Let's Go Mets! NOVEMBER 1 - 2015 World Series GAME #5 vs Kansas City Royals

Matt Harvey (13-8 2.71) starts game 5 at Citi Field against Edinson Volquez (13-5 3.55) The Mets face elimination in a must win game.

Lets Go Mets! Matt Harvey's tremendous effort again fell short of helping the Mets stay alive. Harvey went 8+ innings giving up only 5 hits and three walks. But in the 9th the Royals scored twice to tie the game and send it to extra innings. In the 12th all hope for the Mets to extend the Series were crushed by a five run outburst. Again the Mets bats went silent, missing many opportunities to put the Royals away.

Ticket Cost: $340
Time of game: 4:15
Attendance: 44,859

Game #5 view

A third day of tailgating with Kevin & Sharon and guests. We toasted to the first Mets game in November which means of course playing in the World Series. I met a lot of nice Mets fans hanging with this group before each WS game this week. Thank you all for your kind words. Until we meet again!

Sharon and the Rally Parakeet

I wasn't concerned with the hoopla that was continuing outside the ballpark. I have already hit the merchandise booths both here at Citi and online. It will be Christmas early when I get home with boxes of shirts, hoodies, and misc goodies all shipped to my California home. I will have to redecorate to include this fabulous season.

I am really going to miss this place, Citi Field. I'm pretty sure I have now been to more ballgames here than anywhere else. Mets games in San Francisco were split between Candlestick [84-99] and AT&T [2000-2014]. If I averaged 4 games a year during the 30 years [some years 3 games, some years back 7 games a season] then I'm well over 200 Mets games in my lifetime. Probably the same amount of rock concerts too in that period.

The Kansas City Royals fans came in by the busload. As I walked by the buses, several KC fans were exiting and headed toward the entrances. I said out loud so all could hear "What the heck. Is there anybody left in Kansas City?" Once inside every time I would see a couple Royals fans I would say "I hope you have tickets to game 6". I would have to say I don't like my team's ballpark invaded by this many fans of the other team.

During the game I left my seat to use the facilities and get another beer from my favorite beer stand. With the Mets winning I was in a joyous mood. I got in line and joked to the guy before me about people mistaking the beer line for the men's room line. He was cool and we chatted while waiting. When we got to Debbie I told here to put his two beers on my card. He said he was getting one for his friend and I said "Enjoy and tell him Let's Go Mets!" I was in a very good mood with the Mets winning.

My Refreshment Specialists! Helena & Debbie

Could Harvey finish the 9th?

The Mets led the whole game until the Royals 9th inning rally. It just seemed inevitable that they were going to take this. When everything imploded in the top of the 12th, Mets fans started to leave in droves. I spotted 1986 Mets catcher Barry Lyons walking down the aisle to his seat a few sections over. Since there were now a few empty rows of seats, I walked over and said hello.

Free Baseball - Extra innings

I met Barry at Mets fantasy Camp in January but not until after camp when we became Facebook friends did I know his love of the Lord. He does speaking engagements talking about his faith. We talked about the blessings of the season and Barry mentioned how he had really gotten to know this team both on and off the field. As the Royals were scoring and putting the game and Series away, we shared with each other how blessed life is. It really helped to distract me enough from the field to not break down over what was occurring on the diamond. Finally the Mets got 3 outs, and I thanked Barry and said "See you in January at Fantasy Camp". I returned to my seat where many had left. The guys next to me were still there and we watched Wilmer Flores strike out to end the season.

Skid & Barry Lyons

The last out of 2015

Unhappy Mets fans headed home

Such a hard loss after such a magical season. Mets fans will bitch about what shoulda, woulda, could've happened but reality is they came up short in a season that was like no other. How blessed to be a part of it all year long.

As I hugged my way out of the stadium with tears welling in my eyes, I tried not to look back. I brought refreshments for the parking crew but most had left with the extra innings. Supervisor James came over after he had checked out of work and we sat in the quiet parking lot, trunk open, sitting on the rear bumper having a couple beers and enjoying our last moments of the season. The parking lot still had dozens of media cars and media people were slowly trickling out as the Royals celebration died down. As I drove home I saw that it was 2:30 in the morning! When I walked into my apartment I remembered that Walking Dead was on, so I grabbed a beer and tried to watch the new episode only to find myself falling asleep in a chair and missing all but the first 15 minutes.

My last look at Citi Field

So many emotions and memories spinning in my head. Baseball seasons are long, believe me. I wouldn't change a day of it. I don't know how many times I heard "This is the guy I was telling you about" from people I met when they would introduce me to their friends. My little scrap book I did in September contains "People I will be telling you about for years."