What I am is what I am
- Name: Melania
- BirthPlace: Florence/LodiVecchio, Italy
- Particular Signs: Crazy About Life
ATTN:!! After my second Master Degree (21st of December, 2006) I've started to create the
NEW gallimel's Web Door which is gonna be fully online by
the middle of January 2007. WATCH OUT! and get there!!!
by clicking HERE!
The background of this page is courtesy of the amazing art of Jean-Marc Rulier, who turned a simple picture of me into THAT! For more on him, click down below on the LINKS Page!

I am a curious, fond of life, eclectic person and although I have no real knowledge about webmastering I thought about building a page of my own.
I was already doing that by March 2001, but always new ideas were coming to my mind and I ended having a caos of websites up in my hands.This page is none but a way to organize them a bit.I consider this Web Door Page like stepping into the reception of a funny hotel,I created it for givin you all the keys you could need to explore this peculiar "corridor" you see below (nothing like the one of the Overlook Hotel hopefully!) which is fulfilled with insights on my brain and soul, each one being a section of my creativity and need to express myself openly, from writing tips to artworks, till visual diary of me and my friends' life,I can say that here and throughout you can get a truthful glimpse about who's Melania, aka gallimel.
Follow the streaming pages down, which represent some of what I am.It's just some hint, when you want to get deeper, just write me an e-mail.
You'll have hopefully little inspiration in watching all my online pages, and I hope you'll get a vibe about someone who wants to be open to everyone, for being enriched in her perceivement of reality exactly from the people I'll be in contact with throught all my time on this planet, no matter how much it might be.
Knowledge is nothing but a life experience made memory and inspiration.I think mine is something which needs others to develop fully, so step into my world, and be part of it whenever you like to.
Get the keys, the trip can start!
Vote me and my site through these banner links!

Votami nella Heracleum Top Sites
All animation in my pages are provided thanx to AnimationFactory
Below you see the Renderosity Web Ring: if you love art, you gotta click there
And here's the banner and link of DAZ site, an incredible source for 3D lovers, enjoy!
Apologizing for the long waiting of this crazy year, that made you have never updates here, here we go: UPDATES of September 2006!Then, as always, when you wanna know about my, you have to read my blog for smaller updating: check in the links below!
ATTN:!! After my second Master Degree (21st of December, 2006) I've started to create the NEW gallimel's Web Door which is gonna be fully online by the middle of January 2007. WATCH OUT! and get there!!! by clicking HERE!
Last Updates have been the following ones:
Till the end of 2006:
The New features of Meli's Life albums called "Interactive Albums of Meli's Life Pics! Check about the full of Meli's time From November 2005 till Puglia's Holidays of August 2006 ! Meli's Camera Art updating in Camera Art Page, with events&thoughts... it's tough working time, but ehy, it's all okay!!Meli's Art updates in Meli's 2d Albums! Page! Click below!
Please,Watch&Sign the GUESTBOOK!!!!!!!!
View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook
Note and Disclaimer:All images in this website and artworks are exclusive properties of the owner of this website and artists who created them allowing me to show them. Any stealing, copying or using without permission of the owner of this website is strictly forbidden.
My Lycos space
These are gallimel's Universe sections...
The Sink Was Full of Fishes (novel in episodes)
My Midnight Edition Page (Poems till 2006)
Meli's Camera Artworks (Photo Art)
Meli and Friends' Pictures
Art From Friends (inspired by me)
Meli's 2D Artworks Online
The Meli's Poser Illustrations Page
My Renderosity Gallery
My Deviant Art Gallery
Sporty Meli
Meli's Links
Meli and Friends' s Favourite Blogs
Meli's Music
Meli's Sky and Stars
Meli's Awards
Meli's Photobucket Albums
New Interactive Albums of Meli's Life Pics!
Words Get Around Board
Meli's 2007 Italian Blog
Meli's 2007 English Blog
Meli's 2007 Poetry Blog (ENG and ITA)
Meli At You Tube