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Thursday, 12 August 2004
What Part Of No Don't You Get? I Don't Want To Get Into The Cage.
Hoy es muy nada.... I don't know how to say boring in spanish.

So last night its 10:30 and my mom yells up for me to get offline right now. So I get off, obviously. I thought she was sick and had to call 911. So I start going downstairs and I find out someone was messing around our house. On the front porch and the back door and everything and my mom called the police out (what else can you do in my neighborhood?) and they looked all around and said everything looked okay. I am so creeped out. I hate the thought that someone was here and we don't know who they are and we don't know what they were doing. It would be different if it was a friend of mine about to steal something. Anyways, so now I'm all goose-pimpled about it.

Today I woke up at 11. I went and showered and then my sister came home and we went up to HHS to drop off some papers and to see if I could get my locker # and combo. Evidently I'm not on the computer yet or something and we have to go back next week. When she and I were leaving I saw Britt and she was waiting for RJ. She didn't want to wait alone so while my sister went to the grocery store, I chilled with Britt.

We came home and Jen baked cookies while mom and I watched Dr. Phil in the kitchen. Meh... He's not horrible. Atleast its not like Maury. I don't get why those girls freak out when they find out the person who they thought was the father of their baby, isn't the father of their baby. See... they brought the men on the show because they already had a preconceived feeling that another man was the father, so why do they run off stage bawling like litte idiots? If I was ever on there (which I never will be) I'd just sit there and be okay with it. I'd be like "Yea... alright, thanks Maury." and leave. Ahh... low-quality talk shows<3.

Then I took a nap, ate dinner and slept a little more. I'm really lazy today. I think its this hurricane shindig. Rain always makes me tired and dopey. I hope it floods.

Tomorrow is my last day at the nursing home. YessireeBob.

I hope tomorrow isn't as boring as I think its going to be. Oi.

School Countdown - 11 Days.

Posted by Beth at 6:34 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 11 August 2004
Now I Lay You Down So Deep, I Pray For You You Not To Weep. As You Never Again Will Wake, I Know My Murderer's Heart Will Break
Today: Boring as usual.

I just woke up from an unexpected nap. It was really nice listening to The Simpsons while I was dozing. Except the phone kept ringing and people would walk noisely in and out of the living room. I woke and up and was way to hot. So here I am, cooling off on the computer.

I downloaded the new version of AIM today. Only I would be as excited as I was over downloading things... anyways, I don't have the ghetto AIM anymore. I had one of the original versions. <3 It could barely run.

I got my schedual today. It is as follows:

Semester 1
Period Subject Teacher
1 English 10 Honors
2 Algebra 1
3 Debate
4 PE
Semester 2
1 Earth Science Honors
2 World History 2
3 Geometry
4 Spanish 2

I'm in gym with Chelsea and Shelly, which is really rad because thats the class that I hate most. I also have Spanish2 with Chelsea and Britt, YAY!

Anyways, onto bigger and better things. My daddy talked to me about building me a darkroom for my birthday!!! I would LOVE to develope my own film in black and white. That's... so rad. I don't know how else to say it.

We're not going camping this weekend as we once were. Yea, my mom is sick so we're postponing it. But thats okay because now my sister is taking me shopping on Saturday.

I'm going to finish this off because I'm boring you all to death. Oh yea, I made stir fry and brownies today as a product of boredom. Stirfry=great. Brownies=Good but way too sweet.

Okay, now I will go. Lucky you!

School Countdown - 12 Days.

Posted by Beth at 7:20 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 10 August 2004
The Hermit That Lives On My Roof Just Threw A Kegger... I'm Not Sure How To Respond To This. Yay! Kegger!!
Today was pretty rad. I woke up and was bored all day until my sister came home and then we went school clothes shopping. Again. <3 I bought: a skirt, a pair of jeans, pair of dress pants, a creamy fuzzy sweater, a navy sweater, a cable knit hoodie, and a black knit shirt. I probably bought something else, but I can't think of it off the top of my head. Anyways, it was really fun.

We came home and my mom made pizza and then I tried on all my clothes for her. She approved them all.

I paid my school fees today. I saw Jessica on my way into the school and we talked. I want to be in these clubs in school but I'm not sure how to sign up for them. Oh well, I'll talk to guidance when I turn in my little pamphlet thingy... mcbob.

I'm going to go. I'm really tired, my feet hurt and the burns on my left arm are killing me.

School Countdown - 13 Days.

Posted by Beth at 8:25 PM EDT
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Monday, 9 August 2004
If You Hand Over Your Lunch Box, I'll Put The Banana Away And No One Will Get Hurt.
Today was really cool. My dad had today off so we all were at home together. At 1:30 I had an appointment with Mrs. Powers, the guidance counselor who helped me choose my classes. I should get my schedual tomorrow in the mail.

My sister is taking me to pay my fees ($16 - a lifetime cheaper than last year's fees at christian school) and then we are going school shopping once again. This time I think we're buying supplies, too. Good times.

I was really tired today because I woke up at 10. I never am up this early if I have nothing to do that day. Its crazy.

I took alot of naps today, but I am probably going to hit-the-hay decently early. Around midnite or such.

I have a friend, a wonderful friend who I love with all my heart. His girlfriend is a horrible girl. I hate her. Not the point. She is constantly breaking up with him for other guys and you might be like, "Oh well, that happens all the time." They are in this really really mature relationship and the only time they break up is when she wants to date another guy. I can't stand it. I tried to help him but I don't think I did much good. I told him how wonderful he is and how much I hate her, but I bet that did nothing. I just don't want him to be hurt anymore because he's such a great guy.


I cleaned the bunny cages and did the dishes tonight. I also had a cookie. <3

School Countdown - 14 Days.

I knew something had gone wrong when I saw the look of horror in your eyes. You didn't know you stabbed me in the back until I saw the handle. Why are you the one crying? I am the one with a steel blade tickling my heart.

Posted by Beth at 8:49 PM EDT
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Sunday, 8 August 2004
You're Crazy... I'm Not Going To Hurt You, I'm Just Holding This Knife To Your Back To Prove That I Can Do It Too.
I guess I haven't written Friday and Saturday.

Okay so this weekend was the shizzup.

Friday I got home from work and took a shower and did everything necessary to take away the smell of nursing home. We went and got Brit and when the three of us came home, David and Wes were in the living room.

I haven't seen David and Wes in forever and it was so rad to see them.

We went to the mall for a couple of hours. I went to the piercing pagoda and Claires to inquire about piercings. It went like this.

Me:How old are you supposed to be to get a peircing without parental consent?
Me:I look 18, right?
Lady: Go away.

Yes. I came back with much less holes than I intended.

We went to the cafeteria and sat there. I rode all the little kid rides which were way to small but extremely fun. <3

OH! I FOUND TERRY! She gave us free samples of Gilatto (..and you spell that, how?). It was really good. I also got an application but I decided that I need to wait until next summer. I can't get a job during the school year this year.

We came home and ate. We watched The Storm Of The Century. By the time it was over I was dead asleep.

We made salt tattoo's and we put on David's neck. It turned out to look like a monkey gave him a hickey. Lucky Dave.

We burned sparklers in the yard and started to play outside-hide-and-seek but my dad told us to come in.

After that we did various destructive things. Nothing horrible, but nothing wonderful.

The next morning Britt and I tried to put lip gloss on David and Wes while they were sleeping. It didn't work.

They went home and Brittany stayed last night too. We stayed up until two in the morning laughing our butts off and painting our nails. <3 Then after watching Just Married, we went to bed. That movie was dumb, but the one part was funny when Brittany Murphy threw an astry at his head.


This morning my dad set his alarm clock late and he came into my room RREEAALLYY fast and told us to hurry. I didn't hurry, I don't know if Brittany did or didn't, but we were pretty sluggish.

Speaking of slugs, we poured salt on one because I think that every little kid on earth has done that except Brittany and I. It was nasty. Sick, nasty, grodey, whatever you may call it. Thats it.

After church we went to the mall. We were really confused because all the stores were closed. See, I thought today was tuesday and Brittany just thought that the stores would be open but it turns out that the mall opens at 12:30 on sundays. Go figure.

We tried on homecoming dresses. I'm definatly going for something black and simple in a halter top. I went to Deb, Penny's and Hot Topic and I concluded that... The prices are too high and most of the dresses are really shiney.

We ate from the Burger Place at the cafateria. It was really tastey. Then we went to CVS to buy gum and Britt decided to try to set the place on fire with the lighters. <3

Anyways, I'm really tired and I woke up for two minutes so the dog would stop growling but now I'm tired again so I will go to bed.

*sigh* Take care my lovely's.

School Countdown - 15 Days.

Posted by Beth at 7:05 PM EDT
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Thursday, 5 August 2004
Everytime I Enter Your Restaurant I Don't Want To See Cannibalism Posters Everywhere.
Today was really fun. I couldn't get to sleep until two this morning. I laid there for a long time but couldn't get to sleep. That's what happens when I do the things I do, I guess. This morning my mom woke me up and I went out school clothes shopping with my sister. I got some really rad clothing. She said we're not done. *peers around nervously* No, I really had fun. My sister is one of the most generous people I know. When I was trying clothes on I stepped on my glasses. I bent them really... really... bad. We made a feild trip to LensCrafters.

At lunch we went to The Daily Grind and had Spinach Veggi Wraps. They were really good. The Grind was also playing this really good artist. I don't know if anyone has ever heard of her but her name is Nikki Bar(r?). I'm going to check her out and maybe someone will buy her CD for my birthday <3.

After that I came home and, as usual, after all clothes shopping I put on a little "fashion show" for my mom. She really loved all my clothes, which is something totally new and different. (Strangely satisfying, also.)

Tomorrow I have to work, which I am saying with barely any enthusiasm. I do not want to wake up at the butt-crack of dawn and go do relentless labor for five hours. I mean, if I was getting paid, I could totally do it with minimal complaining. But its community service, so there will be lots of complaining.

When I come home I will have just enough time to take a shower and put on some clothes. Wes, David and Brittany are spending the night <3. This should be... really... really interesting to say the least. We're going to go to the mall and hang out like the loitering bums we are. Then we are going to retire back home.

I'm really tired so I am probably going to finish this and then go to bed... and lay in the same spot totally motionless but not asleep. I hate being an insomniac.

*yawn* I remember when I was little I had to share a room with my brother, Joe. He was seven years older than me, so while I was four and scared of the monsters he was eleven and totally annoyed. Anyways, the point is that I can think of when my dad would come and check every place in my room "...nope, no monsters there!" and put my back to bed. I wondered why I stopped totally believing my parents when they told me things. You know what I mean? I used to be so scared, but if my dad came and told me everything was okay then I could sleep. But now, if they tell me that everything is okay I still don't believe them and I end up doing everything myself. I really need to learn to trust my mom and dad. I wish I didn't know what I know, I wish I was four again.

Well, here I go. Onto sleepy land. Maybe tonight I'll dream something really interesting. I love dreams. They are my only way into an alternate reality that's safe.

School Countdown - 18 Days.

We knew each other only as midnight lovers. We held hands and ran away with each other every night. The warm summer air on our faces reminded us of the freedom in our step. We danced at every street corner and twirled our way down blocks. When we stopped to cross your street that night, you lost grip. I waited for you the next night, but you didn't come. You never came again to run away. The time has past, your idea of love isn't running away to the stars anymore. You changed.

Posted by Beth at 8:26 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 4 August 2004
The Ceiling Was Caving In So I Thought, "Hey! Suddam Isn't Doing Anything". That's Why He's In Your Living Room.
Today was, yet again, another day of boredom. Around supper time I woke up from a long, drowsy nap and my mom and dad took me out for a burger. Then we came home and went grocery shopping.

Tomorrow I'm going school-clothes shopping with my sister. I accidentally invited my mom. Hah. I was in the middle of inviting her and I was thinking 'holy fluff Beth, now you can't take it back'. So I went with it. I love her to death but we're having weird problems lately with my clothes. Oh well. Atleast I'll get some new clothes, who cares if my mom dresses me like a ditz. *Sweats* Oh no, that's what's going to happen! She's going to try to dress me like a ditz. Run self, run!!

*sigh* Tonight I was talking to my friend and lately I have been feeling like I want to run away. Start new. Take my mom, dad and sister and go. Well, I was chatting with her online and she said something about not wanting to be here anymore and it hit me. I just feel like, I don't know. My brother, Joe who I miss with everything in me is in Indiana. My brother, Tom is in Indiana. They aren't going to move down here because we'll probably move within a year anyway. Plus, its inconveniant for them. (A little sarcasm to brighten your day<3) This whole christian school thing messes me up. I can't start new as HHS because people from christian school are going to be there and it will remind me every day. I probably won't be able to get into any Honors classes because my records will haunt me. I just want to run. Pack what we can fit in our little red Corolla and go. Why not? All I need is my family and dog. I don't even need my music anymore (which took alot more than you think to say). We take so much crap from the church and I wish my parents would just get sick of it and leave. Why should we stay and work for people who won't work with us. God, I'm 15 and even I know that a church should work differently. Sometimes I wonder if its some kind of weird test. To see how long I can stay in one moment of time with certain things happening before I become discontent and want to go. I just don't want to stay anymore.

I saw a guy in walmart tonight who checked us out and he reminded me of Joe so much. Joe would come home when I was little and I can always remember him smelling like pure hamburger grease and his Hardee's shirt was mad dirty. He always used to wear a ball cap. He bought one that was custom made that said "Joe Smith" on it. He'd wear a hat everyday. When we came to Virginia, he grew his sideburns out and got the liscense plate "Siburns". (Actually I can't really remember now... but it was something close to that). Families aren't supposed to change so drastically. I mean, the freak thing with my other brother, that can never be changed... but I don't know why I lost Joey. I don't know how he lost himself. Joe was a character to say the least. Well... I don't know... this is how it goes, right? People grow up, screw up and never come back.

Not me.

School Countdown - 20 Days

Posted by Beth at 10:09 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 3 August 2004
I Couldn't Understand You, Thats Why I Left You To Stare At The Sky.
Today was the most boring day in my life. I woke up and did nothing all day long.

This is the camera I want for my birthday. Its so pretty. Its pretty much the cheapest one I could find.

I have nothing to say. MAN I wish these days weren't so boring.

School Countdown - 21 Days.

Posted by Beth at 10:30 PM EDT
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Monday, 2 August 2004
I'm Sure There's Some Sort Of Pleasure Involved With You Rubbing Peanut Butter On My Toe... But I Don't Get It.
Today I woke up so early. I woke up at ten and I was so mad because I couldn't fall back asleep. Anyhow, I got on the computer as usual. What else do I do when I wake up? Wash my face and get online.

Today was really boring. I slept alot and played with my dog.

I really want a digital camera. Either for my birthday or for christmas. I will have to find the cheapest one that will still have high quality pictures.

I'm so bored. I have nothing to do. Hmm.. This could turn out poorly. Never mix me and being bored.

School Countdown - 22 Days

I'll be normal again someday I'm sure. I'll just pick up the pieces and go on like nothing happened as I have every other time this happens. I just wondered why you didn't take your shoes off before you trampled my heart.

Posted by Beth at 8:14 PM EDT
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Sunday, 1 August 2004
Why Can't You Sleep Under The Wobbly Ceiling Fan. I'm Not Going To Be Happy To Wake Up With No Head.
Yesterday was really fun. I went to the carnival with Brittany and I saw this really good looking guy but he was significantly shorter than I was, and that doesn't work out well for me.

We waited in line for an hour and half for food and then by the time we got it I wasn't hungry.

We played bingo but I was scared because there were some hardcore bingo players and this one woman won three times in a row.

At Britts house I took the sample drivers test ( and I got all the road signs right but her internet browser kept screwing up so I couldn't finish the general knowledge test.

We played dress up, but it was more like Brittany played dress up. Oh yea, I had to take pictures.

We made salt tattoos and tried to make them in the shape of hearts. I have a big pumpkin on my hip, a blob on my arm and half a heart on my other arm. It didn't turn out well.

This morning we went to church and then we came home and went to the mall. I got a pair of new hoop earrings, since I'm incapable of wearing any other type of earing.

*sigh* I came home and went to sleep. I slept for four hours and now I'm awake and bored. I was happier when I was asleep dreaming of things.

Dreaming is an interesting concept. There are so many types of dreams and how you dream is even more interesting. I would really like to learn more about prophetic dreams.

Act 2.
My mom and dad and I are going to watch The Storm of the Century <33. I have watched this movie well over five times and yet it never gets old. Andre Linoge plays a very good looking satan.

School Countdown - 23 Days.

Posted by Beth at 9:08 PM EDT
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