Reiko-chan's Bishounen Center
My many *Official* Bishounen Trainer Badges ::blush::
These yummy bishounen were caught while vacationing at To contact your travel agent, just pet one of my pretty lil' bishounen below.
Gosai-chan's Bishounen Center
Gosai-chan is just renting ^_^
Reiko-chan's Bishoujo Center
My *Official* Bishoujo Trainer Badges ::beams::
OK, I'm jealous of your bishounen and bishoujo. Take me HOME.
[Series] [Parodies/Extreme Nonsense/Fairytales] [One-Shots] [PWP/Squick]
[Uncon. Pairs - not 1x2/3x4] [Poetry] [Author Homepages] [Pocket Bishonen / Bishoujo]