How artist friends see me and my works
Up above, Mandos's kind gift: the way he sees me, bright among dark shadows which cannot touch me. I am deeply grateful to you dear, for this amazing rework of one of my pictures.
Così, sorridente e luminosa,
le tue radici ti proteggono,
e niente può adombrarti.
Like this, smiling and shining,
your roots protect you,
and nothing can shadow you.
From the very first time I have got to receive the honour and immense pleasure of someone talented askin me to allow them in re-makin some of my drawnings or paints, I have treasured those efforts and cute requests like these persons were giftin me that way with a piece of their hearts pulsing passion and love for life. In art one puts his soul in, and it's like they are giftin me with their own ones when they are inspired by things I make, or things I say.. and even more when they say they are inspired by me as person, and then that leads to a creative force to be expressed into art form.
I can't explain what it means for me , what it did, or what it will, everytime they confess with pure will and heart they'd like to treat a picture of me , or a piece I made to give their artistic touch over it, because they are under inspiration after either me or them.
I feel a special connection then, and a chant invades me within, speakin of all most precious vibes and emotions.
In this page, you'll find a glimpse of others' greatness which by Grace of Above little me inspired to exist.Their vision of me in art, and their artistical vision of my.. works (I cannot call what I make art.. sorry friends!!) will be in this Section of my website. It's my little way to thank you all who made me so happy with these creations.
I dunno why, nor how: I am just grateful and happy when it happens that they sparkle their creativity over and due to me.
luv you all, my skilled and caring friends.
"Art is the freedom to allow ourselves to say what we want to say, in the way we feel we have to say it: art is the freedom of a pure expression of our inner soul."
This is from Brian... He sent me to this site to discover which kind of sexy Cartoon I am like to... and I exited like..
THIS... *please*!!!!

Jessica Rabbit
Who 's Your Inner Sexy Cartoon Chick ? brought to you by Quizilla
This page will be updated in regular waves: watch out, and if you want to contribute, mail me!
All artworks and pictures on these pages are exclusive properties of the creators of them and of the owner of this website (ME). Any stealing, copying or manipulation without explicit permissions of the people who created them AND of the owner of this website is STRICTLY forbidden. Any infraction will lead to legal actions.
Take a look at
Christopher art versions of me as a Mermaid!
cockjuice's art rules, and it's a wonderful thing for me to be part of it! Take a look at
Melmaid 1 and at
Melmaid 2 and like me get amazed at Chris's talent and cuteness!!
Sometime special people gift me with special things...
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
14 Portraits of Meli
Section 6
Section 7
Synapse's Portraits of me
jrulier'sPortraits of me
October 2003 Gifts
November2003 Gifts
February 2004 Gifts
July 2004 Gifts
February 05 Gifts (NEW!)
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