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Guide to getting and playing better gigs


Band On The Rocks

Gigging Tips
Band Promotion
Stage Act
Stage Presence
Work the Crowd
Set List
Book it
Survive on Tour
Talent Nights
Band in Trouble
The Frontman
Big Break
Band on a Budget
Band Business
Cancelling a Gig
Touring in Europe
Buzz Factor
Check your Gear
Bad Gigs
Benefit Gigs
Gig Fees
Gig Kit
Gigs that Pay
Gig Attendance
Know your Audience
Lies in Music
Mailing List
Outdoor Gigs
Performance Tips
Tour Preparation
Press Kit
Contracts and Riders
Rules of the Road
Band on the Rocks
Play Safe
Gig Sharing
Solo Gigs
Support Band

Three songs into the first set, you suddenly find yourself mentally plotting the overthrow of the other guitarist, who insists on repeatedly blasting improvised fills straight through the lead vocals. It wouldn't be so bad if he hadn't already turned his Fender Twin up to "Stun" in order to match the seismic attack of the bass player, who's been rendered totally clueless because of monitor trouble. As far as the drummer is concerned, that's still no excuse for playing out of time, and the two of them have been fighting over tempos since the first downbeat.

Two hours later, when the gig finally ends, the tension could be cut with a knife. You quickly pack up your gear, vowing never again to stand in the same room with this band of tone-deaf, egomaniacal tossers.

How is it that a group of otherwise well-balanced, mature music makers can suddenly degenerate into an unruly, uncompromising pack of thugs the second the show starts? Is it a matter of fighting for the spotlight? Fear of forgetting some tricky changes? Pent-up frustration with a drummer who still doesn't know all the intros after three years on the job?

The fact is, not everyone's cut out to be a cog in a musical machine. Ask any worthwhile solo artist why they don't work in a band anymore and you'll hear phrases like "big ego," "totally frustrated," "bloody knobheads"…you get the picture. Unfortunately, the Used Instruments section of the classifieds is daily proof that many bands expire much too quickly; not because of musical incompetence, but personal incompatibility.

If your band's marriage is on the rocks, you and your cohorts should consider adopting some of the following coping mechanisms in order to keep things on track. Ultimately, it's a matter of playing ball or playing all alone. After all, where would the world be today if Keith really had thrown Mick out the window way back when?

Get there early
Rushing to a gig is a sure-fire way to create bad vibes, which tend to show up in a performance. It's not hard to see why players who arrive on time would be resentful of bandmates showing up late. Being at the venue ahead of schedule allows for valuable downtime to relax, check out the gear, and go over cues and rough spots. It also goes a long way to beating the pre-flight nerves. But if one member of the team is late, it blows everybody's cool (including the club owner's). Plus, how are you going to have fun when you've just spent an hour driving like a maniac, followed by seven minutes of frantically wiring up equipment?

Err to the early side, especially if the gig is a good distance away. Over estimate on drive time and allow an extra 20 minutes for your own setup before soundcheck.

Eat to the beat
What's food got to do with it? Try downing two Whoppers and large fries and then see how much you feel like playing afterwards. Many performers treat the gig like an athletic event. Don't overeat. Don't be a drunken dope.

Have you got everything?
Anyone's who's ever had to make a mad dash to find a 9-volt battery knows all too well about the hazards of poor packing. A simple inventory check before you hit the road can save you tons of aggravation in the long run. By the same token, make careful note of all materials you went through during a gig, like cables, strings, picks, etc; and replace them immediately.

Don't change the programme
Spontaneity might work for some, but generally speaking most of us do much better with a little organization. Draw up a set list and make sure everyone has a copy. Agree ahead of time how the set might change according to crowd reaction. Agree ahead of time on encores. Don't indulge your ego by throwing in fills when they haven't been there in rehearsals.

Keep it down, and maintain steady volume
Turning up to 11 might work for Nigel Tufnel, but you can still get that extra push over the cliff without engaging in volume warfare night after night. Be respectful to your bandmates, as well as your audience. Blend, don't blast. You're going to incur the wrath not only of your band but of the
soundman if you keep changing your volume. Set your rhythm and lead volumes ahead of time. Listen to the soundman, he knows the room best. Remember that it sounds different to you than it does to the crowd.

Don't be crowd-controlled
The audience is a little thin, the bar's got five TVs tuned to the football and there's a drunk at the back who calls for "Skynyrd!" in five-minute intervals. Do you think that looking bored and playing lousy is really going to make things any better? You're playing, they're paying, so get happy!

Stick to the set list.
Be the band member who keeps everything together, not the primadonna who makes trouble. Do the job you came there to do. If the situation is bad, grin and bear it, just don't book the place again.

Stick to the plan.
Your band mates are expecting you to play what you played in rehearsal. Don't throw everyone for a loop by adding fills all over the place or taking extra solo choruses unless everyone has agreed to keep the format loose.

Don't play between numbers.
You'll have your chance to shine in the song.
Warm up ahead of time, and let everyone know you're ready for the next tune by shutting up. Keep an eye out for trouble. If your bass player breaks a string or your drummer cracks a drumhead, they're going to need your support. Watch for trouble, and think about how you can help cover them until the tune is over.

Don't grimace every time another band member makes a mistake. It kills the energy, and the crowd sees it. Don't get distracted being an entertainer, be a musician first. Your first responsibility is the music, so don't comb your hair and flirt with the audience when the band is ready to start another number. Recover from your own errors. You hit three clams in your first solo, and then missed the entrance to the bridge. Keep going! You'll make fewer errors when you're in a good state of mind.

Remember that everything in a band, like any democratic situation, is cause-and-effect. Instead of throwing a small tantrum over some petty musical grievance, shrug it off and move on. Fights between Richards and Jagger or Daltrey and Townshend might be legendary, but 99% of them happened offstage. There's an awful lot of emotion and ego on any stage, and it's up to each player to keep them in check. Be a pro and let the music flow.

The number one killer of bands is the wrong attitude. There seems to be three common problems:

1) Personality clashes or lack of conviction.

2) The desire for album deals or more live gigs.

3) The need for better songs, performances, and/or arrangements.

Having the right attitude can usually make or break a band. If a musician is copping out all the time, chances are they're going to get booted out, or worse the band breaks up. The attitude to find common ground in a band situation is crucial to band success. Listening to the opinions of other band members is vital. If someone says, "Maybe the lead break would be better this way", don't take it as a personal attack. Instead, view it as opinion, take it to heart, and go through with what he or she says at least once or twice on the guitar. Who knows, their ideas could be better, which leads to better songs! So, be a musician in your band and speak your mind on how a track should be. But listen to others opinions as well.

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