Also today I call you to pray, pray, pray. Little children, when you pray you are close to God and He gives you the desire for eternity. This is a time when you can speak more about God and do more for God. Therefore, little children, do not resist but permit Him to lead you, to change you and to enter into your life. Do not forget that you are travelers on the way toward eternity. Therefore, little children, permit God to lead you as a shepherd leads his flock. Thank you for having responded to my call."

"The whole world" should "come together to venerate and adore Christ the King hidden under the Sacramental species. Thus by sermons preached, by public adoration of the Blessed Sacrament exposed and by solemn processions, men unite in paying homage to Christ, whom God has given them for their King." "When once men recognize, both in private and in public life, that Christ is King, society will at last receive the great blessings of real liberty, well-ordered discipline, peace and harmony" (Pope Pius XI).

Honor in Mary, at the foot of the Tabernacle, all the mysteries of her life, for all these were stations, as it were, leading to the Cenacle. In Mary's life there you will find the model and the consolation of your own life. In the Cenacle, this august Queen kneels as adoratrix and servant of the Most Blessed Sacrament: kneel at your Mother's side and pray with her, and in so doing, you will continue her Eucharistic Life on earth." (St. Peter Julian Eymard)

Mother Teresa - Who is the church? You and I. The church are those who follow Jesus.

Meditations by Padre Pio - There are such sublime joys and such deep sufferings that words cannot express them. Silence is the last resort of the soul in ineffable joy as in extreme oppression.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen - No one is better than the next!

"The psychological reason for the modern fondness for news which deflates others or brings out the evil in their lives, is to solace uneasy consciences which are already laden with guilt. By finding others who apparently are more evil than we, we falsely believe that we are somehow better `than the rest of men' (Luke 18: 11)."

St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html - However, I asked my confessor what to do: whether I should continue to suffer this for the sake of sinners or ask the superiors for an exception by way of milder food. He decided that I should ask the superiors for milder food. And thus I followed his directions, seeing that this humiliation was more pleasing to God. (1429)

Today, the love of God is transporting me into the other world. I am all immersed in love; I love and feel that I am loved, and with full consciousness I experience this. My soul is drowning in the Lord, realizing the great Majesty of God and its own littleness; but through this knowledge my happiness increases... This awareness is so vivid in the soul, so powerful and, at the same time, so sweet. (1500)

I never cringe before anyone. I can't bear flattery, for humility is nothing but the truth. There is no cringing in true humility. Although I consider myself the least in the whole convent, on the other hand, I enjoy the honor of being the bride of Christ. Little matter that often I hear people say that I am proud, for I know that human judgment does not discern the motives for our actions. (1502)

Dailys - http://www.catholic-forum.com/e-pistle.html - Quote of the Day If you wish to prevent all evil thoughts, let your eyes be modestly reserved, and make a league with them never to desire to look upon anything which is not permitted you to desire. -St. Gregory of Nyssa

Today's Tidbit The Solemnity of Christ the King is always celebrated on the final Sunday of the Liturgical Year. This feast reminds us that Jesus ultimate place is reigning over heaven and earth at the right hand of the Father. This theme is highlighted by the readings of preparation of the end times where Christ will come again that are read in the final weeks of the Liturgical Year.


These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.


Today Our Lady speaks of one of the primary messages of Medjugorje: Dear children, I wish to tell you that I have chosen this parish. I guard it in my hands like a little flower that does not want to die.

I beseech you to surrender yourselves to me so that I can present you as a gift to God, fresh and without sin. Satan has destroyed part of my plan and wants to possess all of it. Pray that he does not succeed, for I wish you for myself so that I may continue offering you to God (Weekly Message August 1, 1985).

And from Paul's first letter to the Corinthians:

For whoever was called in the Lord as a slave is a freed person belonging to the Lord, just as whoever was free when called is a slave of Christ (1 Cor 7:22).


There is glory and joy in surrender to God. When we surrender to other masters we are crushed, shamed, and defeated. But when we give our lives over to God, we are glorified and find victory. An unknown poet knew the honor in this submission: "Make me a captive, Lord, and then I shall be free."

When we abandon ourselves totally to God, we stand before him with nothing: nothing more, nothing less, and nothing other than his Divine Will. Richard Baxter, a great religious writer, died with these words on his lips: "Lord, what you will, where you will, and when you will."

When we submit to God's complete and total control, we become "God-intoxicated", filled with his own life. There is no other way but the way of abandonment and surrender, as the Virgin emphasizes today. It can be hard, but it is essential to a fulfilled life.

Application: In prayer today, live Our Lady's message: "I beseech you to surrender yourselves your selves to me, so that I can present you a gift to God."



"Glorious St. Joseph, tenderhearted father, faithful guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of God, I ask you to join me in praising God the Father through His Divine Son who died on the cross and rose again to give us sinners new life. Through the Holy Name of Jesus, pray with me that we may obtain from the eternal Father the favor we ask. (here state your intention)."

Say this prayer for nine consecutive days.

Fear not! God is your shelter (the 23rd Psalm and the Lord’s Prayer. God never fails. Don’t fail him. Call on Jesus. Jesus on the mainline, tell him what you want!


BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)







Part I


Part II





Part I


Part II



For further information:





Black, African Saints


Black and African Catholics Prophecy Meditations





Black African Catholics Coptic, Latin rite, Orthodox Prophecies Meditations


Black Saints Videos Part I



YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, DailyMotion, Blip.tv, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast

Part II



YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, Revver, DailyMotion, Blip.tv, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast

James Wesly Smith is an attorney and writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the Early African Liturgical Churches. His 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at stbernice@yahoo.com

Posted by realm/blackcatholics at 7:47 AM PST
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Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Now Playing: Afrocentric Sorrowful Mysteries Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet Divine Mercy
Topic: Preparations for Prophecy
25 NOV. PROPHECY, DIRE WARNING MEDITATIONS FOR AFRICAN DIASPORA CHRISTIANS -- BLACK CATHOLICS, COPTICS, ORTHODOX IN THE MYSTICAL BODY OF CHRIST, LITURGICAL AND CHRISTIAN CHURCHES African Christians, Pacific, Marianas, and Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Polynesia, Oceania Christians, Black Catholics Everywhere, Black African Saints, Coptic, Orthodox, Roman Catholic Saints, Black Spirituality


Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,


DEVOTIONS AND PRAYERS FOR THE LITURGICAL CHURCHES AND ALL OTHER CHRISTIANS WHO SO DESIRE(Including Lutheran, Episcopalian, Anglican, and members in the Mystical Body of Christ –All Christianity combined):

Black Christ






 Afrocentric Sorrowful Mysteries Rosary Pt I

 Afrocentric Sorrowful Mysteries Rosary Pt II

 Afrocentric Stations Cross Pt. I

Afrocentric Stations Cross Pt. I I




Pray the Joyful Mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous Mysteries on Thursday, the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious Mysteries on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent – Sorrowful. Mysteries/Meditations are events in the Life of Yeshua(Jeus)!

See http://www.rosary-center.org/howto.htm


Divine MercyBlack Christ

Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I


Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT II



Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PTlII






Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book (James Wesly Smith), 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from BarnesandNobles.com, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from www.booklocker.com/books/3088.html


Peroys, Presbyter (Elder), Possibly a duplicate name, but a Presbyter (Elder), in Alexandria, Kemet (Africa), who agreed to the deposition at Alexandria in 321A.D.in a synod of more than one hundred African Kemetian (Egyptian) and Libyan bishops of Heretic priest Arius and his wicked, irreverent henchmen. (One of the holy folk).

Petrus, Deacon Possibly a duplicate name, but a deacon in Alexandria, Kemet (Africa), who agreed to the deposition at Alexandria in 321A.D.in a synod of more than one hundred African Kemetian (Egyptian) and Libyan bishops of Heretic priest Arius and his wicked, irreverent henchmen. (One of the holy folk).

Perpetua. Martyred in Africa with Primus, 4 Nov.

Perpetua of Carthage with catechumens Saturus, Revocatus,

Perpetuus, and martyred with Victor and 53 companions at Africa. 2 Feb.

Perseus. Martyred in Africa with Cyriacus, 21 June.

Pesunthius (Besenda, Pisutius), I was a Kemetian desert ascete. I lived in a well, visited by angels. 3 July. Coptic Calendar.

Pesuntius (Basandus), I was bishop of Keft (Coptos) Kemet. I was a confessor and studied assiduously Scripture. I had through God’s grace, the gift of healing of the sick. 7 July. Coptic Calendar.

Petarpemotis, (Patermuthius), Copres, and Alexander, we were martyrs. I, Patermuthius, was a 75 years old, Kemetian hermit. I was originally a robber. My follower and converter, the monk Copres (Copri) and I were arraigned by Julian the Apostate. Torture weakened Copri. We were thrown into the furnace with a soldier who had converted, Alexander. 4th century, 9 July, 17 Dec.

Petecundus. I was a martyred deacon in Alexandria with Potamon, 18 May.

Peter of Alexandria. A Kemetian, martyred 309 A.D. at Alexandria, Kemet with Leucius of Alexandria and Severus of Alexandria for proclaiming Christ crucified and resurrected. 11 Jan.

Peter of Sola (Heliopolis) Kemet. Tradition says I baptized Constantine. (Some times withand identified with Silvester) 2 Jan. Coptic Calendar.

Peter. martyred at Africa with Felix, 5 Jan.

Peter of Kemet, I was a hermit confessor. My teacher was Lot (28 Oct. feast). The sunset of my life came at 400 A.D. 27 Jan.

Peter (Apselamus), Severus, and Leucius (confessor at Brindisi). We are martyrs at Alexandria, 11 Jan. Severus, former prefect, I was sentenced to death after my conversion to Christ.

Petrus, Philaranus, Zoticus, Forcibly thrownulus, Aventinus. We are martyrs in Kemet, 12 Jan.

Peter. martyred at Anium in Heliopolis, 13 Jan.

Peter the Slave; I was a confessor, formerly a gatherer of the taxes. I gave bread in Africa. But I was miserly before my conversion in a vision of my hellish judgment by Christ. I granted all that I had to the poor, and sold myself into slavery for Christ. Saint John the Eleemosynary of Alexandria wrote of me. 20 Jan, 22 Sept.

Peter, Eusebius (Palatinus), Rusticus, Herebus, Mares, and nine companions. Martyrs in Africa, 5 March.

PETER of Alexandria- I am a Kemetian martyred in 309 A.D. with Saints Leucius and Severus for preaching Christ boldly in Alexander. 11 Jan.

Peter of Alexandria, Bishop, martyr,

Peter of Kemet (400 A.D.), 27 Jan.

Peter of Syracuse with His Father John, martyred in Africa Sept. 23

Peter with Paul. Martyred in Alexandria, 3 Oct.

Peter, Severus soldiers executed 300 A.D. (around) Constantinople

Peter the Archbishop of Alexandria, Dec. 3 Hieromartyr

Peter, archbishop of Alexandria (311 A.D..), Hieromartyr, 25 Nov.

Peter, Successus, Bassianus, Primitivus, and Companions Forcibly thrownrensis, Bishop, martyrs in Africa, 9 Dec.

Peter, I was the martyred friend of Psoi, 13 April. Coptic Calendar.

Peter. martyred in Africa with Probata, 19 May.

Peter. I was martyredin Alexandria with Ebsoi, 30 May, feast with Peter and Abshai, 20 June

Peter, I was the 34th Patriarch of Alexandria, 567-569 A.D. I was a monk, exiled, and deported by Emperor Justinian. At the Zezag monastery, I was elevated to administration. I lived at Deir Anba Niah, and was a Monophysite. 19 June. Coptic Calendar.

Peter, I was a soldier at Oxyrichus, and martyr with Marcellus, 27 Aug.

Peter. Martyred in Alexandria with Ammon 4 Sept.

Peter the Hermit; I was a Coptic friend of God, 12 Sept. Coptic Calendar.

Peter. Martyred in Africa withAndrew, 23 Sept.

Peter of Taposiria, I was a 4th century confessor in the lower part of Kemet. Arians jailed me because I preached the Nicene Creed. 3 Oct.

Peter (Amba Petrius), I am a follower of Isaias, hermit leader. 13 Oct. Coptic Calendar.

Peter. Martyred in Africa withFelix, 30 Oct.

Peter and Paul, Martyrs , companions of Dionysius of Alexandria, 3 Oct.

Black Saint Videos

Part I https://www.youtube.com/v/sUnU4xR5D9E

Part II https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMnYwZEfBg4

Black Saints Videos

https://www.angelfire.com/realm/blackcatholics/BlackSaintsVideos.html Black Saints Videos



Test! Discern The Spirit! Accept what speaks to YOUR SOUL/SPIRIT. Disregard the rest!

Fair use, educational and religious purposes, 17 U.S.C. for those in the Africa Diasora who would otherwise not be exposed to such.

Fr Doucette - Mon, Nov 24, 2008 - "I want you all with Me"


"I want you all with Me"

Monday, November 24, 2008 Dear Friends,

When Jesus had come into the temple area, the chief priests and the elders of the people approached him as he was teaching and said, By what authority are you doing these things? Jesus said to them in reply, I shall ask you one question, and if you answer it for me, then I shall tell you by what authority I do these things. Where was John's baptism from? Was it of heavenly or of human origin?

They discussed this among themselves and said, If we say of heavenly origin, he will say to us, then why did you not believe him? But if we say of human origin, we fear the crowd, for they all regard John as a prophet. So they said to Jesus in reply We do not know. He himself said to them, Neither shall I tell you by what authority I do these things. Matthew 21: 23 27

It is partly sunny this morning as there are clouds but they should all disappear later on. It is cold, about minus 8 degrees Celsius. There is some snow on the ground but the roads are clearing up. I will need the snowplow to clean my driveway, as there is a small snow bank across it. The snow should disappear later this week when the temperature reaches 8 or 9 degrees.

I got back from Argentina on Saturday evening around 5:30 p.m. I had a lovely two weeks in this beautiful country. I visited many cities besides the Capital, Buenos Aires. I visited Salta and Tucuman, cities I visited last year. I spent a few days on a lovely farm north of the Capital.

The owner is George Young, Marta's brother, the lady who made it possible for me to visit the country. I gave talks and celebrated Healing Masses in all the cities I visited including Marta's parish church in Lobos. The weather there was great, always above 20 degrees Celsius and as high as 30 degrees.

Jesus gave a message to Joseph and here are Our Lord's words, My friends, I bless you all. When I was on earth many people, especially the chief priests and the elders of the people, refused to believe in Me. They could not accept that I was the Messiah, who was prophesied by My Father since the sin of Adam and Eve.

They had seen or heard of all the miracles I performed such as the raising of the dead to life, giving sight to the blind, the deaf to hear and the lame to walk. They should have known that only God could do such miracles, yet they attributed these miracles to Satan.

I know that many of you believe that I am the Saviour, the Messiah sent by the Father to save all the people who believe in Me. However, there are still many who refuse to believe in Me and think that I am an imposter or just another human being. They cannot see that I am completely divine and completely human. In fact even the Apostles doubted at times that I was the Messiah.

It was My resurrection from the dead that finally put away all doubts and confirmed that I was the Saviour and the Son of God. Accept Me now and come and enter My Kingdom by being a member of My Church. I want you all with Me. I want to save you all so that you will be with Me in heaven one day. I love you.

Father Melvin

To access archive, please click on: http://groups.google.com/group/father-melvin-doucettes-letters or http://www.queenofpeace.ca/# Message to J.N.S.R.August 22, 2008

Come, Lord JESUS

August 22, 2008

JNSR: I am at Your service. Speak, command and reign, My Lord, My Master. I ask favors from You. I am all Yours, Lord.

GOD: I inscribe in your soul what you must tell My people. The children of God have to be informed of all that must happen tomorrow.

At the sound of the trumpet, which will resonate throughout the Earth, be ready. And then, what you are to do, you already know, for all will be told at the appointed time.

Put your trust in Him who is speaking to you and will be speaking to you, even in your sleep. If I needed to, I would interrupt your sleep in order to instruct you.

It was not a machine that God endowed you with, but it is your soul that is conditioned for that great Day. From the origin of the world, everything has been foreseen and conceived by your Creator in whom are formed Heaven and Earth, everything that Heaven holds and everything that Earth possesses.

Everything has been programmed and previously conceived in the Spirit of God for this great and terrible Day, when God comes to reign in His Own Kingdom which includes both Heaven and Earth. A Kingdom complete, reunited and united to the Only Sovereign God of the whole Universe.

It will be the great Day of God when He brings together Heaven and Earth, the infinitely great and the infinitely small. All will form one only and unique Kingdom. home of all His Creation, with all His children having been crowned with Eternal Glory.

For God brings together all His children, as He did on the day of the Jewish Easter, to lead His Flock made up of the first ones, in order to tell the world: "Behold, here is what I am doing in My Name!"

Since then, the march of Time continues in order to arrive at the great Day, which is very near, when My Rule will be the one reuniting the Alpha and the Omega with everything that God owns, and this will come very soon.

That great Day will be marked by My Eternal Glory which is the One who IS, who WAS, and is TO COME, Him who is Son of the Most High in whom I placed all My Love. Listen to Him.

Go, My child, keep on obeying Me, for God chooses and man obeys, so that all that was spoken comes to realization.

And behold I am coming!

Amen, come Lord JESUS.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

† † † http://www.jnsr.be/uk.htm

Teaching through THE GIRL OF MY WILL IN JESUS - 05-18-2007

Gathering of Love With God's Action in Lawrence, Massachusetts,

Through His Instrument, The Girl of My Will in Jesus


The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: When God gathers his children together, he does it with great care; he calls his children from within like a very gentle breeze, for he knows that his children are not always listening. God is all love for his children; gently, he takes steps with them so that they can be where God wants them to be.

Here you are with the Will of The Love; many children before you have also listened to God's voice.

God was calling them to be attentive to him, only to him, but other children have not always wanted to listen to their God because they didn?t have much room for their God in their hearts; they had given their hearts to other gods and this was rendering them incapable of behaving as children of God.

God will gather his children together in order to speak to them directly in their hearts so that they can be attentive to him, so that they are able to go forward to where God wants them to be.

This time is a time in which all children must go forward to where God wants them to be. Jesus: Children of love, I will enable you to go forward tonight, to where God wants you to be.

Listen to the Word of your God within you; your head, my children, cannot understand what I am telling you, for I am within you, I am your life, I am the one who enables you to see and understand through the power of the Holy Spirit because I do my Father's Will.

One day, my children, children came on earth through my Father's Will; they were living in their human will because they had the original sin within them; they had this suffering within them: the one of always having to choose between good and evil.

Evil was around them, evil was hounding them, evil wanted to reach them in their heart of hearts in order to silence the good within them, the good that comes from God, the good that is nourished by God; evil did not want those children to nourish themselves with that blessing of love, evil was attentive to Satan.

That movement is within you, that movement that is attentive to Satan.

You have received graces, my children, so that you could resist temptation but few go within themselves to draw on God's graces, for this world has taught them to live externally, to search for what could bring them well-being; but that well-being, my children, is not for you; it is made up of what is evil.

Evil does not want your well-being; evil has ensured that you turned to that well-disguised blessing so that you might always be tempted to do evil.

This nourishment is external to you, it is not inside you; it has to be external to you so that it can enter you and therefore be within you; it is necessary for you yourselves to agree, my children, to accept what is external, and when you accept what is external as being good and you welcome it, then this enters you.

My children, it is Satan who brings about this movement, the one of presenting you with that well-disguised sense of well-being; Satan is the being of darkness and he wants to affect you; since he has been able to harm God's children, Cain's lineage along with God's children, Satan was also able to reach all other children, and today, you are still living in that movement.

Cain, when he was chased far away from Adam and Eve, left with his lineage; and then, far away, he was tempted by the demons, for the demons were drawing close to Cain's descendants.

The demons wanted to seduce the women and the women allowed themselves to be seduced, for the demons had taken forms that, to the women, seemed different from the ones that were familiar to them.

They allowed themselves to be seduced by those forms, for the demons seemed human in appearance: they were tall, they were strong, they were skilful, for they had turned to the animals in order to transform what God had created into a species, a species that would be useful to them, enabling them to draw close to the human species.

The women were not suspicious and they had relations with that species, and this created children, and those children were not children of God, for they had accepted evil; they loved evil, they rejected all that came from God, they made up their own gods and they taught evil to man, and evil became nourishment to them.

They allowed themselves to fall into Satan's traps, so much so that Cain's descendants were evil; they approached the descendants of Adam and Eve who were unable to defend themselves; with the passing of the years, and years, and years, and years, they also became evil, they had gods in their lives.

Noah remained faithful to God; he walked beneath the eyes of God; he was a righteous man, he had his family, and he spoke of God. What pain he had in his heart for he could see all that evil around him.

God came to speak with him; God told him what he had planned for those vile beings: the disappearance of those beings.

Noah listened to God and he did all God asked; then, when the ark was completed, the time came to enter it, for God brought the rain down upon the earth for 40 days and 40 nights in order to bring about the disappearance of that race.

One of Noah's descendants had relations with a woman from Cain's lineage; one of Noah's children had that child with him; he was very intelligent, he was able to make others love him without their knowing that he had evil within him.

When the flood was over, they went out onto the earth and Noah's descendants multiplied; the child, the child of evil was there; he grew up, he had children; one of them was so depraved that he showed evil to the children of the children of Noah's children: evil was multiplying.

He introduced them to idolatry; he brought with him knowledge that entered into them: darkness, the darkness that came from all that was against God; he was using darkness, using that power, for the darkness has power.

Then, he showed them how to use that power: he showed those children how to use stones; he also used statues as if they were gods: they were reproducing evil. He was reproducing the demons that had seduced the women of Cain's lineage, and the children became proud of what they knew, so proud that they wanted to become gods themselves.

The one who was showing them all this was the leader of those children; he wanted to strike out at God in order to show them that he was superior.

Children of my Will, the children wanted to confront God; they built the Tower of Babel in order to strike out at God and to make him disappear.

And God was watching those children, those beings who had evil within them, those children who had closed their hearts to God, and God brought about a movement for them: the confusion of tongues.

And so, those children began to speak in different languages; they were dizzy with what they were hearing, they were incapable of communicating with one another, so much so that they each went his own way, populating the earth with what they were: beings made of what they had wanted to be.

They who formed one people became little peoples of suffering; they left with the consequence of their choice before the sin of idolatry.

And from that time, the children on earth have been walking with that consequence; they carry within themselves all that knowledge that blinds them, that shows them that they are weak before God, that creates within them movements that are against them:

ringing on their own suffering, not getting enough rest, the inability to understand the truth, remaining deaf to what is good for them, being cold when coming into contact with gentleness, being incapable of loving when love is in front of them, remaining in their solitude: consequences of a lack of love before Eternal God.

Those children are incapable of understanding God's Word on their own for they rejected their God, they are wanderers on earth.

The Word is from God, the Word is love; because they wanted to confront God, their words do not bear the language of love; when they speak of love, they are incapable of being what they are, for their words are, in themselves, the being.

I am the Word, I am The Love, my Word nourishes, my Word brings light; only God can heal what is within you because you bear that mark upon your flesh: idolatry, wanting to be superior to God.

Today, God's children are incapable of understanding God's infinite love because their flesh is suffering.

Spiritual life needs God, spiritual life belongs to God.

When I came on earth, I gave myself up in order to nourish your soul; gently, I drew close to you children, I spoke to you of God, I spoke to you of his love, I reminded the children of all my Father had done for them.

The laws my Father had given Moses were becoming a source of light to them more and more; they began to understand that God loved them just as they were because it was the Son who was speaking; the Word was in them through the Son and the Son was healing them.

My children, when Moses spoke, he spoke through God, for God had placed in Aaron's heart the very presence of the Holy Spirit's power.

Moses spoke, Moses offered, Moses enlightened, and the Holy Spirit enabled them to understand that anything from God was good for them. This is what Aaron represented: God's gentleness through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Moses was a loving father to them; to them, Moses was a being obedient to God; to them, Moses was a being from earth who could speak to God.

When they listened, they were listening to what God wanted them to hear; they were beginning to understand that God is God, and that the one who was listening to God was in the love of God, for God fulfilled, God gave.

When they would turn their eyes away towards gods, they could feel God's gaze, they could feel that God was asking for obedience, for their being was suffering, their being was suffering from not being fulfilled by God.

Understand, my children, that those children had been slaves to gods for 400 years: for 400 years, they had been treated as slaves, the gods were their masters, the gods were turning them into beings inferior to the children who were listening to their words.

Pharaoh and his subjects were against those who were listening to God; he held God's chosen children between his hands: he turned them into slaves to make them suffer, he asked them for what was very painful.

God was watching his children, those children who were suffering, those children who were asking to be freed: 400 years, my children, of listening to those children who were crying out to God, 400 years for God to send them Moses.

God made it rain 40 days and 40 nights in order to erase impurity from the surface of the earth: those children who were saved had listened to what was evil; idolatry was in their flesh. Consequently, the flesh knew idolatry for 400 years: the flesh had tasted the suffering of those gods, the flesh had been whipped, the flesh had been humiliated, the flesh knew that the gods were against them.

My children, it was necessary for the flesh to beg God; it was necessary, my children, for the flesh to know who God is; it was necessary for the flesh to accept that God liberate it. When God sent Moses, the flesh was ready to accept God, and they accepted to follow the one God had sent to them, and God saved his people.

God looked upon his people who entered the desert: those children had the dust of idolatry upon them: because they had the dust of idolatry, they remained there, where all is nothing but dust, where the dust brings suffering when the wind rises up, where there is no food, where there is no coolness.

God was showing them that he was God: he was nourishing them, he was giving them a loving drink; all was entering them and it was from the inside that they began to love God, to receive God, to allow themselves to be in God's hands in order to purify that flesh that was meant to know liberation.

When God's people left the desert, they had to wait four thousand years before the Son of God made himself known: four thousand years, my children, of waiting before the Son of God came to refresh them, before their flesh could be in God's gentleness.

All this was multiplying because sin was great, (and so) God sent his Son to reward those children: the ones who were waiting, waiting, waiting for the Messiah, came to be in the very presence of the Son of God; such was their reward.

God had chosen that time for them, God revealed himself to them, God came to speak to them, and they saw, and they followed in the footsteps of Christ: now man was ready to go forward to where he would come to know the Kingdom of God.

Children of love, when I came on earth, I took all the suffering of the world: I lived what you lived, I lived what men were going to live, and I will live what men shall live, for all has been accomplished.

All is there before you: I live your life, I make you aware of what is good for you.

I come to tell you, my children, that there are movements within you that you must give to me, for the demons have introduced you to idolatry, the demons have succeeded in taking what is against my Father, and making it enter within you.

There is only one God. So, today, my children, why are you attracted by power? How many among you, my children, are experiencing pain and seek a means of comfort? Children of love, do you not know that you carry all the children of the world?

When I speak to you, I speak to all children of the world: be sons and daughters of my will in Jesus.

You belong to Jesus; my Father gave you to me; I take all those you carry within you and I speak to you as if you were all the children of the world. This is why I say, my children, that you are attracted by power; do not try to figure out if this is individual or collective, this is present for all children of the world.

Children of love, you are so drawn by power: there are those who use stones to ease their pain; there are those who wear bracelets believing in their power to take away pain; there are those who wear necklaces around their necks because they believe in their power.

Men have told them that this was good and that this was not dangerous: do not believe this, this comes from a source of power; there cannot be two sources of power, my children ? there is only my Father's power that can bring you complete healing.

If you believe in those powers, you are making a mistake; those powers do not heal, my children, they cheat, they take the pain and put it somewhere else: ther is a transfer of pain.

You see, my children, how many have been deceived by this!

There are also birthstones; how many have been taken in by this game! Births, my children, are my Father's choice: it is about the little being that comes into the world through my Father's Will, and my Father has chosen an angel at the birth of the child.

The guardian angel is there to protect him; do you think that the birthstone becomes essential to that child? Do you think that this is good for his soul? Do you think that this is good for him as he grows older? The little child has nothing to do with that stone.

What then is this need if nothing more than having been told that there was a birthstone for this month or that month, thus giving the stones a name? This comes from gods, my children.

Even if you give this with simplicity, without wishing to do harm, you are allowing what goes with it to enter.

We no longer want to speak of demons because we no longer want to frighten: is this going to prevent Satan and the demons from affecting you, my children?

When you accept something, you accept what comes with it, even if it is invisible, and the suffering is multiplied just as suffering multiplied before Noah, after Noah, up to today.

Evil wants to turn you into its slaves for eternity.

, I am a God of love; I come to speak to you in your heart; I am the Life, I am the Word, God is all you need.

I want to nourish you, my children; I gave you my Body, I gave you my Blood, I am all you need.

I am your joy, I am the Present moment that is most precious in your life; (what) could be more beautiful than to give your life to the one who is your friend?

Do not become attached to what is dead death is Satan: stones are not living, metals are not living, what belongs to the earth must remain the earth's these things must not have power over you. How many children have fallen into this trap, and this is only a small part of what you do not know.

My children of love, listen to your God; I come to bring you light so that you may allow Jesus to liberate you: I am your Purifier, I am the one who comes to strip away evil from your flesh.

I come to burn your flesh with a fire of love so that you might understand that I love you; I come to repair, my children, the consequences of your choices in the face of sin.

Anything that repairs, heals and liberates: let yourselves be taken up by this movement of love you are helping your brothers and your sisters of the entire world; they who have let themselves become deeply ensnared by those movements are incapable of hearing and of understanding, for this causes them too much suffering.

The night of darkness surrounds the earth, the night of darkness has entered your lives; those who have not allowed my Body and my Blood to nourish them, those who have not loved their God as being their universe are incapable of understanding: give yourselves, my children.

I work from the inside, not from the outside; this is why I have asked you to allow your God to take up all the room; your words, which would emerge from your human will, would do no more than make them suffer and chase them away.

I come to speak to you gently, and the more you accept these words, the more those who are within you allow themselves to be liberated: chains come undone and others weaken.

God's time is not your time; let your soul guide you.

Look at this place, my children, it is my home; all those who enter this dwelling enter my home.

Just as when Moses entered the sanctuary and I cast my light upon him, so I cast my light upon you when you enter here; I watch you, I envelop you in my strength so that you are able to give me your life, the lives of all those you carry within you.

My children, you need this strength to come forward towards me, for your flesh, your greatly wounded flesh, is suffering; do you know, my children, that your flesh feels incapable of loving its God as it would like to love him? It is suffering; this is why I envelop it in my strength.

The sacraments, my children, the sacraments are a garment of love for you; they envelop you, they make you pure, my children; the sacraments are a means for you to be before your God.

When you say yes to the sacraments, your soul bows down before God, it adores its God, it gives thanks to its God for so many blessings; your soul acknowledges that it is in God's hands, and it welcomes the blessings that God gives to it and, from within you, you receive.

This is why, my children, you need my priests so much; this is why, my children, you need them so much: the Christ-Priest.

You come to me and I go to you, I teach you to love me, I teach you to be humble and little before my greatness: you need me, I am everything to you, I am your God.

My children, give thanks to God for all the blessings you receive.

God has always taken care of you and God will always take care of you.

Allow yourselves to become aware of what God has placed within you by taking the rosary in your hand: the rosary, my children, is my Mother's love for you.

My Mother's love for you is a precious blessing: my Mother wants you in her Heart because I am the love of her Heart.

When you pray the rosary, my children, my Mother opens her Heart and you receive the graces that are necessary to your life, which protects you from idolatry.

Now, my children, she will open her eyes.

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Tonight, the Lord God spoke to us about stones, and more specifically about birthstones.

He has spoken to us of many things since 2001.

It wasn't that long ago that I learned that birthstones come from gods; why didn't he talk to me about this earlier? Because it wasn't time, I had to suffer to get to where I am today.

Why did I suffer? Because this suffering was before my eyes and then, in my flesh, I experienced suffering.

I didn't go for birthstones, I didn't like birthstones, but I didn't know that we shouldn't use them; that's different.

One day, my oldest daughter who is an adult today, when she was very little, she received a cross; there was a birthstone on it and it came from her godmother, and so I, I thought that this was a good thing. She wore that cross, a birthstone had been placed on it: she began to experience, to experience movements I learned of this only later.

When she was around ten years old, she could see things, she could see shadows, like an animal that could zip by very quickly, there, in a corner, or there. She used to say, It was so fast, it would be there and then it was gone, which was frightening her a lot. I had spoken to her of guardian angels, of her guardian angel, and she would often turn to her guardian angel.

She also told me that when she would enter a room, she had the impression that she could see a beast coming out of the dark; sometimes, when she would see the wallpaper in my bathroom, she could see the head emerging; she could hear a voice saying, Why do you listen to your mother, don't listen to her.?

And this was manifesting itself in her life; she would pray and pray, and she was scared.

It was several years (later) that I learned of this, it was in 1998 all those years living with what she didn't understand!

One day, she took that cross off and she gave it to her little daughter Kimilie, and she began having nightmares.

You see, last week, I learned this through Jesus, and so she agreed to remove that cross with that stone on it, and I buried it because I was coming here shortly, that same day.

I didn't have the time to present this to my spiritual advisor, but I know, I now know why my daughter had those movements around her that she didn’t understand.

Prayer, prayer protects us; it was prayer that protected my child, it was prayer that protected my granddaughter, for Mother Mary has always been in our lives.

The human being is always in danger.

For some time now, the Lord has been speaking to us, speaking to us about what happened since Adam and Eve; first, he began slowly speaking to us about love; he spoke to us about our neighbour, about the love for our neighbour, he spoke to us about the Church, about his mystical Body.

We are part of Jesus' mystical Body, we form one member many members that form the Body of Jesus: one member.

When we agree to be a member in God's hands, Jesus seems to bind us to all other members of the Church and what he gives to one, he gives to the others.

It's very difficult for us to understand God's action.

Why was it necessary to wait all those years before enabling us to understand the danger? We wouldn't have wanted to hear it.

Would I have had the strength to remove the cross? I would have said, Oh, come on, it's a cross, that doesn't apply to this! I would have argued because my human will would have had too much power over me: God, it was necessary for him to show me that I was nothing without him.

He made me journey to where I would have never been able to go, he showed me that all came from him and nothing from me, which is what made me remove that cross, and he showed me that the cross is love, that the Cross of love is Christ, that the Cross of love is us, us in Jesus, and that to us, there is only The Love who is living: we need no one else besides Jesus.

When Jesus tells us something, we believe it; so, I believed what I had heard because this wasn't coming from me; it would have been impossible because I didn't know about that; therefore, I had that strength to believe in his love, and I obtained this from Jesus.

We have much to give Jesus and we must give it as tiny little children, without being afraid.

Jesus isn't coming to speak to us to show us that we have behaved badly: we are a movement that is the result of other movements.

In the very beginning, before Noah, there were movements, and those movements taught us impure movements: this doesn't come from God's children, this comes from demons.

It's true that they made choices in the face of temptation and they had to live with the consequences.

When Noah was saved from the flood, he had his descendants with him: his children and his children had children, but among them, there was one who wasn't pure; he was inhabited by demons and it's from him that idolatry persisted.

That being showed them how to turn to gods because he had that within himself, everything was within him; he would talk to them about astrology, about energy, about power; he knew how to use plants that could bring power; he spoke about how the human being had powers; all those who listened to him were falling into his traps, for that being was inhabited by demons.

But if we know all this, it's because God knows we're ready to hear what he's telling us; we have placed our soul in God's hands; through the sacraments, our soul has been nourished with God's graces, and so we went forward, we went forward.

But let's not forget that our flesh has always had that knowledge, our flesh knows what idolatry is, our flesh knows what power is power other than God's power which leads us to listen to those who speak to us about what is against God, but God's child wants to know.

Jesus tells me, My children are hungry, my children thirst for the truth.

Why are we so hungry and thirsty for the truth? Because it's our soul, our soul, the one that is nourished with God's graces, with the Body and the Blood of Jesus, that is thirsting to know, and it silences our human will because, you know, it takes effort for us to turn away from the television, to leave the warmth of our home.

How is it that there are so few of us whereas there should have been many of us? We're at Church, we're before the very Presence of God, and it isn't someone like Normande who told you to be here, it was God.

God spoke within you and you said yes, and he also spoke within others, but they have been incapable of saying no to their human will because their human will made them aware that it felt good to stay home, that there were other things to do: we have no merit in being here, only God deserves that merit.

What we heard tonight is good for those we carry within us; there will be other movements such as this one.

God is good to all his children; what he's preparing is beyond anything that we, we are able to understand; he's in the process of rendering our flesh pure.

The more we give what is in our flesh to Jesus, the more Jesus will take away what is evil; he will purify our flesh and it will suffer less, up to the moment when all will have been purified: what had been subjected to sin will no longer be so, what had come to know death will no longer know it.

Many will say, Yes, but ever since he came, Jesus has been saying that his Father's Kingdom is coming on earth; Paul was waiting for this, all the apostles were waiting for this, all those who believed in the apostles, all those who believed in the disciples were waiting for God's Kingdom on earth to arrive the following day!

But God's tomorrow is in the eternal movement; when Jesus said that his Father's Kingdom was at your doors, he was right and he is right because everything was beginning and everything continues.

John saw, John wrote the Apocalypse: the Book of Revelation.

And behold God is speaking to us of what has been and what shall be; God is coming to us in our present time and he's taking us back to the time of Adam and Eve it's as if we were there. And so, when we give God everything we have in our flesh, then this is being accomplished.

From the first time that impurity occurs, our flesh, (at that moment) becomes permeated with it; and so, when we give impurity: I give you, Jesus, this consequence because I am before the choices made in the face of sin, at that moment, Jesus heals: he must have our consent, he wants us to live our choices.

Don't forget that Eve was faced with a choice; it was up to Eve to say, I do not listen to this temptation. She didn't say this, but she said yes to temptation: all was done with consent.

And when we, we live with cancer, we live with arthritis, diabetes, we live with migraines, we are living the consequences of choices made before sin; this is why Jesus wants our yes: make your choices.

And so, this is what God wants from us; we are in the movement of The Love.

Jesus is saying that he is fulfilling this child[1], he is enlightening her heart so that she may be in God's movement, in God's strength, for all that she gives to God: her suffering. Thank you, Lord.

What you have just heard is a healing from God; to whom is this addressed? To the child who has just left.

God never stops giving himself and he will always go on giving himself; the more we give the causes, choices and consequences, the more healings there will be.

Tonight, this was for us.

And now, if you wish, we will remain before Jesus and we will meditate upon this love.

Thank you, thank you, Lord.

[1] The Lord is giving graces to a person who must leave the hall.


Message to Sharon Fitzpatrick Nov.23, 2008












JESUS WHO IS MERCY to littlest of servants November 23, 2008

JESUS said, read Deuteronomy 21:22-23 and Saint Mark 15:17, 24-25.

JESUS continued with the following message. Many will give up lives rather than deny ME.

Many priests, bishops, cardinals, and faithful will be MARTYRED. It will be like in the early days of MY CHURCH when CHRISTIANS were hunted down and killed for their belief in ME.




Come to the foot of the altar. Here graces will be showered upon all, great and little, who ask for them. Graces will especially be showered upon those who ask for them." (Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal to St. Catherine Laboure).

Mother Teresa - Jesus knows the countless hungers of man, and He gives of Himself.

What a gift!

What proof of His love!

What assurance for us!

Padre Pio - I hate sin! Our country would be fortunate if, as mother of our rights, it would perfect the laws and customs in the light of honesty and Christian principles.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen - If you want freedom, exercise your free will as God wills

"People talk most about their health when they are sick, and most about liberty when they are in danger of losing it. Despite all the pleas for liberty, it must be remembered that every flight from responsibility is a flight from liberty and every denial of personal guilt is also a denial of freedom."

St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html - Bring to me the meek and humble souls and the souls of little children, and immerse them in My mercy. These souls most closely resemble My Heart. They strengthened Me during My bitter agony. I saw them as earthly Angels, who would keep vigil at My altars. I pour out upon them whole torrents of grace. Only the humble soul is able to receive My grace. I favor humble souls with My confidence. (1220)

O humility, lovely flower, I see how few souls possess you. Is it because you are so beautiful and at the same time so difficult to attain? O yes, it is both the one and the other. Even God takes great pleasure in her. The floodgates of heaven are open to a humble soul, and a sea of graces flows down upon her.

how beautiful is a humble soul! From her heart, as from a censer, rises a varied and most pleasing fragrance which breaks through the skies and reaches God himself, filling His Most Sacred Heart with joy. God refuses nothing to such a soul; she is all-powerful and influences the destiny of the whole world. God raises such a soul up to His very throne, and the more she humbles herself, the more God stoops down to her, pursuing her with His graces and accompanying her at every moment with His omnipotence.

Such a soul is most deeply united with God. O humility, strike deep roots in my whole being. O Virgin most pure, but also most humble, help me to attain deep humility. Now I understand why there are so few saints; it is because so few souls are deeply humble. (1306)

Today's Tidbit The word "Christ" comes from a Greek translation of the Hebrew term "Messiah." This title of Jesus means the "anointed of God."


These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.


Given to the young locutionists, Jelena and Mirijana:

I give you my heart. Accept it! I do not wish to distress you, nor to stop talking to you, but know that I cannot stay always with you. You must realize this. In the meantime, I wish to be constantly with you, with the heart. It is necessary to pray a great deal, and not to say, "If we have not prayed today, it is nothing serious" (Locutionists Jelena & Mirijana October 29, 1983).

And from Luke's gospel:

But Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart (Lk 2:19).


Our Lady had spoken of her heart and her love for us many times in Medjugorje. "Consecrate yourself to the Immaculate Heart," she said in August of 1983. And in December of the same year: "Tomorrow [Feast of the Immaculate Conception] will be a truly blessed day for you, if every moment is consecrated to my Immaculate Heart." "My heart is full of grace and love.

My heart is the gift I give you," she said in June of 1987. There is great peace as well as great power in the consecration, for as we give our hearts and lives to the Blessed Mother, she gives her own life and all that this entails to us.


Putting Our Lady's words into action, let us now consecrate ourselves to the Immaculate Heart, using the prayer she dictated to Jelena for that purpose:

O Immaculate Heart of Mary, overflowing with goodness, show us your love. May the flame of your heart, O Mary, descend upon all people. We love you so very much. Impress true love in our hearts. May our hearts yearn for you. O Mary, sweet and humble of heart. Remember us even when we sin.

You know that we are all sinners. Through your most sacred and motherly heart, heal us of every spiritual illness. Make us capable of realizing the beauty of your maternal heart, and in this way, may we be converted by the flame of your heart. Amen

Vision to littlest of servants November 24, 2008

While in Church this morning before the BLESSED SACRAMENT I received the following vision.

I saw a map of the United States and it was all red. I saw drops of blood dripping from the map.

JESUS then spoke and told me that our land was soaked with the blood of the innocents and that we owe debt to DIVINE JUSTICE. That the payment for this debt is now due.

I then saw the map of the United States again in red and blood dripping from it and it had payment due stamped across it.

I then saw four angels standing at the four corners of the United States. I saw that they hand a sword in their hands and it was over their heads looking as though they were ready to strike. The swords were flaming red which I was made to understand means JUSTICE.

JESUS then spoke again and told me that HIS FATHER has sent HIS Angels to administer HIS JUSTICE. I then saw on the angel's sword that was standing on the state of Washington the word VOLCANO.

I saw on the angel's sword standing on California the words EARTHQUAKE and FIRE.

I saw on the angel's sword standing on Florida the word WATER.

I saw on the angel's sword standing on Maine the words WAR and INVASION.

JESUS then spoke again and told me that the United States would be destroyed by these CHASTISEMENTS.

I then asked what has happen to this once great nation that has been so BLESSED by HIM and HE replied SIN ( HE means specifically the sins of abortion and homosexuality).

He then continued to speak and told me that we need to PRAY, PRAY, PRAY ESPECIALLY THE ROSARY AND THE DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET.

That we could not now stop these chastisements but we could lessen them by PRAYER. THAT HE WILL PROTECT HIS REMNANT ( this I was made to understand means their souls) but the time FOR HIS FATHER'S JUSTICE HAS ARRIVED.


"Glorious St. Joseph, tenderhearted father, faithful guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of God, I ask you to join me in praising God the Father through His Divine Son who died on the cross and rose again to give us sinners new life. Through the Holy Name of Jesus, pray with me that we may obtain from the eternal Father the favor we ask. (here state your intention)."

Say this prayer for nine consecutive days.

Fear not! God is your shelter (the 23rd Psalm and the Lord’s Prayer. God never fails. Don’t fail him. Call on Jesus. Jesus on the mainline, tell him what you want!


BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)






Part I


Part II





Part I


Part II


For further information:





Black, African Saints


Black and African Catholics Prophecy Meditations





Black African Catholics Coptic, Latin rite, Orthodox Prophecies Meditations


Black Saints Videos Part I


YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, DailyMotion, Blip.tv, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast

Part II



YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, Revver, DailyMotion, Blip.tv, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast

James Wesly Smith is an attorney and writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the Early African Liturgical Churches. His 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at stbernice@yahoo.com

Posted by realm/blackcatholics at 10:46 AM PST
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Sunday, 23 November 2008
Now Playing: Afrocentric Glorious Mysteries, Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Topic: Preparations for Prophecy
23 NOV. PROPHECY, DIRE WARNING MEDITATIONS FOR AFRICAN DIASPORA CHRISTIANS -- BLACK CATHOLICS, COPTICS, ORTHODOX IN THE MYSTICAL BODY OF CHRIST, LITURGICAL AND CHRISTIAN CHURCHES African Christians, Pacific, Marianas, and Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Polynesia, Oceania Christians, Black Catholics Everywhere, Black African Saints, Coptic, Orthodox, Roman Catholic Saints, Black Spirituality


Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,


DEVOTIONS AND PRAYERS FOR THE LITURGICAL CHURCHES AND ALL OTHER CHRISTIANS WHO SO DESIRE(Including Lutheran, Episcopalian, Anglican, and members in the Mystical Body of Christ –All Christianity combined):

Black Christ



Afrocentric Glorious Mysteries


Pray the Joyful Mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous Mysteries on Thursday, the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious Mysteries on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent – Sorrowful. Mysteries/Meditations are events in the Life of Yeshua(Jeus)!

See http://www.rosary-center.org/howto.htm



Divine MercyBlack Christ

Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I


Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT II



Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PTlII







Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book (James Wesly Smith), 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from BarnesandNobles.com, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from www.booklocker.com/books/3088.html


Bikabes (Bicabus), I am the soldier from Esmuntanah. My martyrdom at Baramuni, Kemet saw me cut in two, along with other martyred faithful. My relics were translated to a church at Esmuntanah. ,3 Aug. calendar, Coptic Church

Boccon, Presbyter (Elder), Possibly a duplicate name, but a Presbyter (Elder), of the (Africa) Mareotis area in Kemet, who agreed to the deposition at Alexandria in 321A.D.in a synod of more than one hundred African Kemetian (Egyptian) and Libyan bishops of Heretic priest Arius and his wicked, irreverent henchmen. (One of the holy folk).

Boniface, and group of 140 soldiers martyred in Africa

Boniface, Subdeacons Servis, Rusticus, the monks Rogatus,

Caecilia with Saturninus, and four children, the lectors Saturninus (another) and Felix, and the nun, Maria, and the toddler, Hilarion; Senator Dativus; Thelica, Emeritus, Felix, Ampellius, Rogatianus, Victoria, 37 other Christians ( Felix, Quintus, Maximianus, Rogatianus, Rogatus, Januarius, Cassianus, Victorianus, Vincentius, Caecilianus, Restituta, Prima, Rogatianus, Eva, Givalius, Rogatus, Pimponia, Secunda, Januaria, Saturnina, Martinus, Datus, Felix, Margarita, Major, Honorata, Regiola, Victorinus, Pelusius, Faustus, Datianus, Matrona, Heredina, Secunda, Matrona(another), Januaria, of Abitine, in the Northwestern part of Africa.

We were arrested having prayed the Divine Mysteries in the Emeritus’ house. We professed the faith. I Saturninus was clubbed. I died in jail, 12 Feb. 304 A.D. 11 Feb. Roman, 20 Feb in Algiers.

Caecilianus with Saturninus, and four children, the lectors Saturninus (another) and Felix, and the nun, Maria, and the toddler, Hilarion; Senator Dativus; Thelica, Emeritus, Felix, Ampellius, Rogatianus, Victoria, 37 other Christians ( Felix, Quintus, Maximianus, Rogatianus, Rogatus, Januarius, Cassianus, Victorianus, Vincentius, Restituta, Prima, Rogatianus, Eva, Givalius, Rogatus, Pimponia, Secunda, Januaria, Saturnina, Martinus, Datus, Felix, Margarita, Major, Honorata, Regiola, Victorinus, Pelusius, Faustus, Datianus, Matrona, Caecilia, Heredina, Secunda, Matrona(another), Januaria, of Abitine, in the Northwestern part of Africa.

We were arrested having prayed the Divine Mysteries in the Emeritus’ house. We professed the faith. I Saturninus was clubbed. I died in jail, 12 Feb. 304 A.D. 11 Feb. Roman, 20 Feb in Algiers.

Caesarinus, Theostista, Justinian, Virgins. We were from Carthage, Africa 15 June (probably the same as Caesarius with Theoctista, martyr at Carthage, 15 June)

Caesarius (Anda) martyr with Primus in Africa, 4 Nov.

Ceasarius the African

Caesarius, martyr at Teracina under the persecutions of Roman Emperor Trajan. I denounced a suicide, proclaimed myself Christian, and was jailed. I was then thrown in the sea.

Caius, Faustus, Eusebius, Germana, martyrs.

Cactus with Secundus. martyred at Africa, 10 Oct.

Cajus, Theodore, and Leontius. We are Bishops, along with Catulinus, Florentius, and Venusta, killed in the North and Western part of Africa, 10 March.

Calaegerus and Demetrius the Archdeacon __.

Calendion, Siddinus, Saturninus, Servus, Galanus, Primigenus, Secundus, Theodotus, Demetrius, Parens, Satura, Victoria, the persecutions of Valeriana, and Firma. Martyrs at Hippo Regius, Africa Proconsularis, and 15 Nov.

Callinicus (Gallinicus), martyr, I was Bishop of Oseem. Coptic month of Toba, 2

Callistratus and 50 Companions. African martyr executed by public officials at Alexandria

Calliopius with Theodore and Timothy. We are Kemet martyrs, 17 March. We are listed in the Coptic Calendar

Calodote, I am a sea captain at Alexandria with Theoctistus, and with Sarapambo, the senator in Alexandria, and Faustus, and friend of Abibus deacon martyr at Alexandria, 6 Sept, Martyrs.

Calus, with Pia.

Candidus (Theban Legionnaire),

Candidus (not Legionnaire)

Canion (Cavion), Vindonius, martyrs.

Cantidianus, Sobel, Cantidus, Kemetian by birth, martyred at Antioch. 5 Aug.

Cantidian (Cantidus), Sobel, and Cantidianus, Kemetians by birth. and others of Kemet, martyr. 5 Aug. also known as Cantidius martyr of Kemet, Martyred at Antioch. 5 Aug.

Abba Capito. In my early life I had robbed and stolen. I resided in a cave, four miles distance from Antinoe. In my 50 years of penance and worship of God, I did venture from it, nor did I go to the Nile.

I loathed crowds. I once said that "till now the common adversary has stood back from me."

Carpias, Saccus, Julius, Damias, and 400 companions. We were martyred in Africa, 27 May.

Cassian, I went to visit Paphnutius, in 395 A.D.

Cassianus with Saturninus, and four children, the lectors Saturninus (another) and Felix, and the nun, Maria, and the toddler, Hilarion; Senator Dativus; Thelica, Emeritus, Felix, Ampellius, Rogatianus, Victoria, 37 other Christians ( Felix, Quintus, Maximianus, Rogatianus, Rogatus, Januarius, Victorianus, Vincentius, Caecilianus, Restituta, Prima, Rogatianus, Eva, Givalius, Rogatus, Pimponia, Secunda, Januaria, Saturnina, Martinus, Datus, Felix, Margarita, Major, Honorata, Regiola, Victorinus, Pelusius, Faustus, Datianus, Matrona, Caecilia, Heredina, Secunda, Matrona (another), Januaria, of Abitine, in the Northwestern part of Africa.

We were arrested having prayed the Divine Mysteries in the Emeritus’ house. We professed the faith. I Saturninus was clubbed. I died in jail, 12 Feb. 304 A.D. 11 Feb. Roman, 20 Feb in Algiers.


Black Saint Videos

Part I https://www.youtube.com/v/sUnU4xR5D9E

Part II https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMnYwZEfBg4

Black Saints Videos

https://www.angelfire.com/realm/blackcatholics/BlackSaintsVideos.html Black Saints Videos




Test! Discern The Spirit! Accept what speaks to YOUR SOUL/SPIRIT. Disregard the rest!


Fair use, educational and religious purposes, 17 U.S.C. for those in the Africa Diasora who would otherwise not be exposed to such.


1st Message to J.N.S.R. August 21, 2008 Come Lord JESUS August 21, 2008 1st message

JNSR: Last night, after going to bed, I could not let myself fall asleep. It was as if unconsciously, I was expecting something. It was 30 minutes past midnight when the Word of God was given to me. I immediately got up to get some paper and a pencil: "Before JESUS returns, the unbelieving man must be defeated. We must recognize in ourselves, that man, who prevents God from returning.

This wickedness, this proud man, fights with all his might against the forces of goodness, sharing, charity and Love of neighbor, who is God Himself (the closest to man).

We must struggle against all our evil inclinations, in order to allow the free Way through for God, and that is where our call becomes so important: "Come, Lord JESUS", liberated from all evil that was within us.

God will come to kill this Beast that took over the Earth and prevents God from coming to reign here.

We must get rid of our despicable pride, our vain glory pushing us to try to be what we will never be able to become without God: important beings. Even though we are worthless unless God dwells in us.

God made me understand that we are all guilty. This is why, in this first Message that I am writing, speaking in my own name, but using His Holy Word, which I still hear in my heart. I did fall asleep, with my sheet of paper close to me on my night table. I was full of joy and gratitude. As I woke up in the morning, I heard the wonderful voice of Our Lord JESUS Christ:

JESUS: All cycles of life are united to the cycles of the Earth, and will end at the same time, when will be born a new manner of growth which will draw everything in its flow. The Lord is the Master of Time and of Life. Cells will regenerate themselves and everything will fall into the new cycle of Life in God, where everything will be in the image of Heaven, in the holy companionship of the divine which will take form within us.

God will intervene in everyone's life, so as to start again the perpetual movement of the Earth and of Life.

For the old world is disappearing, taking with itself, pestilence and curses that were what the Earth was, without God.

God is returning. God will be among mankind, crowned with His Own Glory, and all will be in the image which God meant for His whole Creation, divinely conceived by Him, who IS, who WAS, and who is COMING.

God among men, Men with God,

A Symphony of Love and Glory, on Earth as in Heaven.

JNSR: All of a sudden, I feared that this was just a personal illusion, so much so, that I found this overwhelming, until JESUS said to me:

JESUS: You cannot invent anything by yourself, since you already are in Me, as all men must prepare themselves to be, for they all belong to Me, and I expect them.

It is not because man thinks he has developed stumps that might help him fly that he can do it.

It is only God who will give you angels' wings.

I will speak to you, do not fear. You have fascinated my Palace with your faith and your obedience to My Holy Word.

God among men. Amen †

Jesus of Nazareth Saviour and Redeemer for Eternity. Amen.

† † †


2nd Message to J.N.S.R. August 21, 2008 Come Lord JESUS

August 21, 2008

2nd message

JNSR: Lord, if You wish to speak to me, I will stay near You. What must I tell my brothers?

JESUS: Now, one must begin to understand oneself better, and acknowledge one's sinfulness, indeed, recognize it and readily admit it.

JNSR: I think this means sins forgotten in Confession.

JESUS: To see this, stand before the Mirror of God, look straight in His Eyes, which send back your true image, that which God gave you and which has become dull. Sometimes, it may seem so bruised and opaque, that you will need to call on Me, so that I can help you recognize yourself in the Light of God.

Those stains, those streaks, those spots of dirt prevent you from seeing your soul, darkened by all those flaws occurring since your birth on this Earth. They have to be erased as soon as you can name them. I will help you to recognize them and to really obliterate them so that they never show up again.

It is that Confession in front of My Mirror that will allow you to see Me in yourselves. And of this, we will speak of, very soon. It will be man's first step toward God. He will see himself as he is, before seeing himself in God, for he will see God who is his Mirror.

Little by little, man will then espouse the Will of God. Doing the Will of God is already being in God and God in man.

All changes in man are united to the changes of the world. All changes of the world can only come when man finally changes and man can only change by exchanging his will with Mine, his heart with Mine, his human being with the divine being, that I propose to him. This Truth is impressed deep in everyone's heart.

I intend to bring you to discover, very soon, the Mysteries of the Life in God, all the Mysteries written in the Book of Life which I am holding in My Hands.

This Time, which I am already shortening, is already felt on this Earth by some of you.

In order to avoid much unnecessary suffering to the weak ones, babies and older ill people, make it your duty to instruct all who can be instructed, by all that I give to the World, by My True Messengers. You will know them by their ease at informing you, even though they seem to you as the most useless people in the world and especially because they will tell you themselves.

God wants to intervene as a Father who protects all His little ones.

I am putting in place this instruction so that all may be accomplished at the determined and set time by the Almighty Father of Heaven and Earth.

My Confidence will signify My resolution to instruct you of all that will happen at the beginning, through to the end of that expedition, which will assure you of Peace and Comfort in the Hands of God, who comes to save you from the disastrous end of the human being, who allowed the Enemy of God to reign on Earth.

Cunning wars, kidnapping of children, and terrible spectacle of those who relentlessly work hard at destroying all that is of God. Be vigilant, the hideous enemy will begin to unfurl his troops of Evil over the entire world. When you believe that peace has come, that will be the start of the engagement of the Evil One with those who will obey him to carry out the destruction of the Earth. This must occur, but I shall come to take you with Me. I shall warn you, be ready, and keep your head high, God comes to save you.

Be vigilant, trustful, respectful of My Plan, which I will soon unroll before your eyes. Amen.

And Behold, I am coming!

Amen, come Lord JESUS †

† † †


Message to Louise Nov. 21, 2008

HYPERCRITICAL Message via L., V+J November 21-2008- - -1:40 A.M.

L. began to receive a message and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood." (and other various and numerous prayers of testing the spirits)

Then the Author of Life- - -God spoke, " I tell you, My children of the U.S.A., that your financial system is in disaster and is about to collapse. The auto industry, stores, department stores, malls, etc. are all in dyer straights.

Most all your necessities, including food, is imported and therefore loaded with germs, diseases, toxins; chemicals, poisons of all sorts. Everything is contaminated even your air and water all of which are necessary for every life.

Bankruptcy consumes your country. Banks are closing and extremely soon the stockmarket will fall to an all time low. There will be deadly famine, much illness and even death.

Unless there is a massive conversion of souls, much prayer, fasting where possible, suffering by helping Jesus carry His Cross for ALL people, everywhere- - -My Divine Justice will befall the entire earth; especially those people, those countries that have and are disregarding Me, My words, My Commandments, My Beloved Son, Jesus, who gave His ALL for you.

The stage is set, the props in place, those who will carry out My Will are ready and all who will do satan's will too are ready. Satan's chosen leaders are at their posts teaching you, convincing you that WRONG IS RIGHT! The time is come for a great, a tremendous disaster, It WILL BE and extremely soon.

U.S.A. and all the world will soon be at war. Neither side will win- - -only My tiny faithful, obedient, loving, remnant will survive or be called to Heaven. Amen! all is in the making just waiting for My signal!"

Note: Remember everything in His Timing. (not ours) PRAYER CAN MITIGATE MUCH.

Lec-What I Heard - November 20, 2008

November 20, 2008

6:50 A.M.

From the Still, Small Inner Voice

Son, jump not into a conclusion as to the destiny of souls. Each day is a struggle for eternity. Each person carries the heavy burden of overcoming the sinful self. Receiving my son Jesus as Lord and Savior and true contrition of the heart starts the journey of faith towards my kingdom. Each person must be regularly nourished by the food of the spirit (Word of God) for transformation to occur.

he diligent study and meditation on my words to apply to life itself serve as the beacon of light that leads to the narrow way. Enlightenment comes to those who seek. Salvation cannot be left to mere chance and in fact should be the first and most important goal.

Victory comes to those who run the race and persevere. I look into the heart. Always seek me in prayer.

7:10 Scripture References:

Revelation 2:11 "If you have ears, then, listen to what the Spirit says to the churches! "Those who win the victory will not be hurt by the second death.

Revelation 2:17 To those who win the victory I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give each of them a white stone on which is written a new name that no one knows except the one who receives it.

Revelation 2:25 But until I come, you must hold firmly to what you have.

2:26 To those who win the victory, who continue to the end to do what I want, I will give the same authority that I received from my Father: I will give them authority over the nations, to rule them with an iron rod and to break them to pieces like clay pots. I will also give them the morning star

1 Corinthians 9:24 Surely you know that many runners take part in a race, but only one of them wins the prize. Run, then, in such a way as to win the prize.

9:25 Every athlete in training submits to strict discipline, in order to be crowned with a wreath that will not last; but we do it for one that will last forever.

9:26 That is why I run straight for the finish line; that is why I am like a boxer who does not waste his punches. 9:27 I harden my body with blows and bring it under complete control, to keep myself from being disqualified after having called others to the contest.

Revelation 3:5 Those who win the victory will be clothed like this in white, and I will not remove their names from the book of the living. In the presence of my Father and of his angels I will declare openly that they belong to me.

Revelation 3:21 To those who win the victory I will give the right to sit beside me on my throne, just as I have been victorious and now sit by my Father on his throne.

Message to Jorge Zavala Nov. 19,2008

Message from Our Blessed Mother to Jorge Zavala November 19, 2008 St. Bruno’s Church, San Bruno, CA

Dear children,

Today more than ever I invite you to remain close to me.

Pray for those lukewarm hearts so that they may come to burn out of love for God. Raise your eyes always to Christ and take the saints as an example in tribulations, then your lives will always be a testimony of peace.

Allow Jesus to reign in your lives and in that way the love of my Son will be the cause of your joy, even amidst a world that distances itself more and more from the Fountain of Life. I am with you to guide you along the Right Path.

Dear children, thank you for your prayers and sacrifices. I love you, I bless you and may the peace of the Lord remain always in your hearts.

Messages to John Leary-Oct.22-Nov.19,2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Jesus said: My people, I told you in earlier messages that the bottom for your markets will be elusive because of the panic of investors to find a safe haven for their money. The major drops were due to financial companies that were losing money on bad loans. Then credit became tight because of a lack of confidence, so businesses and consumers found it hard to get loans or credit.

his put pressure on people, so they hunkered down and did not buy expensive items. This now is affecting all sectors of the market that now have less sales to work with. More job losses have come from companies trying to cut costs, and it has resulted in less tax collections which puts local governments into deficit budgets.

The housing crisis will take years to heal, but your economy needs some quick tourniquets to stop the bleeding of red ink. This continual downward spiral of jobs and earnings will cause a recession with possibilities of a depression if the one world people do not want to fix the economy.

These evil ones want your country to fail, so they can take it over and make you a part of their North American Union. Do not worry because I will help you to your refuges before martial law turns everything into chaos. At My safe havens you will be protected from all evil. Trust in Me to provide for your needs, and you will have no worries.

Thursday, October 23, 2008: (St. John of Capistrano) Jesus said: My people, I mentioned in today’s Gospel how everyone would not receive My message of love and obedience to My Commandments with the same fervor. Within one’s household you could see some strong in the faith, while others could be lukewarm. This is why you could find differences or division in a family among each person’s view on religion. It is one thing to believe or not, but there is even a harder decision to make about the coming end times.

I have warned you not to take a computer chip in the body, and not to worship the Antichrist. I am also warning you not to follow New Age teachings, and that sexual sins are always mortal sins. The most difficult decision that could divide families is when you see the signs of world famine, division in My Church, mandatory chips in the body, and martial law, then you need to call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge.

Leaving your home and possessions behind is so the evil ones do not take you off to be killed in the death camps. My protection is always with you, but be open to My refuges, or you could be martyred for your faith. Those, who will be martyred, will become instant saints.

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: My people, in this scene of facing a firing squad, could each of you stand up to this group and declare that you still believe in Me, knowing that only if you deny Me could you spare your life?

This life and death decision of choosing Me over your life is what has made many martyrs into saints. During the coming tribulation this experience could be a real life experience for many Christians. Have no fear of any trials that you will face because My help is just a prayer away. By calling on My help, you will be led to a refuge that is protected by My angel.

Jesus said: My people, compared to saving your soul and finding a safe place at a refuge, these earthly concerns of wealth or an election outcome are of less significance. Fortunes are made and lost in your stock market as you go through up and down markets. In these earthly markets you are at risk to either gain or lose.

Losses should come as no surprise in economic downturns. So do not be so attached to your wealth that it controls your life. You make prudent choices in life and in your spiritual life. Let your spiritual priorities carry more weight over any earthly concerns. By being faithful to Me, you will find your reward in heaven.

Jesus said: My people, today you are seeing mandated microchips being forced on you in your passports and soon in all of your drivers’ licenses. The next mandate by your government will be a mandatory chip in your body. I have told you many times to refuse such a chip in your body, even if you are threatened with death.

This is why I am preparing My faithful to come to My refuges so you can avoid the evil ones trying to implant chips in your bodies. During your Warning experience of a life review, you will be warned not to take this microchip in the body.

The microwave antenna in the vision is how the evil ones will send messages to the chips in the body, and they will control the minds of all who have accepted these chips, and they will become like robots. These mind control chips will all become dormant when I send My chastisement on the world. I will break the bonds of the evil ones, but My justice will be carried out against the evil people.

Jesus said: My people, you well remember in your history books when Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jews and all those who refused to follow his dictatorial rule. You thought this horror of killing innocent civilians would never happen again, yet you are seeing another holocaust going on throughout all of your abortion clinics across your land. You are killing over a million babies every year, but where is the outcry over this injustice. It is due in part to your abortions that your country will be taken over.

The tribulation of evil described in the Book of Revelation is how many Christians and patriots will be exterminated in the same kind of death camps that Hitler used, only they are already present across America. Be prepared for these ruthless killings again because you failed to stop your abortions.

Jesus said: My people, once you see by My signs to you that it is time to leave for My refuges, then call on My help and I will have your guardian angels lead you by a physical sign to the nearest refuge. While you are traveling to your refuge, My angels will make you invisible so anyone trying to capture you, will not be able to do so. None of their detection devices will work. Give praise and thanks to your Lord who is telling you now how I will protect you.

Jesus said: My people, you remember well the chaos and looting that went on in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina struck. You also remember the race riots in the 1960s. When societal laws break down because of financial disasters, power outages, or natural disasters, it will be hard to restore order when people will need water and food to survive.

It will be during such a chaotic situation that you will see a military takeover of your nation. Order will only come as the one world people’s new world order will force chips in the body to control your buying and selling. My faithful will be protected in their refuges from the evil ones, and I will provide you shelter, food, and water, so have no fear.

Jesus said: My people, refuge living will be like communal living with My angels providing for your needs. You will be helping each other by using your own skills to prepare food and lodging. You will find much more time for prayer to keep rooted in your faith and thank Me for all that I will provide for you. You will have daily Communion either by a Mass, or by My angels delivering My Hosts on to your tongues. Trust in Me and teach this trust to your children and your grandchildren.

Friday, October 24, 2008: (St. Anthony Claret) Jesus said: My people, I have given you this Living Water’ message many times just as I gave the woman at the well the same encouragement. You all are in a financial crisis created by the evil ones, but remember that you have Me always with you in Holy Communion. It is My spiritual food that sustains you through all of the trials of life. I am the rock of security in your life and the source of your strength.

Water is needed every day by your body, and your souls need My grace every day just as well to survive all of the temptations of the evil one. If you should fall victim to sin, then you can be freed from your sin by seeking My forgiveness in Confession. Once you are again in the state of grace, then you can receive My graces from My Eucharist in your daily spiritual Bread. Keep Me at the center of your life, and you will have My love and peace that will allow you to endure all of your trials in life.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Jesus said: My people, in today’s Gospel (Luke 13:1-9) I remarked to the people when some were killed by the Romans or by a falling tower, that they were equally sinners as the rest of the people. Some people can die in natural disasters, and it was not necessarily a punishment from Me that they died. But there was a second part to My reading that everyone quickly forgets. Just as Jonah told the Ninevites to repent of their sins, then the people put on sackcloth and ashes, and I relented of the punishment that I intended to do to that town. Then again in Sodom and Gomorrah I had My angels remove Lot and his family from these cities, and I brought death and destruction against those evil sinners who did not repent of their sins. Even in your day, I am warning you as I warned the people of My day:

Unless you repent of your sins, you could perish from My punishment as well.’ I love everyone and I have mercy on you, but when sinners are unrepentant, they are asking for My justice. You have seen fire and earthquakes ruin the pornography business as punishment in California. Sometimes natural disasters are a punishment for sin. I told you of the homosexual sins and the legalized same sex marriage in San Francisco that is calling for My judgment.

Even now they are calling for legalized prostitution. How long do you think that I will put up with such injustice? I tell you these evil ones will be destroyed by an earthquake that will let their city fall into the ocean. The lesson spiritually is that you all have a choice to follow Me or not, but you must be willing to accept the consequences of your actions. My believers will have their eventual reward in heaven, but those, who refuse to love Me or serve Me, will suffer everlasting pain in the fires of hell.

Jesus said: My people, your economy is headed for hard times because your people do not want to risk buying any large purchases. With many layoffs going on, people are concerned with losing their good paying jobs and not being able to make any increased monthly payments.

Your auto companies, airplane makers, financial companies, housing firms, and any other heavy manufacturers are finding it difficult to sell anything. Soon further industries both at home and abroad will witness the same recession problems of trying to move inventory.

Many of your businesses need a good Christmas selling season to make it through the year. As business profits decline, the spiral of job losses and less money in circulation will continue. Pray that your families may find adequate employment to provide for your families. Your families and friends may have to help each other in order to keep your homes and provide for your basic needs.

The deeper your recession goes, the harder it will be for your country to recover from your financial crisis. Trust in Me to bring you through this difficult time, even if you have to leave for your refuges when you are tested with chaos and riots.

Sunday, October 26, 2008 Jesus said: My people, today’s Gospel is focused on My Great Commandment of how you should love your God with your whole mind, your whole heart, and your whole soul, and you should love your neighbor as yourself. Everything you do should be done out of love for Me, for you are dependent on Me for everything that you have and need. Love binds you to Me and love of neighbor makes your love a part of My Mystical Body of My Church.

I am always with you in My sacramental Presence of My consecrated Host. Give honor and glory to Me before My tabernacle and before My Host in the monstrance. In the vision I read the scroll of Isaiah (Isaiah 61:1-2) The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me; to bring good news to the poor he has sent me, to proclaim to the captives release, and sight to the blind; to set a liberty to the oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of recompense.’ All of you are called to help your neighbor as My example so you can feed the hungry, give water to the thirsty, clothe the naked, and shelter the homeless.

As the priest read this Scripture about the last judgment (Matt. 25:31-46), you will hear this statement at your judgment on your death. As long as you did it for one of these, the least of My brethren, you did it for Me.’ So do not come to Me with empty hands, but have your hands full of good deeds for your neighbor. Remember to love Me and your neighbor not just in words, but with your actions as well. When you do such things, you will store treasure in heaven for your day of judgment.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Jesus said: My people, in the Gospel I healed a lady possessed by a demon that had kept her bent over for many years. I healed her on the Sabbath and then she became fully erect without the demon.

The Pharisees criticized My healing on the Sabbath, but I told them how they took care of their animals on the Sabbath. The people rejoiced over this healing. The vision of how the road became straight as well represents how when you call on Me, I can help you on the right path to heaven without any detours of the evil one. When you pray every day, I will be at your side to protect you from harm and from the evil ones trying to mislead you. Give Me praise and thanksgiving for all of My gifts and healings that you receive from Me.

Jesus said: My people, I want your people of America to repent for all of your sins of abortion. You have the blood of these children on your hands and you must pray to stop your abortions and overturn this decision against My law. Protest these abortions in front of your abortion clinics and vote for people who are against abortion.

If your country does not change its sinful ways, you are calling down My justice, and your country will be given to another. I am all loving and I call all of you to be loving and avoid killing in any form. Do not let the devil confuse you to follow the death culture because I am a God of the Living and not of the dead. My faithful also need to be a people of the Living’ because life is too precious to kill.

Jesus said: My people, many holy priests have lived as monks in solitude and being close to Me. Venerable Fr. Solanus Casey is a special example of this holiness, even as the people have found his body incorrupt.

As you were praying over his resting place, you were drawn to this simple life that I ask everyone to seek for a better spiritual environment. When you are caught up in the worldly distractions of TV and shopping, it is hard to think about Me and your prayers. This is why when you come before Me in My Blessed Sacrament at Adoration, you have a quiet time in contemplative prayer that allows Me to touch your heart with My love.

I love all of My faithful and I desire that you make an attempt to live more simply and leave your cares with Me to take care of you. By trusting that I will provide for your needs, you can be more confident in Me with no worries.

Authenticity of Messengers:

Jesus said: My people, I am raising up many prophets and messengers in every age to give evidence of My Presence among you. Some of My servants are being visited with inner locutions or apparitions.

It is hard for My faithful to know the authenticity of every person. This is why such persons should seek out guidance from a spiritual director, and if there are any messages, they should be scrutinized by My Church authorities. Messengers should be obedient to My Magesterium in the Church. Follow these directives in praying for your discernment.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008: (St. Simon and St. Jude) Jesus said: My people, every time that you receive Me in Holy Communion or adore Me at Adoration, you feel the rays of My grace and mercy touch your heart and soul. Some feel the tingling of My love permeate through their whole bodies. I am with you always in My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament until the end of time.

You can always come to My tabernacle to talk with Me, and I will help you in your life’s discernment of all of your decisions. Even when you are at My refuges, you will use your monstrance to carry My Host around to the various refuges as you are seeing My rays of mercy and grace poured out on everyone.

During the tribulation, you will need this strength of My sacramental presence to give you your endurance through the attacks of the evil one. Trust in My help, and I will provide for all of your needs.

Jesus said: My people, as you view your reflected image in this vision of a mirror, so you are reflecting My image of love every time someone sees you on your mission in life. When people are in the presence of My faithful, they will feel the love and peace that I put in these souls. The graces that I give My faithful will be shared with everyone that My faithful witness My Word to.

So do not be silent, but be willing to share your faith with strangers, so they can feel My love and have My spiritual strength shared in their lives. Your example and your words speak volumes of faith to all of those around you. Give praise and glory to Me for each soul that you are able to convert to knowing and loving Me. I give all of My disciples the grace to go forward out among the nations to help harvest the souls in My vineyard.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008 Jesus said: My people, when you see a bad storm coming, you prepare by moving to a safe place in the basement of your home. If you have time to prepare, you may even put aside some extra food and have flashlights or oil lamps for light if you lose electricity. There is another storm coming, but it is a storm of evil that you must prepare for. I have asked you to put aside some food, fuel, and lighting if you have a famine or you do not have a smart card to buy food before the Antichrist comes to power.

Also have your car gassed, bikes ready, and a backpack loaded with your necessities when you will have to leave your home when martial law is declared. I will warn you when it is time to leave so your guardian angel can lead you with a physical sign for the nearest interim or final refuge.

Refuges would be at places of My Blessed Mother’s apparitions, places of holy ground that have adored My Blessed Sacrament, faithful monasteries, prayer groups that have stored food, and caves. Once you leave your home for a safe haven, the angels will make you invisible to your persecutors. Just as you prepare for physical storms, so you should be prepared for this spiritual storm in the tribulation. Trust in My protection and My providing for your food and shelter.

Jesus said: My people, you need a bridge to get across roaring rivers, and there are many bridges to cross over the difficulties in life. This latest financial crisis also needs a way out through prayer and My help to provide for your needs.

This is a dramatic downturn that the one world people could take advantage of for their world takeover. The bridge over the coming tribulation could also come in going to My refuges. I can take bad situations and put them into good outcomes when I allow conversions of people’s souls. Keep close to Me in daily prayer and daily Mass and you will have eternal life which is better than this life of trials.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Jesus said: My people, I lamented over Jerusalem in today’s Gospel (Luke 13:31-35), but I noted how they killed the prophets before Me and they would kill Me as well. This vision of a nest is how I wanted to take the people under My wing to lead them to My Father in heaven. This is how much I loved My people and all of mankind that I would even lay down My life for all of you. In this same reading it talks of how the house of Jerusalem will be abandoned, which is a prophesy of the destruction of Jerusalem. These same words could be applied to America in more modern terms.

There is an ongoing persecution of Christians when you stand up against abortion and against homosexual marriages. The morality of your society worsens every day with even proposals to make prostitution legal.

Your court system wants to legalize all that is sinful, and America will also be abandoned when the one world people take you over with martial law. You will pay for all of your sins when the evil ones will take away all of your rights, and they will try to kill all of those refusing to take chips in the body and those refusing to worship the Antichrist. Pray for My protection in this coming tribulation.

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: My people, these masonic symbols over the Presidential Seal is an indication how almost all of your Presidents have been masons. It also means that no matter who is elected, they will be controlled by the one world people. If the President refuses to follow their plan, then that person is risking their lives.

The plan of the one world people is to bankrupt America and replace your dollars with a new currency called the amero’ which will be the common currency for the North American Union. America’s days as a nation are numbered, as soon you will see a martial law takeover when everyone will lose their money.

Jesus said: My people, I have given you messages how you would lose everything when you need to go to My refuges for protection. Many did not want to hear about such messages because many are in love with their money. Now that people have been hit in their pocketbooks and have lost a fair amount of their wealth, they are looking more into the truth of these messages on the bankruptcy of America.

Once there is a changeover to the amero, many will lose even more money. When the evil takeover is near, it will not matter about your money or your house, because you will have only what you can carry. Protection of your soul and body from the evil ones is far more important than any losses of temporal wealth. Trust in My protection instead of trusting in your money or possessions.

Jesus said: My people, you have been spoiled with your comforts for so many years. You have forgotten how difficult it is to live off of the land in a rural setting. Living a rustic and simple life of prayer is very close to living a monastic life of prayer. Living at a refuge will force you to detach yourself from worldly things and make you think more of Me and your survival.

Jesus said: My people, it would be a good practice for My faithful to visit a refuge or a farm to see what it is like to live this simple life with Me and nature. I will be providing what you need, but you will need to eat and work as if you were living independently. You have practiced what to take in your backpacks. Now you need to experience what living during the tribulation will be like.

Jesus said: My people, when you are at a refuge, you will have to live without electricity. This means that you may have to cut up wood for heat, pump water from a well, and process some deer for food. These jobs and many more will require the skills of all of those living at the refuge. Those, who do not work, should not eat, even as the Early Christians lived in communities. It will be My angel protection that will protect you from the evil ones who will try to kill you.

Jesus said: My people, I have given you instructions on how to store some extra food and water for the end times. When your money is worthless, your food will have much more value. You will also be dependent on chips to buy food, but I will multiply your food for those that you will share your food with. Have no fear and share whatever you have with each other. Pray also that you will be calm throughout this trial of the tribulation.

Jesus said: My people, you all have some favorite saints that you like to prayer to for favors and special intentions. All Saints’ Day is a special reminder of how much you are indebted to the saints as intercessors for your prayer intentions. Some saints have given their lives for their faith, and their lives are models of holiness to imitate. These saints are showing you that with My help, you could strive to be a saint in order to enter heaven. Call on the saints to help you on your path to sainthood, and you will rejoice one day when you have your reward in heaven.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Jesus said: My people, you have experienced a quick downturn in your stock market that started in September due to the mortgages that were purposely given to those who could not make the payments. Now the banks are holding a lot of bad performing loans and increasing numbers of foreclosures.

Your government has pumped billions of dollars of debt notes into circulation that is guaranteeing bad loans that will be lost. The large bailout measures and lower interest rates still have not turned the housing market around because too many houses are on the market.

The U.S. debts are building faster than money is being collected to pay the interest. If enough debts cannot be sold abroad, then the debts and the interest will not be paid. This is all part of a plan to bankrupt America’s currency and the government. This ultimately will collapse America’s government and your economy. This is when the one world people will take you over, and replace your dollars with ameros that are already coined and printed. This will cause riots and food problems which will initiate a martial law takeover to form the North American Union.

Watch your U.S. budget when your debts do not collect enough interest to service your massive borrowing because that is when your money will become near worthless. The interest already is the number three payout, and it takes away from other payouts to Defense, Social Security, and any Health support. The light coming in is when I will have My angels protect My faithful when you will come to My refuges because of riots and martial law. You will have to share your food when money is not available.

(Mario’s Funeral) Mario said: I am thankful to all of those who came to pay me their respects and greet my family.

I am also grateful to all of my family members for taking care of me over the years. I see now that I should not have been such a burden on the kindness of my care givers. I am sorry for any of my offenses to all of you. I always loved my family, but I had a difficult time in my later years. I do need your prayers, so do not forget to pray for me and have some Masses said for my soul. I pray that the Lord will have mercy on my soul.

Saturday, November 1, 2008: (All Saints’ Day)

Jesus said: My people, I have told you in previous messages that My angels are marking crosses on the foreheads of My faithful that are dressed in white robes. Once you are sealed, during the tribulation you will see each other’s crosses on your foreheads to know who is with you. Those, who do not have crosses on their foreheads, are the evil ones controlled by a chip in the body.

Avoid them because they will be trying to kill you. Those, who receive a cross on the forehead, are also being marked in the Book of Life, and only those so marked will have their souls saved during the tribulation. You will endure a living purgatory on earth while you are at My refuges, but be patient through this short reign of the Antichrist.

You will soon rejoice when I will intervene and send My Comet of Chastisement to claim My victory over the evil ones. I will cast the evil ones into hell, then I will renew the earth for My Era of Peace. My faithful will grow in their preparation to become My new saints that will be ready to enter heaven.

Sunday, November 2, 2008: (All Souls’ Day)

Jesus said: My people, My love goes out to all of you as I search for the lost sheep while the other ninety-nine are safe. You are to help Me also in life to bring back My lost lukewarm sheep who are becoming more numerous in these end days. Today, you are remembering the souls who are being purified in purgatory.

You, yourself, can witness to others of the reality of this place of suffering in My justice. Some in the lower regions of purgatory are suffering flames as in hell together with the pain of not seeing Me or having My Real Presence. Others, who have less to purify in upper purgatory, are suffering not seeing Me, but without the flames.

Some also have to suffer a minimum time before your prayers and Masses can shorten their time in purgatory. In purgatory you are making reparation for your sins and you will need to suffer until you can detach yourself from worldly cares and desires for things and wealth. When you are purified as a saint with a complete focus on My love without any other concerns, only then can you enter heaven from purgatory.

This is why I and My Blessed Mother have encouraged you to pray for the souls in purgatory with a special intention for your relatives and for those who have no one praying for them. Should you find yourself here in purgatory, those, that you prayed for, will be praying for you. As you see all of Louise’s friends and family coming to celebrate her birthday, think also of praying for each other before your death.

The more you make reparation for your sins on earth and detach yourself from things, the less that you will have to suffer in purgatory. Give praise and glory to Me for that great day when I will welcome you to your designated place in heaven.

Monday, November 3, 2008: (St. Martin de Porres)

St. Michael said: I am Michael and I stand before God. Whenever you invoke the Lord’s Name and call on me in prayers of exorcism, I will be present with the angels to protect you from any attacks of the devil. This incident with the workman falling happened right after your prayer during the Mass. The devil is unhappy with these prayers of exorcism and he will attack you through those around you to interrupt your services.

Pray for the safety of those around you so they too will be protected from the devil. You are entering into a time of persecution that will lead up to the tribulation. Whenever you sense any attacks of the evil one, call on the Name of Jesus and your Lord will come with us angels, and we will defend you from these evil ones.

Have no fear of this time because your Lord will provide for your needs and protect you from spiritual and physical harm. Give praise and glory to your Lord for all that He does to watch over you.

(At the prayers of the faithful one of the workmen-27 yr. old Brian Stump-fell sixteen feet off the ladder and broke his wrist and we called the ambulance.)

Jesus said: My people, your housing industry has had some major decreases in sales compared to last year because of your created credit crisis. Because of increasing foreclosures and bankruptcies, banks and mortgage brokers have had trouble finding credit for loans and credit worthy borrowers.

This credit crisis has also dramatically reduced car and truck sales because of the same loan problems. All of your government money fixes have not really helped your economy in the short term. The housing, financial, and auto industries are taking large losses and as a result, they are laying off thousands of workers. This has caused the consumer to cut back on large purchases because of the possible loss of jobs. Less earnings will bring in less taxes both from individuals and businesses which will result in budget deficits at all government levels.

The extent of this recession could reach toward a depression if the economy cannot be turned around. Your various markets are overly optimistic before they see how people are able to rebound from their lost jobs and lost houses.

Pray for your individual families to cope with all of the bad economic effects on their incomes and ability to stay in their homes. People will need to share what they have with their relatives until your economy gets better. Beware of any government move to force mandatory chips in the body on everyone. Once this happens or national martial law occurs, refuse any chips in the body and call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008: (St. Charles Borromeo)

Jesus said: My people, in this modern era and an era of the end times many are losing their faith and some faithful are not sharing their faith with others. I tell you if My faithful are weak and do not share their faith, then how dark will the darkness be when I come to judge the earth. The darkness of sin in this era is all around you, but My faithful have My Light within you, and you must be a beacon of faith and light to dispel this darkness.

Do not let your light of faith go dark, or you risk the fate of the lukewarm who are on the road to the darkness of hell. I am the Light of the world, and those, who seek My Light and share it with others, will have eternal life in My glorious Light in heaven. So shout your faith and beliefs from the rooftops so that all may hear and be saved by My Light.

Jesus said: My people, when people lose their jobs and they run out of food and money, they will turn into an angry mob looking for food to survive. They will have guns to shoot those in their way of getting the food. It is when such riots and looting begins that you will need to leave your houses for the nearest refuge.

If your home is an interim or final refuge, then you can stay because the angels will make you invisible to anyone trying to harm you. Welcome those with crosses on their foreheads, and share your food with them. I will multiply your food and you will have lodging for them to stay. Give praise and thanks to Me for protecting My faithful from the evil ones and these roaming mobs. Have patience through this trial before I come in My victory to lead you into My Era of Peace.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008 Jesus said: My people, your elections are over and your people have voted for a change based on their pocketbooks rather than for a concern for life. Your economy has taken a downturn because of the manipulation of your loans and your stock derivatives. Now that the greed for money has yielded your losses, it is the financial losses that are affecting your decisions.

But look closely at the change that you have chosen, because you also are choosing those who favor abortion and even infanticide. Your decision to favor abortion and against life will weigh heavily against your country. When you are attached more to your money and your possessions instead of protecting life from conception, then you can see the moral decay that is bringing your country to eventual ruin. Americans have made your free will decision, but now you will face the consequences of your actions.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Jesus said: My people of America, you have elected a President that has every intention of undoing any Right to Life changes in your abortion laws as the partial birth abortion law. All of your efforts to stop abortion will be undone by your President-elect and the Democratic Congress. This blatant attack against My babies will seal America’s fate even quicker.

When you thwart My laws against murder, infanticide, and even legalized prostitution in San Francisco, you can expect My hand of justice to fall quickly on your country. There is even possibilities that chips in the body will be encouraged for a new health plan. Better to not have any health coverage than to take a chip in the body. Refuse any chips in the body under any pretense because such chips could control your mind. Be prepared, My people, for the coming agenda which will be forced on your people under the guise of health and security.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Jesus said: My people, today’s parable about the lost sheep in the desert is an inspiration to all of My faithful to reach out to save the lost souls from going to hell. This circular vision of life’s scenes represents the time of the Warning when all souls will be shown their sins and given their mini-judgment.

You may have been praying for the lost souls in your family. This mercy of the Warning or illumination of conscience will offer the worst of sinners an opportunity to seek the forgiveness of their sins from Me. After the Warning My prayer warriors will have the best chance for saving souls and bringing people back to Confession and the sacraments. Even if these souls do not listen to your evangelization efforts now, keep praying that their hearts will be changed after their Warning experience.

Prayer Group: Jesus said: My people, many are falling on hard times in losing jobs, benefits, decreasing home values, and losses on the stock market. In this recession you still need to help support My Church in proportion to your changed income. Many governments are receiving less revenue from taxes, so they are having to make cuts to balance revenue with expenses. Churches and charities also may have to make some cutbacks based on their decreased income. Everyone will be facing restrained budgets, so pray for your families so they can meet their limited expenses.

Jesus said: My people, those, who do not lose their jobs, may be tested with less pay due to cut hours, no overtime, and maybe reduced wage rates. Each family as a consequence may have to limit their budgets because of less income. This may mean that you will have to live a simpler life with less expensive vacations and spending less on discretionary items. You all will have to suffer the same pain, but those, who are better off, may have to help your family and friends for their bare necessities.

Jesus said: My people, your elections are over, but you must keep praying for your new President and Congress to do the right thing in leading your country through your financial problems and your war involvement in foreign countries. The one world people control each President with their own agenda. Pray that chips in the body will not be forced on you. You may be more persecuted for taking public stands against your society’s immoral actions. This will eventually result in your need to come to My refuges for protecting your souls.

Jesus said: My people, your people are willing to give your new President some time to turn things around, but your high expectations may not happen as quickly as you want. The one world people know that their evil time is limited, and they will be speeding up their efforts to bankrupt your country and implement chips to control you. Be prepared if they move to martial law based on a created crisis as your financial crisis with credit. Pray for My help when you will need to go to your refuges.

Jesus said: My people, in the coming tribulation you will be faced with many trials and quick decisions that will be needed to protect your life and soul from the evil ones. It will be very difficult to make these decisions on your own without consulting with My discernment for your soul. Do not be hasty in your decisions, but be willing to visit My Blessed Sacrament for My guidance. I will advise you based on what is best for your soul.

Jesus said: My people, in addition to praying for discernment, you need to carry your blessed sacramentals and blessed salt to protect you from the demons so they cannot find you. You will need your blessed sacramentals and My angels as your weapons against evil. Do not rely on guns for your protection, but trust in My leading you. Remember that you are dependent on Me for everything, so let Me go before you in your defense.

Jesus said: My people, make sure that you go to Confession frequently so your soul is always in the state of grace. This is good preparation for the day that you die, but it is also a good preparation for when you may face your Warning experience. If you have mortal sin on your soul, you could face a mini-judgment in hell with an experience of that environment. Being in the state of grace will go much better for you when you should face your judgment. So pray for the conversion of sinners and encourage all of your family and friends to go to frequent Confession for what lies ahead in your future.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Jesus said: My people of America, you are again seeing a sign of your demise in this large fallen tree charred by fire. My people, you have worshiped the gods of materialism and the passions of lust, and now you are called to pay for your crimes. You have depended on your own money and wealth which is being taken away from you.

Instead of depending on Me for everything and loving Me, you relied on your own devices which have fallen on hard times. Come to Me in forgiveness so I can save your souls from this evil worship of self and things. The Israelites had their cities burned and destroyed for worshiping other gods. I am a jealous God, and I want My people to love Me and follow My ways and My Commandments. You have chosen abortions, prostitution, and the sexual sins, so now you will pay dearly in the fall of your country, and you will be purified with fire in payment for your sins. Prepare to face the coming tribulation in a short reign of evil, but I will protect My faithful in My refuges until I come to defeat all of the evil ones. Pray for My graces to help you endure this trial of purgatory on earth.

Jesus said: My people, in the fall My creation puts on a colorful show with the leaves changing colors. You enjoy taking pictures both with the fall leaves and the spring flowers. Even beautiful sunrises and sunsets inspire your mind. At other times you can enjoy looking at the stars, especially away from the city lights. All of this beauty of nature is all around you at various times of the year.

Pictures do have a way of preserving these beautiful moments. You know that the Creator is responsible for all that you are viewing, so give thanks and praise to Me that you are alive to appreciate all of My wonders of nature. At the same time it is also good for My people to protect these sheltered lands, so everyone has an opportunity to view My colors in nature. Work to protect your environment from wars and pollution of the air and water. Keep harmony among nature, and peace among mankind.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Jesus said: My people, you know at Baptism at any age, that the soul is cleansed not only of original sin, but also from all of their actual sins. Usually, the white garment worn is a sign of the white clean soul after all sin is forgiven. This font of water near a confessional means that in Confession, once your sins are absolved, you too will have a white soul free of sin just as after Baptism. Keeping your soul cleansed at least once a month in Confession is not asking too much of your time. It is better to plan your events around your prayer time and Confession time than the reverse. Your soul’s state of grace is more important than any earthly events. If you cannot find time for daily prayer and going to Confession, then you are too busy, and you need to be more spiritual and less in the world. Make time for Me in your life, and you will have an eternity with Me in heaven.

Sunday, November 9, 2008: (Dedication of St. John Lateran)

Jesus said: My people of America, I have given you signs that if your country did not repent of its sins and change its lifestyles, that your country would cease to exist. This sign in your vision of your Constitution burning up is foretelling you that your country, as you know it, is going down in flames as part of My justice.

The one world people, who are planning a world government takeover, will be taking over your country and making it a part of the North American Union. All of your freedoms will be taken away along with all of your sovereignty rights. By bankrupting your country and fears of security, your people will become subjects of the masons through chips which will become mandatory in the body. This will be the time to go to My refuges because persecution of Christians will become as it was in the Early Church, when all Christians were sought out to be killed. Trust in My protection and not in your guns or money.

Jesus said: My people, your economy is like this ship traveling slowly through the water trying to avoid the big icebergs of the credit crisis and companies laying off jobs because of reduced earnings. Your consumer is having trouble getting credit for large purchases, and they are spending less because of your recession and possible job layoffs.

This reduced demand for goods and services is what is causing the reduced company earnings. With all of the bailouts by your government, banks are still reluctant to lend money. America will be fortunate not to hit one of these icebergs and sink. The one world people could prevent a deeper recession, but they want your economy to fail and go bankrupt from your massive deficits.

Your people have saved their money in stocks and their houses, and both of these investments are losing badly. Trust in Me to provide for your protection and your necessities.

Monday, November 10, 2008: (St. Leo the Great)

Jesus said: My people, how much I love you, and how I long for you to return to Me like the Prodigal Son. At the first sign of repentance I would lavish you with all of My graces and blessings. You are My faithful people who return to Me in Confession so I can cleanse your souls of sin. All of you are sinners, but few want to admit it and desire Me in love to make amends.

You do not want to be found at your judgment when I would say to you I do not know you.’ When you pray daily and confess your sins, I will see your sincere love. But those, who just give Me lip service, truly do not really love Me and these people are on the broad road to hell. Follow My example of love in the Scriptures and you will have My peace and love in your soul. Your time in life is short, so make the best use of your time here by loving Me and loving your neighbor in your actions.

Jesus said: My people, this physical falling apart of a church represents how some parts of My Church are weakening in their faith. The numbers coming to Sunday Mass are fewer, indicating how some souls are losing their faith. Some churches have to share priests because of a priest shortage.

Even though you see this weakness, the ones, who are faithful, have become stronger to pray for those that are falling away. When you come to My Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance, you believe in My Real Presence, and you are witnessing who I am as St. Peter did when I asked Who do people say that I am?’ Trust in My spiritual and physical healing when you pray to Me, for I will answer your prayer in My time and for whatever is best for your soul, or for the person that you are praying for. Give praise and thanks to Me for strengthening your faith every day.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008: (St. Martin of Tours) Jesus said: My people, this ship in the vision represents your ship of state in America. This large rope that holds the ship from drifting away represents My hands and grace that are protecting your country every day. I have made covenants with the Israelites and I make a covenant with America. When the Israelites obeyed My laws and worshiped Me, I protected them from harm from the peoples around them. When they disobeyed My laws and worshiped other gods, they broke My covenant and the Israelites suffered at the hands of their enemies.

America has helped many countries by protecting them in war and rebuilding their industries. America received many material rewards for obeying My laws and worshiping Me. But now America is taken up with the gods of wealth, possessions, and sexual pleasures. Fewer and fewer are worshiping Me on Sunday, and your abortions and sexual sins are calling down My justice. When you break My covenant, as the Israelites did, you can expect My judgment to fall against you and this lifeline that holds you to Me will be set free. Then you will drift on your own into the waiting hands of your enemies who will take you over and make you suffer for your sins.

Hold fast to your faith in Me, even if others are worshiping other gods and not Me. You will receive your reward for remaining faithful, but the rest will suffer hard times here and the in the flames of hell. Those, who refuse to learn from history, are doomed to repeat their fate, as Israel suffered defeat.

Jesus said: My people, Jonah was a reluctant prophet because he did not want to warn Nineveh that in forty days it would be destroyed if they did not repent. Even though Jonah fled, I had circumstances return him to his task. You, yourself, have had a similar message to America that if America does not repent and stop its sinful lifestyles, then America will be taken over.

You have obeyed, and have given out My messages when I asked you to, but sometimes you are concerned about telling the same kind of message over and over by different words. Some are starting to understand how present events will lead up to a takeover of America. Do not worry about a similar warning because already the descriptions, that I gave you, are taking place as you look around.

Be focused on saving souls than on mellowing My message, or being concerned about My message of destruction being repeated. Your mission is a difficult one, and people do not like to be threatened with bad news. But you must carry on and hope in Me that some souls will wake up and repent of their sins before it is too late. Pray for poor sinners every day so more souls will have the opportunity to be saved. Focus on your mission, and do not be concerned about people criticizing you or persecuting you.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008: (St. Josaphat)

Jesus said: My people, there are evil people around you that are influenced by demons, and even some are possessed by demons. These are the one world people who are working to take over your country and declare it a part of their one world government under their new world order. Once they establish their reign, then it will be given over to the Antichrist to rule during the tribulation.

Because these evil ones will be trying to exterminate all Christians, I will be protecting My faithful at My refuges with My angels. It would be best that you protect your soul by carrying your sacramental weapons on your person with your rosaries, Benedictine crosses, holy water, and blessed salt as a defense against the demons.

Once you leave your homes for My refuges, your guardian angels will make you invisible to the evil ones, as well as the angels guarding each refuge. My power is superior to all of the demons, so have no worries that I will protect My faithful and provide for your needs. Remember to thank Me for watching over you, even as one of the ten lepers, that were healed, thanked Me and was saved.

Jesus said: My people, as your auto industry is claiming that it is too big to fail, these companies are seeking a bailout from some historically bad management decisions. They have been losing market share for some time because foreign companies are subsidized by their governments and they have designed better cars. American workers have higher pay and benefits than other countries.

American companies emphasized SUVs and expensive trucks that use a lot of fuel. Their incentive was to make more money on expensive vehicles. When gas prices went very high, Americans bought high mileage and smaller cars while American companies lost their money makers that no longer were selling. Even foreign companies are seeing major cutbacks in sales because of little credit to buy vehicles. American car companies have little capital to wait out a long recession and this is the present dilemma. Your government is finding out that it is difficult to bail out bad loans, or help bail out so many of your industries that are hurting and headed for bankruptcy.

The damage to your credit availability and lost consumer confidence have been so severe that your economy will be fortunate to survive. This economic disaster continues to flounder with very little solutions. There may not be enough of an economy left after the year of slow earnings that are being forecasted before things turn around.

The one world people have planned this crisis to enable their takeover, so do not be surprised if you see martial law and your government go bankrupt. When such a disaster occurs, you will need to go to your refuges for My protection. Be prepared to leave at any time because desperate people will cause riots and looting. Pray for My help in your coming tribulation.

Thursday, November 13, 2008: (St. Frances Xaxier Cabrini)

Jesus said: My people, people, who are retired from working, still have a lot to offer with their lives. Do not let younger people talk you down as not being useful. Older parents are a support for their children and even their grandchildren. Once you retire and help others, as well as pray more, you will wonder how you had time to work. You contribute taxes and help the economy, but you also give a sense of home support to your families, and even financial support.

Some retire from one job and start a new career, or do mission work as yourself. Some become priests and deacons with more time to devote to saving souls. As long as you are alive on this earth, you have a mission and purpose for living. There is plenty to do in life, so do not waste your time on just entertainment, but see how you can make a difference in doing volunteer work or a paid job. Once you are out from under the stress of the business world, you can enjoy life even more when you see more around you that just working. Give praise and thanks to Me for every hour of life that I give you.

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: My people, I have told you many times that caves would be a place of refuge. This bronze shield being held in the cave is a sign to you of how you would be protected in the caves from the evil ones trying to kill you. The caves are always cool so you would need some warm clothes and a warm sleeping blanket along with your backpacks. Any food, that you bring, will be multiplied and there will be springs of water to drink and wash yourselves. At every refuge My angels will give you Holy Communion if you do not have daily Mass. Give thanks to Me for taking care of My faithful in this coming tribulation.

Jesus said: My people, there will be many faithful coming to each refuge, and it will be difficult for a lot of people to wait in line to get water to drink and wash up. By building a long trough for the spring water to flow, then many people at once could have access to the water needed for survival and washing. This is another example of how many people living together will have to be patient with each other in your individual needs. Trust Me though that all, who come to My refuges, will have what they need for food, water, and shelter.

Jesus said: My people, many do not realize how important it is that the farmer grows your food, harvests it, and provides storage to preserve it. I have even warned My people to have some extra food put aside so I could multiply it for those who come to your door. Food will become scarce during a coming world famine, and some may demand chips in the body to buy any food. Do not have any fear of starvation because I know your needs, and I will provide what you need.

Jesus said: My people, you are getting close to Thanksgiving Day when you have a big family meal of turkey for all of your relatives and friends. This is a special time when family, that is spread all over the country, can come together and share a family meal. In the vision the hands reaching out to you are the poor who need your help with food and money, especially in these hard times. Even when your own income may be strained, do not forget the poor that need your donations. The hands praying are also needed in giving thanks for all that you have, and prayers for your petitions for those who are sick or in financial hard times.

Jesus said: My people, when you have an abundance of food to eat, it is hard for you to imagine that some people in the third world countries have little or nothing to eat each day. This is another reason that you should send donations to agencies who buy food to feed the poor. Some of you have worked with food shelves and soup kitchens to feed the poor, and the homeless. You have seen the joy on their faces when you bring food to such needy people. Remember to send regular donations to feed the poor because their hunger never stops, nor goes on vacation. Your reward will be great in heaven for all those that you help because you are helping Me in the poor.

Jesus said: My people, sometimes near Thanksgiving Day you hand out bread for the parishioners to share as a community meal. Bread is one of your staple foods and it is linked with My Blessed Sacrament when you come to Mass. I have told you that you cannot live on bread alone. But those who eat My Body and drink My Blood will have eternal life. I am in fact the Bread of Life’, but I am speaking more of My spiritual food that is more important than physical food which you need every day for the body to live. My spiritual food feeds your soul which lives on forever.

Jesus said: My people, I am the Light of the World and My Light and love goes out to everyone. Some receive My Word and grace, and they cannot get enough joy and love from Me which is why they pray to Me and worship My Blessed Sacrament. Others may see My Light and grace, but they think that they can do everything for themselves without My help. When you truly see where all that you have comes from, you will have to admit that everything that you have came from Me. Keep close to My beacon of Light and you will be comforted. It is better to choose My Light than the darkness of sin and the devil.

Friday, November 14, 2008:

Our Lady said: My dear son, St. John the Evangelist is honoring me in the first reading, as you know that he looked after me. I am your Blessed Mother, and I will answer your request to watch over you with my mantle as you go out speaking. You are approaching Thanksgiving Day, and it is a nice touch that you are thanking me as well for watching over my children. Wherever you see my Son, Jesus, I am there also, as our hearts are joined as one. Continue to pray your rosaries every day for my intentions. I love all of you, and heaven rejoices over even one soul that is converted to the faith.

Our Blessed Mother said: My dear children, I thank you for praying my rosary, and my Jesus is very happy with your prayers.

This rose that was given to you represents the symbol for those working for the Right to Life for the unborn. You should be prepared, my children, that those in favor of abortion will be lording their will over your good intentions. Even if it appears that your efforts to stop abortion are being thwarted, do not give up this fight and continue to pray for the end of abortion in America.

I want you to pray for the people of California because their recent fires are an answer to those desiring homosexual marriages and legalized prostitution. They are testing my Son, Jesus’ hand of justice in their sinful lifestyles. Continue to pray for all of America because you are being tested with financial troubles that will eventually lead up to a takeover of your country. Just as you see this cave in the vision, pray for all of your places of refuge that will protect you during the coming tribulation.

You are seeing a great battle of good and evil, so keep close to my Son’s sacraments in Confession and Holy Communion because you will need my Son’s graces to protect you from the evil ones who will be trying to kill you.

Saturday, November 15, 2008: (St. Albert the Great)

Jesus said: My people, strong faith in Me does not come automatically, but it is after a long journey of searching for what is most important in life, and that is learning your purpose for being here. You were created to know, love, and serve Me as you received in your childhood. But just as the woman was persistent with the unjust judge, you must be persistent in your faith and trust in Me every day to lead you on the right path to heaven.

Once you find Me, you have My peace and love in your soul, which needs constant cleansing with Confession. A good daily prayer life is your link of love with Me, and it also is your strength during the trials of life. Receiving Me worthily in Holy Communion is your spiritual food that feeds your soul and keeps My grace with you. Your faith in Me will give you your endurance and persistence that will direct you on the sea of life to follow the mission that I have given you.

This mission is your direction, and only by consecrating everything to Me, can you be open and shaped so I can use you to accomplish this mission. Keep Me as your main focus in life and follow My ways and My Commandments, and you will always be ready to receive Me when I return in glory. When I return and find you faithful, you will be among My faithful remnant that will receive your reward in My Era of Peace and eventually in your place in heaven that I have reserved for you.

Jesus said: My people, you experienced some difficulties in getting into this building in after hours, and it is a sign to you of what is coming with your smart cards and drivers’ licenses in taking a plane. You can use money and checks now, but soon a time will be coming when only smart cards with chips will be the only way to buy and sell anything.

Once they force you to use such chips, you will have to use your food storage and it may be difficult to pay your taxes challenging the safety in your home. Soon you will also have mandatory chips in the body which will be enforced by the one world people. This will definitely be a time that you will have to leave your homes for a refuge unless you are already an interim or final refuge. At My places of protection the evil ones will not be able to see you or your refuges, and you will be protected by My angels. Your food and fuel will be multiplied so that others may come to you for help. Trust in Me that I will provide for all of your needs, and I will also give you My graces to sustain your strength in this end time.

Do not have any fear if you do not have smart cards or chips in the body, for I will defy all of the evil ones’ intentions to cause you harm or prevent you from getting your food. Everything will be given to My faithful in due season, so have no anxiety over what you are to eat, wear, or where you are to live. Pray more for the conversion of sinners because saving souls is your most important mission.

Sunday, November 16, 2008 Jesus said: My people, this Gospel of the talents is a wake-up call to see how you are responding to My call to serve Me and your neighbor. It is about taking up your own cross that I have given you to bear through life ‘s trials and troubles. There are different levels of response depending on the graces and capabilities of each soul. To the one who is given more, more will be expected. Some have sought Me in My Blessed Sacrament and have worked to learn more of their faith.

These are My faithful remnant of prayer warriors who reach out as priests, deacons, nuns, and evangelists to save souls. Others with lesser gifts have not sought Me out as strongly, but they still believe and help others the best that they can. Still others are the lukewarm who know the faith, but they have become lax or have rejected their early training. These will be held most accountable because they knew about Me, but they buried their gifts. Still others never believed in Me and were atheists.

These will be held accountable because they could have searched to find Me, but they rejected even learning the faith. When all of these souls arrive at the judgment, those, who rejected Me, will find the everlasting flames of hell. The others, who were saved, will eventually come to the varying levels of heaven according to their love for Me and the works that they have done on earth in their lifetime.

I am a loving, merciful, and a just God. All of My judgments are fair and measured according to how you expressed your love for Me and your neighbor. While you are still alive, you can grow in your spirituality if you so desire, and you will be rewarded for your extra efforts to serve Me.

Monday, November 18, 2008: (St. Elizabeth of Hungary)

Jesus said: My people, I am showing you this horn of plenty because it is a sign of your coming Thanksgiving time when you thank Me for all of your harvests and all that I have given you. You are seeing people fall on hard times and you will need to help each other to survive in addition to the poor.

There will come a time when the evil ones will be allowed to take over your country and eventually the whole world. You will soon see My Warning coming to help all sinners see their way right before the Antichrist will declare himself. I have told you many times that after the Warning you will see events in a world famine, division in My Church, mandatory chips in the body, and martial law that will lead up to the Antichrist taking control in the European Union.

When you celebrate Thanksgiving Day I want you to thank Me also for preparing refuges all over the world so My faithful remnant will have a place of protection to come to. At My refuges you will see food and shelters multiplied so everyone will have what you need. You all will have to pray constantly and work to help each other for your daily survival at My refuges during the whole tribulation.

Have patience during this time because once the Antichrist is declared, you know that in less than 3½ years I will come to defeat all evil and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. Rejoice that you will be seeing this glorious mercy in your lifetime.

Jesus said: My people, this is a confirmation that this land is a refuge where many people will come here during the tribulation.

It will be protected by My angels so the evil ones cannot find anyone here. The people, who come here, will be living a rustic agricultural life for their survival. Pray constantly to give Me thanks and praise for all that I will do for you. I will provide your food and fuel for heating and cooking.

I will also provide your water from a spring that will appear. There will be a luminous cross over this land and all, who look upon it, will be healed of any of their illnesses or chronic conditions. Trust in Me both here and at all refuges that I will provide for all of your physical and spiritual needs.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Jesus said: My people, this broken glass is a symbol of how you have broken your covenant with Me and you have refused to repent of your sins. All of the financial hard times and the natural disasters, that you see, are a further consequence of your sins. Your trials and layoffs are going to continue for a while and things will get worse before they could turn around.

The change that you are hoping for may happen in your government, but evil will continue to worsen in your abortions and your sexual sins. Without a spiritual turnaround you will not see much of a financial turnaround. It is hard for Me to send you blessings when you have lost your way in refusing to worship Me and you worship your money and your possessions instead. When you choose to follow your own way on the broad road to hell, you will need many prayers to turn your country back to Me.

Until you change spiritually, expect things to approach a takeover of your country. This is what happened to the Israelites when they worshiped other gods instead of Me. You will find the same ruin awaiting America as you continue to decay morally in your society.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Jesus said: My people, many of your factories will be closing down and people laid off as your economy continues to slow down, because people cannot buy big items and even less of other things as well.

Even in this vision you could see coal mines shutting down because some do not want coal plants to pollute the air. Instead of having an energy plan in place, such decisions could put strains on other fuels that could not yet replace coal for a fuel. As people cut back in their spending, it may not be good for your economy, but it is better for individual budgets to be living more within their means.

It has been your overspending that has caused a lot of your bad loans to go unpaid. Pray for your people to find enough work and money to provide food for your families.

www.johnleary.com From Eileen Renders November 23, 2008 = Message to Share

Good morning! Although today I had no direct message from Jesus, He did impart to me a sense of peace that I want to share with all!

God bless, Eileen Sunday, November 23, 2008

No Message, but a thought to share!

Although there is no message from Jesus to share today for this first Sunday of Advent, there is something I personally want to share with all.

After receiving the most sacred Host, the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ in the sacrament of Holy Communion, I knelt in silent commune with Jesus.

With my heart open to Jesus, there was no vision or message. However, I felt an enormous sense of peace from deep within. And I was reminded how in these difficult economic times, we must keep our faith and trust in Christ. And these are the times when we must open our hearts with love and mercy to all who are less fortunate than ourselves.

Note: As always, I prayed for the special needs and intentions of all who need and/or have requested prayers.




"Glorious St. Joseph, tenderhearted father, faithful guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of God, I ask you to join me in praising God the Father through His Divine Son who died on the cross and rose again to give us sinners new life. Through the Holy Name of Jesus, pray with me that we may obtain from the eternal Father the favor we ask. (here state your intention)."

Say this prayer for nine consecutive days.

Fear not! God is your shelter (the 23rd Psalm and the Lord’s Prayer. God never fails. Don’t fail him. Call on Jesus. Jesus on the mainline, tell him what you want!


BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)







Part I


Part II





Part I


Part II



For further information:





Black, African Saints


Black and African Catholics Prophecy Meditations





Black African Catholics Coptic, Latin rite, Orthodox Prophecies Meditations


Black Saints Videos Part I



YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, DailyMotion, Blip.tv, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast

Part II



YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, Revver, DailyMotion, Blip.tv, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast

James Wesly Smith is an attorney and writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the Early African Liturgical Churches. His 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at stbernice@yahoo.com

Posted by realm/blackcatholics at 6:44 PM PST
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Friday, 21 November 2008
Now Playing: Afrocentric Sorrowful Mysteries of Suffering Jesus, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Topic: Prophecy Meditation
21 NOV. PROPHECY, DIRE WARNING MEDITATIONS FOR AFRICAN DIASPORA CHRISTIANS -- BLACK CATHOLICS, COPTICS, ORTHODOX IN THE MYSTICAL BODY OF CHRIST, LITURGICAL AND CHRISTIAN CHURCHES African Christians, Pacific, Marianas, and Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Polynesia, Oceania Christians, Black Catholics Everywhere, Black African Saints, Coptic, Orthodox, Roman Catholic Saints, Black Spirituality


Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,


DEVOTIONS AND PRAYERS FOR THE LITURGICAL CHURCHES AND ALL OTHER CHRISTIANS WHO SO DESIRE(Including Lutheran, Episcopalian, Anglican, and members in the Mystical Body of Christ –All Christianity combined):

Black Christ






 Afrocentric Sorrowful Mysteries Rosary Pt I

 Afrocentric Sorrowful Mysteries Rosary Pt II

 Afrocentric Stations Cross Pt. I

Afrocentric Stations Cross Pt. I I





Pray the Joyful Mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous Mysteries on Thursday, the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious Mysteries on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent – Sorrowful. Mysteries/Meditations are events in the Life of Yeshua(Jeus)!

See http://www.rosary-center.org/howto.htm



Divine MercyBlack Christ

Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I


Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT II


Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PTlII






Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book (James Wesly Smith), 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from BarnesandNobles.com, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from www.booklocker.com/books/3088.html



37 Kemetians killed with Pansius, missionary martyrs, for teaching Jesus. 18 Jan.

37 other Christians martyred in the Northwestern part of Africa withand including, Givalius with Saturninus, and four children, the lectors Saturninus (another) and Felix, and the nun, Maria, and the toddler, Hilarion; Senator Dativus; Thelica, Emeritus, Felix, Ampellius, Rogatianus, Victoria, ( Felix, Quintus, Maximianus, Rogatianus, Rogatus, Januarius, Cassianus, Victorianus, Vincentius, Caecilianus, Restituta, Prima, Rogatianus, Eva, Rogatus, Pimponia, Secunda, Januaria, Saturnina, Martinus, Datus, Felix, Margarita, Major, Honorata, Regiola, Victorinus, Pelusius, Faustus, Datianus, Matrona, Caecilia, Heredina, Secunda, Matrona(another), Januaria, of Abitine,

We were arrested having prayed the Divine Mysteries in the Emeritus’ house. We professed the faith. I Saturninus was clubbed and died in jail, 12 Feb. 304 A.D. ; 11 Feb.

39 Martyrs with Maximus of Carthage, Oct. 28.

400 companions with Saccus, Julius, Damias, and Carpias We were martyred in Africa, 27 May.

40 Companions martyred in the West and North in Africa. 18 Dec, with Victorus, Victor, Adjutor, and Quartus.

40 martyred others with Macarius, Theodore, and Maximus (249, 251 A.D.), Martyrs. Authorities beheaded us at Carthage. April 10.

40 Martyrs of Sebaste, Kemet, and Palestine

44 Christians martyred with Mennas, and Emiliano at Membressa in Africa,

49 old monks in Scete desert, Kemet, 30 Jan.

4966 martyrs with Secundus, Serapeum, and other Christians driven into desert by Vandals;

50 Companions and Callistratus

50 Companions, of Dunatus, Justus, Hevena and Saturninus, Emeritus Kogantianus, Victoria Kemetian martyrs, group of 303 A.D. under the reign of terror and persecutions of Roman Emperor Diocletian.

53 companion martyrs,with Victor and Perpetuus in Africa, 2 Feb.

54 companions with Hilarius and Marinus, martyrs in Africa, 2 Feb.

546 martyred Companions of Paphnutius. Kemet, Oct. 4, or Sept. 25

60 Christians of Suffetula, martyrs of in Byzacium Africa, 30 Aug.

62 Holy Priests of Africa, martyred by the Arians. Dec. 8

7 Children at Antinoe, Kemet, Antinoe (313 A.D.). Martyred in Africa in the reign of terror and persecutions of Roman Emperor Diocletian beheaded with Bishops Sergus,

8 companion martyrs with Lucentius, Paulus, Successus, Victorinus, Saturus, (Saturninus) Missor, Geruntius, Januarius, Florida, and Theocosia, martyred in Africa, 14 Jan. or 19 Jan in some dioceses.

18 companions and 23 others with Rodus, Parmenas (Parmenius), Heraclus, Elias, Apollo, and Tirinus, martyred at Alexandria. 7 July

8,140 companions of Ischyrion and Aesculapius, Martyrs of Achmin (Panopolis), Kemet. 8 Jan.; 25 Dec. Abyssinian Church.

868 others with Rufinus. Martyred at Alexandria, 22 June (23 June). 21 June.

884 Martyrs of Thmuis, in the reign of terror and persecutions of Roman Emperor Diocletian, 8 May. Coptic Calendar.

Nine companions with Saturninus and we were martyred in the Northwestern parts of Africa. 22 March.

Group of 330 martyrs (Theban Legionnaires) with Cratusian and Companion at Xanter on the Rhine, 10? Oct

Group of 140 soldiers suffered martyrdom in Africa with Boniface.

Monks at Zaga-Meelad, in the vicinity of Agows, Kemet (Egypt). 29 Jan.

Black Saint Videos

Part I https://www.youtube.com/v/sUnU4xR5D9E

Part II https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMnYwZEfBg4

Black Saints Videos

https://www.angelfire.com/realm/blackcatholics/BlackSaintsVideos.html Black Saints Videos



Test! Discern The Spirit! Accept what speaks to YOUR SOUL/SPIRIT. Disregard the rest!

Fair use, educational and religious purposes, 17 U.S.C. for those in the Africa Diasora who would otherwise not be exposed to such.

Message to Jorge Zavala Nov. 19,2008 Message from Our Blessed Mother to Jorge Zavala November 19, 2008 St. Bruno’s Church, San Bruno, CA

Dear children,

Today more than ever I invite you to remain close to me.

Pray for those lukewarm hearts so that they may come to burn out of love for God. Raise your eyes always to Christ and take the saints as an example in tribulations, then your lives will always be a testimony of peace.

Allow Jesus to reign in your lives and in that way the love of my Son will be the cause of your joy, even amidst a world that distances itself more and more from the Fountain of Life. I am with you to guide you along the Right Path.

Dear children, thank you for your prayers and sacrifices. I love you, I bless you and may the peace of the Lord remain always in your hearts.

Message to J.N.S.R. August 15, 2008 And behold I am coming! Amen, come Lord JESUS

August 15, 2008

The Assumption of MARY

Dictated by JESUS and accompanied by His Holy mother and by the Apostles St. Peter and St. John.

JESUS: My child, all that you will write to bring to a close the Work that God gave you to do, will be confirmed by My faithful Apostles Peter and John, whom I have named for this, for no one on this Earth will be able to go further.

For the mysteries of the Book of Life will soon be discovered. And God alone shall tell you at the opening of this Holy and Blessed Book that the Father gave Me, already, the command to open it.

The work I gave you to do, yours and all those who have been equally chosen to help you, and in whom I have placed My Confidence and My Blessings; all those who in any manner, spread now and in the future, the Words I gave you, will also be blessed.

In the present times, no one can glorify himself for having received from the Church, the confirmation of the authenticity of the Words written in their work, truly come from the Lord of Lords. For only the Magisterium of My Holy Church can approve it, and I leave the entire responsibility to them, so as to bear with confidence that God has really spoken.

All that I approve and all that I, in My Holy Word have confided to you, can only be officially approved through an authentic Faith of your Mother, the Holy Catholic Church. And this, by listening not only to the canonized Saints, but also to the faithfulness of the Church to the Faith of her great theologians, who are the Apostles of Christ, who wrote the Gospels.

And your Holy Popes who reflect in themselves the Joy, the Sufferings and the Peace of JESUS Christ, to cite only your last two Contemporary Popes, John Paul II and Benedict XVI, who spoke to the people, in order to bring men to God. Through the Force of the Holy Spirit dwelling in them, in a special way in these End Times.

JNSR: Our dear Pope John Paul II prescribed the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) on October 11th, 1992, which was the 30th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, in his fourteenth year of his pontificate.

That book is the authentic reflection of the Catholic Faith of the holy Apostles, of the canonized saints and of holy Popes. Our Lord inspires me to reproduce many extracts in order to make them known to many who do not own this great work.

CCC, n° 1046 : “For the cosmos, Revelation affirms the profound common destiny of the material world and man:

“For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God... in hope because the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay.... We know that the whole creation has been groaning in one great act of giving birth, together until now; and not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies (Rom 8:19-23).”

CCC, n° 2001 : “The preparation of man for the reception of grace is already a work of grace. This latter is needed to arouse and sustain our collaboration in justification through faith, and in sanctification through charity.”

Condition of Salvation, see 6th session of the Council of Trent:

"Faith disposes to salvation as well as humility, repentance, and hope. But charity, alone, which is a friendship shared for God founded on faith, helps to enter into salvation, and gain Eternal Life."

CCC, n° 1021 : The Particular Judgement “Death puts an end to human life as the time open to either accepting or rejecting the divine grace manifested in Christ (Cf. 2 Tim 1:9-10). The New Testament speaks of judgement primarily in its aspect of the final encounter with Christ in his second coming, but also repeatedly affirms that each will be rewarded immediately after death in accordance with his works and faith.

The parable of the poor man Lazarus and the words of Christ on the cross to the good thief, as well as other New Testament texts speak of a final destiny of the soul - a destiny which can be different for some and for others (Cf. Lk 16:22; 23:43; Mt 16:26; 2 Cor 5:8; Phil 1:23; Heb 9:27; 12:23).”

And for those who still doubt the immortality of each soul, here is:

CCC, n° 1022 : “Each man receives his eternal retribution in his immortal soul at the very moment of his death, in a particular judgement that refers his life to Christ: either entrance into the blessedness of heaven - through a purification (Cf. Council of Lyons II (1274): DS 857-858; Council of Florence (1439): DS 1304-1306; Council of Trent (1563): DS 1820) or immediately, (Cf. Benedict XII, Benedictus Deus (1336): DS 1000-1001; John XXII, Ne super his (1334): DS 990) - or immediate and everlasting damnation (Cf. Benedict XII, Benedictus Deus (1336): DS 1002).

“At the evening of life, we shall be judged on our love (St. John of the Cross, Dichos 64).”

DS : Denziger-Schönmetzer, Enchiridion Symbolorum, definitionum et declarationum de rebus fidei et morum (1965)

CCC, n° 1042 : The Hope of the New Heaven and the New Earth “At the end of time, the Kingdom of God will come in its fullness. After the universal judgement, the righteous will reign forever with Christ, glorified in body and soul. The universe itself will be renewed:

“The Church... will receive her perfection only in the glory of heaven, when will come the time of the renewal of all things. At that time, together with the human race, the universe itself, which is so closely related to man and which attains its destiny through him, will be perfectly re-established in Christ (LG 48; cf. Acts 3:21; Eph 1:10; Col 1:20; 2 Pet 3:10-13).”

CCC, n° 1043 : “Sacred Scripture calls this mysterious renewal, which will transform humanity and the world, 'new heavens and a new earth' (2 Pet 3:13; cf. Rev 21:1). It will be the definitive realization of God's plan to bring under a single head 'all things in [Christ], things in heaven and things on earth' (Eph 1:10).”

CCC, n° 1044 : “In this new universe, the heavenly Jerusalem, God will have his dwelling among men (Cf. Rev 21:5). 'He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things have passed away' (Rev 21:4).”

CCC, n° 1047 : “The visible universe, then, is itself destined to be transformed, 'so that the world itself, restored to its original state, facing no further obstacles, should be at the service of the just,' sharing their glorification in the risen Jesus Christ (St. Irenaeus, Adv. haeres. 5, 32, 1: PG 7/2, 210).”

CCC, n° 1012 : Dying in Christ Jesus “The Christian vision of death receives privileged expression in the liturgy of the Church (Cf. 1 Thess 4:13-14):

“Lord, for your faithful people life is changed, not ended. When the body of our earthly dwelling lies in death we gain an everlasting dwelling place in heaven

(Roman Missal, Preface of Christian Death I).”

JNSR: The Parousia is the Glorious return of Christ at the end of Times. The Church makes it part of her faith, as seen at the beginning of the Nicene Creed, but she usually thinks of the End of the world, and not at the hour of death. Thus, it is at the moment of death, and the particular judgement, that each one will face Christ, the Sovereign and Merciful Judge. Therefore, equally Glorious.

CCC, n° 1040 : “The Last Judgement will come when Christ returns in glory. Only the Father knows the day and the hour; only he determines the moment of its coming. Then through his Son Jesus Christ he will pronounce the final word on all history. We shall know the ultimate meaning of the whole work of creation and of the entire economy of salvation and understand the marvellous ways by which his Providence led everything towards its final end. The Last Judgement will reveal that God's justice triumphs over all the injustices committed by his creatures and that God's love is stronger than death (Cf. CT 8, 6).”

1. JNSR The Last Judgement will come when Christ returns in glory : this elliptical phrase, could lend itself to understand that the final Judgement (that is, the End of the world) would intervene “when Christ returns in glory”. So, before the End of the world there will be, after the End of Times of sin: “the new earth and the new heavens” with “a single head, Christ, things in heaven and things on earth” (CCC, n° 1043), where “death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more” (CCC, n° 1044), in “a world itself, restored to its original state” (CCC, n° 1047). Original state: the Garden of Eden.

CCC, n° 992 : “God revealed the resurrection of the dead to his people progressively. Hope in the bodily resurrection of the dead established itself as a consequence intrinsic to faith in God as creator of the whole man, soul and body. The creator of heaven and earth is also the one who faithfully maintains his covenant with Abraham and his posterity. It was in this double perspective that faith in the resurrection came to be expressed. In their trials, the Maccabean martyrs confessed:

“The King of the universe will raise us up to an everlasting renewal of life, because we have died for his laws (2 Macc 7:9). One cannot but choose to die at the hands of men and to cherish the hope that God gives of being raised again by him (2 Macc 7:14; cf. 7:29; Dan 12:1-13).”

The Salvation of pagans:

CCC, n° 1260 : “'Since Christ died for all, and since all men are in fact called to one and the same destiny, which is divine, we must hold that the Holy Spirit offers to all the possibility of being made partakers, in a way known to God, of the Paschal Mystery' (GS 22 § 5; cf. LG 16; AG 7). Every man who is ignorant of the Gospel of Christ and of his Church, but seeks the truth and does the will of God in accordance with his understanding of it, can be saved. It may be supposed that such persons would have desired Baptism explicitly if they had known its necessity.”

My hypothesis regarding Christ's Parousia, at the moment of death, claims to resolve the mystery "in a way known to God" (CCC, n° 1260). http://www.jnsr.be/uk.htm

Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 22 - CONTINUE TO GROW Jesus Christ the King: "Has the tender love of a father or the liberality of a king toward its subjects ever reached as far as the love of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament?" (St. John Vianney).

"How I hate this folly of not believing in the Eucharist, etc.! If the gospel be true, if Jesus Christ be God, what difficulty is there?" (Pascal).

Two elderly, excited Southern women were sitting together in the front pew of church listening to a fiery preacher. When this preacher condemned the sin of stealing, these two ladies cried out at the tops of their lungs, "AMEN, BROTHER!"

When the preacher condemned the sin of lust, they yelled again, "PREACH IT, REVEREND!"

And when the preacher condemned the sin of lying, they jumped to their feet and screamed, "RIGHT ON, BROTHER! TELL IT LIKE IT IS... AMEN!"

But when the preacher condemned the sin of gossip, the two got very quiet. One turned to the other and said, "He's quit preaching and now he's meddlin'."

Mother Teresa - We are all called to be saints. We all have been created in the image of God to love and to be loved.

Meditations by Padre Pio - Place all your worries in God alone, because He has the greatest care of you, and those three angelic children with whom he has blessed you. By their conduct, these children will be a consolation to you during your lifetime. Take care, not so much of their scientific as of their moral education. And you should take this very seriously, and guard it as the pupil of your eye. As you educate their mind with good studies, assure the education of their hearts, along with that of our holy religion; one without the other causes a mortal wound to the human heart.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen - Himself to death in order to save others."

Those who trust in God will avoid the venom of the serpent

"The unfortunate characteristics of our day is that propaganda has taken the place of personal influence. Politics has become so primary in modern life, that the masses are more moved by promises than by fulfillments."

St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html -Today, as God's Majesty swept over me, my soul understood that the Lord, so very great though He is, delights in humble souls. The more a soul humbles itself, the greater the kindness with which the Lord approaches it. Uniting himself closely with it, He raises it to His very throne. Happy is the soul whom the Lord himself defends. I have come to know that only love is of any value; love is greatness; nothing, no works, can compare with a single act of pure love of God. (1092)

Dailys - http://www.catholic-forum.com/e-pistle.html -

Quote of the Day Pride makes us forgetful of our eternal interests. It causes us to neglect totally the care of our soul. -St. John Baptist de la Salle

Today's Tidbit St. Cecilia is the first of four virgin martyrs whose obligatory memorials throughout the dark of the winter season serve as lights for the faithful to follow. The others are St. Lucy, St. Agnes and St. Agatha

MEDJUGORJE DAY BY DAY These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press. To order email soroka@... or 1-866-726-5865


The following was given to the young Locutionists for their prayer group:

Each member of the group is like a flower; and if someone tries to crush you, you will grow and continue to grow even more. If someone puts you down even a little, you will recover. And if someone pulls a petal, you will continue to grow as though you were complete (Locutionists Jelena & Mirijana June 21, 1984).

And from Paul's letter to the Galatians:

So let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest time, if we do not give up (Gal 6:9).


Sometimes we are lamps without light, extinguished, but with possibilities not realized. Well, I have come to light a flame in your hearts, should the disappointments you have suffered, the expectations that have not come true, have put it out. I want to say to each of you that you have capacities, often unsuspected, sometimes made even greater and more vigorous by hard experience.

These words of hope form Pope John Paul II speak of a great truth that hope , far from being some vague, ethereal virtue, is instead a product of practical, learned experience.

Experience is not just the best teacher; it is the only teacher. As we look back at our trials and hardships, we realize that, rather than being tragic and destructive, our difficulties have given us endurance, resilience, and patience. This is the direct outcome of going through trials. This is where hope comes from. This is where God sheds his love right where we always need him the most. It is why we have "unsuspected capacities," as the Holy Father says, why we have hope.


Today the Mother of God gives us a message of profound hope: in times of trial or suffering, we will not be crushed, but will recover even stronger "and continue to grow more and more." Today, give over to her any present difficulties, trusting in her help.

Feast of the Presentaiton of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Nov. 21st, 2008

How Mary was Presented in the Temple - by St. John Eudes (+1680)

God inspired in the Heart of the pure Virgin Mary His own intense Love for humility and abhorrence of pride. She possessed, even from her infancy, a far greater horror of pride and ambition, and a far deeper love for humility, than did all the Saints together. It was the first virtue that she practiced. She abased and humbled herself before all. She esteemed herself, and would have been happy to be treated by others, as the last of all creatures.

By the marvelous radiance of her Immaculate Conception, she beheld herself susceptible to the guilt of the children of Adam, except that God miraculously preserved her; and she considered that she might have been capable of all the sins in the world, whose source is original sin. It was this humility which attracted to her the countless graces which rendered her worthy to be the Mother of God,

Queen of Heaven and Earth. Give thanks to Almighty God who resists the proud and gives grace to the humble, and offer! him all the glory that this Maiden accorded to His Majesty by her practice of richest humility during her childhood and throughout the rest of her life.

Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 21 - THE PRESENTATION OF MARY

As a small child, Mary was presented to the Lord in the temple by her parents, Sts. Anne and Joachim. Pray "that from this Year of the Eucharist, they [priests] may draw the fruit of a renewed Love for the Sacrament they celebrate. Through the intercession of the Virgin Mother of God, may they always live and bear witness to the mystery that is put in their hands for the saving of the world" (Pope Benedict XVI, Sept. 18, 2005).

"When I am before the Tabernacle, I can say only one thing to Our Lord: 'My God, you know that I love you.' And I feel my prayer does not tire Jesus; knowing the helplessness of His poor little spouse, He is content with her good will" (St. Therese, The Little Flower).

Judgement Day A preacher of the old school was describing the events of Judgment Day and, of course, he used Biblical phraseology whenever he could.

"Oh, my friends," he intoned, "imagine the suffering of the sinners as they find themselves cast into the outer darkness, removed from the presence of the Lord and given to eternal flames. My friends, at such a time there will be weeping, wailing and a great gnashing of teeth!"

At this point, one of the elders of the congregation interrupted to say, "But Reverend, what if one of those hopeless sinners has no teeth?"

The preacher crashed his fist on the pulpit, "My friends, the Lord is not put out by details. Rest assured: teeth will be provided!"

Mother Teresa - We should realize that poverty doesn't only consist in being hungry for bread, but rather it is a tremendous hunger for human dignity. We need to love and to be somebody for someone else.

Meditations by Padre Pio - Take comfort then, my dear lady, take comfort, because the sustaining arm of the Lord has not been shortened. Oh yes, He is the Father of all, but He is more so for the unhappy and even more so for you who are a widow, and a widowed mother.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen - We must learn from the Humblest of Servants

"Unconscious influence is never superior. As Our Divine Lord said: `I am among you as One Who serves' (Luke 22: 27). From that basic humility came the advice to His disciples, that one who would be greatest among them should be the least of all (Matthew 23: 11). At the same time, He was never so royal as when He committed

St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html -

Today, Jesus is bidding me to comfort and reassure a certain soul who has opened herself to me and told me about her difficulties. This soul is pleasing to the Lord, but she is not aware of it. God is keeping her in deep humility. I have carried out the Lord's directives. (1063)

That beautiful soul who is spreading this work of divine mercy throughout the world is, by his deep humility, very pleasing to God. (1083)

Dailys - http://www.catholic-forum.com/e-pistle.html -

Quote of the Day When an evil thought is presented to the mind, we must endeavor to turn our thoughts to God, or to something which is indifferent. Bur the best rule is, to invoke the names of Jesus and Mary, and to continue to invoke them until the temptation ceases. -St. Alphonsus Liguori

Today's Tidbit Apocryphal texts are books that at one time were mistakenly held to be inspired by God. Apocryphal texts are not included in the canon of Scripture.


These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.


On this day when Mary was presented, or consecrated, to God at the Temple in Jerusalem, she calls each of us to a consecration as well:

Dear children, today I am happy because many of you want to consecrate yourselves to me. Thank you. You are not mistaken, my Son, Jesus Christ wishes, through my intercession, to bestow very special graces on you. He rejoices in your consecration to him (Weekly Message May 17, 1984).

When we are consecrated to God and Our Lady, we are given a mission as well.

From Isaiah:

The spirit of the Lord God is upon me, Because the Lord has anointed me:

He has sent me to bring good news to the oppressed, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and release to the prisoners; to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn. Isaiah 61 :1-2


Our Lady once recommended to the visionaries that they read an account of her life entitled The Poem of the Man-God by the mystical writer Maria Valtorta (1897-1961). In chapter 8 of this work, Valtorta describes her vision of Mary's presentation at the age of three.

As background: Having been childless, Joachim and Ann had vowed that if they were blessed with a child, they would consecrate her to God at childhood, when she would then reside at the Temple with other consecrated souls, to pray and glorify the Lord in a cloistered setting, until she reached maturity.

In this scene from the book, the child Mary and her parents are at the entrance of the Temple, where the high priest has come to receive her:

The high priest looks at the little girl and smiles. Then, he beckons to Mary. And she departs from her mother and father, and as if fascinated, climbs the steps. And she smiles. She smiles in the shade of the Temple, where the precious veil is hanging. She is now at the top of the steps, at the feet of the high priest, who imposes his hand on her head. The victim has been accepted. Which purer victim had the Temple ever received?

Then he turns around and holding his hand on her shoulder as if he were leading the immaculate little lamb to the altar, he takes her to the Temple door.

Before letting her in, he asks her: "Mary of David, are you aware of your vow?"

When she replies "Yes" in her silvery voice, he cries out: "Go in, then. Walk in my presence and be perfect."


"Today I am very happy," Our Lady says, "because there are many who want to consecrate themselves to me. Thank you." Today, in the spirit of the Presentation, consecrate yourself again to the Blessed Mother, using either your own words or the prayer found for November 24.

Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 20 - WHEN MY SON WAS DYING

"Has the tender love of a father or the liberality of a king toward its subjects ever reached as far as the love of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament?" (St. John Vianney).

Sunday, Eve of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary As a small child, Mary was presented to the Lord in the temple by her parents, Sts. Anne and Joachim.

Pray "that from this Year of the Eucharist, they [priests] may draw the fruit of a renewed Love for the Sacrament they celebrate. Through the intercession of the Virgin Mother of God, may they always live and bear witness to the mystery that is put in their hands for the saving of the world" (Pope Benedict XVI, Sept. 18, 2005).

Read and meditate on the following. Then whenever hardships arise just say "Praise God" "Thank you Lord"

Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:10 It is always astounding to people of small imagination that their ancestors could hate, persecute and kill saints. We imagine that we are 2000 years smarter than the people who put Jesus to death. We think ourselves wiser than the people who despised Lincoln, or St. Thomas Aquinas, or Joan of Arc.

But the reality is that saints often come to us in very repulsive forms, challenging our deepest and most cherished bigotries. They are antidotes to the popular poisons of the age. And because they are antidotes they are often mistaken for poison and hated for it. Jesus endured just such hatred.

He and His followers were assured by all the leading authorities that His lot was with the wicked and that anyone who followed Him would share His fate among the "accursed" who hung from the tree of the Cross.

But God had an altogether different opinion. He called Jesus His Beloved Son and gave Him kingship, not only over heaven, but over the whole universe as well. We shall share in that kingship, if we remain with Him. And the paradoxical sign of our share in that kingship will be our share in His sufferings and the hatred of the enemies we are called to love and forgive. Even such hate cannot touch our union with Him.

Just a Word of Encouragement from Mark Shea & Jeff Cavins

It is an honor and a pleasure to share with you our recently produced two-minute flash movie tribute to our Catholic Faith, "Proud to Be Catholic." Enjoy the presentation -- and please be sure to forward it to your family and friends!


"When we come back in the evening we have one hour of adoration before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and [at] this you will be surprised: We have not had to cut down our work for the poor. The one hour of adoration is the greatest gift God could give a community because . . . we love the poor with greater and deeper faith and love" Bl. Teresa of Calcutta

Mother Teresa -

Each one of us is what he is in the eyes of God.

Meditations by Padre Pio - Courage, courage, children are not nails.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen -

The treasures of self-sacrifice

"The best influences in life are undeliberate, unconscious; when no one is watching, or when reaction to the good deed was never sought. Such is the long-range influence of a mother in a home; fulfilling of daily duties with love and a spirit of self-sacrifice leaves an imprint on the children that deepens with the years. St. Francis has done much to influence painting, though he was not an artist. Great artists have influenced millions to love beauty, though their intention was never to be so remembered."

St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html - I must never speak of my own experiences. In suffering, I must seek relief in prayer. In doubts, even the smallest, I must seek only the advice of my confessor. I must always have a heart which is open to receive the sufferings of others, and drown my own sufferings in the Divine Heart so that they would not be noticed on the outside, insofar as possible.

I must always strive for equanimity, no matter how stormy the circumstances might be. I must not allow anything to disturb my interior calm and silence. Nothing can compare with peace of soul. When I am wrongfully accused of something, I will not explain myself; if the superior wants to know the truth, whether I was in the right or not, let her find out from others rather than from me. My concern is to accept everything with a humble inner disposition. (792)

I have experienced how much envy there is, even in religious life. I see that there are few truly great souls, ready to trample on everything that is not God. O soul, you will find no beauty outside of God. Oh, how fragile is the foundation of those who elevate themselves at the expense of others! What a loss! (833)

Dailys - http://www.catholic-forum.com/e-pistle.html -

Quote of the Day An evil thought defiles the soul when it is deliberate and is consented to. Our Lord placed evil thoughts at the head of all crimes, because they are their principle and source. -St. John Baptist de la Salle

Today's Tidbit In the final two weeks of the liturgical year the readings at Mass begin to focus on end times and the Second Coming. These readings help us recognize our own sinfulness and reform our lives.


These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press. To


On Good Friday in 1990, the Virgin gave this message to the visionary's prayer group:

Dear children, I am happy to see you tonight. You know, dear children, that when my Son was dying I was alone with him with only a few other women, but tonight I am happy that so many of you are with me. Tonight, when you return home, pray a rosary in front of your crucifix and be thankful (Visionary Prayer Group April 13, 1990).

Speaking of the crucifixion, St. Luke writes:

And when all the crowds who had gathered there for this spectacle saw what had taken place, they returned home, beating their breasts. But all his acquaintances, including the women who had followed him from Galilee, stood, at a distance, watching these things (Lk 23:48-49).

Reflection: When the H.M.S. Birkenhead sank, Alexander Russell, a young officer age seventeen, was ordered to command one of the boats which carried the women and children. As they were pushing off, a sailor who was drowning clasped the side of the boat, but there was no room for even one more. A woman in the boat

cried, "Save him! He's my husband."

Alexander Russell rose, and in a quick movement jumped clear of the boat. He sank in the water, which was full of sharks, and was seen no more as the sailor he had saved was then pulled aboard to safety.

In the end, nothing is more beautiful than love. Yet as beautiful as it is, love is more practical than pretty. Real love deals with the real world, where there's no prettiness. Yet there is beauty.

The sight of Jesus bowing under the weight of the cross, his stumbling, bruising falls on the road, his cries from the cross, his sweat, his blood, his dying breath. None is a pretty sight. Yet how beautiful! Men have tried for centuries to capture the beauty in that ugliness. Some of the greatest works of art have tried to portray the crucified yet beautiful Savior.

Here is God in our flesh, cruelly betrayed, tortured, and nailed to the cross.

What could be uglier?

Nothing. Unless something more beautiful than beauty was there on that hill.

Unless the ugly horror was transcended and transformed, made holy.

And it was. Each time we kneel at the foot of the cross, as we gaze in wonder upon the suffering Servant, no beauty can compare. The glory is overwhelming.

Application: Today, simply heed Our Lady's request in her message: "Pray the rosary in front of your crucifix with great thankfulness."


"Glorious St. Joseph, tenderhearted father, faithful guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of God, I ask you to join me in praising God the Father through His Divine Son who died on the cross and rose again to give us sinners new life. Through the Holy Name of Jesus, pray with me that we may obtain from the eternal Father the favor we ask. (here state your intention)."

Say this prayer for nine consecutive days.

Fear not! God is your shelter (the 23rd Psalm and the Lord’s Prayer. God never fails. Don’t fail him. Call on Jesus. Jesus on the mainline, tell him what you want!


BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)






Part I


Part II





Part I


Part II


For further information:





Black, African Saints


Black and African Catholics Prophecy Meditations





Black African Catholics Coptic, Latin rite, Orthodox Prophecies Meditations


Black Saints Videos Part I


YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, DailyMotion, Blip.tv, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast

Part II



YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, Revver, DailyMotion, Blip.tv, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast

James Wesly Smith is an attorney and writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the Early African Liturgical Churches. His 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at stbernice@yahoo.com

Posted by realm/blackcatholics at 8:11 PM PST
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Thursday, 20 November 2008
Topic: Prophecy Meditation
20 NOV. PROPHECY, DIRE WARNING MEDITATIONS FOR AFRICAN DIASPORA CHRISTIANS -- BLACK CATHOLICS, COPTICS, ORTHODOX IN THE MYSTICAL BODY OF CHRIST, LITURGICAL AND CHRISTIAN CHURCHES African Christians, Pacific, Marianas, and Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Polynesia, Oceania Christians, Black Catholics Everywhere, Black African Saints, Coptic, Orthodox, Roman Catholic Saints, Black Spirituality


Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,


DEVOTIONS AND PRAYERS FOR THE LITURGICAL CHURCHES AND ALL OTHER CHRISTIANS WHO SO DESIRE(Including Lutheran, Episcopalian, Anglican, and members in the Mystical Body of Christ –All Christianity combined):

Black Christ




First Luminous Mystery

Third Section Luminous Mysteries

Fifth Section Luminous Mysteries




Pray the Joyful Mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous Mysteries on Thursday, the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious Mysteries on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent – Sorrowful. Mysteries/Meditations are events in the Life of Yeshua(Jeus)!

See http://www.rosary-center.org/howto.htm



Divine MercyBlack Christ

Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I


Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT II



Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PTlII







Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book (James Wesly Smith), 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from BarnesandNobles.com, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from www.booklocker.com/books/3088.html



10 companions and Bishop Dionysius the Great of Alexandria, writer of the doctrine of Trinity (Three persons in one God), MARTYRS;

10,000 martyred Fathers of the Deserts and Caves of Scete with Patriarch Theophilus of Alexandria).July 10

10,000 Soldiers of the Theban Legion of Caesar (some say 6600). All Christians from Africa area of the Thebaid in Kemet (Egypt), around 285 A.D.

100 Anchorite monks in the Kemetian Watzif desert. 17 Nov. We are found in the calendars of the Ethiopian Coptics.

10000 monks of Scete. We are martyrs. 7 July (probably the same as 11 at Alexandria (250 A.D.), Martyrs, 6 Sept.

11 martyr at Alexandria with Faustus the Presbyter (Elder), and Cyriacus, and Abibus, Sept. 6 Martyr (250 A.D.)

12 African Bishops and priests, associates of Melania Divas. Counted among the Nitria Mountain desert fathers and monks.

12 Brothers, the Holy Twelve Brothers, Martyrs, and Africans. Through the persecutions of Emperor Valerian in 258 A.D., martyred at Beneventum, Southern Italy. Commemoration of the Twelve Holy Brothers, 1 Sept.

13 companion martyrs of Macarius, Alexander, Cronion, Julian, at Alexandria, 30 Oct.

127 men, and 20 women with Hor (Anba Hor), the Khemetian native of Sariokos. Beheaded at Antinoe under the reign of terror persecutions of Roman Emperor Diocletian. 6 July.

147 Companions with Quirinus, Abidianus, Gagus (Cajus) Donatus, Nepos, Papocianus, Januaria, and Demetria. We are martyrs in Africa, 3 June.

152 Martyrs in Kemet with Archelaus, 5 March.

Six Martyrs of Melitene. Aug. 30th (Greek Calendar).

Sixteen Monk-martyrs of Thebes, Kemet. Aug. 30th (Greek Calendar).

16 companions with Verulus and with Fortunatus, martyred with Saturninus, Servulus, Felix, Siricius, Secundinus. Martyred at Adrumentums, in the Western and North part of Africa. Traditions say Arian Vandals killed us as Catholics around 430 A.D. or 534 A.D. 21 Feb.

20 Soldiers, martyred at Antinoe, Kemet. (313 A.D.)

200 legionnaires martyred with Maurice,Theban Legion general.

200 more Christian soliders martyred. Oct 30. (482 A.D.)

200 soldiers at Alexandria with Great martyr Catherine, and Augusta the Empress, martyrs at Alexandria, Kemet, 24 Nov.

261 Christians, religious writers, bishops, priests, or just plain folk.” We comforted the dying, disregarding personal safety.” We were martyred.

22 Christians at Alexandria with Michael, A martyred son, Theophilus, and Neoterius.

22 Companions of Pipenon, (Vibia Pertetua?) and 203 A.D.martyrs at Carthage;

27 Companions martyrs, Julian and Vincent.

30 Women under Huneric, around 482 A.D?

300 Holy lay folk of Africa, martyred by the Arians. Dec. 8.

315 martyrs plus 65 others with Salutaris and Companions, and Companions.

365 companions with Saturninus, and Nereus. Martyrs in Africa, 16 Oct.

36 Carthage Martyrs with Aficanus (3rd century), 28 Oct.

3685 companions and other martyrs with Abadir, and my sister, Iraja (Herais). We are children martyrs of Saint Basilides sister. Basilides is called the Father of Kings. We were brought under arrest to Antinoe, Kemet, beheaded with Cluthus, a physician and priest. Also martyred with us were Apa Paphnutius of Tentyra, priest; Apa Isaac of Tiphre, priest; Apa Shamul of Taraphia, priest; Apa Simeon of Tapcho, priest; Sissinius of Tantatho, priest; Theodore of Chotep, priest; Moses of Psammanius, priest;

Philotheus of Pemdje, priest; Macarius, of Fayum, priest; Maximus of Vuchim, priest; Macroni of Thoni, priest; Senuthius, of Buasti, priest; Simeon of Thou, priest; Ptolemaeus, priest; who was son of the Eparch, priest; Thomas of Tanphot, priest. Coptic calendar, 25 Sept.


Black Saint Videos

Part I https://www.youtube.com/v/sUnU4xR5D9E

Part II https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMnYwZEfBg4

Black Saints Videos

https://www.angelfire.com/realm/blackcatholics/BlackSaintsVideos.html Black Saints Videos




Test! Discern The Spirit! Accept what speaks to YOUR SOUL/SPIRIT. Disregard the rest!


Fair use, educational and religious purposes, 17 U.S.C. for those in the Africa Diasora who would otherwise not be exposed to such.




Message to Louise Nov.18,2008

HYPERCRITICAL Message via L., V+J November18, 2008- - -1:15 P.M.

L. began to receive a message from God and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood." (and other various prayers of testing the spirits)

Then your Loving God spoke, "As technical advancements are now becoming mandatory you will definitely feel the beginning of control and there is nothing you can do about it. Accept what man demands or do without! This, of course is Martial Law!

Today too many cities are forcing the chip on children and animals. You who refuse will be tormented and finally forced to accept.

Man will tell you how great the implant of said chip will be however, they will not tell you the long term affects.

Nature, all life, is clamoring for a better existence but man increases the use of chemicals, toxins, germs, all of which are deadly to all forces of life. Man's god is self-pide and pride is a very grievous sin!

All of nature responds to satan's subtle tactics. You must beware lest you too fall! These words must be taken to heart (seriously) for all has now begun! There are only days left to return to Me, to follow Me, to obey Me, to convert.

Pray! Repent! Trust! Follow ME your One and Only, True God! I AM with My own! I WILL NEVER leave My loving, true and faithful little sincere remnant! I love you!

Amen!, I tell you today- - -WAKE UP!!! Take off your rose colored glasses! Take you head out of the sand! Become ALERT! Amen, I tell you ALL has begun and will daily worsen! Take up your cross each day and willingly do the Will of Me, your Father, on earth as it is in Heaven."

800 FEMA Concentration Camps in the US - Trains ready—FOR US.


See: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/seers2/message/24894

(Last visited, 20 Nov. 2008)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTtdpvqdW90&feature=related part 1

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U98_ZrIZXcQ&feature=related part 2 Volume down or 'off' Music is distracting

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MszQyVDgzh0&feature=related part 3

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CDqW8Ap0So Part 4

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJtjPdalwpU Part 5 Sherry Shriner talk radio (TheWatcherFiles.com)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfZrYmuZQyg&feature=related Part 6 WeAreChange.org "Evacuation" -- 'Cameras are EVERYWHERE'

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BOofq4vE5E&feature=related Part 7 George Noory 'Talk radio'

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgWOP48JFng&feature=related Part 8 News report

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcWhi1sw5Pk&feature=related Part 9 re: "Amtrak trains - 300,000 Dble decker trains with benches & shackles."

There are more "Parts" if you need to hear/see more... but I believe these 9 have more than adequate information about the existence of these 800 FEMA concentration camps.

FYI: In 1989, 1990, 91, we saw camps in Michigan, with razor wire angled 'inwards' ( to keep whoever, 'in') and railroad tracks going into the fenced areas. We knew then the 'rumors' were true! We were also aware that, suddenly, small 'cameras' were being installed at intersections atop the poles that hold the traffic lights.

We watched as more and more, and much bigger ones were showing up and are now EVERYWHERE! The government has been getting all these 'things' in place for years, and now, all is in place and the strategically placed 'dominoes' have been set in motion; first the housing market was toppled and now one of the BIGGER 'doms' recently toppled Wall St and the banks..... people loosing their homes and now tens of thousands loosing their jobs. (the unemployment lines will be LONG! and so will the 'bread lines)

The car companies are next..... and so it will go until America's entire economic complex is bankrupt! A MAMOTH DEPRESSION like nothing ever seen here!

The government believes they will, so they brought home an Army Brigade from Iraq (arrived Oct.1,08) to "keep the peace". There are also Mexican and Canadian (& 'other') troops standing ready 'here' for when Martial Law is declared.

TIP: Don't go to where they tell you to 'report for relocation' and whatever you do, Don't get on their trains....! Hopefully you will 'relocate' yourselves BEFORE all this begins. Look for a big event mid February 2009 and economic collapse around mid 2009. That will cause major panic and uprisings. You don't want to be in the cities when these events occur! LEAE!'.... somewhere 'remote' but not near any military complexes or huge fenced in areas!”

Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 19 - WHEN YOU NEED ME, CALL ME

Do not, therefore, regard the bread and wine as simply that, for they are, according to the Master's declaration, the body and blood of Christ" (St. Cyril of Jerusalem).

"If we truly understand the Eucharist; if we make the Eucharist the central focus of our lives; if we feed our lives with the Eucharist, we will not find it difficult to discover Christ, to love him, and to serve him in the poor" (Bl. Teresa of Calcutta).

Mother Teresa - This is a sign of the joy of loving God: sharing that love with others.


Meditations by Padre Pio - May God's blessing accompany, sustain and guide you! Form a Christian family if you want a little bit of peace in this life. May the Lord give you children and then the grace to direct them on the way to Heaven.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen - Words are cheap when there is no conviction behind them

"Whenever we set out to give `good example,' we generally do not give it. The best example is given when we are off duty and are not acting `professionally, ' such as the minister or rabbi or priest when he comes down from his pulpit, the womanizer after he has finished his discourse on the `necessity of recognizing the rights of women,' the politician when he has finished his television oration on `my profound interest in social justice and my love of the common good.'

When Peter told Our Lord that though others failed Him, he would never fail, the Savior retorted that within twenty-four hours Peter would deny that he even knew Him. What we say is less important in the way of influence than what we do."

St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian. org/directory_ flash.html - Jesus gave me to know the depth of His meekness and humility and to understand that He clearly demanded the same of me. I felt the gaze of God in my soul. This filled me with unspeakable love, but I understood that the Lord was looking with love on my virtues and my heroic efforts, and I knew that this was what was drawing God into my heart.

It is from this that I have come to understand that it is not enough for me to strive only for the ordinary virtues, but that I must try to exercise the heroic virtues. Although exteriorly a thing may be quite ordinary, it is the different manner [in which it is carried out] that only the eye of God catches.

O my Jesus, what I have written is just a pale shadow of what I understand in my soul; these are purely spiritual things, but in order to write something of what the Lord gives me to know, I must use words with which I am totally dissatisfied, because they do not express the reality. (758)

Always and in all circumstances, yield the first place to others; especially during recreation listen quietly, without interrupting, even if someone tells me the same thing ten times. I will never ask questions about something that interests me very much. (789)

Dailys - http://www.catholic -forum.com/ e-pistle. html - Quote of the Day A soul which exalts itself abases God; but a soul which abases itself exalts God. -St. Augustine

Today's Tidbit In the Untied States, the Faithful are encouraged to focus on acts of charity, penance and pray for economic justice in the days preceding Thanksgiving.


These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.


In the first weeks of the apparitions, the Blessed Mother told the visionaries:

Pray, my angels, for these people. My children, I give you strength. I will always give it to you. When you need me call me. (First Years August 23, 1981).

And from Luke's gospel:

When he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders and rejoices. And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and neighbors, saying to them, "Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost" (Lk 15:5-6).


One of the most popular stories of recent years is called "Footprints in the Sand." It is the Reflection of a person who is puzzled that, although Christ's footprints normally appear next to his own in the sand, as they walk together through life, yet when he is in special need or trouble only one set of prints can be seen.

And so he asks, "Where were you, Lord, when I needed you most?" To which Jesus replies: "Ah, but there were only one set of footprints because it was then that I carried you!"

This is a thought of great comfort, and yet to be picked up and carried is difficult for many of us to accept. Thoughts like, "I'm too heavy," "I'm too embarrassed, " "I'm not helpless," or "I'm not worthy," fill our minds. But eventually we have to admit: "I am too tired; I am too sick," or "I am too scared." To surrender and submit to the strong arms of a Savior humiliates the proud but brings joy to the weary. What keeps us from being helped is our fierce self-sufficiency.


Today, surrender yourself to the Good Shepherd in prayer. Be alert to others around you that need to be carried for a while in your own arms

John of God - St. Michael - Jesus, King of All Nations Devotion

From the Jesus, King of All Nations Devotion...

St. Michael revealed that it was the Most Holy Will of God that he be honored as the Protector of the Church of Christ on Earth and Guardian of the Most Blessed Sacrament.

St. Michael told God's servant, "Let souls turn to me for renewed devotion to Our Lord in this Blessed Sacrament! He must be properly adored, loved, thanked, praised and worshipped in this the Most Glorious Sacrament."

"Let souls call upon me whenever sacrileges and abominations are being committed against the Most High God in this Sacrament of His Love. I promise to put to flight His every enemy. Great is my zeal for the glory of God!!!"


1. "I promise to those souls who embrace this devotion and invoke me under my title of Protector of the Church of Christ on Earth, protection from the enemy during life and especially at the hour of their...death when the assaults of the enemy are most violent."

2. "I, the Archangel Michael, promise to obtain these faithful Catholic souls...the beautiful grace of an angelic escort to the table of the Lord Jesus Christ. I myself will accompany these souls who approach Our Lord in Holy Communion with reverence, faith and love."

3. "I, myself, will obtain these souls the grace...of daily conversion for those already in the Church, and that of conversion to the One True Faith of those souls, whom Christ loves dearly, who are presently estranged from Holy Mother, the Catholic Church."

Part of the devotion to Jesus, King of All Nations involves wearing or possessing a medal which has Jesus, King of All Nations on one side and St. Michael the Archangel on the reverse, who was sent by God to His servant many times to show her how He wished the holy Archangel to appear with Our Eucharistic Jesus on the reverse side of the medal.

St. Michael appeared in flight enveloped in glory with a fiery sword in his right hand raised above his head. His left hand held a pair of scales over the earth representing justice. Wisdom 1:15. St. Michael wore a crown set with sparkling diamonds and surmounted in the front by a cross. To the right of St. Michael above his head appeared the Sacred Host with the letters "IHS" and a small cross above. "IHS" is the monogram derived from the Greek word for Jesus. Drops of the Most Precious Blood dripped from the Sacred Host into a chalice below.

It was revealed that around the border should appear the words "At that time there shall arise Michael, the Great Prince, Guardian of Your People." Daniel 12:1.

Message to Michael DiBitetto Nov.18,2008 THE T.R.U.S.T. PRAYER GROUP OF SHELTON, CT November 18, 2008 Tuesday evening 7:00 p.m.

Tonight we prayed The Marian Prayers At the end of the 3rd decade, Our Blessed Mother has appeared as…

“Our Lady Of All Nations”

Michael said: I bow down only to Jesus Christ


- now over the picture of The Sacred Heart, St. Padre-Pio has appeared and he is celebrating mass.

-and now on the-wall … I see a very LARGE BROWN CROSS …

-and now on the bottom of the cross I see a LARGE BROWN ANCHOR (The Anchor signifies ‘hope’)

-and now I see The Holy Spirit as a ‘DOVE’ on the-wall … and It’s coming from –the-wall- and is going around the room, and It’s going “over” everyone’s head … including everyone on the radio internet.

And now once again… I see …



























(and now The Blessed Mother has disappeared. )

-and now over The picture of The Sacred Heart … St.Padre Pio has appeared and he’s still celebrating mass …

-and now over The picture of The Divine Mercy … The Holy Spirit has appeared and ray’s of light are coming down towards everyone in the prayer group.

-and now …on the wall … I see … St. Padre Pio … and he’s holding The Eucharist out towards the prayer group … and They’re coming from his hand out one-at-a-time towards everyone in the prayer group … everyone is receiving Spiritual Communion from St. Padre Pio this evening.


That is all for this evening … Thank you for joining us in prayer.



The periods that sometimes appear after some of Blessed Mothers words mean this is where She has .... paused.... before Her next word or paragraph.

And to all our brothers and sisters everywhere…Thank you all for joining us in prayer…. Especially those who live too far away to join us here in Shelton….MAY GOD BLESS YOU AND MAY OUR BLESSED MOTHER BE ALWAYS BY YOUR SIDE…. AND MAY THEY BLESS AND INCREASE THE PRAYER-GROUPS THAT HAVE STARTED……..for more information e-mail us at trustprayergrp@ sbcglobal. net

If you would like to join us in prayer here or at your home…please let us know…e-mail us at trustprayergrp@ sbcglobal. net

The Prayer Group

http://trustprayerg rp.org/

John of God - Medjugorje visionary in New Orleans

Ivan Dragicevic, visionary from Medjugorje Visits New Orleans SATURDAY!

How blessed are we to have Our Lady in our midst. I've flown thousands of miles to Medjugorje to be in her presence. How blessed to be able to merely drive across town!

Dear children, your Mother invites you to joy. Your Mother asks you to begin to live tonight's message. Again tonight, your Mother asks you to give me all your problems and all your hardships. Thank you, dear children, for continuing to live in prayer all that I have said to you (Visionary Prayer Group June 26,1990).

And from Paul's second letter to the Corinthians: But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness." So, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. Therefore I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities for the sake of Christ; for whenever I am weak, than I am strong (2 Cor 12:9-12).


Abraham Lincoln once said, "I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go." Most of us know the truth of Lincoln's words. There is hope in the fact that when we do sink to our knees, we then have something to support us. When we finally exhaust our own power, we can depend on the power of God.

We know that one of the best things that could happen to us, in experiencing a low point in life, is to reach out like St. Paul, who found God most powerfully when he was the weakest.


A prayer for today: Most loving Lord, thank you for being there at the lowest points of my life. Continue to take my hand and pull me up. Amen

Message to J.N.S.R. July 15, 2008

To each child

July 15, 2008 JESUS says: Let me lead you. I will erase all your faults and your ill impressions. When the road is straight, you feel much better.

Mankind looks for some complication in order to succeed wherever the road appears to be straight. And mankind loves to go around the goal before crossing it.......

I said to you that God alone, can lead you where all things of this world stop, for the road is cut off where God has fixed a barrier because danger is just behind you. No one, even by reflecting a long time, will be able to remain focused to this world fleeing to its annihilation, in facing this new world which is already in preparation and it is useless to try to set this world upright again from this shaky foundation which man has exchanged with the one that God had given him.

For the majority of beings have abandoned Me in order to follow the Master of forbidden pleasures forbidden by God. Your freedom has earned this right.

But everything is falling apart and will fall apart, at the crucial moment for Satan and his acolytes, when the Hour of Glory of the Almighty Creator has come. Satan will go away from the Path that God will take to save all His children who are coming back to Him. And just like the mob of Egyptians of ancient times, all (including Satan), and his acolytes shall be annihilated, choked by the air or rather by the lack of air.

And particularly, by this army of Saints that will not let them go forward any longer until the Queen of Heaven and Earth sets Her Adorable Foot on the head of the Perfidious one to capture him and bring him to the Father, who will decide of his definite fate, before the Son who will affix His Divine Seal, and the Holy Spirit who will take him to the place where he was not to come out of, if mankind had not chosen him, like the day when Barabbas was delivered in My place. Everything depends on the choices of men. But Satan is a spirit that only God can destroy.

It has arrived, the Hour when God will destroy Evil, and all that it brought forward. The works of Satan will not even be a memory in this New World where the Heavens will be the mirror of the Earth and the Earth the mirror of Heaven. "Heaven and Earth are full of Your Glory!" Lord, Blessed be the Name Thrice Holy, of God, the Eternal.

"Come near Me", says the Lord. I must speak to you. The time has come to go further. Evil shall be totally defeated at the moment when the barrier of the present world is put down behind you. I am the One walking with you, the Unique Savior of all the worlds, for I created them to be eternal like their Creator.

You will all go forward, united and confident, for the Lord does not forget any of His little ones. You will be My children and I, your Father, to whom in joy and kindness, you will obey, for obstacles, We shall overrun. I do not want fear to dwell in you, there is no reason for it to exist before God. Be confident. Only Love will make everything visible.

Once the barrier has been left behind, do not look back, for already, the New Earth is appearing while the one that was for you but a stop on the way, is collapsing. Do not survey this past that was for God a cruel era for all His children. Even though it was the Purificator of the souls rebelling against My Love.

I am the One who from all time, sought you out and conquered you at this very price: the Suffering of My Son and yours also. God obeys, like each of you must obey, to what IS the Holy Word of God, in the Creative and Sanctifying Spirit that is God Himself. Such is the Holy Law of God, established by God, followed by God to maintain the Balance of the whole Universe which is God's Creation.

You will stop at that barrier for the Angels are waiting for you.

JNSR: Lord, are we able to continue after that stop? Thank you, Lord!

JESUS: Write. In the fog where these souls will be, who do not want to cross this barrier with Me, and never look back, these souls will see the end of all that was in your life, and in the life of the planet Earth. They will be annihilated as were the Egyptians of those ancient times. The small number of survivors of that disaster will be the Witnesses of the Past. I will make them speak of their disobedience and the horror they went through as witnesses of horror.

And then, you will be awaiting the events to follow. At that point, it will be the Elevation, the Meeting in Heaven with those who have been waiting for you for a long time, with the Divine Presence in your midst.

You will then be in My Time, and forever reunited, those from Heaven with those from the Earth. Recognizable, for Love alone will make all things visible.

Happy those who will have waited for Me, confident and faithful, for God has only one Word. It is Alive and True, full of Love, and Faithful.

With your Holy Faithful Angel, your Marvelous JESUS Christ, Saviour of the World + Amen

The third paragraph of this Message (page 65) seemed difficult to understand by the translators, JNSR explains, according to the inspirations of the Lord.

JNSR: When God sets His barrier, it will be to separate you from the danger which will be behind you. At that time, nobody will be able to live in the Old World, which is already fleeing before the Plan of God, accepted in all freedom by all His children called to live with Him. All of the ancient will totally collapse at the crucial moment for Satan and his acolytes, when the Hour of Glory of the Almighty Creator rings

When JESUS goes by with all His children who are saved, the barrier will prevent Satan and his gloomy followers to pursue them. Just as it was at another time, where God let His People cross to the other side of the Red Sea, which closed on the enemy.

An army of Saints will accompany the unchallenged Queen of Heaven and Earth, Holy Mary, Mother of God, to capture the Enemy of God and of man. She will force him to his knees, face down.

She, then, will set Her Adorable Foot on Satan's head, in order to capture him and bring him to the Almighty Father, who, alone, will decide his fate, before the Son who will approve, and the Holy Spirit who will take him to the only place he should never have left: Hell. http://www.blogger.com/home?pli=1

The People of God will approve, remembering what their forefathers did to the Son of God that day, when they chose Barabbas to be delivered instead of the Innocent.

As Satan is a spirit, and that only God can annihilate him, the Master of History will make him a prisoner for one thousand years, as St. John confirms.



"Glorious St. Joseph, tenderhearted father, faithful guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of God, I ask you to join me in praising God the Father through His Divine Son who died on the cross and rose again to give us sinners new life. Through the Holy Name of Jesus, pray with me that we may obtain from the eternal Father the favor we ask. (here state your intention)."

Say this prayer for nine consecutive days.

Fear not! God is your shelter (the 23rd Psalm and the Lord’s Prayer. God never fails. Don’t fail him. Call on Jesus. Jesus on the mainline, tell him what you want!


BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)







Part I


Part II





Part I


Part II



For further information:





Black, African Saints


Black and African Catholics Prophecy Meditations





Black African Catholics Coptic, Latin rite, Orthodox Prophecies Meditations


Black Saints Videos Part I



YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, DailyMotion, Blip.tv, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast

Part II



YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, Revver, DailyMotion, Blip.tv, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast

James Wesly Smith is an attorney and writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the Early African Liturgical Churches. His 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at stbernice@yahoo.com

Posted by realm/blackcatholics at 7:56 AM PST
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Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Now Playing: Afrocentric Sorrowful Mysteries of Suffering Jesus, Stations of the Cross
Topic: Prophecy Meditation


African Christians, Pacific, Marianas, and Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Polynesia, Oceania Christians, Black Catholics Everywhere, Black African Saints, Coptic, Orthodox, Roman Catholic Saints, Black Spirituality


Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,


DEVOTIONS AND PRAYERS FOR THE LITURGICAL CHURCHES AND ALL OTHER CHRISTIANS WHO SO DESIRE(Including Lutheran, Episcopalian, Anglican, and members in the Mystical Body of Christ –All Christianity combined):

Black Christ

Black Christ





 Afrocentric Sorrowful Mysteries Rosary Pt I

 Afrocentric Sorrowful Mysteries Rosary Pt II

 Afrocentric Stations Cross Pt. I

Afrocentric Stations Cross Pt. I I





Pray the Joyful Mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous Mysteries on Thursday, the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious Mysteries on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent – Sorrowful. Mysteries/Meditations are events in the Life of Yeshua(Jeus)!

See http://www.rosary-center.org/howto.htm


Black Christ

Divine MercyBlack Christ

Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I


Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT II


Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PTlII






Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book (James Wesly Smith), 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from BarnesandNobles.com, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from www.booklocker.com/books/3088.html


Other Apostles Evangelize Africa

Matthew, Jude Thaddeus Lebbeus, John Mark (who died in Alexandria (Kemet/Egypt), Nathaniel Bartholomew, the Ethiopian Eunuch, and other apostles and disciples of Yeshua (Jesus) evangelized Africa.

But some evidence exists that St. Peter stopped and preached awhile in Africa (setting up the church in Babylon, Kemet (Egypt), mentoring his protégé, the African, St. Mark (Gospel of Mark). Mark became the first (arch) bishop of Alexandria, Kemet (Egypt). He also served as secretary to Paul, thus straddling two links in the early Church. More about this as facts are discovered in Vol. II.)

I am Mattai (Matthew Levi, also called the Evangelist). Alpheus and Mary were my parents. I spread the good news in Kemet, Ethiopia, Axum, (Abyssinia) for 23 years, (See Ruffin, The 12 Apostles, p.140). In battling two magicians, Zaroes and Arfaxat, through the power of Jesus Christ, I raised the son of King Aeglippus from dead. The magicians were forced to flee to what is now Iran.

I visited my Jewish brethren in Kemet and I am connected with the tradition/history of Abadias. I preached to the Hebrews and wrote a Gospel for them in Aramaic before I continued my missionary work. In Africa, I was called apostle to the Ethiopians (Greek for “burnt faces”).

I was stoned and crucified downwards in Hierapolis, then beheaded. I am not black, as the term is understood, but I ministered in Africa, and so affiliated.

I am Simon Zelotes. From the bishop of Tyre and theologian, Dorotheus, traditions holds that I preached in Mauritania, Kemet, Libya, before going to Britain. The Coptic Church chronicles my travels in Kemet, and other parts of Akebulan (Africa), including what is now Tunisia, Mauretania Caesariensis (partly Morocco and Algeria). The Apostles, p. 146, puts Simon Zelotes in Mauritania, Kemet, and Libya.

I am Jude Thaddeus (LEBBEUS)

Traditionally my evangelizing in Africa answered a letter received from the King of Axum, Abgar, the Black, by my cousin, Yeshua. But Jesus was on the way to the crucifixion. (Some say the actions took place in between Tigris and Euphrates). I also evangelized in India and what is now Burma.

I am Phillip. I evangelized in Ethiopia and other parts of Africa. Traditionally, I am shown preaching in Carthage (now found in present-day Tunisia, Libya).

An Ethiopian Orthodox Church tradition shows its apostolic succession is from me. I consecrated as a bishop, the Ethiopian Eunuch Finance minister of the Kandake (the warrior Queen Candace).

I am Nathaniel bar Tomai (Bartholomew). I evangelized in Central India, as well an area you would now consider black, and I preached in Kemet, according to Eusebius.

I am Thomas Didymus (The Twin). I founded the Church in what is now Beijing, China. I preached in India. The explorer, Marco Polo, prayed at my tomb in Malabar Province. Many of the priests and bishops designated Mar find their apostolic succession from me.

I am John Mark (Mark). I am called the evangelist. Martyred in or near Alexandria, Kemet (or dying there) see the New American Bible preface on section of John Mark.

Black Saint Videos

Part I https://www.youtube.com/v/sUnU4xR5D9E

Part II https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMnYwZEfBg4

Black Saints Videos

https://www.angelfire.com/realm/blackcatholics/BlackSaintsVideos.html Black Saints Videos



Test! Discern The Spirit! Accept what speaks to YOUR SOUL/SPIRIT. Disregard the rest!

Fair use, educational and religious purposes, 17 U.S.C. for those in the Africa Diasora who would otherwise not be exposed to such.

Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 18 - DO NOT GIVE IN St. Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr (d. 107), Syria—Oct. 17 "Be careful, therefore, to take part only in the one Eucharist; for there is only one Flesh of our Lord Jesus Christ and one cup to unite us with His Blood."

Mother Teresa - We need to work for Christ with a humble heart, with the humility of Christ. He comes and uses us to be His love and compassion in the world in spite of our weaknesses and frailties.

Meditations by Padre Pio - Jesus and your soul must cultivate the vineyard together. It is for you to pick up and carry away the stones, to pull out the thorn bushes. It is the task of Jesus to sow, plant, cultivate, to water.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen - To hype without sincerity is fleeting "Influences are of two kinds: conscious and unconscious. Conscious influence is one in which we deliberately seek to mold character or the mentality of another. This kind of influence is not always sound, it is too closely related to advertising. Almost all the great impacts on the characters of others have been made indirectly, not directly. He who starts out to `edify' others almost always makes a fool of himself."

St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html - Today, I heard these words: You see how weak you are, so when shall I be able to count on you? I answered, "Jesus, be always with me, for I am Your little child. Jesus, You know what little children do." (722)

I have understood that at certain and most difficult moments I shall be alone, deserted by everyone, and that I must face all the storms and fight with all the strength of my soul, even with those from whom I expected to get help.

But I am not alone, because Jesus is with me, and with Him I fear nothing. I am well aware of everything, and I know what God is demanding of me. Suffering, contempt, ridicule, persecution, and humiliation will be my constant lot. I know no other way. For sincere love-ingratitude; this is my path, marked out by the footprints of Jesus.

My Jesus, my strength and my only hope, in You alone is all my hope. My trust will not be frustrated. (746)

Dailys - http://www.catholic-forum.com/e-pistle.html - Quote of the Day Be careful to give no credit to yourself for anything; if you do, you are stealing from God, to whom alone every good thing is due. -St Vincent de Paul

Today's Tidbit The process for canonization that allowed Elizabeth to be canonized so quickly is no longer used. Now a more formalized, legal process is required before a person is recognized officially as a saint.


These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press. Nov 18 - DO NOT GIVE IN Early in the apparitions, the Virgin spoke to the visionaries of endurance:

Do not give in. Keep your faith. I will accompany you at every step (First Years November 10, 1981).

Paul also speaks of endurance:

Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, so that they also obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory. The saying is sure:

If we have died with him, We will also live with him; If we endure, we will also reign with him (2 Tm 2:10-12).


Many years ago two men were on board a sailing ship, going back to their home on a far-off Pacific island, when one of them noticed a little grain of corn at his feet. He picked it up and examined it. "It's a grain of corn," he said. "If it were a sackful it might be of some use!! And he threw it away again carelessly.

But the other man picked it up, put it in his pocket and treasured it until they reached their island home. Then he sowed it. It grew into a plant, and yielded a tiny crop, so small as to be laughable. But he planted that in turn, and the next time the result was enough to give a few grains to each of his many friends. So the crop grew, and in the end it yielded an abundant harvest. The little seed was the means of introducing corn to the Pacific islands.

When the seed of faith first comes into our lives with its love and power and we feel its great energy, we treat it with great reverence. As time goes by, however, we may begin to take it for granted. We can get lazy, tired, and careless. When that begins to happen, we are in danger of sliding into lukewarmness. And so Our Lady says today, "Do not give in. Keep your faith;" and in Revelation: "[This] is a call for endurance and the faith of the saints."

One of the great values of the Medjugorje messages is that they renew and energize our faith, guarding us from lethargy. As long as we heed the messages, our faith cannot help but deepen and bear an abundant harvest.


Simply offer the following prayer today: Mother Mary, your messages have meant new life to me. They have given me healing and hope, deepening my faith. Please keep me attentive and truly careful about what I hold most dear. Amen

Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 17 - GIVE ME ALL YOUR HARDSHIPS

St. Teresa of Avila, Carmelite & Church Doctor (1515-1582), Spain—Oct. 15 She wrote, "I am quite sure that if we could but once approach the Most Holy Sacrament with great faith and love, it would suffice to make us rich. How much more so if we approach it often!"

Mother Teresa -

The Scriptures tell us, "I have called you by name. You belong to me. You are precious to me. I love you." God Himself declares that we are precious to Him. He loves us, and He wants us to respond to His love.

Meditations by Padre Pio - There is nothing more nauseating than a woman, especially if she is married, who is fickle, frivolous and haughty.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen -

The canvas of memories is filled by the brushstroke of our actions

"With some measure of pessimism, Shakespeare makes one of his characters say: `The evil that men do lives after them, the good is oft interred with their bones" (Julius Caesar, Act III, Scene ii, Line 79). More hopeful was the poet who wrote: `Full lasting is the song, though he the singer passes' (George Meredith, The Thrush in February, 7).

Both, however, are in agreement on the importance of influence, either for evil or for good. Some can look back and fix the day when a good influence began and say with Dante: `In that part of the book of my memory, before which is little that can be read, there is a rubric, saying `The new life begins." " (La Vita Nuova, tr. by Dante Gabriel Rossetti). In the gallery of memory, some portrait is hanging to which one can acknowledge a debt of formation, or a fresh vision of life."

St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html - O my Jesus, nothing is better for the soul than humiliations. In contempt is the secret of happiness, when the soul recognizes that, of itself, it is only wretchedness and nothingness, and that whatever it possesses of good is a gift of God.

When the soul sees that everything is given it freely and that the only thing it has of itself is its own misery, this is what sustains it in a continual act of humble prostration before the majesty of God. And God, seeing the soul in such a disposition, pursues it with His graces. As the soul continues to immerse itself more deeply into the abyss of its nothingness and need, God uses His omnipotence to exalt it. If there is a truly happy soul upon earth, it can only be a truly humble soul.

At first, one's self-love suffers greatly on this account, but after a soul has struggled courageously, God grants it much light by which it sees how wretched and full of deception everything is. God alone is in its heart. A humble soul does not trust itself, but places all its confidence in God. God defends the humble soul and lets Himself into its secrets, and the soul abides in unsurpassable happiness which no one can comprehend. (593)

My Jesus, You see how weak I am of myself. Therefore, You Yourself direct my affairs. And know, Jesus, that without You I will not budge for any cause, but with You I will take on the most difficult things. (602)

Dailys - http://www.catholic-forum.com/e-pistle.html - Quote of the Day We cultivate a very small field for Christ, but we love it, knowing that God does not require great achievements but a heart that holds back nothing for self. -St. Rose Philippine Duchesne

Today's Tidbit When the Bishops of the United States said that it was no longer required that meat not be eaten on Fridays, they did not say that people could no longer continue this practice as a personal sign of penance. The abstinence from meat on certain days is still a popular way of showing interior dedication to God and used as a penance to remind us of Jesus' sacrifice for us.


These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.


The following was given to Ivan's prayer group in 1990:

Dear children, your Mother invites you to joy. Your Mother asks you to begin to live tonight's message. Again tonight, your Mother asks you to give me all your problems and all your hardships. Thank you, dear children, for continuing to live in prayer all that I have said to you (Visionary Prayer Group June 26,1990).

And from Paul's second letter to the Corinthians:

But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness." So, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. Therefore I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities for the sake of Christ; for whenever I am weak, than I am strong (2 Cor 12:9-12).


Abraham Lincoln once said, "I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go." Most of us know the truth of Lincoln's words. There is hope in the fact that when we do sink to our knees, we then have something to support us. When we finally exhaust our own power, we can depend on the power of God.

We know that one of the best things that could happen to us, in experiencing a low point in life, is to reach out like St. Paul, who found God most powerfully when he was the weakest.


A prayer for today: Most loving Lord, thank you for being there at the lowest points of my life. Continue to take my hand and pull me up. Amen

Message to J.N.S.R. July 15, 2008

To each child

July 15, 2008

JESUS says: Let me lead you. I will erase all your faults and your ill impressions. When the road is straight, you feel much better.

Mankind looks for some complication in order to succeed wherever the road appears to be straight. And mankind loves to go around the goal before crossing it.......

I said to you that God alone, can lead you where all things of this world stop, for the road is cut off where God has fixed a barrier because danger is just behind you. No one, even by reflecting a long time, will be able to remain focused to this world fleeing to its annihilation, in facing this new world which is already in preparation and it is useless to try to set this world upright again from this shaky foundation which man has exchanged with the one that God had given him.

For the majority of beings have abandoned Me in order to follow the Master of forbidden pleasures forbidden by God. Your freedom has earned this right.

But everything is falling apart and will fall apart, at the crucial moment for Satan and his acolytes, when the Hour of Glory of the Almighty Creator has come. Satan will go away from the Path that God will take to save all His children who are coming back to Him. And just like the mob of Egyptians of ancient times, all (including Satan), and his acolytes shall be annihilated, choked by the air or rather by the lack of air.

And particularly, by this army of Saints that will not let them go forward any longer until the Queen of Heaven and Earth sets Her Adorable Foot on the head of the Perfidious one to capture him and bring him to the Father, who will decide of his definite fate, before the Son who will affix His Divine Seal, and the Holy Spirit who will take him to the place where he was not to come out of, if mankind had not chosen him, like the day when Barabbas was delivered in My place. Everything depends on the choices of men. But Satan is a spirit that only God can destroy.

It has arrived, the Hour when God will destroy Evil, and all that it brought forward. The works of Satan will not even be a memory in this New World where the Heavens will be the mirror of the Earth and the Earth the mirror of Heaven.

"Heaven and Earth are full of Your Glory!" Lord, Blessed be the Name Thrice Holy, of God, the Eternal.

"Come near Me", says the Lord. I must speak to you. The time has come to go further. Evil shall be totally defeated at the moment when the barrier of the present world is put down behind you.

I am the One walking with you, the Unique Savior of all the worlds, for I created them to be eternal like their Creator.

You will all go forward, united and confident, for the Lord does not forget any of His little ones. You will be My children and I, your Father, to whom in joy and kindness, you will obey, for obstacles, We shall overrun. I do not want fear to dwell in you, there is no reason for it to exist before God. Be confident. Only Love will make everything visible.

Once the barrier has been left behind, do not look back, for already, the New Earth is appearing while the one that was for you but a stop on the way, is collapsing. Do not survey this past that was for God a cruel era for all His children. Even though it was the Purificator of the souls rebelling against My Love.

I am the One who from all time, sought you out and conquered you at this very price: the Suffering of My Son and yours also. God obeys, like each of you must obey, to what IS the Holy Word of God, in the Creative and Sanctifying Spirit that is God Himself. Such is the Holy Law of God, established by God, followed by God to maintain the Balance of the whole Universe which is God's Creation.

You will stop at that barrier for the Angels are waiting for you. JNSR: Lord, are we able to continue after that stop? Thank you, Lord!

JESUS: Write. In the fog where these souls will be, who do not want to cross this barrier with Me, and never look back, these souls will see the end of all that was in your life, and in the life of the planet Earth. They will be annihilated as were the Egyptians of those ancient times. The small number of survivors of that disaster will be the Witnesses of the Past. I will make them speak of their disobedience and the horror they went through as witnesses of horror.

And then, you will be awaiting the events to follow. At that point, it will be the Elevation, the Meeting in Heaven with those who have been waiting for you for a long time, with the Divine Presence in your midst.

You will then be in My Time, and forever reunited, those from Heaven with those from the Earth. Recognizable, for Love alone will make all things visible.

Happy those who will have waited for Me, confident and faithful, for God has only one Word. It is Alive and True, full of Love, and Faithful.

With your Holy Faithful Angel, your Marvelous JESUS Christ, Saviour of the World + Amen

The third paragraph of this Message (page 65) seemed difficult to understand by the translators, JNSR explains, according to the inspirations of the Lord.

JNSR: When God sets His barrier, it will be to separate you from the danger which will be behind you. At that time, nobody will be able to live in the Old World, which is already fleeing before the Plan of God, accepted in all freedom by all His children called to live with Him.

All of the ancient will totally collapse at the crucial moment for Satan and his acolytes, when the Hour of Glory of the Almighty Creator rings

When JESUS goes by with all His children who are saved, the barrier will prevent Satan and his gloomy followers to pursue them. Just as it was at another time, where God let His People cross to the other side of the Red Sea, which closed on the enemy.

An army of Saints will accompany the unchallenged Queen of Heaven and Earth, Holy Mary, Mother of God, to capture the Enemy of God and of man. She will force him to his knees, face down.

She, then, will set Her Adorable Foot on Satan's head, in order to capture him and bring him to the Almighty Father, who, alone, will decide his fate, before the Son who will approve, and the Holy Spirit who will take him to the only place he should never have left: Hell.

The People of God will approve, remembering what their forefathers did to the Son of God that day, when they chose Barabbas to be delivered instead of the Innocent.

As Satan is a spirit, and that only God can annihilate him, the Master of History will make him a prisoner for one thousand years, as St. John confirms.


Message to littlest of servants November 16, 2008

While in Church this morning praying before the BLESSED SACREMENT I received the following message.

I saw many women on the altar and then JESUS spoke to me and said that women should not serve HIM at at the altar. HE told me that this question had been cleared up many, many centuries ago but now they (priests, bishops, and cardinals) were doing what they wanted. That many of them were no longer serving HIM but only serving themselves. Vision to littlest of servants November 16, 2008

While in Church this morning after receiving the BLESSED SACRAMENT I saw the following vision.

I saw a room like in a hospital and I saw into the room and I could see then that it was operation room.

JESUS then spoke to me and told me that HE was soon going to perform spiritual surgery on HIS CHURCH (HIS BODY).

That HE was going to carefully cut out the cancer of disobedience that was threatening HIS CHURCH (HIS BODY). That when HE was done only the very healthy parts of HIS CHURCH (HIS BODY) would remain. AND these would flourish as never before in the history of HIS CHURCH. Message from Our Blessed Mother to Carlos Lopez Nov.5,2008

November 5, 2008 St. Bruno’s Church, San Bruno, CA

Dear little children,

The Lion of the Tribe of Judah is awake and alert listening to the cry of his people. Await, for the Lord awaits with patience the moment to bring about His plan for the good and the glory of the Father.

Many of my children live in the world as though they were blind. This blindness is the lack of light which light comes from the Holy Spirit. These children of mine are deprived of both this light and God. They live in darkness and they cannot see the light. He who lives in the lie, lives in darkness; the light of the truth is not in them.

Dear little children, The Truth, the Way and the Life is Christ Jesus. Those who live in the truth belong to God. Those who attack the truth do not live in the light because Christ is not in them.

They do not know the truth; they do not live in the light, but rather in darkness. Those who attack the truth are against Christ and if they are against Christ, they are antichrists. Pray, pray, pray so that the darkness of the lie may not reach you also. You must do penance, make sacrifices, fast and pray much as I ask you to – with the heart.

Little children, do not fear, do not despair, do not become discouraged. Remember that the Lion of Judah is awake and alert. The Blood of the Lamb covers you and protects you. I, your mother, fill you with strength and with peace.

Why do you fear? Is Jesus not the Light of the World, the Way and the Truth? If you live in the Truth, the same Truth will set you free. The defender of justice defends those who love justice. Pray, pray, pray for if you do not and if you do not take my messages seriously, you will see heresy, apostasy and sin double. If you obey me, I will be able to help you and that which is impossible before your eyes, will become possible before your eyes.

I love you and I bless you. I cover you under my motherly mantle and of protection. Pray, pray, pray. I bless in a special way my beloved priests and deacon who helped me. May the peace of God be always with you.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


"Glorious St. Joseph, tenderhearted father, faithful guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of God, I ask you to join me in praising God the Father through His Divine Son who died on the cross and rose again to give us sinners new life. Through the Holy Name of Jesus, pray with me that we may obtain from the eternal Father the favor we ask. (here state your intention)."

Say this prayer for nine consecutive days.

Fear not! God is your shelter (the 23rd Psalm and the Lord’s Prayer. God never fails. Don’t fail him. Call on Jesus. Jesus on the mainline, tell him what you want!


BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)






Part I


Part II





Part I


Part II


For further information:





Black, African Saints


Black and African Catholics Prophecy Meditations





Black African Catholics Coptic, Latin rite, Orthodox Prophecies Meditations


Black Saints Videos Part I


YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, DailyMotion, Blip.tv, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast

Part II



YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, Revver, DailyMotion, Blip.tv, Veoh, Stupid Videos, Sclipo, Viddler and Howcast

James Wesly Smith is an attorney and writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the Early African Liturgical Churches. His 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at stbernice@yahoo.com

Posted by realm/blackcatholics at 7:19 AM PST
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Monday, 17 November 2008
Now Playing: Joyful Mysteries Rosary
Topic: Preparations for Prophecy
17 NOV. PROPHECY, WARNING MEDITATIONS FOR AFRICAN DIASPORA CHRISTIANS -- BLACK CATHOLICS, COPTICS, ORTHODOX IN THE MYSTICAL BODY OF CHRIST, LITURGICAL AND CHRISTIAN CHURCHES African Christians, Pacific, Marianas, and Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Polynesia, Oceania Christians, Black Catholics Everywhere, Black African Saints, Coptic, Orthodox, Roman Catholic Saints, Black Spirituality


Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,


DEVOTIONS AND PRAYERS FOR THE LITURGICAL CHURCHES AND ALL OTHER CHRISTIANS WHO SO DESIRE(Including Lutheran, Episcopalian, Anglican, and members in the Mystical Body of Christ –All Christianity combined):

Black Christ

Black Christ





Joyful Mysteries


Pray the Joyful Mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous Mysteries on Thursday, the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious Mysteries on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent – Sorrowful. Mysteries/Meditations are events in the Life of Yeshua(Jeus)!

See http://www.rosary-center.org/howto.htm


Black Christ

Divine MercyBlack Christ

Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I


Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT II



Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PTlII







Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book (James Wesly Smith), 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from BarnesandNobles.com, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from www.booklocker.com/books/3088.html


Restituta, I am the Virgin Martyr. Suffered under the persecutions of the persecutions of Valerianus. The sunrise of my life was at Ponizara Africa. I was tortured in Carthage, by fire. Almost like the later Vikings funderals, I was tied to a board, which was loaded with incendiaries, and accelerants. The vessel was set afire.

The grace of God allowed me to drift to the coast of what was later to become Italy with my remains.17 May

Restituta, I died 255 A.D. at Carthage. Martyr,

Restituta with Saturninus, and four children, the lectors Saturninus (another) and Felix, and the nun, Maria, and the toddler, Hilarion; Senator Dativus; Thelica, Emeritus, Felix, Ampellius, Rogatianus, Victoria, 37 other Christians ( Felix, Quintus, Maximianus, Rogatianus, Rogatus, Januarius, Cassianus, Victorianus, Vincentius, Caecilianus, Prima, Rogatianus, Eva, Givalius, Rogatus, Pimponia, Secunda, Januaria, Saturnina, Martinus, Datus, Felix, Margarita, Major, Honorata, Regiola, Victorinus, Pelusius, Faustus, Datianus, Matrona, Caecilia, Heredina, Secunda, Matrona(another), Januaria, of Abitine, in the proconsular, Northwestern part of Africa.

We were arrested having prayed the Divine Mysteries in the Emeritus’ house. We professed the faith. I Saturninus was clubbed. I died in jail, 12 Feb. 304 A.D. 11 Feb. Roman, 20 Feb in Algiers.

Restitutus, Martyred atin Carthage with Maximus, 4 Oct.

Restitutus. Iam a bishop and martyr. Saint Augustine preached a sermon honoring me. 9 Dec.

Revocatus with Saturus, Felix, Saturninus, and Gelasius, Fortunatus, and Avitus, Martyred in Africa, 5 Feb.

Revocatus, I was a slave of Perpetua, martyred with Saturus, Saturninus, Secundulus, and Felicitas catechumen, (202, 203 A.D.), Martyrs. 1 Feb.

Rhais (Raisa) of Alexandria (308 A.D.), Virgin martyr, 5 Sept.

Rais, (also known as Herais, Rhais) with Irais. I am a Virgin martyr. I was a lass of 12 years of age. I was born at Tabne in Kemet. I professed Christ, and under the prefect Culcianus, I was beheaded with other women in 303 A.D.

Roa (Aroa), Martyred atfriend, and companion of Cyrilla (Cyprilla) at Cyrene in what is now Libya. 4 July.

Rodus, and 18 companions with Parmenas (Parmenius). Martyred in Alexandria with Heraclus, Elias, Apollo, (Tirinus, and 23 others).7 July

Rogata, martyred in Africa withQuintus, 19 May.

Rogatianus. martyred at Africa, with Martialis, 3 Jan.

Rogatianus. Martyred in Africa, , 28 Dec.

Rogatianus, martyred in Africa with Vincent, African deacon, and with Rusticianus. 31 Oct.

Rogatianus, (another) with Januarius with Saturninus, and four children, the lectors Saturninus (another) and Felix, and the nun, Maria, and the toddler, Hilarion; Senator Dativus; Thelica, Emeritus, Felix, Ampellius, Rogatianus, Victoria, 37 other Christians ( Felix, Quintus, Maximianus, Rogatus, Cassianus, Victorianus, Vincentius, Caecilianus, Restituta, Prima, Rogatianus, Eva, Givalius, Rogatus, Pimponia, Secunda, Januaria, Saturnina, Martinus, Datus, Felix, Margarita, Major, Honorata, Regiola, Victorinus, Pelusius, Faustus, Datianus, Matrona, Caecilia, Heredina, Secunda, Matrona(another), Januaria, of Abitine, Northwestern part of Africa Proconsularis.

We were arrested having prayed the Divine Mysteries in the Emeritus’ house. We professed the faith. I Saturninus was clubbed. I died in jail, 12 Feb. 304 A.D. 11 Feb. Roman, 20 Feb in Algiers.

Rogatianus, I was a priest with Felicissimus, who was a parishioner. We are martyrs, Saint Cyprian mentioned us because we witnessed about Christ Jesus. Cyprian said we witnessed a good confession for Christ. 26 Oct.

Rogatianus, Martyred in Africa, 28 Dec.

Rogatus, (another)Januarius with Saturninus, and four children, the lectors Saturninus (another) and Felix, and the nun, Maria, and the toddler, Hilarion; Senator Dativus; Thelica, Emeritus, Felix, Ampellius, Rogatianus, Victoria, 37 other Christians ( Felix, Quintus, Maximianus, Rogatianus, Cassianus, Victorianus, Vincentius, Caecilianus, Restituta, Prima, Rogatianus, Eva, Givalius, Rogatus, Pimponia, Secunda, Januaria, Saturnina, Martinus, Datus, Felix, Margarita, Major, Honorata, Regiola, Victorinus, Pelusius, Faustus, Datianus, Matrona, Caecilia, Heredina, Secunda, Matrona(another), Januaria, of Abitine, in the Northwestern part of Africa.

We were arrested having prayed the Divine Mysteries in the Emeritus’ house. We professed the faith. I Saturninus was clubbed. I died in jail, 12 Feb. 304 A.D. 11 Feb. Roman, 20 Feb in Algiers.

Rogatus, Septimus , monks

Rogatus, Zelotes, Martyred in Africa, 6 Dec.

Rogatus. Martyred in Africa, with Zoticus, 12 Jan.

Rogatus, Martyred in Africa in Abitene, Africa Proconsularis, with Saturninus, 11 Feb.

Rogatus, martyr in Africa with Catula, Autus, Victorinus, Saturninus, Salitor, Aprilis, Joseph, and Coliondola. 24 March

Rogatus and Successus, bishops. We are martyrs with 16 companions, in Northwestern Africa. 28 March.

Rogatus. We are two martyrs of that name in Africa with Cyriltus, 8 March.

Rogatus, martyred in Carthage, Africa 24 June.

Rogatus, martyred at Abitina Africa Proconsularis. I was jailed for assisting at mass. I was tortured, 12 Feb. 304 A.D. I died in prison, Saturninus. 1 July. In theCalendar Carthage.

Rogatus, Malentus, Nasseus, Maximus. We are martyrs at what is now Renault, Algiers in 329 A.D. We were killed in tradition by Donatists or pagans revolting. Our parents set a monument to us. 21___. 447 A.D.

Rogatus, Martyred in Africa with Mammerius, 24 Nov.

Rogatus, Martyred in Africa with Zelotes, 6 Dec.

Rogatus, martyr in Africa with Victorinus, 24 March, (probably the same as Rogatus, with Salitor. Martyred in Africa, 24 March)

Romana, I wam a martyr at Sirmium Rufina, 6 April.

Romana, Martyred in Africa with Quintus, 15 May.

Romanus, Paulus, Pansius, Dionysius, Thonius, Hopaesius, Hor, another Dionysius, Ammon, Bessammonius, Agatho, Recumbus, Bastmus, Sarmathus, Proteheas, Orion, Colluthus, Didymus, Pelesius, Arates, Theonas, Hippeas, Saturninus, Pinutus(Pinnutius), Serapion, Papias, Bastamonus, Pantherus, Papia, Dioscurus, Heron, Cyriacus, Papas, and Ammonius. We are martyrs who preached Jesus in Kemet, martyred in Alexandria, in a slowly burning fire with Paul, 18 Jan.

Romanus, Deacon, likewise Possibly a duplicate name, but a deacon in Alexandria, Kemet (Africa), who agreed to the deposition at Alexandria in 321A.D.in a synod of more than one hundred African Kemetian (Egyptian) and Libyan bishops of Heretic priest Arius and his wicked, irreverent henchmen. (One of the holy folk).

Romulus(subdeacon) of Diopolis, Paesis (Pausis), Alexander of Kemet, another Alexander of Gaza, Agapius, and Dionysius— beheaded after declaring their Christianity. (In Palestine) 24 March 303 A.D.

Romulus, and Secundus (Secundulus). We are brothers martyred. Tradition says we were from Tambula, Mauretania. 24 March (Probably the same as Romulus, Acutus, Pinnarius, Marulus, Successus, Misias, matutina, Donatus, Successa, Alexander, Solutor, and Saturninus. We were martyred in Africa, 27 March).

Rosula. Martyred in Carthage with Crescentinnus, 14 Sept.

Roys, I was an Ethiopian/Abyssinian friend

of God, 20 July.

Ruak, martyred from Kemet, with Antionius, 3 Oct.

Rubra. We are the martyrs of Rubra in Mauretania, Africa. Calendar of Carthage, 17 Jan.

Rufina, Romana, I wam a martyr at Sirmium, 6 April.

Ruffinus. Martyred in Hermopolis with Codratus, 9 March

Rufinus. Martyred in Africa with Epiphamius, 7 Apr.

Rufinus (Eunobius) and Andreas. Martyrs through the persecution of Julian the apostate. We are calendared in the Coptic Church. 20 Sept.

Rufinus with Paul. Martyred in Kemet with Victor, 27 April,

Rufinus with Paul. Martyred in Africa, 16 Nov. (Probably the same as Rufinus, Marcus, Valerius Victor, Paulus, Honoratus, Donatus, Baricus, Vitalis, Januarius, and Justus, martyred in Africa. 16 Nov).

Rufinus, I was known as the “Wonder Worker”, I was a deacon with Aquilina, the matron. We were martyred in Sinope, Kemet, in Pontus. Aquilina was jailed for provisioning Rufinus in prison. More than 200 soldiers were converted by our confessing Christ, and torture, as we showed courage and fortitude. 7 April.

Rufinus. Martyred in Africa with Marianus. 3 May.


Black Saint Videos

Part I https://www.youtube.com/v/sUnU4xR5D9E

Part II https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMnYwZEfBg4

Black Saints Videos

https://www.angelfire.com/realm/blackcatholics/BlackSaintsVideos.html Black Saints Videos




Test! Discern The Spirit! Accept what speaks to YOUR SOUL/SPIRIT. Disregard the rest!


Fair use, educational and religious purposes, 17 U.S.C. for those in the Africa Diasora who would otherwise not be exposed to such.





This is what I Heard Nov. 15,2008 -Lec

This is What I Heard

November 15, 2008 6:50 A.M.

From the Still, Small, Inner Voice

Son, be very much aware of whatever is taking place in the financial sector. Monitor developments closely and its effects. Times will get worse along this area.

Search for ways to maximize use of resources at your command so that life will not turn out quite hard in the coming days before the departure. Each and everyone has to prepare according to their means. If you lack anything, pray for it and I will listen.

Open your heart to extend assistance to those who come to you for help. Do not worry that what you have will be exhausted. There will always be replenishments coming from me. What you need is faith ..that I will provide.

Persevere in the coming hard times. This period is your final purification before I grant you and the faithful remnant the eventual escape from the coming difficulties.

7:00 A.M.

Scripture References: Good News Bible:

Revelation 6:6 I heard what sounded like a voice coming from among the four living creatures, which said, "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages.

The Departure At that time there shall arise Michael, the great prince, guardian of your people; It shall be a time unsurpassed in distress since nations began until that time. At that time your people shall escape, everyone who is found written in the book." (Cf. Dan 12:1)

JESUS SON of the VIRGIN MARY to littlest of servants November 15, 2008

MY MOTHER will soon be honored by ALL MANKIND!!!

I AM will bend every knee and every tongue will confess that MY MOTHER is indeed their MOTHER and their QUEEN.


Message to Eileen Renders Nov.16,2008


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Jesus Tells Us To Remain Strong In Our Faith

Today we attended the 8:00 AM Mass at our parish, Our Lady Of Sorrows. After making small offerings to Jesus and Mary, I prayed for all with special needs and intentions.

Offering up an Act of Contrition prior to receiving Holy Communion 9my husband and I made the Sacrament of Penance on Saturday), I received the most sacred Body and Blood of Christ!

On my knees with both hands covering my face, I prayed that Jesus would cover me with His most precious blood and I asked Him to wipe out all noise and distraction, other than what might come directly from Him.

Then I prayed, If it be Your will, speak Lord for Your servant listens. Jesus responded to my prayer and my heart saying, My child Eileen, after you have fallen, quickly you are on your feet again as is required by all My children.

Those of strong faith are not deterred by obstacles or disappointments, but place their trust in Me. I love you as I love all My children. Remain strong in your faith and continue to help and to pray for your brothers and sisters. Amen.

Note: As we and our country experience difficult times, this is just another opportunity to remain charitable to others and to extend our help or services whenever we are able to. Show mercy and Christ has shown mercy to us! This is what I felt Jesus was telling us today in His message. Remain strong in our faith, including love and charity as there are always those who are having a more difficult time of it and need our love, charity and prayers!

Message from Our Blessed Mother to Carlos Lopez Nov.5,2008

November 5, 2008 St. Bruno Church, San Bruno, CA

Dear little children,

The Lion of the Tribe of Judah is awake and alert listening to the cry of his people. Await, for the Lord awaits with patience the moment to bring about His plan for the good and the glory of the Father.

Many of my children live in the world as though they were blind. This blindness is the lack of light which light comes from the Holy Spirit. These children of mine are deprived of both this light and God. They live in darkness and they cannot see the light. He who lives in the lie, lives in darkness; the light of the truth is not in them.

Dear little children, The Truth, the Way and the Life is Christ Jesus. Those who live in the truth belong to God. Those who attack the truth do not live in the light because Christ is not in them.

They do not know the truth; they do not live in the light, but rather in darkness. Those who attack the truth are against Christ and if they are against Christ, they are antichrists. Pray, pray, pray so that the darkness of the lie may not reach you also. You must do penance, make sacrifices, fast and pray much as I ask you to – with the heart.

Little children, do not fear, do not despair, do not become discouraged. Remember that the Lion of Judah is awake and alert. The Blood of the Lamb covers you and protects you. I, your mother, fill you with strength and with peace.

Why do you fear? Is Jesus not the Light of the World, the Way and the Truth? If you live in the Truth, the same Truth will set you free. The defender of justice defends those who love justice. Pray, pray, pray for if you do not and if you do not take my messages seriously, you will see heresy, apostasy and sin double. If you obey me, I will be able to help you and that which is impossible before your eyes, will become possible before your eyes.

I love you and I bless you. I cover you under my motherly mantle and of protection. Pray, pray, pray. I bless in a special way my beloved priests and deacon who helped me. May the peace of God be always with you.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Vision to littlest of servants November 14, 2008

While in Church this morning praying before the BLESSED SACRAMENT I received the following vision.

I saw a snow storm and I was reminded of the same vision I had about fifteen years ago. In that vision I saw a snow storm and then JESUS spoke to me and told me that each snowflake in the snow storm represented a soul going into HELL that day.

This time Our Lady spoke to me and told me that what Her SON told me about fifteen years ago was still true today. She asked for prayers and sacrifices to save souls. She especially wants us to pray the ROSARY and DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET She then asked for the complete ROSARY DAILY, that is four ROSARIES, and also three DIVINE MERCY CHAPLETS a day.

Message to J.N.S.R. July 13,2008

The Word of JESUS Christ

Sunday, July 13, 2008

JNSR: Lord, do You want speak to me? I love You and I want to love You even more.

JESUS: The Lord loves to speak to you and often, in order to correct your sudden leaps, and lead you in My Only Truth.

Be at peace, I am with you, available to educate and counsel you. The channels of My undying Love are open day and night, for I must prepare you to receive My Holy Spirit. The years ahead shall all be spent for your education and My ultimate choice. Souls shall be chosen to live in the expectation of My Holy Return here, on this Earth, accompanied by My Celestial Court.

Write. It is God's choice to come and save His People. God is the ultimate Miracle. Such is My Love, and for this, God alone decides. You were chosen to see this, in your hands and all around you. The merit, always coming back to God, is so very well lived in your little soul, that the Lord doubly enjoys it.

I will be surrounded by My souls in the Joy of being close to Me, even without seeing Me, but will feel in themselves, the immense happiness of My Holy Presence, to the point of holding back within themselves their sobs of joy.

So I say to you: Yes, you will see again and you will witness again this great happiness. God loves your involvement. The unknown will no longer be hidden from your eyes, which are already purified with all that they could see, your mouth with all that it could say, and your ears with all that they have heard. That Miracle is and will be the cause of My choice, for those walking with Me will be in the image of their Master and King.

Yes, I say to you: you shall be with Me. Living in Me does not mean your death. But those, living in those years will be changed, in an instant, but you already know that. I offer everything to you so as to inform those that I give you to educate, still today.

The Lord goes on counseling you and open many doors for you, so that those who will hear you are reassured to go further. Without noticing, you will go where I want you to go. NOTHING can be achieved without God when you are called to work for your God.

I must tell you again: rejoice always in your suffering, it is Mine. It, alone, opens the doors that are the most securely locked and before you there are a great number. I also tell you that all is gained in My complete Obedience. I will provide all that you need for a future journey in order to evangelize. Trust in your Divine Master.

The elect who are called to follow Me, those in Heaven and those on Earth, will soon be gathered. The ones who are on the march will arrive by sea, by land and by air, to the place of the final gathering. They are many. The souls who will be first to take the Road are obedient souls to My Holy Law and to My Holy Commandments. They bear the sign of My unalterable Love which contains in itself the whole Treasure of their works of Love.

You cannot yet know the gigantic work carried out by each one up to now, in order to bring closer the hour of My Adorable Return. Just like those of the Alpha in order to obtain the Promised Land, you will have gone through the forty years of the Desert, for Disobedience brings with itself a similar penalty to the first ones as to those of the End, the Omega, the last ones.

The blindness of some is always compensated by the suffering of others. You will be saved through each other. It suffices to remember the Sufferings of Love of your Saviour God on His Holy Cross of Love, to understand that I could only save you at that price.

The suffering of each one, offered to the Father of all Eternal Bliss, with the Love in the incomparable Suffering of Love of His Divine Son JESUS Christ, only that Majestic Suffering of Love could atone to His Divine Majesty who is God, in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the price of an Earth completely Renewed, New, such as a birth, the one that your Lord JESUS Christ, in the Love of the Father and the creating Force of the Holy Spirit (reborn of the Water and the Spirit) will do for each child of the Father and of the Most Holy Virgin MARY (children given at the foot of the Holy Cross by His Divine Son, and Himself God: this is your Mother), children totally transfigured into the Image of the Son of God, ready to dwell on the Earth, blessed by the Father, with the Most Holy Trinity, and MARY, Mother of God.

The Saints and the Angels are singing in chorus: Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest Heavens. Amen. †

JESUS Christ.



Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 17 - GIVE ME ALL YOUR HARDSHIPS

St. Teresa of Avila, Carmelite & Church Doctor (1515-1582), Spain—Oct. 15 She wrote, "I am quite sure that if we could but once approach the Most Holy Sacrament with great faith and love, it would suffice to make us rich. How much more so if we approach it often!"

Mother Teresa - The Scriptures tell us, "I have called you by name. You belong to me. You are precious to me. I love you." God Himself declares that we are precious to Him. He loves us, and He wants us to respond to His love.

Meditations by Padre Pio - There is nothing more nauseating than a woman, especially if she is married, who is fickle, frivolous and haughty.

The Christian wife must be a woman of sound piety towards God, an angel of peace in the family, dignified and pleasant towards others.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen - The canvas of memories is filled by the brushstroke of our actions

"With some measure of pessimism, Shakespeare makes one of his characters say: `The evil that men do lives after them, the good is oft interred with their bones" (Julius Caesar, Act III, Scene ii, Line 79). More hopeful was the poet who wrote: `Full lasting is the song, though he the singer passes' (George Meredith, The Thrush in February, 7).

Both, however, are in agreement on the importance of influence, either for evil or for good. Some can look back and fix the day when a good influence began and say with Dante: `In that part of the book of my memory, before which is little that can be read, there is a rubric, saying `The new life begins." " (La Vita Nuova, tr. by Dante Gabriel Rossetti). In the gallery of memory, some portrait is hanging to which one can acknowledge a debt of formation, or a fresh vision of life."

St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html - O my Jesus, nothing is better for the soul than humiliations. In contempt is the secret of happiness, when the soul recognizes that, of itself, it is only wretchedness and nothingness, and that whatever it possesses of good is a gift of God. When the soul sees that everything is given it freely and that the only thing it has of itself is its own misery, this is what sustains it in a continual act of humble prostration before the majesty of God.

And God, seeing the soul in such a disposition, pursues it with His graces. As the soul continues to immerse itself more deeply into the abyss of its nothingness and need, God uses His omnipotence to exalt it. If there is a truly happy soul upon earth, it can only be a truly humble soul. At first, one's self-love suffers greatly on this account, but after a soul has struggled courageously, God grants it much light by which it sees how wretched and full of deception everything is. God alone is in its heart. A humble soul does not trust itself, but places all its confidence in God. God defends the humble soul and lets Himself into its secrets, and the soul abides in unsurpassable happiness which no one can comprehend. (593)

My Jesus, You see how weak I am of myself. Therefore, You Yourself direct my affairs. And know, Jesus, that without You I will not budge for any cause, but with You I will take on the most difficult things. (602)

Dailys - http://www.catholic-forum.com/e-pistle.html - Quote of the Day We cultivate a very small field for Christ, but we love it, knowing that God does not require great achievements but a heart that holds back nothing for self. -St. Rose Philippine Duchesne


These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.


The following was given to Ivan's prayer group in 1990:

Dear children, your Mother invites you to joy. Your Mother asks you to begin to live tonight's message. Again tonight, your Mother asks you to give me all your problems and all your hardships. Thank you, dear children, for continuing to live in prayer all that I have said to you (Visionary Prayer Group June 26,1990).

And from Paul's second letter to the Corinthians:

But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness." So, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. Therefore I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities for the sake of Christ; for whenever I am weak, than I am strong (2 Cor 12:9-12).


Abraham Lincoln once said, "I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go." Most of us know the truth of Lincoln's words. There is hope in the fact that when we do sink to our knees, we then have something to support us. When we finally exhaust our own power, we can depend on the power of God.

We know that one of the best things that could happen to us, in experiencing a low point in life, is to reach out like St. Paul, who found God most powerfully when he was the weakest.


A prayer for today: Most loving Lord, thank you for being there at the lowest points of my life. Continue to take my hand and pull me up. Ame

Promises for Jesus King of All Nations Devotion


1. "I promise to offer the precious grace of final perseverance. "

2. "I...promise to offer...My peace in their hearts and in their homes."

3. "I will pour My grace into them, making their soul to blossom as a precious flower in My sight."

4. "I promise to offer the graces of daily repentance, unto conversion, unto salvation, into eternal life."

5. "I promise that these souls will be granted a special power over My Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. I will readily hear their petitions and prayers and pour out upon them My grace according to My Most Holy Will. These souls will be most special in My Sight."

6. "I promise to offer...the grace of receiving in abundance and using the gifts of the Holy Spirit. They will be given to understand the efficacy of praying to Me as King and to trust in My mercy."

7. "I promise to offer the grace of protection in times of harm and danger. This will especially be true of danger coming from natural disasters."

8. "All who faithfully embrace this devotion will receive a special degree of glory in Heaven. These souls shall be crowned by Me and shall reign with Me, their Eternal King."

9. "I promise the grace of the desire to please Me in all things and thus come to perfection."

10. "I solemnly promise the grace to come to know the secrets of My Love."

Message to Stella Maris Nov.14, 2008

(after testing the spirits)

November 14, 2008: Jesus said: "The presence of the enemy is being felt.

My dear child, warn My people of the impending danger that awaits them. Tell them of the diseases and catastrophes. Tell them of My Mercy. Tell them that I love them above all things, and to be ready to be taken to higher levels.

I, your Jesus of Mercy, have called you by name to be a minister to My people to warn them of the impending danger.

Be not afraid. I am with you.

Warn My people --- the end is coming soon."

End of message.

http://www.giftstor .org/StellaMa. htm Message to J.N.S.R. July 13,2008

The Word of JESUS Christ

Sunday, July 13, 2008

JNSR: Lord, do You want speak to me? I love You and I want to love You even more.

JESUS: The Lord loves to speak to you and often, in order to correct your sudden leaps, and lead you in My Only Truth.

Be at peace, I am with you, available to educate and counsel you. The channels of My undying Love are open day and night, for I must prepare you to receive My Holy Spirit. The years ahead shall all be spent for your education and My ultimate choice. Souls shall be chosen to live in the expectation of My Holy Return here, on this Earth, accompanied by My Celestial Court.

Write. It is God's choice to come and save His People. God is the ultimate Miracle. Such is My Love, and for this, God alone decides. You were chosen to see this, in your hands and all around you. The merit, always coming back to God, is so very well lived in your little soul, that the Lord doubly enjoys it.

I will be surrounded by My souls in the Joy of being close to Me, even without seeing Me, but will feel in themselves, the immense happiness of My Holy Presence, to the point of holding back within themselves their sobs of joy.

So I say to you: Yes, you will see again and you will witness again this great happiness. God loves your involvement. The unknown will no longer be hidden from your eyes, which are already purified with all that they could see, your mouth with all that it could say, and your ears with all that they have heard. That Miracle is and will be the cause of My choice, for those walking with Me will be in the image of their Master and King.

Yes, I say to you: you shall be with Me. Living in Me does not mean your death. But those, living in those years will be changed, in an instant, but you already know that. I offer everything to you so as to inform those that I give you to educate, still today.

The Lord goes on counseling you and open many doors for you, so that those who will hear you are reassured to go further. Without noticing, you will go where I want you to go. NOTHING can be achieved without God when you are called to work for your God.

I must tell you again: rejoice always in your suffering, it is Mine. It, alone, opens the doors that are the most securely locked and before you there are a great number. I also tell you that all is gained in My complete Obedience. I will provide all that you need for a future journey in order to evangelize. Trust in your Divine Master.

The elect who are called to follow Me, those in Heaven and those on Earth, will soon be gathered. The ones who are on the march will arrive by sea, by land and by air, to the place of the final gathering. They are many. The souls who will be first to take the Road are obedient souls to My Holy Law and to My Holy Commandments.

They bear the sign of My unalterable Love which contains in itself the whole Treasure of their works of Love.

You cannot yet know the gigantic work carried out by each one up to now, in order to bring closer the hour of My Adorable Return. Just like those of the Alpha in order to obtain the Promised Land, you will have gone through the forty years of the Desert, for Disobedience brings with itself a similar penalty to the first ones as to those of the End, the Omega, the last ones.

The blindness of some is always compensated by the suffering of others. You will be saved through each other. It suffices to remember the Sufferings of Love of your Saviour God on His Holy Cross of Love, to understand that I could only save you at that price.

The suffering of each one, offered to the Father of all Eternal Bliss, with the Love in the incomparable Suffering of Love of His Divine Son JESUS Christ, only that Majestic Suffering of Love could atone to His Divine Majesty who is God, in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the price of an Earth completely Renewed, New, such as a birth, the one that your Lord JESUS Christ, in the Love of the Father and the creating Force of the Holy Spirit (reborn of the Water and the Spirit) will do for each child of the Father and of the Most Holy Virgin MARY (children given at the foot of the Holy Cross by His Divine Son, and Himself God: this is your Mother), children totally transfigured into the Image of the Son of God, ready to dwell on the Earth, blessed by the Father, with the Most Holy Trinity, and MARY, Mother of God.

The Saints and the Angels are singing in chorus: Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest Heavens. Amen. †

JESUS Christ.

† † †

http://www.jnsr. be/uk.htm THE CHAPLET OF UNITY

The Chaplet is recited on ordinary rosary beads. Groups may divide the recitation between Leader (L) and Responders (R). If you are alone, recite both parts.

Recite on the large bead before each of the five decades:

L - God our Heavenly Father, through Your Son Jesus, our Victim-High Priest, True Prophet, and Sovereign King,

R - Pour forth the power of Your Holy Spirit upon us and open our hearts. In Your great mercy, through the Motherly mediation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Queen, forgive our sinfulness, heal our brokenness, and renew our hearts in the Faith, and Peace, and Love, and Joy of Your Kingdom, that we may be one in You.

Recite on the ten small beads of each of the five decades:

L - In Your great mercy,

R - Forgive our sinfulness, heal our brokenness, and renew our hearts, that we may be one in You.

Conclude in unison with:

Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is one God! O Jesus, King of All Nations, may Your Reign be recognized on earth! Mary, our Mother and Mediatrix of All Graces, pray and intercede for us, your children! St. Michael, great prince and guardian of your people, come with the holy angels and saints and protect us!


Jesus spoke these words and promises to His servant's spiritual mother concerning the Chaplet of Unity:

"Pray this Chaplet of Unity under My Sovereign Kingship to the Father in My Name, as Jesus, King of All Nations. Through My Mother's prayerful mediation and intercession to me, I will ask the Father to pour out with abundant newness and to magnify the anointing power of the Holy Spirit upon My Church under the Holy Father, upon nations of all peoples, and upon all individual souls whom I love.

This Chaplet will be a special fountain, whereby souls can come to refresh and renew themselves and to drink from the waters of My Merciful Healing Love which I will pour out on them as they pray."

"Pray My Chaplet of Unity for the suffering souls in Purgatory. They especially need the healing of My merciful graces for they cannot pray for themselves. Many will be progressively healed and I tell you multitudes released!"

"I promise to give this Chaplet of Unity great power over My wounded Sacred Heart when prayed with faith and confidence to heal the brokenness of My people's lives caused by so much sin, selfishness, error, division and disunity.

Pray this Chaplet for repentance and forgiveness to open and reconcile your hearts to Mine, that you may receive My Word, and act upon My Will for you. Confession, Confession, Confession, My children! Confess your sins to Me through My priests that I may cover you with My Mercy. Pray this Chaplet that a renewal of your hearts and minds by the Holy Spirit will lead to a daily conversion in Faith, Peace, Love, and Joy within your souls.

I promise you 'My Peace, My Divine Presence within your souls,' which the worldly-minded cannot and does not understand! My Peace knows no bounds or limits! By imploring Me in this manner, you will turn away from sin and its destructive effects, and toward a continual greater and greater abundance of graces from Me in My Mercy."

"Yes, in this devotion to Me as Jesus, King of All Nations, entreat My Kingly Heart with the prayer of this Chaplet of Unity that I Myself, your sovereign Lord Jesus Christ, have given you! Pray and ask for the spiritual wholeness and healing of your own souls, for the union of your own will with God's Will, for the healing of your families, friends, enemies, relationships, Religious Orders, communities (of all kinds), countries, nations, the world, and unity within My Church under the Holy Father!

I shall grant many spiritual, physical, emotional, and psychological healings for those who pray this prayer if it is beneficial to their salvation according to My Most Holy Will!

Unity and oneness in Spirit was My own prayer for all mankind and My Church as My own last testament before I gave My life as Savior of all mankind! As I am one with My Father and the Holy Spirit, My Will is that all mankind be one in Me, so that one Faith, one Fold, and one Shepherd will be gathered together under My Sovereign Kingship as LORD."

"Yes, My beloved, by praying this Chaplet I have had you labor for, and have taught you, you will replace My great sorrow with Infinite JOY! Your life imitates My Mother who labors in My Grace by the power of the Holy Spirit to form, give birth, mature, help, reconcile and mediate to Me, your God, souls and nations of souls, to obtain the extension of My Reign in the hearts of My people, and thus I shall unite all mankind, even unto the end of time, under My Divine Reign of Kingship. Those special souls who honor Me in this devotion will do the same, and to them I promise to grant My Kingly Blessings!"

"I, Jesus, Son of the Most High God, Who AM Sovereign LORD, promise to hold out to the souls who pray My Chaplet of Unity the Scepter of My Kingship and grant them mercy, pardon, and protection in times of severe weather and plagues.

I extend this promise not only for yourselves, but also for individuals for whom you pray. No, My beloved, sin and the evils committed by mankind are too great. No longer will I spare My judgment to correct the conscience of mankind as a whole. But this devotion and Chaplet prayed with repentance, confidence, and love, will heal, save, and unite souls to My Mercy who otherwise would be lost.

Any harm or danger, spiritual or physical, whether it be to soul, mind, or body, will I protect these souls against, and clothe them over with My own mantle of Kingly Mercy. To this I add the promise of the assistance of My Most Holy Mother's mediation on their behalf. Even if you die, you shall not be lost, for you shall know salvation and union with Me in the Kingdom of My Father where we reign with the Holy Spirit, eternally the Divine Trinity, One God."

"Behold, I will close their wounds and give them health, and reveal to them the prayer of peace and truth" (Jer 33:6).

Medjugorje Day By Day Nov 17 - GIVE ME ALL YOUR HARDSHIPS

St. Teresa of Avila, Carmelite & Church Doctor (1515-1582), Spain—Oct. 15 She wrote, "I am quite sure that if we could but once approach the Most Holy Sacrament with great faith and love, it would suffice to make us rich. How much more so if we approach it often!"

Mother Teresa - The Scriptures tell us, "I have called you by name. You belong to me. You are precious to me. I love you." God Himself declares that we are precious to Him. He loves us, and He wants us to respond to His love.

Meditations by Padre Pio - There is nothing more nauseating than a woman, especially if she is married, who is fickle, frivolous and haughty. The Christian wife must be a woman of sound piety towards God, an angel of peace in the family, dignified and pleasant towards others.


Archbishop Fulton Sheen - The canvas of memories is filled by the brushstroke of our actions

"With some measure of pessimism, Shakespeare makes one of his characters say: `The evil that men do lives after them, the good is oft interred with their bones" (Julius Caesar, Act III, Scene ii, Line 79).

More hopeful was the poet who wrote: `Full lasting is the song, though he the singer passes' (George Meredith, The Thrush in February, 7). Both, however, are in agreement on the importance of influence, either for evil or for good.

Some can look back and fix the day when a good influence began and say with Dante: `In that part of the book of my memory, before which is little that can be read, there is a rubric, saying `The new life begins." " (La Vita Nuova, tr. by Dante Gabriel Rossetti). In the gallery of memory, some portrait is hanging to which one can acknowledge a debt of formation, or a fresh vision of life."

St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html - O my Jesus, nothing is better for the soul than humiliations. In contempt is the secret of happiness, when the soul recognizes that, of itself, it is only wretchedness and nothingness, and that whatever it possesses of good is a gift of God.

When the soul sees that everything is given it freely and that the only thing it has of itself is its own misery, this is what sustains it in a continual act of humble prostration before the majesty of God. And God, seeing the soul in such a disposition, pursues it with His graces. As the soul continues to immerse itself more deeply into the abyss of its nothingness and need, God uses His omnipotence to exalt it.

If there is a truly happy soul upon earth, it can only be a truly humble soul. At first, one's self-love suffers greatly on this account, but after a soul has struggled courageously, God grants it much light by which it sees how wretched and full of deception everything is. God alone is in its heart.

A humble soul does not trust itself, but places all its confidence in God. God defends the humble soul and lets Himself into its secrets, and the soul abides in unsurpassable happiness which no one can comprehend. (593)

My Jesus, You see how weak I am of myself. Therefore, You Yourself direct my affairs. And know, Jesus, that without You I will not budge for any cause, but with You I will take on the most difficult things. (602)

Dailys - http://www.catholic-forum.com/e-pistle.html - Quote of the Day We cultivate a very small field for Christ, but we love it, knowing that God does not require great achievements but a heart that holds back nothing for self. -St. Rose Philippine Duchesne

Today's Tidbit When the Bishops of the United States said that it was no longer required that meat not be eaten on Fridays, they did not say that people could no longer continue this practice as a personal sign of penance. The abstinence from meat on certain days is still a popular way of showing interior dedication to God and used as a penance to remind us of Jesus' sacrifice for us.


These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.


The following was given to Ivan's prayer group in 1990:

Dear children, your Mother invites you to joy. Your Mother asks you to begin to live tonight's message. Again tonight, your Mother asks you to give me all your problems and all your hardships. Thank you, dear children, for continuing to live in prayer all that I have said to you (Visionary Prayer Group June 26,1990).

And from Paul's second letter to the Corinthians:

But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness." So, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. Therefore I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities for the sake of Christ; for whenever I am weak, than I am strong (2 Cor 12:9-12).


Abraham Lincoln once said, "I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go." Most of us know the truth of Lincoln's words. There is hope in the fact that when we do sink to our knees, we then have something to support us. When we finally exhaust our own power, we can depend on the power of God.

We know that one of the best things that could happen to us, in experiencing a low point in life, is to reach out like St. Paul, who found God most powerfully when he was the weakest.


A prayer for today: Most loving Lord, thank you for being there at the lowest points of my life. Continue to take my hand and pull me up. Amen


"Glorious St. Joseph, tenderhearted father, faithful guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of God, I ask you to join me in praising God the Father through His Divine Son who died on the cross and rose again to give us sinners new life. Through the Holy Name of Jesus, pray with me that we may obtain from the eternal Father the favor we ask. (here state your intention)."

Say this prayer for nine consecutive days.

Fear not! God is your shelter (the 23rd Psalm and the Lord’s Prayer. God never fails. Don’t fail him. Call on Jesus. Jesus on the mainline, tell him what you want!


BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)







Part I


Part II





Part I


Part II



For further information:





Black, African Saints


Black and African Catholics Prophecy Meditations





Black African Catholics Coptic, Latin rite, Orthodox Prophecies Meditations


Black Saints Videos Part I



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Part II



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James Wesly Smith is an attorney and writer/producer of more than 30 audio visual film projects on the Black Genesis of Christianity, with an emphasis on the Early African Liturgical Churches. His 30 year effort resulted in the reference tome, Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, (Ancient African Liturgical Church) Volume I, and II detailing Black involvement in the Church from before 1 A.D. (See Out of Africa I called my Son, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15). Smith may be reached at stbernice@yahoo.com

Posted by realm/blackcatholics at 6:37 AM PST
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