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Saturday, 10 July 2004
No... You Can't Read That... Its Confidential. Security!!
This morning my sister took me to the bookstore for some vacation shopping and for breakfast. While we were waiting in line this guy comes up "Can I touch your hair." Now, it would have been different if he was hot and young, but this man was old and ugly. Thats what I love to have happen when I wake up... I love to have creepy old men come and ask if they can touch me.

My sister and I bought magazines, I bought the newest issue of Alternative Press. My sister told me it looks better than what I usually get (MetalEdge) which is true. Meh. Metal Shpetal.

After the bookstore we went to walmart. I bought blank cds, foundation, sun block, and cameras. I'm going to document this vacation like a fruit cup. I can bet you that this won't happen again for a while, so I'll make it last.

Then we went to the library. I checked out alot of sorted essays from the non-fiction section and alot of classics like The Lord of the Flies or Stories From Africa by Doris Lessing <3. (Educational Note: Doris Lessing was a radical from South Africa. Her views were SO radical, that she was banned from ever coming back. Now THATS power of opinion! Making your country SO mad that they tell you to take a hike and never let you back.)

Anyways, I came back home and packed. Packing for me is trying to fit as many clothes into a trash bag and make it as compact as I can so I can take it all. I make three piles of shirts and pants and duct taped it all together tightly and shoved it into a trash bag. Once again Beth, good work. Thank you self.

I talked to my brother and we didn't really talk about too much. He talked to my mom for a while though and my dad, I think. Anyways, this is humdrum to you.


This is my last post for two weeks ::sniffle::
Take care everyone, don't do anything destructive to yourselves.

Don't you ever wonder what would've happened if we wouldn't have left town that day? I watched you from my roof top, love. I watched you walk lonely down the side walk, I watched you're Coverse's tred their way to my house only to find it was empty. Hollow yet full of millions of memories. I watched you from my roof top, I'm still here. Come and find me. Hide and Seek.

Posted by Beth at 8:23 PM EDT
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Friday, 9 July 2004
Keep The Ice On The Side Of The Hall, NOT The Middle... MAN! HOW FRICKEN HARD IS IT?!
I worked today. Yay. Can you see my enthusiasm because... well... there is none. I went into one room and tripped over myself and fell backwards. Yes. This might amuse you, but verily verily I say unto you that it wasn't FUNNY in the least.

Lets turn the page.

I moved the lawn today and ran over a stick that got mad at me and heaved itself at my shin. I have a bump there now... DARN YOU STICK, DARN YOU!

VERY GOOD SONG ON THE RADIO. Its Simple Man... but Shinedown <3 A band that actually has quality to their voice.

Today we went to go to get bunny food at the farmer store and they had this cart that you put big things on and I sat on it and my daddy pushed me. I haven't done that since... I was four. I used to sleep under the carts when we would go to the grocery store. The woman at the counter tried to scan me because she was cool and acted like they were buying me. Rad huh? I've been scanned.

I am going to roll. Rolling down the stairs, through the foyer, into the kitchen, beside my mom and POP up quickly... maybe I'll scare here... MAYBE IM A VAMPIRE. <3 (Remember my vampire stage, everyone? I do.)


Posted by Beth at 4:30 PM EDT
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Thursday, 8 July 2004
Pick A Hand, Any Hand.... No Not That One.
Stop poking me.

Hmm... whats been going on that I can talk about... nothing really.

This morning I woke up because my mom ran in my room wearing her new bathing suit "BETH LOOK!" and I tried as hard as I could to see... but when I first wake up I can't. I saw a blurry mess of pink flowers and mom. I went back to sleep and then she came in "Beth, you have to clean your room today." Back to sleep. Ten minutes later after lying there semi unconscience I just got up.

I won't be here starting Sunday until... well... when I get back. But boy will I have alot to talk about.

I went swimming with my sister and mom today... we talked about EVERYTHING. It was crazy. They talked about things that happened that I thought only God could remember. My mom is crazy like that.

I almost ripped my nail off when I was trying to get on the green chair. Ouch. It still hurts. Kiss it and make it better

I'm going to go. I'm really bored and for once in my life the computer isn't satisfying my boredom. I think I have officially become a computer wonger. You don't know what a wonger is DO YOU!? MWAHAHAHAHA

I have to work at the nursing home tomorrow. Whoop-y. Oi. Wish me luck.


And just to have you come to my back door once more. You, dressed in all black and I, in my pajamas. You smiled at me and whispered "Midnite Dance" and we danced... no music... just us singing Rancid. Just our voices making us innocently in love. Naively together, forever in vain.

Posted by Beth at 12:53 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 6 July 2004
I'm Sorry To Bother You, But Ma'am.... Your Scales Are Showing.
Today... was the best day ever. I went to the mall with Shelly and we bought dress up stuff from the dollar store. We wore it through the mall. Then we tried on prom dresses and took pictures of us posing like we're cool. She asked someone to take our picture... but they didn't speak english and we cracked up because only Shelly can find the only person in the store who only speaks Japanese.

We came home. Actually, she went home, I went home... you know... our seperate ways. I am running out of things to say.

Nothing really happened other than that. I came home and called Wes and found out that David... who once used to look like Billy from Good Charlotte HAS CUT HIS HAIR and now I can't make fun of him anymore. Why do people do this to me? Just kidding. <3


Posted by Beth at 6:53 PM EDT
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Monday, 5 July 2004
Instead of World Peace, What About Home Peace? I'll Fight For That.
Yesterday was a dream. My parents and I just chilled together, like when we were in ohio. Except... no one else in the family was there. Just us. But oh well, I'll take what I can get!!! We had a picnic in the park, but we went to this park that NO ONE was at and we were all paranoid and wondering why no one was there. We had Kentucky Fried Chicken YES. GOOD.FOOD.

We came home and slept, my sister went out with her boyfriend. I woke up once, but was too unconscience to actually wake up all the way so I slept for three more hours. I read the rest of my comic books... er... Roddrick's comic books.

Mom and Pops got a 99cent movie. BIG FISH GOOD.MOVIE. It was this fairy tale... I love fair tales. I love things that I can get into and get out of the real world. <3

Then mom cooked hamburgers and we went outside and ate them in the dark, on the back porch. Our house is really hot, so being outside it almost 10* cooler than inside.

My sister came home at two in the morning and we came upstairs and laughed our butts off at random things we came up with. The cool thing about Jen is that she is 30... but 18. She's rad and I can get along with her on the worst crap... but I can't get along with her on ANSWERING THE PHONE. Ha! How pathetic are we?

Just sitting here today, I'm probably going to finish reading Chaucer's Canterbary Tales and then sleep. What fun, right? I HAVE NO RIDE ANYWHERE.


You know what I realized about myself? I fall in love with people easily. Not the fall in love when I marry them, but when I realize that they are among the best on earth and I am lucky enough to be their friends.
I've fallen in love with people who hate themselves, people who do drugs, people who laugh too much, people who sleep like indians. I've fallen in love with people I've dated, people who once I would have preferred to drink bleach instead of say I love them. I've fallen in love with people who don't know who they are, people who are stubborn, people who are crazy. I've even fallen in love with someone who is calm. I've fallen in love with. I've fallen in love with someone with huge fingers and someone who's really short. I've fallen in love with people who run away to my house, and people who are beaten by their parents. I fall in love with people who talk about death, I fall in love with people who give me scars, who force me to do things, who force me to smile, who force me to hate them. I fall in love with people who don't live by me, people who live with me, people who live near me. I have fallen in love with people who come to my back door, people who come to my window, people who call my phone. I've fallen in love with people who fantasize about boys in bands. I've fallen in love with people I fall in love with people who I scare and people who scare me. I have fallen in love with each and every one of my friends and family for who they are, not what they've done. I've fallen in love with the souls of my friends, alive or deceased. I've fallen in love so much... I can't help it.

Posted by Beth at 3:59 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 6 July 2004 6:42 PM EDT
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Saturday, 3 July 2004
Have You Ever Seen A Cotton Ball So Fluffy? Now THAT'S Quality.
I am so sorry, for I have neglected you.

Nothing new has really happened. Friday I went out to the nursing home again. It wasn't too bad and there was a boy who was with the construction crew who was really cute.

Shelly and I went to the library thursday and friday because we're book mongers. It was a big fiasco getting Shelly her library card. But she finally got it. YAY! SHE'S A GROWN UP NOW!!! Anyways, I loaded myself with books. Lots and lots of wonderful books!! Yesterday I read Catcher In The Rye and today I started Brave New World. Very good books.

Shelly and I went to A&N afterwards and tried on clothes for the fluff of it and she had on this outfit and got locked out of her dressing room. We were laughing our butts off (yes... I've lost my butt) and I wouldn't go get anyone for her, I kept saying "Go get her to open up your door" and we're laughing, laughing, laughing and Shelly says "My legs are hairy" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I love you Shelly, that was a memorable moment!!

We went and blew bubbles infront of the library after that. <3

Jen and I went shopping today. She bought a pair of LOW RIDERS! YES! I HAVE CORRUPTED MY OLDER SISTER!!! I AM SO EVIL! I bought tons of sparklers. My parents and I might go on a picnic together tomorrow evening! <33333 YES.

Anyways, nothing great is happening over here. I want to go and read for a while, so I'm out.


Did I just say I 'was out'? What the heck is happening to me. *smacks self* I'M NEVER. NEVER. Saying that again. I'm sorry everyone.

Posted by Beth at 8:09 PM EDT
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Sunday, 27 June 2004
You Break My Heart In Pieces But I Have A Hefty Bottle of Super Glue. Nice Try.
Friday was my first day at Sunnyside. I walk into the volunteering office and WHO DO I SEE? A.J. (those are her initials, I'm not big into releasing names). She started to get this huge attitude with me when I asked her how she was doing, so I just tuned her out. It was an alright day.


Saturday... I cleaned my room and then I slept for two hours. Last night the youth group came over and spent the night. (Roddrick, Cody, Randall, Kenny, Brandon, Emily, Dessa, Brittany, Terry, Shanda, and Me.) In the girls room, there was much trouble with sleeping conditions. I woke up sleeping between Dessa's air bed and the queen air bed that Emily was on alone. I was using the stationary bike wheel as a pillow.

Gimme fuel give me fire give me that which I desire Ooooh Yeahh

This morning I woke up, and felt sick as a fluffer. Last night I only got something like two hours of sleep. Anyways, BATMAN WAS ON THIS MORNING. Batman is the best. I believe he lives in the chimney stack to the left on my roof.

Oooohhh I burn

Not alot happened today, after we took people home my mom and dad went camping but I'm a bum so I stayed home with my sister.

I saw the movie Thirteen last night. That movie is crazy, man. I forgot the girl was thirteen and I kept thinking she was eighteen or something. In the scene where the teacher says she won't pass seventh grade everyone in the living room said "WHAT SHE WAS IN SEVENTH GRADE?! THAT GIRL IS BAD!" and there was much screaming of 'yo' and stuff.

Last night Dessa pranked this preppy girl who I can't stand. It was so halarious the message she left, I almost died laughing. We were going to hit up every biotch in the christian school I went to but I don't have their numbers, so we moved on to the next best thing: Nose.

I'm going because I'm dead tired and I don't feel like sitting here anymore. Bed.

Quench My Thirst With Gasoline.

Posted by Beth at 8:20 PM EDT
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Thursday, 24 June 2004
Can Someone Please Tell Me Where I Put My Albino Squirrel? I Seem To Have Misplaced It.
Today is my last day of teaching the little kids. I'm so happy about it. Tomorrow is my first day of volunteering. 8:00-2:30. Last year it was a nine hour day, they shortened it this year. I'm pretty sure it was because the younger volunteers were getting into trouble. Oh well.

I have to go through the house and collect change so the girls will beat the boys tonight in the Penny Contest. Last night I called my sister in NC and asked her to make a hefty donation and she agreed! YAY!

I added another post to my Rant Blog.

UH-OH The police Are Next Door.

Posted by Beth at 12:26 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 22 June 2004
Going Once... Going Twice... Going Three Times... SOLD! To The Nice Lady With The Nixon Mask On!
Yesterday was nuts. I woke up at eight. I never wake up at eight unless if its friday or sunday. Anyways and I went down to the church to set up for vacation bible school (vbs) with my mom and dad. Then we came home.

Last night I was so tired that when I came home I fell asleep at the kitchen table. I don't like moving around in the first place, but to put kids in the picture? PFFT! THEY TRIED TO KILL ME!

I just woke up.

Last night I saw a really dreamy guy at walmart. He smiled at me and that was good enough, actually I could have cared less if he came over to me and started a conversation; all I cared about was I had to walk around walmart while I was dead tired and had to use the cart as support... It wasn't very supportive because it kept rolling away.

I have to go.

This entry sucked. WHY CAN'T I REGAIN MY ENERGY?! *looks over* Yo do you need some creme for that rash or something? Oh... they're bread crumbs.

Posted by Beth at 12:00 PM EDT
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Sunday, 20 June 2004
Octavious and Brutus, Stop Your Bickering Or I'm Pulling This Chariot Over.
I didn't fall asleep last night until three in the morning. Much to my surprise, I fell asleep and two minutes later (or what seemed like)my dad came in and snapped the light on.

Church was church. I had to do a puppet skit with my mom, I warned her when she inquired that I laugh infront of people when I have a puppet but she insisted that I would be okay. We were up front and I said the first line, and I started laughing. I couldn't stop. It was as if the laughing demon posessed my body. Anyways, it made people laugh so I figure it is okay. Life is good when people laugh.

This afternoon, since it was Fathers Day we bought good food. We might not be able to afford it, but who cares? Its a holiday! I fell asleep for a couple hours watching the Orioles game. They were playing the colorado rockies (BOO.) and the orioles lost 2-0. Javy Lopez (the catcher) is dreamy.

Tonight I worked on writing another essay. Check it out in my other BLOG.

Your Breath Kills 99.9% of Odor-Causing Bacteria in the Air.

Posted by Beth at 8:48 PM EDT
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